At least 5 pages (double-spaced)
- Approximately one page for each “theory” and how it applies plus an introduction and conclusion.
- The introduction should restate the scenario and lay out the organizational plan for the paper.
- The conclusion should identify the explanation or theory you think makes the most sense in this case and why.
- Subheadings allowed, but not required.
- If there are multiple theories in your chosen category, briefly explain the category as a whole then choose a specific theory to explain the scenario.
- At least five sources, at least three of which are academic quality, peer-reviewed research articles (e.g., from American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Criminology, Crime & Delinquency, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Justice Quarterly, etc.).
- Citations and references in APA style.
- Include a title page and reference section.