Describe Siosan’s utility function. Contrast her utility function with that assumed in traditional finance theory, Discuss what biases Siosan’s behavior reflects.

Relationship of peak jump velocity to traditional assessments in strength and conditioning.

A Cultural Materialist Reading of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest

African studies — The first Chinese in the Nubian and Abyssinian Kingdoms

This is a reading response to an article by Wolbert Smidt on the first Chinese whose presence is

clearly documented in China for the course Foundations in African Studies.

The reading response should be a short essay of approximately 500 words.

The reading response is not about summarising the idea of the articles but to analyse and express your own opinion.

The teacher strongly suggested that I should search for the background of the author and the event in order to do

the response. Please feel free to search for more information (such as the importance of such exchange) needed to

write the article.

Comparison of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reports and State Physical Education Mandates

What Qualifies As a Structure for ACCA Enhancement?

Write a trial brief. Format using legal bluebook with bluebook legal footnote citations. NOT MLA format.

What are the factors contributing to the differences in performance of the managers across 3 pharmacies?

Exploring the different of mangers style
-The impact of the managers training
-The impact of the culture of

the branch?
-Is the gender have any influence? Gender mix.
-Investigate what influences the behaviours of

the managers?
-Create the training pathway to achieve outstanding performance?
– What is the impact of the

training received?
-What are the differences in their behaviour in day to day practice?


the management style on performance?
What is the impact of the skills, experience and knowledge of performance?
Is the different culture and the local context can impact on performance?


Renaissance Art and the Black Death

Find three works of art (select three examples of works of art from either your textbook, an online source,

or another art history survey text to discuss, making sure to fully identify each example in your paper) that

reveal the prevailing mood of the Renaissance time period. Utilizing these three works, discuss in detail the

impact of the Black Death on the art market and in the lives of artists and patrons.

How the IT companies adapt themselves to specific markets

My initial thought was to write how IT companies adapt themselves to the markets that they are in. For example,

the same solution from Google is provided in different regions, countries etc due to different particularities.

Culture, Technology etc.

Supervised learning for commodity data.

Topic: Supervised learning for commodity data.

Level: MSc Dissertation (Financial Mathematics)


You will write about Machine learning, Supervised learning, etc for the introduction and literature review.

2). You will use “Time series Recurrent neural network to forecast commodity prices”.

3). Focus on AHDB data

(Agriculture and Holiculture Development Board) Or Defra data for the research method and data analysis

4). 10,000 words. Written in word document

5). Submission is Next 2 months, but it will be chapter by chapter

review. You do two chapters and I will send to supervisor to review and will get back for you to do any

amendment / correction.

-Reflect the refined/narrowed PICOT question and search strategies to guide the focused search for best relevant

evidence. Be sure to include MESH and the Cochrane Database of systematic reviews. Limit to RCTs, 5 years,

English. DO NOT limit your search to “full text”. Library databases are more reliable and preferred over web-based

and point-of-care databases.

Emerging Technologies in CYBERSECURITY

12 page paper in which you identify and assess three emerging cyber security technologies.

Also discuss federal government efforts to nurture the development of each of these emerging technologies.

The 3 chosen technologies must be emerging and CYBERSECURITY related.

Case Study: Year six student

Critically analyse a case study of a student in a Year Prep-6 setting.
Provide an analysis of the child and

discuss the implications for classroom practice, with reference to developmental theories, social and family context.
Recommend school and home-based parental care strategies to improve learning and school engagement.

Unpacking the task
Suggested structured for the Case Study. It is highly recommended to also use headings to assist

in structuring your writing and for long assessment tasks. You may choose to vary the headings and order of information

as this is just a recommended guideline. The word amounts for each paragraph are an approximate, therefore the total

number of paragraphs will vary, depending on writing style.

Case Study

100 words
Paragraph 1 Include topic sentence that summarises key points to be discussed throughout.

Provide brief overview of Case study.
Paragraph 2

200-225 words eachPart A

Paragraph 3-8 200-225 words each
Analyse the child in the case study using the developmental theories

and providing an understanding of the social and family context and discuss the implications for the classroom

and teacher practice in a primary setting.

Part B

200-225 words each
Paragraph 9-11 Recommendations for school and home to improve parent-school communication

and to improve student learning and school engagement (for the student and the family).

100 words
Paragraph 12 Summarise all of key points discussed. What does all of this information mean.

State how will it be relevant to teaching in a secondary setting.

An integrative literature review: what is the impact of an inpatient fall from the perspective of the patient

and healthcare staff?

Integrative literature review using Whittmore and Knafl methodology. Quality appraisal done using JBI tools.

Thematic analysis also required. Original draft of proposal included in uploaded files, however some changes

have been made but data extraction, synthesis and thematic analysis required.

Ethical Implications of Cloud Computing

I need an annotated bibliography from the Research Paper with 8 credible sources that you wrote for me. Using the same

references plus one more added in the uploaded file.

Your submission must be your original work.

No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be

directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report

available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation

of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below

may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of

the course.

A. Compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two to four main points and that

you plan to use in your research paper.

B. Create an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible

sources that you plan to use in your research paper.

Note: You may use the attached “Annotated Bibliography

Template” to complete your annotated bibliography, but use of the attached template is not required.

1.Provide a full, APA-formatted reference citation for the 8–10 sources.
2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 150 words) for each of the 8–10 sources by doing the following:
a. Summarize the information presented in the source.
b. Analyze the credibility of the author of the source or of the publication (e.g. journal, publisher, or website), if no author is present.
c. Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic.
3.Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 8–10 sources from part B.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Topic: Virtue Ethics

This paper would go towards the bulk of the one chapter in the overall PhD thesis. The chapter looks to discuss

virtue ethics as a normative theory, it’s characteristics, and address objections to i) right action (assessment

and evaluation of moral actions) and ii) action guidance (what one ought to do in a situation).


includes: Liezl van Zyl, Julian Annas, Daniel Russell, The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics, Chapter 8- Virtue Ethics

and Right Action; R.Das, Virtue Ethics and Right Action, 2003; Crisp & Slote, Virtue Ethics, 1997; R. Hursthouse,

On Virtue Ethics, 1999.

That my position would be a Neo-Aristotelian one – practical wisdom, doctrine of the

mean and all (more akin to Urmson).

Exploring the difference between Ethics & Morality. (See Bernard Williams, John Mcdowell, Julia Annas)

How Virtue Ethics fares as a normative theory, addressing the insufficiencies in moral philosophy. (Anscombe, Foot,

Nussbaum, Anthanssoulis). Including objections to it as a normative theory see Hurka 2003, Chapter 8, Against Virtue Ethics.

Responding to the main objections to virtue ethics, specifically: right action (i.e. understanding agent based, act

centred, qualified against accounts, etc.) and action guidance (habituation, character, situationalist challenege).

(Tiberius, Crisp & Slote, Swanton, Hursthouse, Das, L. van Zyl).

Renaissance Art and the Black Death

Find three works of art (select three examples of works of art from either your textbook, an online source, or another

art history survey text to discuss, making sure to fully identify each example in your paper) that reveal the prevailing

mood of the Renaissance time period. Utilizing these three works, discuss in detail the impact of the Black Death on the

art market and in the lives of artists and patrons.

Supervised learning for commodity data.

I would need your help with my dissertation. Please find below the details:

Topic: Supervised learning for

commodity data.

Level: MSc Dissertation (Financial Mathematics)

1). You will write about Machine learning,

Supervised learning, etc for the introduction and literature review.

2). You will use “Time series Recurrent neural

network to forecast commodity prices”.

3). Focus on AHDB data (Agriculture and Holiculture Development Board) Or

Defra data for the research method and data analysis

4). 10,000 words. Written in word document


Submission is Next 2 months, but it will be chapter by chapter review. You do two chapters and I will send to supervisor

to review and will get back for you to do any amendment / correction.



This study is intended to examine the extent to which celebrity endorsement influences consumer behaviour, premised on the

assumption that brands’ use of celebrity endorsement has an effect on how much consumers become aware, perceive and engage

with the value offerings (products and services) coming from said brands. It is also aimed at investigating the extent to

which celebrity (and other forms of) endorsers influence consumers’ perception of a brand/campaign’s credibility and how that,

in turn, influences consumer behaviour. It also considers the role of Instagram in marketing – particularly, marketing

communications – and how the platform has evolved to become a significant factor, not only in how brand intend to (and do)

communicate their value offerings and engage their consumers (including their use of celebrity endorsers), but also in how

consumers interact with brands, form opinions and perceptions about them, and ultimately choose to (or not to) buy their offerings

christian organizational behavior

Complete the following proposal & milestone template for approval on your project. All papers should be APA Formatted and answer the following questions (at minimum)
Name of Company: Diamond Athletics Baseball Academy
Relation to you: was a former student and player for their team
Main Contact you will be working with (including email/phone # so I can talk with them if needed) Nick Santos
Topic: What are you studying? What is the objective (result) you are hoping to accomplish for the organization? How they went about starting up. What problems they encountered. What they would do differently or any suggestions.
Scope: ??????
Other details I should know about the nature/relation of the project?

Have you secured approval of the client? If yes, how will they be working with you? They wlll allow me to observed, interview and participate during fall break.
What major issues/dates do you have to work around, be congnizant of as you do your work with them (i.e. major travel of your key contact, company events that make the population unavailable or too busy to speak with you?)
They are in Waco, I am in school, will have to do this over winter break.
Names of the other team members you will be working with (limit 3 to a team):
Project plan Details (WITH DEFINED DATES & ACTIONS)
– Defining Project & Key Deliverables
– Gaining Client agreement
– Designing Observations & Data Collection methods (Live observation, interviews, surveys) – DETAILS
– Key milestones on the project (Dates when:
• observing the working environment (teams/meetings/processes, etc)
• interviewing/surveying leaders/employees (who and how many?)
• finalizing data collection,
• analyzing results,
• developing recommendations
• testing recommendations/findings with client
• finalizing results communicated
• developing infographic, paper, and presentation
• final product completed
Support requested from Professor/outside help:


HW3 with Ethics, Sustainability, and Responsibility/ Chapter 5. Money Markets

Answer the following 5 question to measure comprehension from chapter 5 of the book “Arnold, G. Modern Financial Markets & Institutions (ARN) ” and also there is a presentation that has similar information as the book.

The question are:

Chapter 5. Money Markets

1. What are the functions of money market instruments?
2. What is the difference between interest paying and zero-coupon instruments?
3. What are the main money market instruments? Explain them briefly.
4. Why do (a) government, and (b) companies, use the money market?
5. What is LIBOR? How is it used for financial market?

The questions need to be really well answered and back up each questions needs to be paragraph of 4-6 sentences. No plagrarized information because it will go through Turn it in.

Please impress me with good quality responses.

I need to submit this HWK by tomorrow 2pm the latest.


Write a formal academic argument using Moore and Gibbons Watchmen as an exhibit source and Scott McClouds Understanding Comics as a theory and/or method source in your analysis




After completing your research, answer the following questions:

1. What are the sources of pediatric primary care in the United States? Are these sources sufficient for providing health-care services to the pediatric population? Why or why not?
2. Are there certain pediatric populations that lack access to health-care services? Why?
3. What are the barriers to children in accessing health-care services in the United States? Why do these barriers exist?

The necessary links are in the Support.


Relationship of peak jump velocity to traditional assessments in strength and conditioning.

This is a dissertation proposal that must be submitted in the form of a NSF grant (guidelines, example, and work provided). I chose “physics” as the subject area as it is the most related to the topic (i.e. jump velocity and impulse-momentum theorem). Additionally, I have included my notes with references that the writer may be able to pull from.


Narrated PowerPoint Video

The app that I have chosen is Fooducate-Nutrition tracker

The final assignment is to create a presentation for your classmates describing an actual (existing) healthcare related application for smartphone, PDA, or tablet. You must assess, analyze, and review the application chosen. You must also create a handout to accompany the presentation.
•The presentation must include audio narration and be posted as a playable video on YouTube® or a similar site (i.e. accessible by a direct, unique URL link. (How to create a narrated presentation, create a YouTube account and upload a video to YouTube was covered in Module 5: videos of the process are available there.)

•The presentation should be suitable for a professional presentation to nurses or other healthcare professionals.
•Since this is a course on informatics, you will be graded both on the content and the format of the presentation and handout.
•The presentation is to be done as an individual assignment (no content collaboration).

Presentation Format and Content

•The purpose of the presentation is to inform other healthcare professionals about a healthcare related application that they might find beneficial in their practice.
•The presentation is to be created in PowerPoint.
•The presentation is to be no more than 10 slides long (not including title page and references). Your name must appear on the title slide.
•You MUST use the rubric section headings as your slide titles: do NOT create a unique outline or use different slide titles!

•The presentation must contain both text and images with appropriate captioning to ensure clarity.
•The narration text for the audio is to be included in the speaker’s notes section of PowerPoint and must match the actual audio recorded nearly exactly!
•You must narrate the presentation personally and start the presentation by stating “This is {your name}.”

•The presentation must be recorded with audio narration, saved as a video file and posted as a playable video on YouTube® or a similar site accessible by a direct, unique URL link. No credit will be given for audio in that is only in the PowerPoint format, it is solely the audio in a properly posted video that will count towards your grade.

•The total play length of the narrated video presentation (start to finish) is not to exceed 5 minutes. (Any content beyond the 5 minute limit will not count towards your grade and will be considered ‘not done’)

•The rubric includes the complete content outline.
•Though you need not purchase the application, try to look at a trial or demo version as it will improve your ability to review the product.
•The presentation requires APA citations on every slide and a reference slide at the end of the presentation.

Handout Format and Content

•The purpose of the handout is to give the audience member a quick summary of the application they can use as a reference should they wish to examine the application further and/or purchase it.
•The handout can be created in any word processing format. Though conversion to PDF format is desirable it is not required.
•The handout should include at least one image related to the application (i.e. screenshot) and at a minimum the following the application information: (1) its purpose, (2) its uses, (3) where to get it (link), (4) compatible systems, (5) device(s) needed, (6) minimum system capabilities / hardware requirements and (7) cost.
•The handout should have a polished appearance, be visually interesting and have a sophisticated professional look.
•Be creative – do NOT simply copy the vendor’s verbiage and images!

•The handout may not exceed 1 page in length (single sided page).
•Review the Final Presentation Grading Criteria to understand how you will be evaluated

Here is an example

Topic:’s Business Model and Its Evolution

View the attached case study and respond to the provided questions. In addition to using the provided case study, research the company further to find any related events that have happened since the provided case study was written. Use online data services or other sources to locate the latest articles about the company including press releases and current financial information.

Case Questions

1.Amazon’s internal capabilities could be examined and analyzed using five unique tools: resource and capability analysis, SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, bench-marking and competitive strength assessment. Identify the analytical tool that you believe would be most effective, and detail the rationale for your selection.

2.Define and describe Amazon’s “working backward” product development philosophy. Does this philosophy mesh with established principles and strategies? Detail how or how not.

3.What strategic issues and problems faced by Amazon merit front-burner managerial attention? Justify your response, including specific examples.

4.Conduct a value chain analysis of Amazon and associated operations. Based upon the outcomes of the analysis, discuss one action that could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.

5.Review the competitive challenges facing Amazon. Given the breadth and depth of such competitive factors, can Amazon maintain its position at the top of the heap of online retailers? Do current strategies ensure this placement, or are new/updated strategies needed? Be specific and detailed in your answer.

Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations

A thorough and detailed description is given of a range of factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours explicitly related to workplace situations

4 leadership styles inlcude; Directing, coaching, supporting and delegating

Native Americans (first settlers) from 1607 to 1877

Final Paper
Defining what constitutes the American nation, historically, is more difficult than it might at first seem. As the country grew more democratic, one of the central problems to be resolved was determining which groups constituted “of the people” that the government would represent. Should it include all persons, or only white men? The term “the people,” evolved as the America grew and expanded.
For this paper, you will explore the complicated nature of the American nation from 1607 to 1877 by focusing on one group during two periods of time, while examining how their changing roles reflected the limitations and contradictions of the term “of the people.” You will use the group and time periods that you chose in the Week 2 Assignment.
The paper must be five to seven pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least four scholarly sources, two for each period of time, other than the textbook to support your argument, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library. You also must include two primary sources that you can also find in the Ashford University Library. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least four scholarly sources, two for each period chosen, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library.
Must use two primary sources, which must come from Ashford University Library.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Part 1

Hawkeye Company reports current E&P of $300,000 this year and accumulated E&P at the beginning of the year of $200,000. Hawkeye distributed $400,000 to its sole shareholder, Ray Kinsella, on December 31 of this year. Ray’s tax basis in his Hawkeye stock is $75,000.

How much of the $400,000 distribution is treated as a dividend to Ray?
What is Ray’s tax basis in his Hawkeye stock after the distribution?
What is Hawkeye’s balance in accumulated E&P as of January 1 of next year?
Part 2

If the distribution was a liquidating distribution, what would be the difference in treatment and tax basis?

Note: Please explain and show computation.


Green Hotel Article Assignment and Rubric

You will be responsible for finding an article about a green hotel and/or how the hospitably industry is starting to “go green” and report on it. You will research this topic using the Internet, newspaper, magazines, or any form of media desired.

You MUST provide the web link (entire link) or cut out the article and scan it and attach it to your summary. (1 point)

A summary of the article needs to be written and need to be no more than one page (your words, do not quote the article as I can read it). Points will be taken off if less than 1/2 of a page or more than 1 page as this needs to be a summary of what your thoughts are on the topic the article is about. (2 points)

At least ½ page to no more than one page long – single space (-1 if less than 1/2 page and -.5 for papers that are more than one page. Anything over two pages will be -1 point per page)
Well written summary highlighting the key points of the article
No grammatical errors


Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Subject Name: Supply chain Analysis and design
This is a very important assessment
Please Read the details and instructions I’ve uploaded under additional materials carefully
And let me know if you need any extra material regarding the assignment
This Assessment is a Case study – instructions with a few questions use word file and Excel for this Assessment
For Excel Please make sure to use the excel file that I have uploaded under additional materials,
And make sure that it is in workable condition in case I need to change anything


Brand Lovemark – IKEA

Write the paper about the ‘lovemark’ (see: ) brand that you featured in your Week 1 DISCUSSION. The brand featured is IKEA. Write about ones love for IKEA.

Your manuscript should have an opening section where you name / describe the brand followed by 5 key areas (use sub-heads for each of these sections in your manuscript):

1. Why This is my “Love Brand” (why you give this brand ‘loyalty beyond reason’).

2. Profile of the brand’s competitive industry (define the industry and provide brief profiles of the one or two leading competitors).

3. Profile of this brand’s target markets. (Provide a profile of the target markets for your ‘lovemark’ brand and the competing brands. You need to detail two or three different groups–be sure to clearly profile them so it is easy to see the differences in the consumer groups).

4. POPs & PODs of my ‘lovemark’ brand versus the leading competing brand. (Develop a comparative table that shows the Points-of-Parity and the Points-of-Differences–see the video provided in the list of references. In your comparison of the leading brands, you may also want to address other key issues such as comparison of pricing, comparison of distribution, graphics of product and / or in-store shelving, screenshot of advertising, etc.)

5. Write and explain / justify a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for the brand. (NOTE: This is usually a reflection of your ‘lovemark’s’ major positive POD.

NOTE: Some of this analysis is personal observation, but you must also use quality references to document brand data. The goal of the paper is to understand how your ‘lovemark’ brand competes with an emphasis in this analysis from the consumer’s perspective.

Here are several articles / videos that can help in this analysis:

Cupman, J. (2015, July). What Does It Take to Create a Strong USP? American Marketing Association.

Daye, D. (2012, November 30). Brand Audits: Three Powerful Rings.

Leslie, D. (2011, October 24). What’s a Mantra, and Why Do You Need One for Your Personal Brand or Business? [3:13 video].

Urbany, J. (2011, June 14). Competitive Strategy in 3 Minutes [Video].



Write 4–6 pages in which you articulate the basis for your personal ethical code and apply it to a contemporary issue.

Ethical conduct is an intensely personal, individual choice. Once you have formed a personal ethic, it is also important to articulate it.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1. Explain the nature of ethical issues.
State alternative positions with respect to a significant ethical issue.
Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate.
Assess the advantages and disadvantages of differing approaches to a contemporary issue.
Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue.
Defend a personal approach to ethical decision-making.
Defend a position on a contemporary ethical issue.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively in the context of personal and professional moral discourse.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professional communities.
When discussing the advantages and disadvantages, discuss the pros and cons of the philosophical theory for making and ethical decision in your scenario (not the pros and cons of the situation itself). Deontological approach, consequentialist or virtue theory.


Research an advanced nursing practice role (FNP)

Based on your selected MSN program, write your first section of your ROLE paper using the following criteria:
For this assignment, you will research an advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page and references):
Focusing on the specialty for which you were admitted to South University, select an advanced nursing role to research. (It must be one offered by South University.)
Distinguish the role as clinical or non-clinical and how it promotes patient outcomes, ie safety, access to health care or health information relative to the ANP level
Apply an Advance Nursing Practice Concept to your chosen role
Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advance practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview. Identify in the paper the individual by name, credentials, position and your planned date for the interview (Interview is due Week 3)
Support your findings with at least two research articles (study, design, sample and results must be discussed). Other peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used. All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; ieAmerican Association of College of Nursing. (2010)).
Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.


Criminal Law

Review the videos and readings from Unit 1 and consider the following events:
You get into a car accident while leaving the grocery store parking lot. You and the other driver are sober. Each of you claim it was the other persons fault.
An insurance company overcharged you for coverage and refused to refund your money. You are seeking to recoup your monetary loss.
You are the victim of a domestic violence incident. The police have been called and you wish to press charged. The local prosecutor supports your decision.
For each of these events provide a response to the following questions:

Is this event considered a criminal act or a civil wrong? Explain your reasoning.
Determine if the case would go through civil court or criminal court. Explain your reasoning.
Part II:

Explain the difference between a case going through the criminal judicial process and civil judicial process (criminal courts vs. civil courts). Highlight the key differences and similarities between the two. Your response should cover everything from how a case will appear before a judge to the punishment phase.

A quality response to Parts I and II will be at least one to two pages in length.
Remember to write your responses in your own words and cite any references used.

Personality essay

Research suggests that levels of self-esteem change over the lifespan. Outline the typical age differences in self-esteem
across the lifespan from childhood to old age. What are the factors that lead to changes in self-esteem across the lifespan? What impact may changes in self-esteem have on an individual?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Apple

I need to write a feasibility study with a word limit of 1200 words. The course is Governance and Ethics and the feasibility study topic is dealing with Apple´s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Moreover, it is about Apple´s ethical dilemma with China’s assembly lines, where numerous labor work violations exist. The feasibility study is the first part of my final assignment/ project plan. I need to use the Harvard referencing system and page numbers when using books. The feasibility study allows me to choose a free topic related to the problems that Apple is facing, but I would like the feasibility study to be about the example of China which they explain in the assignment brief (the assignment brief is attached) Furthermore, the assignment brief already gives a structure that needs to be respected: (1) project overview, (2) Statement of the problem, (3) Define and write the project goals and objectives, and (4) Methodology.


Interview experience

Create an initial post of around 400 words sharing what you believe to have been the one best and one worst interview experience you have had in applying for a job. All definitions can be found in the reading below, you don’t need additional sources to look up.

In each case identify and explain whether the interview represented an example of a non-directive interview, a structured interview, a situational interview or a behavior description interview (see the readings for definition).
Explain fully the reasons for your choices.


Write an Essay about Micheal Porter

The Essay has to be between 550 to 650 words. I added an outline of the essay in the attachments as well as the actual question.


Personal Reflective Narrative

Personal Reflective Narrative
15% of final grade, 3-4-pages, double-spaced
This first essay, unlike the next two you will write, will focus on your personal connection to the course theme: the multifaceted significance of language/literacy and the importance of particular ideas in your life. More specifically, you can refer to your reading and our discussion of some of the personal narratives that we go over in class. Because this is a narrative, you should select a specific moment or event in your life dealing with language, literacy, or an idea that was significant to you. Tell the story of this moment or event, and use your telling of the story to explore, reflect upon, and analyze the moment or event. You must attempt to convey to your chosen audience what you gained (or lost) from this experience.
A strong essay will…
• Tell a compelling story about an event or moment in your life in which language or literacy played a significant role.
• Make clear to the readers what you learned from this moment or event.
• Engage and inform your audience with a creative title.
• Progress logically and smoothly with appropriate transitions indicating connections between ideas.
• Make appropriate use of sentence structure, word choice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation that enables rather than hinders clear and effective communication.
• Show significant revision of ideas, language, and style from first to final draft.
• Meet the minimum page requirement of 3-4 double-spaced pages.

ESSAY FORMAT: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins; your name, instructor’s name, the class (FYW 1000C), and the date should appear in the upper left corner of the first page; pages should be numbered.

Promotional Campaign

In his article “A Layman’s View of an Art Exhibition,” Theodore Roosevelt commented that what might appear to be art to one person may not be art to someone else. Leo Tolstoy in his article “What Is Art?” also brought into debate the way people may or may not see and interpret art. How do the viewpoints of these two authors come into play in terms of the effectiveness of a promotional campaign? What concepts might be learned from these two articles in the developing of a promotional campaign? (Support your answer with at least one additional article.)

Include in your discussion post personal observations as well as concrete examples to support your views. Initial posts should be at least two paragraphs and include direct references to the readings and/or additional articles. Word choice and sentence structure should be suitable for professional level work, and all sources should have appropriate references and citations.


Privilege and oppression – what do these concepts mean to you?

This is a medical school application essay. It needs to be 250 words or less but its not a hard limit. A few words above the limit is ok. They are very particular about me answering the question so please add or subtract any information that doesn’t hit the point.
I relinquish all creative control so feel free to add and subtract points.
It needs to be very professional and use “smart” language


Strategic Audit Project – Google

Students will be expected to analyze a (global) FORTUNE 500 company and submit a five page strategic audit paper that describes the case issues, alternatives and your recommendations for significantly increasing company performance. The company must be Google. A useful content and format template for this strategic management audit/case study is outlined in the Strategic Audit Project link together with other information that will assist you complete this assignment.

The paper should include a half-page executive summary, and apply concepts, principles and techniques learned in our strategic management course, including environmental and industry analysis, SWOT analysis, key issue analysis, alternative strategies, and conclusions and recommendations, as illustrated in the Strategic Audit template.

The purpose of the Strategic Audit is to identify key problems/opportunities and to formulate at least one mission-directed Corporate or Business Unit strategy based on the company’s external political, legal, technology, and socio-economic forces; its internal resources and organizational factors; and its global set of industry and competitive threats and opportunities. The analysis-based strategy could, for example, result from the implications of an important contemporary business trend such as outsourcing or supply chain innovation, information technology advances, cultural change, merger/acquisition, globalization, or other related factors that could significantly impact company performance.


Breast cancer

Can the research question be based on breast cancer but narrowed down and be a little more specific as that’s what I’ve been advised by my uni… For example:
• the psychological effects of breast cancer on body image.
• the stage of cancer that would be discussed in the dissertation
• maybe a age group of women who are affect by this disease

The question has to be a little specific because breast cancer is such a broad topic therefore it’ll have to be narrowed down. I have provided the guidelines which I am given to work according to and also the rubric.


best rule set for international and multi-national contracts

write a persuasive argument on which of the seven legal systems would provide the best rule set for international and multi-national contracts. Be sure to state your method of comparative analysis, i.e., how you plan to judge or evaluate one rule set to be more robust than another rule set.

that includes the following contractual legal cultures: (i) English, (ii) German, and (iii) Norwegian, and (iv) Italian, (v) CISG, (vi) PECL, and (vii) UNIDROIT.

OSCOLA citation style!


Corporate Governance in Family Businesses

With the opening of the Iraqi economy and the growth of the private sector, corporate governance has not developed to international norms. Challenges face second and third generation of family business owners in keeping the businesses afloat. Changes need to be made to the governance for sustainability especially as the private sector is growing and stakeholders are increasing considerably.


Case Analysis

For this module, you are required to complete a Written Case Analysis which will be assessed for depth and breadth. Please read Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 1, p. 60. Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Discuss the moral issues you have identified in terms of two the following: utility, duties, rights.

Your analysis should be approximately 500 words in length and all sources should be cited properly using MLA format. Information on the MLA guidelines is accessible via the Resources area of the Course Home menu. Use a standard 10-12 pt. font and double space your paper.

Submit your assignment to the Written Case Analysis 5 Assignment basket. I attached the scenario from page 60 case #1.



Notes: 1- I am not done with the tables and figures yet, but I will be done by Monday Aug 27th or Tuesday then I will send it to you
2- example thesis is attached by Rana Kh
3- Have to be submit on Thursday
4- If order needs more pages I am ok with that and no need to get permission
5- format should be the same as the attached example thesis
6- try to make it a bit simble as I am an international student my IlETS score is 7


Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) in the community

How effective is NPWT in managing wounds in the community?
10 primary research articles to be used as the basis for arguments. preferably, RCTs or cohort/case studies. these 10 should be presented in a matrix which will be in the appendix.
European Wound Management Association should be used


Assignment 5


You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality. Before using this test in your own research, what concerns should you have regarding reliability and validity of the test you want to use?

In answering this question:
1. Using this scale as an example, explain at least two different ways to assess reliability. How much reliability would be considered acceptable and why? For your dissertation, what concerns might you have regarding the reliability of your selected scale? Don’t just name your concerns, but also tell why they are concerns. How could you deal with these in your study?
2. Explain at least two different ways to assess validity. What concerns might you have regarding validity measures and why? For your dissertation, what concerns might you have regarding the validity of your selected scale? Don’t just name your concerns, but also tell why they are concerns. How could you deal with these in your study?
3. Discuss one potential cross-cultural challenge you would face in studying personality and how you would respond to this challenge as a researcher.



Critical Thinking

Research the topic of leadership and communication. Next, review and analyze the below scenario. Finally, write a paper that addresses these two questions:

What communication strategies are associated with effective leadership?
What does Williams need to do differently to communicate effectively as a leader?
Ben Williams is the CEO of a public relations firm. He has four direct reports who are in charge of different components of his firm including operations, human resources, finance, and administrative support. On a semiannual basis, the firm surveys the employees to assess their level of satisfaction with the leadership.

Williams has noticed a trend in survey results over the last year. Comments and scores indicate the staff is unhappy with the level of communication from the top down. Williams does not understand why this is an issue.

Currently, Williams communicates with staff when there is a problem or if he believes they need to make a change. He does this by telling them exactly what they need to do, but not why they need to do it. Staff often find out about new projects when others have already begun working on them. Williams does not like electronic communications, nor does he believe that meetings are useful. However, as he reviews this trend, he realizes he must change the way he communicates.


Write a 3-4 page paper analyzing this scenario
Include two additional pages for the title and reference page
Include all elements listed below in your paper
Incorporate information you learned in Module 2, Leadership and Communication
Include a minimum of 2 additional references
Use the APA Template Paper (link below), which is formatted for you in the style you will use for all of your assignments at CSU-Global. Simply replace the informational placeholders with your own information. Write directly into this template and save it as your own paper.

To see exactly what a paper looks like when the APA Template Paper is used, review the sample paper (link below). Your paper should be very similar to this one in format.

Title Page
Simply replace the information placeholders for this page as you see them in the APA Template and sample paper.

This section is where you include your thesis statement. Ask yourself two important questions: Who is the audience, and what is the message?

The body of the Paper
In this section, answer the two questions:
What communication strategies are associated with effective leadership?
What does Williams need to do differently to communicate effectively as a leader?
If you use sources from the library or open web, be sure to include in-text citations.

In this section,
Restate thesis
Summarize main body points
Tie into the introduction to bring the paper full circle
See sample paper and the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements to construct your Reference list.

Writing an Effective Essay:

APA Template Paper:

Sample Paper:

CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements:


Week 3 Mini Paper

Students will develop a short paper critically analyzing and summarizing one to three key content points from the attached powerpoint

The paper will include:
•Title/cover page
•Introduction (2 paragraphs maximum)
•Content/Critical Thinking Analysis (Identify key concepts, theories and models from weekly assigned chapters in textbook-how can you apply this information to an organization-give examples).
•Conclusion (2 paragraphs maximum)


Ethical & Legal Issues in Group Counseling

Question #1

Chap. 3: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling
Db11: No Word Limit
• The nurse who relieves you arrives to the unit on time (7am). She puts her things away, and then calls her husband to report her safe arrival. Over time, you note that the conversations last about 1-5 minutes. For sometime, this behavior has been an annoyance to you because you are always ready to give the report at 7, but your relief is not ready until her ritual has concluded. Given this brief scenario, why might you be annoyed? Identify a legal issue that might be a consideration in this matter should an incident occur. Will you allow the matter to continue? Will you speak with the individual or the supervisor? Is The scenario compatible with group counseling content? Use ANA Code of Ethics, Corey or Hood to support your thinking. (An Annoyance) Total Posts:


Read the ANA Code of Ethics. Based on your understanding of the ethics code, as a RN, are there any ethical or legal considerations you must adhere to in your role as a group leader? Explain. (ANA Code of Ethics)


Chap. 3: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling
• You are reporting off duty to the oncoming nursing staff. You share with them that the client in room 209 who is diagnosed with AIDS told you earlier that day that he has not yet informed his wife of his diagnosis. Having seen the wife several times, you know that she is expecting. The oncoming nursing staff (can be identified as a group) try to encourage you to inform the client’s wife since she comes to visit her husband daily during your shift. Discuss what you discern from this scenario. Identify a point in chap. 3 or the ethics code that will help to solidify the action you will take to inform or not inform. (Group Pressure)

The book is GROUPS PROCESS AND PRACTICE Tenth Edition.

• ANA Code of Ethics
ANA Code of Ethics
• click below to access (may need to copy link into browser)
Discussion of ANA Code of Ethics
YouTube: Ethical & legal issues scenarios


writer choose

Assignment 2 Safety & Quality Public Inquiry Presentation
Guidelines for presentation
1. Choose a public inquiry from the list below or you can choose one of your own (We have chosen a public inquiry in Bristol Royal Infirmary). A power point presentation or equivalent is required and full details are below.
You will provide a 5-minute presentation using power point (or alternative) on the topic of your chosen public inquiry.
Your maximum time is 5 MINUTES

2. Total presentation time must not exceed 5 minutes
Effective time management forms part of the assessment criteria.
Presentations should incorporate the following structure:
a. Introduction– you need to introduce the inquiry, outline relevant findings and discuss the outcome.
b. Stimulating presentation – The presentation should be realistic and effectively convey the inquiry findings as listed below. Creativity is encouraged. Assistance can be provided with presentation style Power point etc.
c. Conclusion- the presentation is formally brought to a close with a summary of the main aspects of the presentation.
5. Every effort should be made to make this presentation interesting and motivating. It is a substantial assignment and is worth 35% of the total marks for the unit.
6. The criteria used to mark presentations can be used as a checklist when planning and rehearsing.
Choose a public inquiry and address the following issues:
What happened? How it happened? Who was involved?
Why did it go undetected for the period of time? What recommendations were made?
Revisit literature to find out if any comments made about the implications of the recommendations, Examine issues for example
Has it occurred anywhere else?
What group(s) of professionals were involved? Who discovered the problem?
NB This is not an exhaustive list; it can be tackled any way you feel will give an overall impression and convey the implications for health care services quality & safety.
Some famous inquiries include:
Shipman Inquiry, Bristol Royal Infirmary, King Edward Memorial Hospital, The Allitt Inquiry, Bundaberg Inquiry, Royal Liverpool Children’s NHS Trust Inquiry

Comment :
1) We have chosen a public inquiry in Bristol Royal Infirmary.
2) I have attached some useful documents.


Legal Research Paper

Australian Research Paper will need to be based on the attached Issue of “Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children in Out of Home Care”, but the research question you need to answer is submission 2 which asks “Is there evidence for having different strategies to keep children in OOHC safe from sexual abuse depending upon whether a child is in relative or kinship care, foster care or one of the forms of residential care?”.
Please ensure the paper is includes the below criteria:
· Statement of an innovative research problem and argument design
· Legal and interdisciplinary research methodology
· Critical analysis of legal and interdisciplinary data and theories
Please ensure the research paper is based on Australian Legislation and information. The paper needs to be on the attached issue and base majority of the the paper on the Submission 2 question. Do not address any other submission or issue. Thank you.


Strength and conditioning program

– Overview of the Sport: Evaluation, Physiological Analysis, Injury Analysis- Training Schedule (how many sessions per week, sport season guidelines, training frequency / intensity)- Training Plan: Exercise order, exercises, training load, reps, volume & rest.- Screening, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting- Program Justification- Annual Periodised Training Program (see Excel sheet for layout)- References


Margaret Atwood’s Nine Beginnings

Build an argument based on a close reading of Atwood’s nine beginnings. My argument is that she is conforming to social obligations and gender expectations and while fighting this she conforms and answers the question ‘why do you write” but not because she wants to.



Please edit per supervisor comments indicated in the attached final proposal document, the literature review and methodology should match the following comments:
My 2 biggest difficulties:
1) Literature review (prelim) – separate leaders and woman and then bring them together. it is difficult to keep the trial. when is it leadership when is it woman
2) research methdology – for such a study you cannot do a questionnaire. You have to do in-depth semi-structured/structured interviews and perhaps a few focus groups. Read the suggestions and relook that entire section please.
You have to collect data for PhD – literature informs your background, burning issues, gaps from there you collect data to fill the gaps
Imagine e,.g. 4 streams of data (literature review / case study from one particular woman’s journey / in-depth interviews / case study) – this gives you rich data that you can mine and really get to a meaningful (not pre-determined/assumed) framework.

The work will be done in Africa, South Africa and Zambia, in the public secor, government entities like the Government Technical Advisory Centre, National Treasury of South Africa and Zambia public sector.


[Revision] Netwrok Requirement analysis and plan

Analyse and report on the current and future state of the internetworking
infrastructure and its applications.
e. Implement a process to support the administration and management of


An integrative literature review: what is the impact of an inpatient fall from the perspective of the patient and healthcare staff?

Results/findings chapter required. Integrative literature review using Whittmore and Knafl methodology. Quality appraisal done using JBI tools. Thematic analysis also required. Original draft of proposal included in uploaded files, however some changes have been made but data extraction, synthesis and thematic analysis required.
Please do not call, correspondence by email only


King Fisher Final

Write a brief (2-3 page) report on your findings of King Fisher Aviation’s financial status and include the following:
From Scenario 1, evaluate the technology proposed by Shawn Paschal. What is your recommendation on the adoption of this technology? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 1, what do you recommend to King Fisher regarding changing their 30 day collection period? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations on the investment project? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations for investment in the new technology?
From Scenario 3, evaluate King Fisher’s target capital structure. What are your recommendations?  Consider the impact of taxes and explain your reasoning.

Attached are the problems and the solved answers on the spreadsheets, below are the 3 scenarios we were given.

Scenario Overview: King Fisher Aviation is in the business of green jet fuel, an advanced renewable fuel alternative to traditional jet fuel. The process used produces green jet fuel from a variety of sustainable feedstocks. King Fisher Aviation uses technology that allows them to meet regulatory compliance obligations for renewable energy in the aviation transportation fuel sector, as well as produce high-quality fuel. You have recently taken on the role of financial manager for the young and growing company.

Scenario 1: King Fisher Aviation is in the business of green jet fuel, an advanced renewable fuel alternative to traditional jet fuel. The process used produces green jet fuel from a variety of sustainable feedstocks.
You have recently taken on the role of financial manager for the young and growing company and were given a file that was in progress when the previous financial manager left the position

Scenario 2: King Fisher Aviation is ready to grow and is considering investing in new technologies. As the financial manager for King Fisher Aviation, you are asked to provide some critical information on company bonds, present and future values, and cash flow in order to make some tough decisions and appropriate recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Scenario 3: The CEO of King Fisher Aviation has asked you, the financial manager, to review the company portfolio. You need to calculate the expected return and standard deviation on company stock, consider the risk-free rate, and find the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Also, you were asked to calculate the cost of bond debt, for a more complete picture of the company’s financial status.


Case Analysis

Please see the case and related questions provided separately. Feedback on your case report will provided via Turnitin.
Expected length: 500 words Marking criteriaContent of the case analysis
 Demonstrates understanding of issues raised by the case
 Analysis supported with data, empirical evidence or theoretical reasoning
 Evidence of own analysis of the issues
 Case questions are comprehensively answered
Presentation of the report
 Writing is clear, logical, and grammatically correct
 Any additional sources are accurately cited in the
paper (if applicable)
 The reference list is accurately and appropriately
presented (if applicable)


Virtue Ethics

This paper would go towards the bulk of the one chapter in the overall PhD thesis. The chapter looks to discuss virtue ethics as a normative theory, it’s characteristics, and address objections to i) right action (assessment and evaluation of moral actions) and ii) action guidance (what one ought to do in a situation).

Bibliography includes: Liezl van Zyl, Julian Annas, Daniel Russell, The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics, Chapter 8- Virtue Ethics and Right Action; R.Das, Virtue Ethics and Right Action, 2003; Crisp & Slote, Virtue Ethics, 1997; R. Hursthouse, On Virtue Ethics, 1999.

That my position would be a Neo-Aristotelian one – practical wisdom, doctrine of the mean and all (more akin to Urmson).



Answer all questions [Note that each of these questions demands detailed discussions. The responses must reflect your familiarity with the readings and your ability to think through them. You will be penalized should your responses be sketchy and rewarded for providing thorough responses. Each response should be more than 800 words.]
What do the documentary movies “The Divine Horse men” and “Voodoo” ( Full documentary) teach us about Vodou in Haiti?
Discuss the Vodou understanding of the relationship between God and the Lwas [Loas]
How are Catholic saints conceptualized in the Vodou conceptual scheme and what theory best explains this development?[read power point notes for the theories]
How does the Vodou understanding of a human being affect post mortem rituals in Vodou praxis?



16 page, double-spaced, literature review, minimum 25 peer-reviewed citations (see attached word doc)


[Revision] How the IT companies adapt themselves to specific markets

My initial thought was to write how IT companies adapt themselves to the markets that they are in. For example, the same solution from Google is provided in different regions, countries etc due to different particularities. Culture, Technology etc.


Strategic plan for Doha Insurance company and its competitor Qatar Insurance Company

Create a strategic plan. You will need to analyze the company’s current situation ( Doha Insurance Company) and its strengths and weaknesses. You will need to formulate, plan to implement and evaluate the competitive, functional and corporate strategy needed in order to help the firm move forward to a desired future situation.


In the movie INSIDE MAN, how does Sorrento make the case that the films are “new” crime films? What, in fact is “new” to the crime film genre in the film INSIDE MAN?

You need to watch the movie INSIDE MAN (get the link from the Support)
2. You need to answer the topic question using the movie and the pages I have provided from a book. Not other sources are to be used. Using examples from the film and the book answer the question in 2 full pages.


Recovery Approach to Mental Health – Develop a Self Care Plan & Write a Reflective Essay (Part A & Part B)

Task – Recovery Approach to Mental Health (Nursing)
Objective on Assessment Task:
The goal of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of what it might be like to embark on a Recovery/Self-Care journey and to increase your capacity as a nurse to effectively support people in Recovery. The goal is: ‘reduce relying on alcohol when experiencing anxiety’.
The task has two parts – Part A and Part B:
PART A (500 words +/-10%): Develop a Recovery/Self-Care using a ‘self-care’ model with the goal to ‘reduce relying on alcohol when experiencing anxiety (refer below)’. To create the plan use an example such as plans – WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), Recovery Plans or Wellness Plans (these can be found on the internet. The self-care plan does not need to be in essay form. It should include references to support/guide your care plan. The plan should be (+/- 10%) 500 words.
The plan msut clearly identify:
• What area of your life you want to work on – ‘Reduce relying on alcohol when experiencing anxiety’
• What your goal(s) are – ‘Find other alternatives to manage anxiety, limit drinks to a maximum of 2 in one sitting’
• How you propose achieving your goal(s) – ‘insert fictitious goal’
• What supports you have in place and the role they will play – ‘explain the role of family/friends or therapeutic supporters (such as a counsellor, personal trainer, nutritionist, etc)’
• What challenges you may face and possible ways of addressing these – ‘identify and explain the challenges & how you address these’
• Supporting literature – ‘identify literature to support the goal’
When developing the plan, remember we are modelling a Recovery type journey to experience and learn first-hand what might help and hinder a person on a Recovery journey. Like a Recovery plan it is important that your plan focuses on your strengths and that your journey, whilst utilising supports, is self-directed. Your plan can include images, drawings, pictures and words.
PART B (1500 words +/-10%): : Write a reflective/argumentative Essay on your experience on the ‘self-care’ on reducing ‘reduce relying on alcohol when experiencing anxiety’. Write in first person about your ‘fictitious’ journey as an area in your life where you would like to make positive change, focusing on ‘self-care’ and using a ‘Recovery model’. The essay should be (+/- 10%) 1500 words. It should include references to support/guide your journey.
The essay must clearly reflective & provide an argument re: ‘Self-Care’:
• The need for effective self-care for consumers – why is this important for journey of recovery?
• The need for effective self-care for nurses – why is this important working in this professions?
• What was your experience like receiving support?
• How is your journey progressing and why?
• What factors helped you (internal and external)?
• What factors hindered you (internal and external)? How have you dealt with obstacles?
• How your journey, experiences and learnings might change or inform how you work with people in your future nursing practice
• How your self-care journey, experiences and learnings relate to Recovery

You may consider:
• Your understanding of the role of plans and strategies from a Recovery-orientated perspective. What is important in doing the plans?
• How might this be similar/different to the biomedical model approach?
• What informed your goals & strategies?
• How do you think your experience might compare/contrast to that of consumers (based upon your understanding through the course and research)?
• How will this experience influence your work with consumers and how you dp planning?

Experience of receiving support:
• What was your experience of support (ie where you able to choose who you wanted?0 were they listening to your needs and working ‘with’ you? Were they available how and when you required? Did they ‘support’ you or try ‘direct’ you? Whose needs were being met (yours or theirs)? Did you experience some of the Recovery principles (ie empathy, connection, belief, autonomy etc)? Did you have any other observations? Was this helpful for you? What was unhelpful for you? How did your experience compare/constrast to that of consumers – what was similar/different?


Leadership, Ethics, Stress and Culture — The Perfect Case Study

The purpose of the case study analyses is to provide you with an opportunity to grasp and master the facts, separate important facts from unimportant ones, formulate issues, weigh opposing considerations, use analytical skills (reason logically), and proceed from premise to conclusion. You should apply the principles of organizational behavior and management in each case.


Papers should be clear and concise with a stated thesis statement, professionally written and 900-1,500 words in length; provide ample support (a minimum of three sources with in-text citations). The case analysis papers must be typed, 12 point font size, one inch margins, double-spaced, and have no mechanical/grammatical errors. Please, do not regurgitate the case in your written paper. The expectation of this assignment is for you to analyze and apply the concepts and practices learned through the book, media, and the course discussion forums.


quality of life of family carers for patients with dementia

This dissertation will be a secondary proposal and will explore the concept of dementia care but with in-depth focus on quality of life of family carers and the strategy to improve the quality of life. The finding in this dissertation is based on the review of relevant literatures on the quality of life of carers of people with dementia. It was discovered from the literatures reviewed that the quality of life of carers are generally poor which is as a result of the state of the person with dementia. Poor quality of life is usually associated with poor physical health such as hypertension, poor psychological state e.g. depression and anxiety, poor relationship with both care recipient and the general public; owing to poor communication and feeling of stigma and isolation. Most of the research articles reviewed, examined interventions put in place for family carers to support dementia patients. One of the strategies involves the carers going for a break from caring in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the situation. The goal is to improve the quality of life of the family carers using lewin’s model of change.
This change can be done through educational therapy and support groups. The goal is to improve the quality of life of the family carers using lewin’s model of change.
This change can be done through educational therapy and support groups. Leaflets on what dementia is, how it can be managed and supports groups available within the community will be provided to the family carers and be given in their general surgery by theri local GP.


Medical Research and Design

You are a microbiologist assigned a research project to design both a new antibiotic (drug) and vaccine for a helminth or fungal infection. YOU CANNOT USE ANY EXPERIMENTAL OR EXISTING DRUGS OR VACCINES; THIS IS A COMPLETELY NEW PROJECT!
A GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE PATHOGEN including, name of target organism that is unique to pathogen/pathogen (give genus species name) and why you chose it (give overall statistics of infection rates, mortality, geographic location found, who is most likely to get infected), how to prevent infection, overall general signs and symptoms, body systems involved, special features, why is it important to cure this disease and get rid of this pathogen?
FOR THE NEW DRUG DESIGN, you must provide the following information with justification and rationale:
Name of drug, cellular target (what specific structure or pathways does it target), how does it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be administered (is it injected or oral), for how long, at what dose, how will you make the public aware of this new drug, how will you get it to the patients that need it, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that is must have low toxicity to the patient.
FOR THE NEW VACCINE RESEARCH, you must provide the following information with justification and rationale:
Name of vaccine, against what molecular part of the pathogen will you design your vaccine against, how will it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be administered (is it injected or inhaled), how many doses, at what age will the vaccine be administered, how will you make the aware of this new vaccine, how will you get it to the patients that need it, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have little or no side effects to the patient. Also include a brief summary of how vaccines work and why they are effective against diseases. Please justify all of your answers.


Topic Proposal

Issues of cultural diversity connected with migration, immigration, economic, hardship, injustice, and the coexistence of peoples different cultures within and among nations are particularly welcome.
In submitting your choice for approval, you will therefore need to write a narrative describing and justifying your topic according to the following points.
a) Identify a significant issue or set of issues of diversity that are impacting France
But avoid duplication.
b) Explain why this issue is important.
c) Provide a succinct overview of how the issues play out.
d) Indicate what motivated your choice.
e) State what your classmates and I will gain from your analysis of the work or event, and describe its relation to what we know about diversity.


Renewable Energy

How wind turbines produce power.
1. Intro- need for non-polluting renewable/sustainable source of electric power – why?
-thesis, wind turbines are an excellent source because of (A,B,C)
2. How it produces power
3. Advantages (A,B,C)
4. Problems
5. Conclusion


The Industrial Revolution

*Time Roman Numerals
*12 font double spaced
*I know this is very open-ended so any questions feel free to ask.
Of all the events and changes that affected Western Civilization which one was the most important to you, and had the most profound changes in human history? Why?(Without the Industrial Revolution we wouldn’t have the technology we have today). –This is not a research paper and will not require extensive use of libraries or materials external to the course, although you may incorporate external materials, using proper citation and accreditation. Grade will be based on a combination of content (the strength of the thesis and the evidence used to support it), style (how well the information flows), and accuracy in spelling, grammar, and notation.


Is ‘Drill’ music liable for the UK’s increased crime rate?

Hello, I have chosen you because you have excellent reviews and knowledge in these subject areas. This dissertation needs to be the usual style including an abstract, literature review etc. This is sort of a psychology/criminology/sociology project. I have attached a PDF containing guidelines for the dissertation, it is vital that these are followed as i need to be in the top band for each section. The dissertation itself needs to include a discussion of all possibilities of the question not just one opinion. Topics that need to be explored should include: Violent media forms effects on the brain, Theories about how violent media increases violent behaviour, aggression and desensitisation. Incase you weren’t aware ‘Drill’ music is a new form of rap which has recently blown up in the uk. It is mainly produced by gangs in major cities and contains lyrics that talk about stabbings, shootings, murders, drugs etc. This is said to fuel a vast amount of the gang wars in london and other areas but also been harmful to the audience members and creates a social norm to which they conform to and imitate the behaviour. Here is an example: . Thankyou for your time, if you have any questions feel free to contact me (I need to create an evaluation of sources so i have included an originality report in the order therefor i can see every source used in its whole with website links and author names etc included, thankyou)

The experiences of nurses carign for patients with terminal cancer

8,000 words, at least 40 references, including clearly visible audit trail of how the results were narrowed down, written in passive voice (no: I, WE, AUTHOR!!)


The Coffee Production change under Climate Change in Ethiopia

All the details would be based on the journals criteria


1. Keywords
2. Background of the study and problem statement
3. Material and methods
4. Results and discussion
5. Discussion and conclusion
6. References

Study area
7. Ethiopia lies from longitudes 33°E to 55°E and latitudes from 3.5°N to 15°N, covering a land area of 1.13 million km² and including large areas of flat land and gently rolling hilly areas as well as steep mountains and ragged valleys. There is an uneven distribution among regions, mainly varies with regional altitude changes from slightly below sea level to more than 4,000 m above sea level (Figure XX). Thus, the climate of Ethiopia is quite variable across the country. Ethiopia’s climate is mainly tropical steppe climate and subtropical forest climate, the annual average temperature is from 10 to 27°C and the tropical zone receives less than 510 mm rain per annum, while the subtropical zone, which includes most of the highlands, receives 510 to 1,530 mm of rain annually (Mati, 2006). Despite it is difficult to make agricultural planning due to variable rainfall, a large proportion of the Ethiopia gets sufficient for rain-fed crop production. In the north of the country, the rainfall pattern is mainly bimodal, with the shorter starts around March/April and the second one begins around June/July. In some regions, the two seasons combine into a unimodal pattern, which the main crop planting season is from June to October and it almost depends on rain. The main crops in Ethiopia are teff (Eragrostis tef), maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.), etc.

writer can know which variables he/she is going to use for climate change and crops etc so that we can discuss more pelase …
This is a good model for what i want ..
the paper is might give the writer what i really want.

[Revision] Utility of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for monitoring treatment response in patient with multiple myeloma: a systematic review.

1.Check the latest originality report in attachments and reduce the similarity index.
2.Regarding the remaining comments to address – ensure this revision is the last one.
In the Article part:
– Section “depth of response to treatment” – Overall quite descriptive – can you add some critique or discussion?
– . Do not delete the content highlighted with the comment; Notably, the previous studies that have obtained significant results concerning the relevance of ADC in evaluation of MM patients in a therapy session are all characterised by small cohorts (Horger et al. 2011; Messiou et al. 2012; Hillengass et al. 2011). — add more studies to support the statement, section Anatomical region and lesion type
Again you have failed to improve the Discussion part as a whole in accordance with this comment: To be honest, it was quite difficult to follow and was too descriptive. Significant reworking is needed to bring to the required standard, you need to include more discussion and critique than is currently evident.

Annex component, please, amend the following: — do address these points.
Comment: This element needs developing in the below attempts at reflection as they are quite descriptive.

8/8/18 1:28 PM
revise the paper according to the latest comment from QA+ reduce plagiarism

Students’ Perception of Cloud Applications Usefulness and Effectiveness in Undergraduate Education in Saudi Arabia

Please write the following parts of the research by applying the attached marking criteria (RESEARCH REPORT PART):
– Introduction
– A summary of the literature critiqued in the proposal (include new references)
– The research question
– Research Design
*More detail about the above parts are included in the marking criteria file (attached).
1- Check the proposal feedback from supervisor especially the highlighted points. (attached)
2- Use the attached proposal file to find the required information to extend this research.
3- Please use academic articles, peer-reviewed, published in the last 5 years, APA reference style, academic language.
4- bear in mind that this research is using The technology acceptance model (TAM).
5- connect the research with the survey based on TAM (attached) as much as possible which will be useful in writing the research design part.
6- Quality over quantity.
7- Elaboration in related ideas is prefered.
8- Other parts I will do them later next week as they require collecting data from a survey.
9- The survey is still open for participation and will be closed soon.
10- font: Arial, size:12, Line spacing:1.5
11- Anything is not clear please ask.
12- include existing references



Discuss about the business canvas model of comparing two companies naming jetsmarter and Jetsuit X.

I have attached a word doc and I have listed some points in Business canvas model, please go through it and make sure whether is correct or not and add more points if there is any more points and make the table look good (RED is for jetsmarter, BLUE is for jetsuit X)

Explain the Business Canvas model in detail – word-limit 800 words.

[Revision] What are the impacts of intimate partner violence (IPV) in teenagers?

Developing research-basedsocial work practice by Orme ,J and Shemmings D. (2010)
2. Literature reviews in social work by Kitely, R. and Stogdon, C. (2014).
The research style should be tailored towards social work. The books for referencesshould be social work research-based books.
-the first part of the methodology is poor
-no table of inclusion, poor analysis as ethics and differences in articles were not described
-poor grammar, simple grammar mistakes (Thirdly, the teenage should also be provide with support, and Duvendack, (2012) defines systematic)

[Revision] Perceptions of NESTs and NNESTs as effective teachers in South Korea

My subject area is education. I need help with the data analysis (results) section of my dissertation. I have uploaded the introduction and methodology sections of my dissertation, which includes my research questions.

There are 3 subject groups, Adult Korean EFL students, native English speaking teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaking teachers (NNESTs). Participants in each group completed a questionnaire and an Implicit Association Test. I need the data from the questionnaire and the Implicit Association Test appropriately analysed and compared to answer my research questions.

I have also uploaded the questionnaire response data (all in one excel doc), Implicit Association Test data (3 seperate excel docs) and a sample of each questionnaire (3 seperate files).

I have already done some basic analysis on the questionnaire data (Mean, median, mode and standard deviation). The questionnaires are all the same except for question no. 1 (which is the same for NESTs and NNESTs but different for students).


The Costly Signaling Model in Game Theory

The question prompt is: Based on the materials from class (see attached below), how convincing do you find the evidence and arguments for the costly signaling model. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence? To what degree are you convinced that this model explains an important component of human social behavior? What additional evidence (experimental, sociological, anthropological, etc) would be particularly helpful for evaluating this model?
Aside from the documents provided (pls cite these, please find three additional sources to cite in answering the these questions as well). Please provide a reference page in the end. I have also attached another word document here called “discussions” is what the TA has said in our discussion board regarding the topic. Be sure to speak about the Nash Equilibrium and Proximate and Ultimate Explanations of thoughts and behaviors as these are recurrent themes in the class. I have attached a lecture slide on these. The writer might find these useful.


Gun Violence

Explore a national or global socialissue in your area, at least one of its causes, and a potential solution. For your topic, the social issue should be a problem that can be proven to exist and has potential to be solved.

Begin by stating a thesis that defines the problem, identifies and evaluates at least one aspect of the cause, and offers one potential solution. These three points—problem, cause, and solution—will be used as level I headings for the major parts of the body content.


The paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced), plus a reference page/title page, and should use a minimum of eight credible sources. The CSU-Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.
Document and citation formatting should be in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA. At the top of your paper, include an open-ended research question that defines the problem and asks how the problem can be solved.
Example/research question: What would it take to reduce obesity in the United States/Ohio?

The research question should be followed by a thesis, which answers the research question by stating a problem, cause, and solution. The thesis can be two sentences long if necessary.

Example/thesis: [Problem] Obesity across the United States is on the rise [Cause] partly due to the amount of trans fats contained in restaurant food. [Solution] One solution would be to regulate the amount of trans fats restaurants are permitted to include in the food they serve and to require restaurants to clearly indicate the level of trans fats contained within each menu item.

NOTE: The sample topic above cannot be used for your project. Topics that should be avoided are those currently being debated widely among media sources. Some topics to avoid include abortion, sex trafficking, gun control, and immigration.

Refer to the Portfolio Project Rubric available in the Module 8 Folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.


Buyer Behaviour and Analysis

our topic is “Trend of Halal Food ( Certification ) ” . On base of the requirements , we need a presentation of about 15 slides . And also a case study report.I can send you an example of a senior student assignment .In the beginning of the presentation , we need 2 videos which explains what is halal food and explains stuffs about the concept of our presentation . we need the best assignment as we are relying on this assignmnet and it weighs quite a lot of the whole unit.n we need proper references from academic articles n journals ….s described in the above pics i hv sent you…we need to strictly follow the requirements on that .The topic should based on Australia . halal food certification and trend in Australia ( main focus ) n other countries . “Failure of fanaticism” and “5007 presentation ” files are examples of presentation and case study report from a senior student . BBA 1 and BBA 2 pictures are concerning with the presentation and BBA 3 and BBA 4 are concerned about case study report ( wrod document)


Topic outline

*******Read this first. This is the first of probably 5 assignments. I want you to write all of them for me. Its all on the same topic but will just build on each paper. the first is the topic outline with a literature review matrix at end. I have attached a literature review matrix and example of how my instructed wants it to look like. I know this is short notice and I will pay extra for that. I will copy past the Topic outline template for you to go by. ***********
I also included a summary of how the paper will flow.

Points to think about when writing a topical outline:
1. What is your research question?
2. Why does it matter?
3. How will you address this question? (i.e., what will be your methodology?)
4. Implications for nursing practice, administration, education, and research?
I. Introduction
A. Central focus
What is the topic you wish to investigate in your research? What is the central question you wish to address? Sketch this in a few sentences, indicating why it is a worthwhile question to pursue.
B. Context of the work
Sketch the context of previous research and discussion on your topic, including any formative work on the topic or where it has been included within a wider field of study
II. Methods
A. What will be the key method(s) you will use to address your topic and research questions? Why is/are these the most appropriate method(s) for your topic and questions? For example, will your focus be empirical research?
B. What databases will be used, what strategies for searching the literature, and what specific time frame? How will you delimit the research base (deciding what to include and what not to include)?
III. Results
A. Explain what outcome(s) you are hoping for from your research synthesis
B. Provide a sketch of how the synthesis might look
1. Methodological choices
2. Theoretical frameworks
3. Etc.
IV. Discussion
A. The contribution you hope your State of the Science Paper will make to the specific topic and the relevant wider field of study
1. Nursing practice
2. Administration
3. Education
4. Research
B. Recommendations/Next Steps
Briefly explain what you hope to offer or what is needed based on the state of the science (e.g., identify gaps in the research, recommend a specific approach or protocols)
V. Initial Bibliography (no more than one page—you can use the references from your proposal)
Literature Review Matrix (required for the paper)


Operations Improvement Plan

This assignment helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies:

Develop innovative and sustainable solutions to strategic and global operations management challenges.
Apply theories, models, and practices of global operations management to address business problems.
Integrate operations management analyses into general business management planning and decision making.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
In this assignment, you will submit your completed operations improvement plan. Your final OIP should be divided into five basic components:

Process identification.
Process improvement.
Definition of the problem statement.
Measurement strategy.
Data collection and evaluation tools.
You have developed each of these components as individual assignments and you have updated them as your OIP has developed. Take into consideration all of the research and groundwork you have completed thus far. Incorporate feedback from previous assignments as well as the tools, techniques, and methodologies you have examined throughout the course. Finalize your comprehensive OIP as if you were to present it as a formal recommendation to the organizational leaders at your client company. Focus your writing appropriately for that audience.

As you complete this last assignment of the course, you are encouraged to review your own discussion board posts and previous assignments for material you might incorporate here. Also, as always, please consider the scoring guide.

Your completed OIP should include the following elements:

A problem statement, including an overview of the challenge that your client company is facing, with a brief history and description of the situation.
A description of the key challenge or problem you have chosen to address in your client company’s organizational processes, and an analysis of its organizational impact, based on theories and models of global operations management.
An executive summary of the collected and processed data, including actual data, if possible, or assumed data, if necessary.
A cost-benefit analysis based on your data.
A description of your innovative and sustainable solution that reflects strategic global operations management concepts and practices.
Your recommendations for supporting the improvement of the selected process, based on practices of global operations management.
An explanation of the data or findings that validates your recommendations.
The visuals, diagrams, and flowcharts you have developed to support and integrate your analysis into general business management planning and decision-making processes.
A conclusion.
A comprehensive reference list.
Submission Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Resources: Minimum of 4 sources required. At least one is required from The Wall Street Journal.
Length of paper: 7–15 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


operation project management
You need to choose one global operations management case for your individual report from companies such as Apple, Oman Air, Samsung, Google or any company of your choice. You will discuss this further with your tutor before finalising the topic. Critical analysis of the case will help you to answer the following operations management questions:

Q1) Critically examine three relevant Operation Management (OM) decision areas (e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or process design etc.) in your chosen company (or workplace, as long as evidences can be validated with credible resources within your workplace) (suggested 750 words)

Q2a) Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one using the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) (suggested 150 words – please see Note 2)

Q2b) Examine the ways to improve operational performance within your chosen company (suggested 350 words).

Note 1: Introduction and conclusion is suggested to be 250 words.

Note B: Please include a table with the comparison of your companies 4 V’s in Appendix A and include a short discussion referring to this in the main body of the Report.

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report. This can be based on operations of your current or previous workplace or any other organisation known to you. You need to discuss and confirm with your tutor to agree upon a suitable case. The report will be 1,500 words in length (not including references and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given above) and must make use of relevant unit concepts on the aspect covered. Your first submission is the final.

MS Word
Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
See composition of marks for Assignment-1, overleaf.
2Q and feedback given on-line through Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Your referral assignment will require you to discuss and critically analyse operations management issues and operations strategy based on another organisation (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).


The U.S Involvement In Vietnam 1945 – 1976

ten full pages of text, has one-inch margins, uses 12-point font, and is double-spaced (do not use WordPerfect). A separate bibliography is required and is not part of the ten pages of text. The Chicago Style is required for footnotes or endnotes. Research papers must contain original thought, interpretation, and analysis.


The role of accounting information systems i evaluating the risks related to electronic fraud in Jordanian commercial banks

15 page. statistical analysis, abstract, problem statement with hypothesis, study significance, literature review, hypothesis test with comment and results, conclusions



Read “Jimmy Santiago Baca: Poetry as Lifesaver” by Rob Baker (893) and analyze a poem. Discuss the value of poetry and whether or not you feel that it can save a life. What is poetry’s role in our modern society? Include 2 quotes from Baker’s essay and 2 quotes from a poem that you find to be powerful. (*Include the text of this poem at the end of your essay after Works Cited)


Case Law Analysis – Business Entities

Articulate the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment:
Identify the parties who are before the court.
Provide a brief background to problem. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs.
Identify the specific disagreement between the parties.
Explain the ruling of the court in no more than 1–2 paragraphs.
Evaluate key judicial concepts that influence the decisions related to business:
Was there a dissenting opinion? If so, explain why some of the judges or justices disagreed with the majority in the decision.
Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why or why not?
Your analysis should be no more than two double-spaced pages in length. References and citations should adhere to APA formatting and style guidelines.


Is bed alarm an effective strategy in preventing falls from bed in hospitals?

ONLY methods, results and discussion are required. No need to write for introduction/backgrounds and conclusion. This research paper should be a SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. A flow chart of the literature search need to be demonstrated.
Search criteria:
Medline and Scopus
Publication date: 2000-2018
Language: English
CINAHL Complete


see details

1)Check out this Ted Talk and share your thoughts about it in 1 or 2 paragraph …

2) Check out this Ted Talk and share your thoughts about it in 1 or 2 paragraph…


Benchmark – Leading a Continuously Changing Organization

Write a paper that describes how you would lead the organization described in the Scenerio Include the following in your paper:
1. A discussion of the foundational theories upon which you would draw to lead this organization.
2.A discussion of the application of foundational theories to diverse populations and settings. How would you apply the appropriate theory to the above scenario?
3.A discussion of how you would assess the effectiveness of those foundational theories and adapt them to the diverse populations and settings represented in the above scenario.+
4. A statement of how your leadership skills and style would be an asset or drawback to your effectiveness as a leader in this environment.

****SCENARIO- to be used to answer the questions above.***

You have just been hired as the chief executive officer (CEO) in a medium-sized organization. The organization is not suffering financially, but neither is it doing as well as it could do. This is largely because the organization is stagnated in old ideas having not kept pace with the changing standards of the sector it serves. It does, however, have a handful of new employees who are eager to see the organization modernize. The organization also has several long-time employees who have remained with the company through the good times and the bad. The Board of Directors feels a sense of loyalty and obligation to these steadfast individuals, but the Board also knows that moving some parts of the operation “off-shore” would be better for the organization. In this assignment, you will discuss how you as a leader would direct this organization through the changes that are necessary for its survival.


Chapters 9 – 12 western civilization

You are to write an introductory paragraph summarizing the chapter group. You then must choose a particular thread that was central to the events in each chapter group. Students will then make text to self connections, text to text connections, and text to world connections (these are explained on the template).
Each essay must be at least 500 words.
Your essay must have at least two images and it must be referenced.



PSY 152 P1

Take the perspective of a general education/ special education teacher, medical doctor, parent or mental health counselor. Choose 3 concepts (main ideas) from Chapter 17 that you feel are most important for you to understand from your particular perspective. Thoroughly explain each of the 3 concepts with details and examples.


Evaluate why might a firm’s sales and marketing functions be misaligned? Analyze the consequences of a misaligned culture?

MKT514 essay instructions

This is a MKT514 Sales Management course

Textbook: Sales Management: Shaping Future Sales Leaders First Edition, 2009
ISBN- 13: 9780132324120
Arthur’s: John Tanner, Earl Honeycutt, and Robert Erffmeyer
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall
The essay needs to be primarily written based on the text book. (I have uploaded this information from the book)
The structure of an essay begins with the introduction which is the first paragraph and it introduces the topic. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences. Then the body of the essay elaborates on the topic and it is at least 3 paragraphs of at least 3 – 4 sentences. The essay is finished with the conclusion which is the last paragraph and is a summary of the main points of the essay. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences.
References (APA Style): Need two references. At least one reference from the text book listed.

Research proposal on compliments as a form of positive communication

Research Proposal. (30%) This paper will present a proposal for a future research study where you seek to closely examine ONE aspect of Mirivel’ s model (7 pp) (Mirivel, pp 161-165).

My aspect of Mirivel’s model is compliments as a form of positive communication. I am including a paper I submitted that has some of his edits. Please make sure this research proposal includes an introduction, short review of current literature, a problem statement, and includes a proposed qualitative study complete with research questions, problem/objective, significance of the study, methodology and projected outcomes. Please make sure to use complete in-text citations throughout this paper and include the questions you’d ask interview participants in the appendix.

Please use Mirivel, J. (2014). The art of positive communication. New York: Peter Lang ISBN v978-1433120992 as a key reference.


Business Plan

Business plan proposal that will solve patients in Emergency room to be placed in the wrong level of care.



PSY 152 P2

Take the perspective of a general education/ special education teacher, medical doctor, parent or mental health counselor. Choose 3 concepts (main ideas) from Chapter 18 that you feel are most important for you to understand from your particular perspective. Thoroughly explain each of the 3 concepts with details and examples.



Review the two attached files. In a 2-3 page paper with an introduction containing a clear thesis, body paragraphs with concrete examples from the text and a conclusion. Your thesis should address one or more of the following questions:

Questions to Consider:
-What message did the artists and authors want to convey with their work? How are these messages similar? How are they different?
-You are looking at a piece of art and a work of nonfiction, both are primary sources. How does the medium (art vs. nonfiction writing) shape the way you interpret the source? Do you think written or physical objects are more useful sources to understanding ancient history? Why?
-How do these sources show the impact of trade routes on the development of civilizations? How did trade impact the Han dynasty? How did trade impact the Greek empire?


The Great Depression and the New Deal

Write a four page essay that analyzes the efforts of both Hoover and Roosevelt in combating the effects of the Great Depression on Americans. Why was Hoover not successful at addressing the ills of the nation? Does he deserve the bad rap that history has bestowed upon him? FDR is often ranked as one of the top five presidents in U.S. history. Do his efforts during the Depression merit such a high ranking (For now just consider FDR’s efforts during the Depression and not what he does during World War II)?  Or did FDR’s critics have a point?
Support your answer with evidence from the assigned readings. Cite your sources.

Use citations below and have a strong introduction to the essay !


List and give descriptions of 10 movies that deal with adolescent or adult depression and anxiety.


List and give descriptions of 10 movies that deal with adolescent or adult depression and anxiety.


Research mental health agencies in state of New Jersey in following county

Research mental health agencies in state of New Jersey in following county:

In Hudson County, cities of (Bayonne, Union City, Jersey City, North Bergen and West New York)

In Bergen County cities of (Teaneck, Hackensack, Paramus, etc).

From your research, list agencies and describe (in detail) services for at least 10 such programs (examples include: early intervention programs, in-patient / out-patient counseling services, substance / alcohol abuse programs, summer / recreation programs, parenting programs, after-school programs, etc.)


Research article critique

Guidelines to Writing the Paper
This assignment is completed as an APA paper.
Download the required article for analysis:
Colvin, C. M., Karius, D., & Albert, N. M. (2016). Nurse adherence to safe-handling practices: Observation versus self-assessment. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 20(6), 617-622. doi:10.1188/16.CJON.617-622 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Intro (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.
Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.
Describe the research in greater detail.
Include your observations about this question.
Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.
Discuss the research design of the study.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.
You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words
Describe the sample.
Briefly describe the sample size used for this study
Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.
Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.
Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the data collection method(s)’
Who collected the data?
What tools were used?
What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the limitations of the study.
Identify the limitations within the study
Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies
Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Describe the findings reported in the study
Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study
Discuss the credibility of the findings
If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?
You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words
Summary of Required Article
Summarizes important points from the required article.
Discuss your rationale for whether a practice change is warranted.
Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice or an idea for practice, or an idea for practice?
End with a concluding statement.
Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area.
Reference Page All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference.


Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis of a product

Asset and Facility Management

Individual Assignment (15%)

Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) on a material product (for example, a solar panel…) of your choosing. You may select one of a commercial product, an industrial product or a domestic product comprising no less than 12 failure modes.

Structure your assignment as follows:-

(a) Description of the chosen product clearly presenting a drawing and/or a photograph and its functionality.

(b) A tabulation of the FMEA factors
a. Failure modes
b. Failure mechanisms (with descriptions)
c. Failure effects (with clearly descriptions)
d. Occurrence, Severity and Detection Rankings
e. RPN and Corrective Actions

(c) Develop Criticality Matrix as per FMECA process.
(d) Develop Fault Tree diagram for the chosen product.
(e) Conclusion. In your conclusion comment on the three tools (commonalities vs differences) and your views of the product’s integrity. Suggest modifications with justification.
• The value of the parameters in FMEA and FMECA needs to be justified through referencing or reasoning.
• Total number of words is suggested to be less than 1000 (excluding tables and diagrams).


What is a team and what makes teams effective?

All individuals, at some point or another, have had the opportunity to work with a team. A team’s cohesion can impact and organization on the micro, meso, and macro levels. Given your experience in a team, and the knowledge you gained, address the following:

-Discuss the principle types used in the work place today and how teams can advance the interests of an organization.

-Second, assess the role of human professionals in in building a “team” from a group of “individuals.” In particular, discuss two strategies that a human resource professional can utilize that will encourage individuals within the organization to work more collaboratively as a team.


introduction to a biblical book

Critical Assignment: Introduction to a Biblical Book

The students will write a critical introduction to a book of Bible. Each student will select a biblical book, read it in its entirety, and research its historical background, literary structure, major themes, place in the biblical storyline, and theological message. Students should cite at least 6 non-internet, academic sources (books, journal articles, etc.). The paper should be 6-10 pages long (Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1” margins all around) and should include a bibliography (which is not counted toward the page total). The paper should contain the following sections:

a.) Critical Issues (author, date, provenance, occasion, sources, etc.)

b.) Literary structure (two-level outline the major sections of the book and then a 1-2 paragraph summary)

c.) Place in the storyline of the Bible (use Roberts here)

d.) Major themes and theological message

e.) Personal reflection on the book

Suggested resources: ESV Study Bible, New International Commentary on the Old Testament, New International Commentary on the New Testament, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology

See the rubric attached to the assignment in week 8 for more details on how the critical assignment will be assessed.

This is the Critical Assignment for this course and must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course.

* All work submitted for this course must be your own work, must have been developed specifically for this course, and may not have been submitted for evaluation or assessment in any other course. The Critical Assignment must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course.


see detail

Please answer the following questions in detail.

1. Define gender identity and sexual orientation?
2. What is generational forgetting?
3. Define BMI.
4. Define drug abuse and drug addiction.
5. What does social norms approach mean?
6. What is the postformal thought?
7. What is delay discounting?
8. What is dialectical thought?


see detail

List and describe 3 special education disability categories according to NJAC 6A:14-3.5 using the following link:


Race to freedom, 12 years’ slave, birth of a nation, free state of jones, Roots 2016

1 paragraph-thesis, paragraph summary of the film, 3 paragraph analyse specific examples the depiction of history which occur historical issues last paragraph asses the film and its historical impact. Film review in one of the movies, Race to freedom, 12 years slave, Birth of a Nation 2016, Free State Jones, Roots 2016. Film review word processed, double space, with one inch margin and a 12 font 4 pages


Nurse to patient ratio policy in Indiana

Need to develop and thoroughly analyze the nurse to patient ratio in central Indiana and advocate for a change and how it improves the health of the public and nursing globally. I picked this topic due to the nurse shortage in America and how it is stressing our healthcare system, patients and nurses. generally, in my healthcare system the nurse to patient ratio is 6-7 to 1 nurse on the med/surg. floor.


Health Indicators Graphical Representation

Consider the information discussed in Ch. 7 regarding the three indicators of health: life expectancy, infant mortality, and subjective well-being.
Determine what these indicators are for each state and gender within your Learning Team – State is Nevada – Female, Illinois – Female, and California – Male
Create a visual representation of each culture using graphs in Microsoft® Word, Excel®, or another program. You can view some examples of visual representations on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Consider what factors may contribute to the differences found in your results.

Reading – Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2013). Culture & Psychology (5th ed.).


Open Discussion post

Open Discussion Post 2: You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum that add value to the topic that is covered that week linking theory to real-world examples. You will have two open discussion postings during the semester (Check syllabus calendar for when Open Discussion Postings will be due).

Find & Post (or post a link to) a concept of Rhetorical Public Address (photo, short video, a brief piece of writing, song, etc. — that no one else in the class has posted to the blog yet) related to this weeks chapter(s). No two posts can be identical.
– Analyze the object according to requirements for the week.
– Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.
– Posts will be made in the Canvas discussion forum.
– Each post should be at least 3 paragraphs in length.

This is the this weeks speech we had to watch: nelson mandel’as speech of when he got released from prison.


Greek and Roman Mythology (Argument Essay)

explore one or several related key components of myths and use the myths we have been reading to demonstrate it/them. In other words, you will want to take a broader approach in this paper and present an argument about how a particular myth or group of myths demonstrates other aspects of mythology


Two families of different ethnicity and/or race

Students are required to observe, compare and contrast two families of different ethnicity and/or race and compare and contrast including, but not limited to; the culture, values, ethnicity, customs, family expectation, interactions, role etc. of the families (Incorporate information and knowledge gained from texts and supplemental sources)


Maslow’s needs hierarchy provides a useful framework for understanding how and why local products and brands can be extended beyond home country borders. How can needs hierarchy be used in global marketing

MKT542 essay instructions

This is a MKT542 Global Marketing course

Textbook: Global Marketing 6th Edition, 2011
ISBN- 13: 9780137023868
Arthur’s: Warren J. Keegan and Mark C. Green
Publisher: Prentice Hall
The essay needs to be primarily written based on the text book. (I have uploaded this information from the book)
The structure of an essay begins with the introduction which is the first paragraph and it introduces the topic. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences. Then the body of the essay elaborates on the topic and it is at least 3 paragraphs of at least 3 – 4 sentences. The essay is finished with the conclusion which is the last paragraph and is a summary of the main points of the essay. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences.
References (APA Style): Need two references. At least one reference from the text book listed.


Human Resources

Read the “The First 90 Days” PDF. Using what you learned in this week’s module, write a 1 page double-spaced paper applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to the PDF, identifying the 5 types of needs within the article. Would you argue the article successfully or unsuccessfully portrays Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to prospective employees? Why?


Article critique relating to Negotiating Dynamics: Strategies and Skills

Read the attached documents and answer the following questions:
1. Present your understanding of the elements of Schatzki’s “Settlement Range” and why and how to use these elements to your advantage in “Negotiations for Compromise Settlements.”
2. Present your understanding of Schatzki’s “Three Strategic Forces” and provide your own example (not one provided in the book) of how to use each “strategic force” in a negotiation.
3. Present your understanding of Colosi’s multi-dimensional decision-making processes in negotiations and his recommended guidelines for each dimension.


Journal 2

Sources: Listen to the podcast
Answer the
Description: This 37-minute Fresh Air interview addresses how we should treat children and adolescents who have committed crimes, many of whom have Conduct Disorder.

1. According to the book’s author, what is the biggest predictor of adult incarceration? Why might that be?

2. What should be the role of treatment in juvenile facilities?

3. What do the evidence-based programs do that is different from other facilities?

Read this article
Lenz, A. S., & Hollenbaught, K. M. (2015). Meta-analysis of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for treating PTSD and co-occurring depression among children and adolescents. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 6, 18–32. doi:10.1177/2150137815573790

1. What is trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy? How would this treatment involve children and their parents?

2. What were the results of this study? How did these results vary by group (age, gender, etc.)? What does this say about the efficacy of this therapy?

3. What are the implications of this study? With whom should this therapy be used? Are there any limitations to this study?



Using MLA format, create a four to five page essay about how segregation and/or gentrification have impacted communities in the United States. In your argument you must also explain how governments and private industries have used “justice” arguments to allow segregation and/or gentrification.

For this essay you must cite at least twice from the book “Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do” (using chapters 2, 3 and 6) and twice from the book “The Color Of Law” (using pages 1-100)
Also, follow these guidelines to build your arguments:

Make certain that your thesis states the topic and asserts something specific and significant about it. Underline the thesis, which should be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph.
Your topic sentences should point backward in that they prove part of the thesis, and they should also point forward in that they are a predictor of what will be discussed in particular paragraphs.
Check for coherence in your paper. Link your ideas together by using transitions and/or inserting phrases or subordinate clauses when appropriate.
Your conclusion should drive home the main idea of the essay and summarize key concepts that you want your reader to take away from your essay.


Biology and Technology in the Real World

recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems
•make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations
•weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge and the scientific method
•use knowledge of biological principles, the scientific method, and appropriate technologies to ask relevant questions, develop hypotheses, design and conduct experiments, interpret results, and draw conclusions

1. Select one of the topics listed below (a-e).

2. Find at least three reliable information sources related to your chosen topic. You are encouraged to use the UMUC library in your search:

3. Write a paper with title page, introduction, several paragraphs addressing the questions, conclusion and references. You must write in your own words and paraphrase information from the selected information sources, addressing each of the questions for your chosen topic. Your paper should consist of less than 10% direct quotes. Your paper should be 750-1500 words, excluding references and title page. Use APA style for references:

4. Submit your assignment to the Assignment folder by the due date listed in the course schedule.

Topics (select one)

a) Stem cells. Your friend has suffered a spinal cord injury after a bad car accident. The medical team has decided that he is a good candidate for a clinical trial using stem cell therapy. Your friend has not had a biology course since high school, so you decide to write him a letter sharing your knowledge of stem cells. Include in your letter a description of the biology of stem cells and how these cells are unique from other cells. Contrast the different types of stem cells, including pros and cons for each type. Explain how stems cells can be used to treat diseases and injury, with special focus on spinal cord injuries. Include information from at least one research study or clinical trial. Conclude with your own opinion.

d) Vaccines. Your friend is worried about the many vaccines that his newborn son is scheduled to receive and asks you for advice since you are taking a biology course. Start with an explanation of how vaccines work. Briefly contrast the traditional methods used to create vaccines with more recently used biotechnology techniques. Then list some of the diseases that babies and children in the US are routinely vaccinated against. How has vaccinations impacted the frequency of these diseases over the past 100 years? Why are some people worried about giving their children vaccines? Is there scientific evidence to support these concerns? Conclude with advice to your friend in regard to getting the recommended vaccines based on what you learned from reliable information sources.


Leadership styles influence employee engagement during organizational change

See additional materials. Request is for:
Introduction = 1,500, Literature Review = 5,000, Research Methodology = 2,500. I will complete the research and conclusion.


Old Testament Biblical Leadership Theme Report

Biblical Leadership Theology for the everyday leaderForrest/Roden textbook reading assignments. Each paper must contain a title page, 1-page introduction, 5-page summary analyses of major leadership themes, and a 1-page conclusion and bibliography/reference page. The report must be in the style format pertaining to the student’s degree program

After reading through the 19 chapters of the O.T. provide a concise summary of 3 to 5 major themes per testament. Summarize each theme but more importantly provide an analysis identifying the reasons why each theme is especially important to you or to our generation in regards to practicing Godly leadership no matter the context of one’s vocation or location.


Evaluation of care protocols to prevent catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s)

This paper focuses on Theoretical Framework. Choose a Nursing Theory to support: Evaluation of Care Protocols to prevent catheter associated urinary tract infection’s (CAUTI’s).
-Secondary Theory outside Nursing discipline may be used
-This paper will include description of the theory and its major components, concepts, definitions, assumptions and propositions
– Include the four metaparadigm concepts (Must utilize the most current primary theory source)
-Include the health, person, and environment as they are defined by the theorist and operationally defined by writer
-Theoretical definitions should be cited in APA
Resources cited in APA, Nursing journals within last 5 years


Leadership Experience

Hello there-
This is an admission essay aiming to show the applicant’s leadership.
Original detailed description of the essay is provided below:
Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.
Things to consider: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or a taking lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about your accomplishments and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities?
Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?
Here is the example I want you to write about:
The parents of the applicant are both firefighters, whose knowledge influenced the applicant since young. After learning that the people in the community, especially kids, are lack of knowledge in preventing careless fires, the applicant (“I”) set up a club in high school and gathered more students of the same interest to share the knowledge in the community by holding events and lectures. At last, the result turned out great, more and more people started to pay attention on firefighting, and him as the founder of the club shows leadership in the community.
Some requirements I want you to talk about in the essay:
– the story provided is not detailed, please fill in the details and make it a fluent, consistent, high-quality story.
– please avoid directly praises of leadership in the essay, our aim is to show it, not to tell it.
– please add minor difficulties to the progress of founding the club and holding the event, so that the story is closer to reality.
– I would highly recommend writing the story from details to broader view, or in other words, do not follow chronological order and start the essay from the event and then talk about how all these things happen and at last talk about the outcome.
– in the conclusion part of the essay, please show some thoughts and opinions of the applicant, like how he likes the outcome and how he thinks this is going to affect the community in the good way.
– word limit is about 300 words
– enclosed file is the applicant’s personal statement and his essay based on his diverse background, may be helpful to you.
– thank you for your effort.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on different days in one or more of the ways listed below. Respond to colleagues who selected a different Case Study than you did.
Case Study:Case Study One: Selecting the Certification Exam for your specialty.
Mary is in the last two months of her program of study. She is trying to decide whether to take the American Association of Nurse Practitioner Credentialing Exam or the American Nurses Credentialing Exam.
Reflect on the differences between certifying bodies that offer credentialing exams for registered nurses.
Provide key components a Nurse Practitioner should consider when relocating from one state to another.
Must include:
-Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings
-responds to questions posed by faculty
-the use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives
-Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues
-Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources
**I have provided two different posts that need two separate replies. Each reply must have two references.

Please respond to each student with One Peer Reviewed Article.


Van Woerkom & De Reuver, 2009 research addressed that fact that transformational leaders can be the predictors of job satisfaction among employees and predict high performance levels amongst international managers within the workplace although the research discovered that some individuals who are placed in managerial positions exhibit transformational leadership styles whiles others do not, which causes a decrease in job satisfaction.


The measure for the study is a self-reporting one and any one who has worked in addictions knows that a addict’s reliably is very low more so when they are in active detox. None of the measures are considered 100% reliable. Because there is no single perfect measure of craving, it is essential that researchers understand the limitations of each measure (Sayette, Shiffman, Tiffany, Niaura, Martin, & Shadel, 2009). My plan for the study is to run an ABAB type of experiment to simplify the procedure.


The aim of the research is to determine the impact of charismatic leaders in an organization and relationship between charismatic leadership and employee performance turnover. There have been studies on different typed of leadership, but few studies have been conducted on the effect of charismatic leadership on employee turnover. Danişman, Tosuntaş and Karadağ (2015) conducted a meta-analysis on how leadership affects organization performance.

Contributing factors of racial profiling in law enforcement, through family, friends, and social environment.

Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 15-20 page (not counting the cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in APA format. Once you have submitted this assignment it is automatically run through (plagiarism checker).

Proofread final paper carefully for spelling, punctuation, missing or duplicated words. Make the effort to ensure that your final paper is clean, tidy, neat, and attractive and is in proper APA format. Be sure to have your final paper ready a day or two before the deadline. This gives you peace of mind and a chance to triple check. Before handing in your assignment for marking, ask yourself: “Is this the VERY BEST that I can do?”
Proof read your paper.

All work should be submitted in APA 6th Edition style, which includes (if sources are used) in-text citations and sources listed on a References page.

Problem Based Assignment

There is a legal issue described in the attached file.
The assignment is to provide advice on the contract law issues provided (worth 21 marks). An additional 4 marks is rewarded for structure, evidence of research and referencing. Referencing includes footnotes and a bibliography however they do not make up part of the word limit. Please use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC) as your referencing format.

Marketing plan for a non-profit organisation called Bush Australia Heritage

This is a 40 pages assignment for 2 people, but my group member discontinued course so my professor have reduced the word limit from 40 to 20 pages. And i need help for the first 10 pages. These pages should include the the part of Business Scope, Definition & Direction Situation Analysis: External Analysis Industry Analysis Competitor Analysis Customer Analysis Situation Analysis: Internal Analysis Marketing Capabilities SWOT. And the i have upload the client information, please read it, and i have upload two examples form past years, the brand was different but the structure should remains same, if you have questions just refers to these examples.

Learning Reflections

While the blog is built throughout the term, the reflective report is to be developed towards the end of the term, as it
requires you to present a critical self-analysis and reflection of your learning as a result of experiencing Design
Thinking activity within this unit. The self-analysis and reflection must consider your personal development, as well as
the development of your knowledge of Design Thinking topics. As a conclusion, students are to develop an action
plan of key events and activities that they can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire any knowledge, skills
and behaviours identified as requiring development.
The reflective report should be submitted as a Word document with a length of 2,500 words (+/- 10%), excluding
preliminaries, tables, figures and references. Your reflective report must make reference to appropriate academic
literature and theory in a critical way. Moreover, the report MUST explicitly reference appropriate evidence in your blog
using a clear cross-reference system. The reflective report must make use of at least 10 high-quality references
(APA style)

Watch both of the following TED Talks below, and reflect on how the content of these videos relates to the course and to your life. Consider and explain how the media impacts our ability to learn through the effects of multitasking, and how the TED Talks and this class are examples of learning via media.

Next, how can the concepts introduced in the talks be used by you to improve success and/or quality of life? Identify specific examples in your real life and career.

• TEDTalk: Paolo Cardini – Forget multitasking, try monotasking Links to an external site.[Video file, 2:52 mins]. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
TED Talk: Zeynep Tufekci – We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads Links to an external site. [Video file, 22:55]. Retrieved from:


Organization for Nonprofit Work

Describe how the nonprofit sector is legally structured and how the mission relates to leadership performance and service outcomes.
Integrate proper planning and decision-making through careful management of employees, managers, paid staff, volunteers, etc.
Describe how legal requirements shape nonprofit governance and executive leadership decision-making.

Describe how a nonprofit executive can determine what functions are necessary to pursue the organization’s board-established mission? How does one determine what staff positions are necessary to operate those functions? If there is inadequate funding available for a staff position the ED feels is necessary, how can the ED accomplish that work?
At least one of the sources needs to be from (Worth, Part III, Managing the Nonprofit Organization)

Please write a 2-3 page essay to explain and elaborate on each of those points.

The paper must be in APA format

No abstract is required for this paper

You must have a minimum of 4-5 sources (at least 1-2 should be from peer-reviewed sources)

Provide examples to support your analysis of each point

Creating a Business Dashboard


Designing and developing a reporting system using good spreadsheet design practice. You’d need to conduct some independent research to find out how to create different elements in your report.

Note: Lecture 4 & 5 files are supplementary materials

Argue (for or against) UNCITRAL Model Law effectiveness in Cross Border Corporate Insolvency.

• You must demonstrate understanding of Australia Corporations Act s 581 and s 583, and draw comparison with UK s426 and US broad discretion.
• You must demonstrate high level understanding of Chapter 5 of Australia’s Cross-Border Insolvency Act (not 5.2, 5.4A) and s 601CL of the Corporations Act.
• You must incorporate these cases into your essay Alari [2018] FCA 1067, Edelsten [2016] FCA 1269, Zetta Jet [2018] FCAFC 132, Suk [2016] FCA 1404.
• You must demonstrate understanding of Part 4 of UNCITRAL Cross Border Insolvency Model Laws 2014.
• You must demonstrate comprehension of recent and pending reforms in this area in the jurisdictions you chose, e.g. US (2018), Europe (2017 regulations), Singapore (17/18 reform) etc.
• You must use authoritative report when referencing cases. Mark will be deducted for each reference contradicting AGLC. Foreign laws and precedents must be in the correct AGLC reference.
• you start with by researching how US Chapter 11 (or other jurisdictions of your choice) differs from Australian corporate insolvency legislation, look at cases where Australian companies accessed US courts to protect assets from quick sale liquidation. What about Australian creditors seeking recovery in other jurisdictions? Which jurisdiction seeks to be “treaty-shoppers paradise”, and which jurisdiction seeks maximum protection for special classes of local creditors (e.g. employees and tax office priority as unsecured creditor), which jurisdiction seeks to encourage entrepreneurship and risk-taking. Chart UNCITRAL model law enactment against this spectrum.
• Consider your argument on effectiveness – effective against what standard/measurement?
• Your argument may parallel the territorialism vs universalism vs modified universalism debate, but no mark is allocated for historical or theoretical research, mark is only given for arguments backed by cases.
• Remember if you deem the UNCITRAL model law not effective, you must give case evidence to show why European regulation on cross-border insolvency is more effective, theoretical and hypothetical discussions do not strengthen your argument.

In eight (8) sentences, provide examples from the reading that demonstrate how the structure of racial residential segregation negatively impacts the quality of education received by minority students.

The name of the book is: The Shame of the Nation by Jonathan Kozol. First edition

Think of the best leader or manager you have ever known (or your ideal leader or manager) in nursing or another field. How did this person lead others? How did you feel working with this leader? What impact did this person’s leadership style have on your future leadership?

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).
• CO1: Propose individualized comprehensive care by integrating theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines when planning comprehensive patient-centered care. (PO1)
• CO2: Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO2)
Think of the best leader or manager you have ever known (or your ideal leader or manager) in nursing or another field. How did this person lead others? How did you feel working with this leader? What impact did this person’s leadership style have on your future leadership?

Environmental Ethics: Mora Considerability

12-15 pages on the topic of Moral Considerability/ Theories about how we should treat non-human animals (in relation to humans) and life in general. This prompt has two sections: “I. General Instructions” and “II. Headings and Further Instructions for Phil. 338 Midterm Paper.” Please make sure to use the outline of headings provided in the second section when doing your paper, as instructed. You should spend at least 75% of your paper on summarizing and critiquing the theories of the authors listed and not more than 25% giving your considered opinion on the moral issues listed below. Also, please organize your paper modularly; i.e. with discrete sections/headings for the theories and sub-sections/sub-headings for the theorists we studied under those theories. Please give your answers to the moral issues questions either at the beginning or end of the essay.

Anchoring the agora in archaic and classical Greek poleis (c. 800-300 BCE)

The agora can be considered the foundational space of the Greek polis: a communal space set aside as a podium for civic life. It developed in the centre of the urban fabric, lined with herms, sanctuaries, altars and temples. Beside operating partly or on specific moments as a market place, it was first of all a civic space, the heart of the polis as a social, religious and political community. In all Greek poleis, the agora became an important anchor for political, cultural and religious innovation. The introduction of new gods was successful when they received a sanctuary near the Acropolis or on the agora. Regime change, treaties and incisive legislation were anchored in the polis by collective oath taking on the agora. In sum, the agora was a quintessential element of one of the most conspicuous innovations of ancient Greece, the citizen-state, in which the demos as a collective was sovereign, represented in multiple authoritative bodies.

This PhD project will investigate the creation of the agora in Greek poleis from the Early Iron Age to late classical times, as a place where institutional innovations were anchored in physical terms (environmental context, spatial configuration and architectural design) and as a civic space whose very conception influenced the kind of polis’ institutions founded there. A second objective concerns the choice of its location: were primarily practical considerations (e.g. close to the harbour) involved or also anchoring processes (e.g. close to a pre-existing sanctuary)?

The agora can be considered the foundational space of the Greek polis: a communal space set aside as a podium for civic life. It developed in the centre of the urban fabric, lined with herms, sanctuaries, altars and temples. Beside operating partly or on specific moments as a market place, it was first of all a civic space, the heart of the polis as a social, religious and political community. In all Greek poleis, the agora became an important anchor for political, cultural and religious innovation. The introduction of new gods was successful when they received a sanctuary near the Acropolis or on the agora. Regime change, treaties and incisive legislation were anchored in the polis by collective oath taking on the agora. In sum, the agora was a quintessential element of one of the most conspicuous innovations of ancient Greece, the citizen-state, in which the demos as a collective was sovereign, represented in multiple authoritative bodies.

This PhD project will investigate the creation of the agora in Greek poleis from the Early Iron Age to late classical times, as a place where institutional innovations were anchored in physical terms (environmental context, spatial configuration and architectural design) and as a civic space whose very conception influenced the kind of polis’ institutions founded there. A second objective concerns the choice of its location: were primarily practical considerations (e.g. close to the harbour) involved or also anchoring processes (e.g. close to a pre-existing sanctuary)?

How technology and digital media affect learning and development

Research Essay: Students will complete a four-page research essay on one of the following topics:
“How technology and digital media affect learning and development.”
APA format must be used, for additional information see the Citation Guide in the research essay module. The research essay should include a title page with your name, course name and the date. The research essay should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, have page numbers and a 12-point Times New Roman font should be used.
In addition to the textbook, students are required to use a minimum of four research journal articles as references.
All references must be cited using the APA format. Do not copy sources. Any idea that is not your own must be cited (even if you change the words in a sentence you must cite the source, as it is not your original idea). Be sure to closely follow the APA citation guide.

What are some other sociology resources in the library such as popular non-professional journals, magazines and newsletters (Example: Digital Theatre Plus)?

Sociology 1010: Library Assignment

This assignment requires the use of various electronic resources. Refer to the PGCC Library located at the following web site: and click on the Research Guides Tab for information on accessing appropriate databases, correct documentation using the American Sociological Association (ASA) Style Guide (4th edition, 2010) format, and information on plagiarism.

Your library assignment requires that you type a 1½ page, double-spaced paper that addresses the following questions:

1. What are some professional—peer-reviewed—sociology journals found in the library (Example: Journal of Sociology)?

2. What are some other sociology resources in the library such as popular non-professional journals, magazines and newsletters (Example: Digital Theatre Plus)?

3. What is plagiarism and what are some ways that you can avoid it?

4. Write the following sources in proper form for ASA documentation.
a. Your sociology course textbook citation.
b. A journal article titled: Study Habits of First Year Sociology Students by Leslie Anne Rhoades published in year 2004, volume 8, page 56, in the Journal of Sociology.

5. What did you learn from this library assignment?

Note: Place a cover sheet in front of this document that consists of your name, college course, title of assignment, and date.

Mediation Regulation vs. Self-Determination 3 pages, 3 reference (M6A2 M6A2: Active Listening Exercise)

What is the value of a mediation agreement if it is broken?
Because the government does not regulate the process of mediation, bringing an agreement to court for legal enforcement against a party who has not upheld their side is not an easy task. In the event the system became more structured, mediation agreements could potentially include prescribed elements and disclosures which may result in more uniformity and aid in decreasing the ambiguity facing mediation and assist those in upholding the agreement.
A few questions you may ask yourself prior to attempting the assignment:
Would the mediation industry benefit from this type of regulation?
Will a more regulated system limit the types of disputes or outcomes that may be achieved?
Does regulated meditation alter the individual’s right to self-determine how they will engage a third party to help resolve a dispute?
For this assignment, please read:
Excerpts of the Uniform Law Commission (The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws) Uniform Mediation Act
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
Final Act
Act Summary
Why States Should Adopt
Opinion – Jerusalem Post
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
For this assignment, write a 750-1250 word (3-5-pages) paper that will discuss the pros and cons of uniform governmental regulation of the delivery and process of mediation, as well as regulating the mediators.
In your analysis of the impact of uniform governmental regulation on the mediation, be sure to address the following in your paper:
Pros and cons of the cost to government and to the public
Pros and cons of a certification process to becoming a mediator
Pros and cons of any impact this may have on the quick and efficient mediation services the which the public is familiar.

M6A2 Active Listening Exercise
Watch the following video:
The Daily Conversation. (2014, September 23). Leonardo DiCaprio’s powerful climate summit speech
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
[Video file,3 minutes 30 seconds]. Retrieved from
Summarize the content of Leonardo DiCaprio’s speech in a minute and a half or less for your recording.
Be sure and include Mr. DiCaprio’s position in your written portion of the assignment. How does he defend his position? What is Mr. DiCaprio asking the audience to do (what does he need in the form of actions)? Remember, needs are not always explicitly stated. Also include responses to the following:
Did you notice a difference in your ability to summarize in this exercise as compared to the one in the last module?
What skills do you still need to work on?
What skills do you believe you are performing well?

Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your EBP proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.
So GCU library has CINAHL database and Proquest Nursing & allied health database.

In an approximately three-page paper, answer the following questions:
Think about your own campus. List five of the dominant values on your campus. Now list five dominant norms and five artifacts that reflect those values or contradict them.
Do you think your campus culture is different from or typical of most college campus cultures? How do you know this, or why don’t you know enough to answer this question?
Identify some of the visible subcultures on campus. What makes each a subculture rather than just a bunch of people who have something in common?
Do you feel as though you are part of the dominant culture on campus? A microculture? A subculture? A counterculture? Some of these? All of these? Explain.
Why is a campus culture important? How does it influence how you spend your time and energy in college?
Do you think your campus culture has encouraged you to become a more active citizen? Are you engaged with civic activities on campus? Off campus? Why or why not? If not, is there something in your campus culture that has discouraged your active citizenship? If there is, what is it, and what do you think might help change this type of culture?”

Topic: Nutrition

Find a major supermarket, GNC, pharmacy, etc. that carries a variety of dietary supplements and take a few minutes to wander the aisles and examine what they have to offer. Find one supplement that looks to be generally safe for normal use and a second that seems suspicious in some way (iffy, dangerous, misleading, worthless, or unsavory). You don’t need to purchase these supplements, but take some notes about the ingredients, warnings, recommended use, nutrient information. Using the resources in the Dietary Supplements module, as well as the Tolerable Upper Limit Table on pgs 538-541 of the USDA DRI Guide

, discuss why you consider the first supplement to be safe and why you consider the second to be suspect. Be specific with your argument. If there is information in the primary literature about the safety, or risk of taking these substances, feel free to include it.

Exploration of the significance of the spiritual and psychological environment in health care.

Discussion 4.2 – Exploration of the significance of the spiritual and psychological environment in health care.

The seen environment is often evident with the use of your five senses, although it may “fool” you at times. The unseen environment is one which is often harder to detect and can only be perceived indirectly. The struggle which exists in the unseen environment may affect you and your patients more than we realize, thus keeping the focus and being prepared for the unseen becomes important in all nursing encounters.

Respond to the discussion board questions posted:

In what ways does the spiritual and psycho-social environment affect health?
Think of a time when you or someone you know was put into the role of “patient” (either in a hospital or outpatient setting). What impressed you, positively or negatively, in the health care environment?

What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs?

Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.

The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations.

Your assignement will be in APA format and must include a properly formatted reference list.

Identify the specific stakeholders that relate to your proposed problem. Describe their anticipated needs and analyze how these needs conflict or align. Define specifically how you plan to address the needs of your stakeholder groups in your proposed project.
In 1600-1750 words, excluding the title and references pages, identify the specific stakeholders that relate to your proposed problem. Describe their anticipated needs, and analyze how these needs conflict or align. Describe the roles these stakeholders will play in your proposed project. Define specifically how you plan to address the needs of your stakeholder groups in your proposed project. Include references to relevant theory or research on best practices and lessons learned about various stakeholder groups, as appropriate to support your conclusions.


Instruction for the scholarly paper phase 2

1. For the Introduction section (see rubric for details),
a. introduce the assigned paper topic;
b. explain that the purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the assigned article;
c. explain that that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be included; and
d. length must be 50–75 words.
2. For the Article Summary section (see rubric for details),
a. clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175–200 words;
b. content must include main ideas from across the entire article;
c. specifics should be excellent;
d. content must be attributed to the correct source; and
e. Instructor feedback from Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section.
3. For the Impact section,
a. clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice;
b. length must be 125–150 words;
c. writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice;
d. use first person in this section; and
e. Instructor feedback from Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section.
4. For the Conclusion,

a. write a concise summary of main points of the paper;
b. provide a concluding statement; and
c. length must be 75–100 words.
5. Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission.
6. Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment. See #2 above.
7. Note: Assigned Article must be used for this assignment. Failure to do so may result in loss of points and/or Academic Integrity violation investigation.

The affect of the Median Money Income on Personal Consumption Expenditures while holding constant the affects of the prime interest rate, consumer credit outstanding, unemployment, and gross savings and investment

Purpose Statement:

This study will determine the affect of the Median Money Income (Income) on Personal Consumption Expenditures (EXPENDITURES) while holding constant the affects of the Prime Interest Rate (INTEREST), Consumer Credit Outstanding (OUTSTANDING CREDIT), Civilian Unemployment (UNEMPLOYMENT), and Gross Savings and Investment (S&I).

Topic: Barriers to nursing practice

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Theme of Reputation in The Crucible

The Crucible Essay

Theme: Reputation

Though it was written in the 1950s in the era of McCarthyism and takes place during the Salem Witch trials, The Crucible is still relevant today. It is a complex play about the dark nature of humanity, how fear and hysteria lead to blame, scapegoats, destruction and cowardice, how power structures influence who has agency and who doesn’t, how some groups of people are more easily swayed than others, and ultimately how belief and religion are two very different things.

You will write an argumentative essay in which you analyze a recent event through the lens of The Crucible, explaining how it is either a type of modern day witch hunt, or it has the danger of becoming one.

Some topics to consider: The presidential election, the outing of Harvey Weinstein and others, the targeting of certain ethnic groups as terrorists, kneeling during the American anthem at NFL games, social media “witch hunts,” #metoo, freedom of religion, the campaign against refugees, etc… I’d like it to be something within the last ten years please.

There are many ways to organize this paper. You could focus on one thematic idea—like on fear and hysteria. Or you may want to focus on power. Regardless, your paper should explore how the event is a type of “witch hunt” or at least has the potential and why. You will also want to relate it to The Crucible as you write, explaining what is either similar or different about the two.

Length—3-4 pages
MLA formatting
Introduction with a clear thesis that addresses the prompt
Supporting body paragraphs with evidence from sources

Sources: 2, not counting The Crucible

Topic: Point of View in Sing Unburied Sing

Book: Sing Unburied Sing by Jesmyn Ward
Question: Why did the author use multiple points of view to tell the story?

write a 2 – 3 page essay exploring your answer to the question.

Remember to use in-text citations in MLA format.

Please do not put a heading on your paper.

Mini Case FedEx and UPS

Please look at the file i have added for the mini case
Read Mini-Case, “FedEx and UPS: Maintaining Success while Competing Aggressively” on page 168. Answer questions 1 and 2 at the end of the exercise (write in paragraph form; do not list question and then answer). You must find a minimum of one peer-reviewed journal article to support your writing. You must use the textbook and article as your references and cite both throughout your paper. You must submit in APA format (see APA template in course resources) and the paper must be a minimum of 1 page.

Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2012). Strategic management competitiveness and globalization (12th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country and why?
Write an essay explaining the technology you have chosen and how it has affected our lives.

Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country and why?
Write an essay explaining the technology you have chosen and how it has affected our lives.

Each response should consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs expressing your ideas in the 250-350 word range.

Please read the attached document “The Deeds of the Divine Augustus”and discuss the following questions:
1.What was the significance of Augustus’ rule? In the long run, did he help or hurt the Roman Empire? Please provide specific examples.
2.Which of the qualities of emperor Augustus as a ruler would you like to find in an American president? Please provide specific examples.

3.Imagine that you are a Roman citizen living during the Pax Romana. How would you feel about your Empire? Please provide specific examples.

formulate a definition of site-based management, but in a different form. I want you to define it for children, (Middle School Students Age 11-14)

Site-based management is a topic that I believe more people need to understand, and that understanding should start early.

write a paper describing how you would define this idea for the kids

What you will have to demonstrate is that the children will clearly have the opportunity to understand what site-based management really is.

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher

: The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your analytical skills by applying them “The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher”, writing a thesis that communicates your analysis of the essay, and writing a well-developed essay with
textual evidence to support your analysis.

Create a survey . Please read the instructions below before getting started.

allows users to prepare surveys of 10 questions each for free and receive up to 100 responses. The use of these sites as learning tools for understanding questionnaire construction and the concept of survey research is invaluable.
For this discussion, register with and design a 5-item questionnaire that you propose to administer to a sample of students in the class. The topic is “perceptions of crime.” Post the link to the survey along with a summary of why you are interested in these questions.
In your initial post, provide the link to the 5-item questionnaire which you created, and provide a rationale for the question format for each item along with the advantages and disadvantages of the formats selected.
End your initial post with an explanation of what aspects of the “perceptions of crime” topic is addressed by your questionnaire, and links the item numbers from the questionnaire to each dimension measured by the 5-item instrument.
For your response posts, select a minimum of two other students in the class and take their questionnaire. Respond to their initial post with specific suggestions on how you would modify or improve their questionnaire items based on item writing principles presented on pages 237-245 of the Maxfield and Babbie (2015) textbook.

Find a popular news article from within the past 10 years that reports on the results of a psychological study. This can be an article or a blog entry published from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc. A great place to look is the APA’s Psychology

STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past 10 years that reports on the results of a psychological study. This can be an article or a blog entry published from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc. A great place to look is the APA’s Psychology news portal: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Read through the article and ensure that it is descriptive and sufficiently long enough in order to draw conclusions from the original research mentioned.

STEP 2: Go find the psychological study or studies that are mentioned in the news report. If you cannot find the exact study they referenced, find one that examines the same topic. Instructions for how to access articles can be found in the “Final Paper: Research in Psychology” Module.. You can find these articles within reputable journals, such as the American Journal of Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Cognitive Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Emotion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Applied Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Counseling Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Educational Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and Memory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The study should have been performed within the past 10 years.

Please Write about The VA Medical Center in Hampton, Virginia. Also, label each section that you cover in the essay. Thank you! Please Write about The VA Medical Center in Hampton, Virginia. Also, label each section that you cover in the essay. Thank you!

Designing and developing a reporting system using good spreadsheet design practice. You’d need to conduct some independent research to find out how to create different elements in your report.

Note: Lecture 4 & 5 files are supplementary materials

Assessment 2: Essay – 40%

Choice 1:
The task here is to research how a particular youth culture has been represented in the media and/or public domain. Students are to choose a specific youth culture and research the ways in which this culture has been represented (This should not be the same as your tutorial presentation. Whereas the tutorial presentation is about how young people themselves participate in youth cultures, this essay is about how others view them).
You are required to
describe how this culture been discussed, debated, problematised or celebrated
identify the main voices in this debate and their concerns
and provide a critical analysis of these debates and issues.
In the past, there has been a broad range of essay topics, including contemporary and historical examples. For instance, subjects have covered: moral panics around heavy metal, sexism, Australian Youth Cultures in hip hop, gender in straight edge, goths as a misunderstood subculture, skaters and public space, young women and punk (drawing on the riot grrl movement), body modification, hipsters and authenticity, race, black politics and hip hop etc.


Choice 2:
What has changed and why? You are required to research a youth culture of the 1930s-1980s and discuss what has changed in contemporary youth cultures and why. Subcultures that you can draw on: Rave culture, mods, rockers, flappers, rock and roll, punk, hippies, skinheads, emo etc.

A MINIMUM of 8 academic resources must be used. You are welcome to use material from media, but this is NOT to be included in your 8 references.

Using the information noted within your textbook Holt, identify at least three indicators that the attached email is an “at home scam.” As you identify each p

Please reference the attached email from an online thread discussing potential “at home scams.” Using the information noted within your textbook Holt, identify at least three indicators that the attached email is an “at home scam.” As you identify each problematic area, ensure you completely support your answer by citing material from Holt. After noting each indicator, discuss what can be done to raise awareness (and thereby prevent) laypersons from being victimized through “at home scams.” The whole thread should be about four paragraphs.

Use references within your textbook and email only.

Cognition Lab Report (Cognitive Psychology) (Statistics

In essence, the research seeks to examine if priming ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ has any influence on the speed of creating descriptions for abstract shapes. The introduction of the assignment is therefore expected to be focused upon justifying why the research is being conducted, and also justifying the precise hypotheses regarding how you think the ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ priming might impact typing speed for the abstract shape descriptions.

Topic: Informatics and the Application of New Knowledge

Prepare for interprofessional stakeholders a 10–12-slide presentation (not including title and reference pages) explaining how nurse leaders can use information technology to improve nursing practices that support and sustain positive patient outcomes. You do not need to actually present your assessment but be sure to include speaker’s notes for each slide.

The dissemination of evidence-based practice outcomes helps nurses build stakeholder engagement and support for the use of information system and technology for health care delivery.
Show Less

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Describe the importance of effective scholarship and evidence-based information to advance the profession of nursing.
Describe the basic differences between research (qualitative and quantitative) and evidence-based practice (EBP).
Describe how nurse leaders use evidence-based practice to support and sustain patient-care outcomes.
Describe how theory development and research exploration supports nursing practice changes that increase positive patient outcome.
Competency 3: Explain the use of information management tools and technologies to monitor and improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.
Identify a nursing practice that has recently changed in a specific health care setting.
Describe how nurse leaders use communication to build interprofessional stakeholder engagements.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Early World Cinema Movements of Mise-en-Scene in The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (193)

Mise-en-scene is a crucial but often overlooked part of a film’s form, including everything we see in front of the camera; costumes, sets, casting, makeup, blocking.
All details of the assignment are in additional materials the rubric included. Focus on the Mise-en-Scene in Robert Wiene’s the Cabinet of Doctor Calligari (1920) Use timecodes as reference

I have a link you could try or the full movie is on youtube!AswQDSEla5m2hPhRcuV5W1FazmITkA

Human Rights, Poverty and Democracy

Respond to the Following Question in one coherent Essay:
What is the relationship between democracy and human rights? What role do developed nations play in human rights promotion as well as combating poverty? Are the current strategies effective? If not, why?
a works cited of a minimum of 3academic sources

Black Edge by Sheelah Kolhatkar

This is an open thesis paper that there weren’t many details on, based on the book Black Edge by Sheelah Kolhatkar. . Teacher is a very hard grader and doesn’t want a book summary, he wants a thoughtful thesis and essay. The thesis and essay should be pertinent to the book, and Michael Cohen, and should not drift off track from what is contained in the book too much. I am requesting this essay because I did not read the book.

How did Owen’s theories about human nature, community and society shape his educational theories and practices?

Gutek, G. L. (1995). A history of Western educational experience (2nd ed.) Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. ISBN: 9780881338188.

The purpose of the paper.
prepare a report on the ways that commercial (and other types of) accommodation providers are making use of home to market their ‘offering’.
You have also been tasked with suggesting ways your organisation might make use of these concepts and why.

2. Background to business (Airbnb)
The business for which you are consulting for. It can be existing or one you created . Write a brief paragraph outlining its location, target market and facilities

3. The Concept of Home
Explain the concept of home.Remember to include intangible aspects, feelings experiences, togetherness, warmth, connection etc. as well as the tangibles.
Whilst globalization—in this case the rise of the trans national hotel corporation-has facilitated the ability for more and more people to travel it has also led to a disconnect between place and hotel.
That is the hotel became about replicating the home of the traveller, rather than be a representation of the home of the people who lived in the place being visited!
However, as tourists have become more sophisticated (that is they become more experienced as they travel more often) they have started to change their behaviours. Whilst initially travelling away from home meant the mitigation of risk—increasingly tourists are understanding that in order to have an authentic or meaningful experience then one needs to engage with not just the landscape through which they travel but also the people who call these places home.

4. How Accommodation providers are making use of the Home Concept
How existing operators are using the concept of home. As a consultant describe and give examples of what existing companies are doing .

5. Creating the Home experience for Airbnb
This is the main part of your report, how your organization will use the concept of home . Take the theory and apply it. Be creative! Give specific details in all aspects of what your business offers.

6. Conclusion

Should Prisons Be Privatized Argumentative Paper

Consider the following topic: Should prisons be privatized?

Locate peer-reviewed articles in the University Library that compare the differences between public-sector and private-sector correctional facilities.

Select a position that is either in support of or in opposition to the privatization of prisons.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word argumentative essay that explains your selected position in regards to the privatization of prisons. Your essay should incorporate supporting evidence that has been gathered from at least two peer-reviewed resources. Include evidence that demonstrates the differences between private and public sector prisons in regards to the following topics:

Operations of correctional organizations
Correctional personnel roles and functions
Correctional issues and practices

Explain and appraise Karl Wittfogel’s thesis that economic forces have for centuries shaped China’s political systems.

You are to answer the topic in relevance to the attached additional materials. The essay must begin with a clear statement of (i) the question at hand, (ii) the answer the essay is advancing, and (iii) a summary (or anticipation) of their case for their answer.

Shakespeare’s Use of War

In the plays Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus and Henry the VI, Shakespeare manages to present the theme of war in various tones. By tracing leading character arcs (or journeys) both symbolically and textually, the theme of war (and possibly any theme) can be observed in a context that provides us with a road map of narrative techniques. In these plays, politics, social status and the pursuit of power, propel motives forward. Although similar, by comparing character arcs with one another, the treatment of these social themes; in this case being within the guise of war, can be further explored to distinguish the variety of ways a theme such as war, may encompass multiple social narratives.

Identify three important and common mistakes made in communicating about risks to public health. Why are they common and what consequences do they have?

Explain three of the functions of vitamin E in the body, give the RDAs for a healthy adult, and then name three dietary sources that are rich in that substance.

QUESTION 1. Please define osteoporosis, and explain three of its important risk factors. Also, please describe three dietary strategies that we can employ in order to minimize risk for osteoporosis.

QUESTION 2. Please define the terms enzyme, coenzyme, and cofactor, and explain how the B complex vitamins fit into this system. Also, please name three specific B complex vitamins and describe their function.

QUESTION 3. Explain three of the functions of vitamin E in the body, give the RDAs for a healthy adult, and then name three dietary sources that are rich in that substance.

QUESTION4. Please explain how antioxidants can protect body tissues, then please name three micronutrients that have significant antioxidant function in the body, tell how much of these nutrients we should be consuming daily, and give two or three good dietary sources for each of these nutrients.

QUESTION 5. Please outline the general processes involved in regulating blood calcium levels and please explain how vitamin D is related to this system.

QUESTION 6. Please explain the role that iron plays in oxygen transport in the human body, and then describe three circumstances that can improve iron status and three that can diminish iron status.

QUESTION 7. Please define the following terms: tonicity, hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic and then explain how they relate to water balance in the body.

QUESTION 8. Please explain the physiological interactions between sodium and potassium, and explain the roles that these ions play in maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

QUESTION 9. According to what we have read and discussed about dietary supplements, what is your opinion of their use? Are they necessary? Are they safe? Can they be included in a healthy diet? Should they be included?

Is your company employing a global strategy in private-label footwear or a strategy that varies significantly from geographic region to geographic region?

Is your company employing a global strategy in private-label footwear or a strategy that varies significantly from geographic region to geographic region? If the latter, what are the specific strategy differences from region to region?

Topic: Race, class and gender

Comment on the following observation:

“Social class has a significant impact on one’s physical health, ability to receive adequate medical care and nutrition, and life expectancy.”

As part of your answer you might consider the following:

(1)While gender and race play significant factors in explaining healthcare inequality in the United States, socioeconomic status is the greatest determining factor in an individual’s level of access to healthcare.
(2) Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions, and their distribution among the population, that influence individual and group differences in health status.
(3) They are risk factors found in one’s living and working conditions (such as the distribution of income, wealth, influence, and power), rather than individual factors (such as behavioral risk factors or genetics) that influence the risk for a disease, injury, or vulnerability to disease or injury.
(4) Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions, and their distribution among the population, that influence individual and group differences in health status.
(5) Health inequality is the term used in a number of countries to refer to those instances whereby the health of two demographic groups (not necessarily ethnic or racial groups) differs despite comparative access to health care services.

Discuss and support the business’s socially responsible reputation.

My report is based on a business being socially responsible and all of the initiatives it takes to ensure it. I included the word doc with instructions straight from my professor. I chose Chik-Fil-A because I know there’s multiple online blogs, research, references, reports, etc. that discuss and support the business’s socially responsible reputation. The instructions say to include topics discussed in the textbook but ignore that part. I’ll go back in afterwards and add some things.

Financing Cities in the Global Economy

***** Devise a table which assesses ways to use taxes and charges to change the flows of people, materials, energy and information through the Parramatta CBD. The table should include possibilities for promoting desirable flows and discouraging undesirable flows. Your table should include an assessment of efficiency and equity outcomes as a consequence of the taxes and charges applied. References may be included but are not essential. The reference list and any symbols used will not be counted as part of the word limit.
**** Note
A cover sheet is not required.
***** Marking Criteria:
Assessment will be based on: layout and legibility of table (25%); appropriateness of funding options (25%); as- sessment of funding options in terms of efficiency and equity (25%); overall effectiveness of argument and approach (25%).
****A detail explanation of how to device the table is given in the additional materials file-1 along with an example table.
PLZ keep in mind the marking criteria and complete the work.

Leadership Practices Research Paper: 3 pages
You will research the following non-profit. This reaction paper is designed for you to use your critical thinking abilities, reflect on the learned class material, and apply it to a current social justice issue.
First, watch the TED video on Jessica Jackley ( (Links to an external site.)). What sort of leadership style is she exemplifying (cite at least one leadership theory from our class)?
Then, focus on the issue from the video. What problem is Jessica working to address? How does she go about solving it? Make sure you also identify the root causes, and her plan to address one of the causes. Also, what were some of your reactions learning about this issue and the root causes?
Next, research from at least 3 different sources (remember to cite these sources). What is the organization about? What is its purpose? Do you believe it is addressing the social justice issue you wrote about earlier? In other words, is Kiva’s approach working? Why or why not?
Lastly, would you donate to Why or why not?
**Use APA format. This should include a cover page, your content (3-5 pages), and a references page. You do not need to include an abstract.
Grading Criteria Pts
Connecting Jessica’s leadership style to your class readings 25 pts
Identifying the issue and its root causes 25 pts
Research on for at least three reputable sources 30 pts
Critical analysis of your research on kiva and its influence on your decision to donate 45 pts
Organization, style, mechanics, and citations 25 pts
Total Points: 150 pts

Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

You will submit the annotation of a quantitative research article on a topic of your interest.
An annotation consists of three separate paragraphs that cover three respective components: summary, analysis, and application. These three components convey the relevance and value of the source. As such, an annotation demonstrates your critical thinking about, and authority on, the source. This week’s annotation is a precursor to the annotated bibliography assignment due in Week 10.
An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation of each source. In preparation for your own future research, an annotated bibliography provides a background for understanding a portion of the existing literature on a particular topic. It is also a useful first step in gathering sources in preparation for writing a subsequent literature review as part of a dissertation.
Please review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined works for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.
Annotate one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
Provide the reference list entry for this article in APA Style followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
A summary
An analysis
An application as illustrated in this example
Format your annotation in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.


Babbie, E. (2017) Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Chapter 3, “The Ethics and Politics of Social Research”

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., & Crawford, L. M. (2016). The scholar-practitioner’s guide to research design. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing.
Chapter 7, “Quality Considerations”

lifestyle modificaiton among type 2 diabetes

to carry out a literature review on lifestyle modifications among type 2 diabetes patients based on aim and objectives below

Purpose and objectives of the study:
The study aimed to explore the demographic factors and lifestyle modification among type 2 diabetes patients in B.Air R.Seche.
The objectives of the study:
1. To explore lifestyle modification among Type2 diabetic patients
2. To investigate the effect of socio-demographic factors of the participants in relation to their KAP.
3. To assess the association of knowledge, attitude and practice with lifestyle modification of type2 diabetes patients.

Critically evaluate the evidence from the case studies
•Comment on whether the research is worthwhile or weakVery high premium quality essay for 1500 words
“Autobiographical Memory is an Accurate Retelling of Our Lives”
Words: 2000 words, Reference APA style

Paragraph 1: Explanation/example of false memory
•What is a false memory
•Malleability of autobiographical memory  explanation, example and prevalence
•Biological + cognitive perspective on how memory is malleable

Paragraph 2: Literature review of false memories

Paragraph 3: Critically evaluate the evidence
•Critically evaluate the evidence from the case studies
•Comment on whether the research is worthwhile or weak
•Weaknesses of the study

Teacher’s Commnets:

It looks as though your first paragraph is fairly content heavy – There are a couple of independent ideas in there that probably need to be divided up.

You may find it difficult to adequately address the question within the word limit if you try to discuss both biological and cognitive perspectives. To be honest, they would both each need their own paragraph to provide enough detail – I would possibly encourage you to stick to one.

If you would like to focus on false memories, I would recommend that you clearly link all of your arguments back to that – just make sure that when you are discussing malleability of memory that you are not deviating too far from actual ‘false memories’ – just keep in mind that it’s not the same as recall of an actual event with some slight inaccuracies.

What do you plan to include in your literature review for paragraph 2? The bulk of the essay should be introducing experimental evidence and then critically evaluating it – it seems like paragraphs 1 and 2 are going to be quite similar.

Also remember that it’s important to discuss some evidence surrounding the other side of the argument – an essay should mention both points of view and then come to a conclusion about which is the most compelling. This will link in fairly smoothly when you are discussing the weaknesses of the research you have presented.

Are you discussing these ideas within a particular scope i.e. childhood memories or legal testimony? It may be worthwhile to have an ‘overarching theme’ that you can link your ideas to. Not essential, although it may help with the flow of the essay.

Lumbar Herniated Disc – Prevention
300 words max
2 Illustrations: 2 – 3 sentence descriptions
5 research articles

All information must be verifiable. It must include citations to a minimum of5 research articles or 5 research articles + 1 peer-reviewedsources (from Pubmed, web of knowledge, Google scholar, text books, etc., not consumer websites, like WebMD, Wikipedia, etc.)It is important to paraphrase and to cite your sources –this gives you credibility as a professional who knows what you are talking

Writing must be in formal, concise encyclopedic prose that is descriptive. No 1stor 2ndperson pronouns are used. Verbose, informal, or colloquial phrases are not suitable. Create shorter paragraphs with headings, like a Wikipedia article. Writing must be descriptive, not prescriptive.

The text must be supported by at least (2)illustrationsof the material. This may include a graph (not a table), diagrams, photos, infographics. All visual artwork and photos must be referenced properlyand not plagiarized from copyrighted sources.

Research Philiosophie in Finance Research

Which of the social science research philosophies presented in the module (see sources: Book Final, Hopper Powell) is most appropriate for your own PhD project (see research proposal with 3 main questions)? Justify your choice and debate why other relevant social science research philosophies are less suitable.

A critical assessment of those philosophies has the be included in this 3500 word essay.
The research questions (see research proposal & m1 research questions) may relate also perhaps to the natural selection paradigm (Darwin, Spencer, Smith et al) as with the research a trading strategy is pursed which better selects stocks that generate higher returns. In addition, the capital cycle (ROIC, ROE) somewhat reflects also a natural cycle just applied to businesses.

Sociological Analysis of the Family

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Paper – Sociological Analysis of the Family
With this paper, I want to see that the students not only have memorized the concepts and theories in order to take the quizzes, but they have understood the material presented in this course and they are able to apply it in analyzing a concrete and basic social group: the family. Therefore, you are expected to review the first chapter and select one of the main theoretical approaches (functionalist theory, the conflict theory or the symbolic-interactionist theory). Then, using your sociological imagination (see chapter 1), analyze your family through the theoretical perspective you selected and make sure that you apply correctly in your analysis at least five of the concepts learned in this course.

Suggestion of concepts you may use in your analysis:

· ethnocentrism/ cultural relativity

· culture/ subculture/ counterculture

· social status (ascribed, achieved, master)

· social role (role strain, role conflict)

· social group (primary, secondary)

· social class/ social mobility/ social inequality

· socialization/ resocialization/ agents of socialization

· deviance/ conformity /obedience

· race/ ethnicity

· accommodation/ acculturation/ assimilation

· stereotype/ discrimination

· gender identity/ gender role

· nuclear family/ extended family

· monogamy/ polygamy

· endogamy/ exogamy

Please, write an original paper of at least 1000 words, avoiding generalization of personal experiences. Think sociologically! Use only the textbook and the notes as bibliographical resources and make sure to mention them at the end of your assignment. The resources are not included in the minimum 1000 words. Make sure to give credit to your bibliographical sources and keep in mind that the quotations cannot represent more than 20% of your paper. Even though you give credit to the author, if the quotations exceed 20% of the paper, this is no longer original. As intellectual theft, plagiarism is graded with zero.

The student will be graded on critical thinking, writing, clarity, organization, and content. You will have points deducted if the paper is shorter than required. If you need assistance with your assignment, the Writing Center is available for free to assist you with your writing needs! The paper must have an introduction and conclusion. Grammar and spelling count!

The name of the textbook is Essentials of Sociology 9th edition by Brinkerhoff, Weitz, and Ortega, 2014.

ISBN- 13:978-1-133-63039-5.

Please send me a draft of paper within 5 days.

Insurance and Economics: Equity Release Mortgages in Insurance Market

General Guideline: Students are expected to investigate some sort of problem. Students should attempt to state the nature of the problem and to explain its importance. These matters will normally be discussed in the introduction. The main body of the report should present the student’s own contribution to the investigation of the problem, and should end with a section in which the student’s conclusions are given.

The Journey Begins: Conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Infancy

Topics this module will include:
Sociocultural Organization of Childbearing and Child-Rearing
Control Over Conception and Pregnancy
Fetal Development
At-Risk Newborns
Typical Infant Development (Physical, Cognitive, and Socioemotional)
The Role of Play
Child Care Arrangements in Infancy (Family Leave and Paid Child Care)
Infants in the Multigenerational Family
Risk and Protective Factors in Conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Infancy
After Completing Module 5, The Student Should Be Able To:
Compare and contrast one’s emotional and cognitive reactions to three case studies.
Recognize the sociocultural context of childbearing and child-rearing.
Give examples of how humans attempt to exercise human agency to get control over conception and pregnancy.
Summarize three trimesters of fetal development.
Describe the special challenges faced by premature and low-birthweight newborns and newborns with congenital anomalies.
Summarize the typical physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development of infants.
Analyze the role of play in infant development.
Analyze cross-national differences in infant care policies.
Identify issues that face multigenerational families with infants.
Give examples of risk factors and protective factors during infancy.
Apply knowledge of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy to recommend guidelines for social work assessment and intervention.

Motor Development Milestones:

The Role of Attachment in Infancy on Later Mental and Physical Health Outcomes:

Biological Issues in Attachment:

The Strange Situation:

In what ways is reading Mansfield Park valuable even if, in the end, any critique of slavery is ambiguous?

Mansfield Park sits at the center of what is probably the most significant critical debate about any Austen novel. Here is how the debate is framed by Robert Tindal in an article published just this past spring:

One of the most influential readings of Jane Austen’s 1811 novel Mansfield Park is that of Edward Said, which focuses on the seemingly minor detail that the Bertram family owns property in Antigua at a time when slaves are still being used in the West Indian island’s sugar plantations, and that various members of the family are seemingly complacent about the fact. Said’s analysis, which is also one of the most memorable literary interpretations in his 1994 work Culture and Imperialism, has been criticized by those who would defend Austen against accusations that she was relatively indifferent to the issue of slavery. However, the issue is ambiguous because the novel is simply not transparent in its attitude toward slavery – not in the outlook of the characters and certainly not in the novel’s position toward slavery as a social institution.

This essay prompt asks you to stake a claim in this debate.What is the place of slavery in the story Austen tells, and what does Mansfield Park tell us about the place of slavery in the story of women and the project of empire building? In what ways is reading Mansfield Park valuable even if, in the end, any critique of slavery is ambiguous?
As part of your essay, include reflections on t Olaudah Equiano, William Beckford, and Maria Nugent as well as Greenfield’s article. In what ways does Mansfield Park echo Beckford’s and Nugent’s accounts? In the face of what we know about slavery from such accounts as Equiano’s, how, in the end, do you feel about Austen’s representation of the world of Mansfield Park?

Please provide the thesis of the essay, the ​essay should contain 6 quotations in total, with two or three being from Greenfield, Beckford, Nugent and Equiano(in attachment). The rest of the quotations should come from the novel ,Mansfield Park.
Mansfield Park e-text:

The Magic Pill Documentary

Extra Credit Questions for The Magic Pill Documentary

1.) The Yonglu People

What do the people of the Yonglu tribe die of today?
What did they die of in the 1970’s?

2.) List 5 of the disease conditions that Michelle suffers from:

3.) List 5 of the medications that Debbie takes:

4.) List 5 of the disease conditions that Abigail suffers from:

5.) The foods our ancestors ate:
For only how many generations has our species been consuming an agriculturally-based diet?
Prior to the introduction of grains, what two types of macronutrients did our species predominantly eat?

6.) The physical fitness of the Yonglu people:
How did the people of Yonglu tribe appear in the photo from the 1970’s?
How do they appear now?
Why? What has changed?

7.) Vegetable Oils:
Why does Dr Kate Shanahan advise against using the vegetable oils like corn, safflower, or soybean oils? (In other words, how are the fats in these oils obtained?)
Dr Kate Shanahan compares using artificial fats in our body to building a house with what item rather than bricks?

8.) What question should every single doctor on the planet be asking every single patient?

9.) List 5 healthy habits the documentary recommends for healthier eating?

10.) List 5 foods that Abigail was eating before the dietary changes:

11.) How did Abigail and her sister react to the dietary changes at first?

12.) How did they react several days after the dietary changes?

13.) Why was Tim Noakes put on trial with the Health Professions Council of South Africa?

14.) What does the documentary say is the logic of eating pastured, grass-fed livestock over grain-fed livestock kept in feedlots. Please describe at least 3 reasons that were discussed in the documentary.

15.) What changes did Michelle experience after changing her diet?

16.) What changes did Debbie experience after changing her diet?

17.) What changes did Abigail experience after changing her diet?

18.) What was the verdict for Tim Noakes’ trial by the Health Professions Council of South Africa?

19.) Why did the people of the Yonglu tribe begin singing and dancing?

20.) Acronyms:

What does SAD mean?

What does LCHF diet mean?


Read the article entitled “Fyre Festival: Anatomy of a Millennial Marketing Fiasco Waiting to Happen.”
Summarize the article, and give your opinions as to why it failed. List at least five things that should have been done differently and describe each in detail.

Social Work client evaluation

Please refer to Understanding Generalist Practice by: Kirst-Ashman and Graftman Hull Jr.

The complexity of evaluation
For many of us the evaluation component is one we would rather walk away from, or for many of us, running is more like it!
My dislike for formal evaluation started in my work with HIV prevention. My question at that time: “In prevention, how can we measure something that does not happen?” How do we know we are making a difference? “If program funding follows success, but people are continuing to get infected, how can we claim success?” All good questions, but as always, there is more to the story. Although I was not a social worker during those years, my questions were valid.

Formal evaluation is lacking in every social work job I have had. In my BSW research class I learned to monitor client learning with a pre and post intervention questionnaire. Thankfully, I had a great research professor who helped me to design and evaluate my work. Since then, there has been no formal opportunities for evaluation. Ethically required, yes. In place in most organizations, no.

Why might organizations not have evaluation as a focus?

As you work towards becoming a social worker, what role do you think evaluation plays in the work you will do? Have you ever really thought about it before? Formal program evaluation kind of looks like math, and that alone can send some of us running. For others, evaluation is a great way to demonstrate need, progress and outcomes.

Considering micro, mezzo and macro practice, where do you think evaluation is most meaningful? Why?

Land Capability – Developing a Land Capability Scheme and Rating Table for the Blackville area

You are going to examine land capability and how to develop and define a land capability scheme and rating table to place land units of varying land quality into appropriate land capability classes for a particular land use. The scheme you devise should apply to the aerial photo you have already classified into land units, but should have wider applicability than just the aerial photograph. Please remember that the land unit classification is summarising the land quality of each unit, while land capability is about forming an opinion on the optimal land use for that particular land unit that leads to minimal land degradation and intervention required by management. This means that for each land unit you need to attribute it to a capability class ranging from Class 1 (best land) to Class 5 (worst land), with qualifiers which indicate the most limiting attribute that defined the overall capability of the land unit.
Please examine your aerial photograph, and compare your land unit classification against the one all the class will be using.

provide a legend with your land capability map that describes/defines the land capability classes, as well as a rating table that demonstrates to me the process you used to assign land capability classes to each land unit.
1. What was the conceptual framework YOU used to derive the land capability scheme?
2. What purpose was the land capability scheme designed for and what were the underlying objectives or reasons for the land capability scheme?
3. Justify the factors YOU selected to form your land capability rating table, and were used to assign land capability classes for each land unit, that is why were they important?
4. Describe YOUR land capability scheme – number of classes, types of land use, the class definitions, the type of information required to define classes. Do the criteria used to define classes adequately cover all the social, economic and biophysical factors that need to be considered? (refer to your rating table and legend)
5. If your scheme was to be used what is required in terms of information, people and resources to use this scheme?
Reference Material
Read the notes on Rural Land Capability, and refer to the NSWDPI website:
Charman, P. E. and Murphy, B. W. (Eds) (2000) (2nd Edition). Soils: Their Properties and Management. Section 15.2: Rural Land Capability, pp. 278-284. Oxford University Press: Melbourne. (in e-reserve)
Grose, J. (1999). Land Capability Handbook. DPIWE. Pp1-79

Hulme, T., Grosskopf, T., Hindle, J., (2002) Agricultural Land Classification. AGdex AC.25, NSW DPI: p1-15. classification.pdf
Van Gool, D., Tille, P., and Moore, G. (2005) Land Evalauation Standards for Land Resource Mapping (3rd ed). Resource Management Technical Report No 298. Dept of Agriculture, WA. Part 3 can be found at:

Outcomes per individual
1. Classify the land into land units. Already assessed, when undertaking the aerial photograph interpretation.
2. Take the generic land unit classification aerial photo and devise a land capability scheme and rating table to place the land unit into capability classes. I do not expect this to be completed in the time allotted but to provide some answers to the above questions and to consider where information can be obtained from such as risk of salinity, soil types and erosion hazard eg flooding.
o Classify the same aerial photo into land capability classes, (clean copy provided) with a legend of the capability classes and definition.
o Provide the land capability scheme and rating table which is the basis for the defining the classes, and assigning land capability classes for each land unit.
o Provide answers to the above questions.

Describe ways in which you seek to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge the world views you hold.

Hello there-
This essay is aiming to show the applicant’s deep thinking on the issue and how he utilized his opinion and his voice to challenge an idea.
Original description of the essay is below:
A liberal arts education challenges you to think critically, reflect purposefully and broaden perceptions. Describe ways in which you seek to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge the world views you hold.
Here is the story I want you to write about: since the applicant’s parents are both firefighters, he gained more knowledge in the field than common public. Seeing neighborhoods kids are not very aware of the knowledge in preventing careless fires, he stepped out his comfort zone to set up a club in school, aiming to hold event and lectures in the community to educate people with less knowledge on this topic. The comfort zone is he is not super outgoing and he is even a bit shy. The driven force is that he can’t stand people get hurt because of not knowing the knowledge. The idea he is challenging is that fire outbreaks are distant from regular people’s lives so it is okay to not be really familiar with all the prevention knowledge even though it is highly recommend by the society (few people care).
I would like you to write a story on how all these happened and focus on his struggle on stepping out of the comfort zone, and how his idea was challenged by the public and how he finally overcame it and made everything happen, people started to look at him in the good way after all his efforts.
Please write the essay in first person perspective, use logical linkage as needed.
Word limit 250~300.

Analyze a SOAP note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting.

Assesment 1: Assessing the Abdomen
A woman went to the emergency room for severe abdominal cramping. She was diagnosed with diverticulitis; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CAT scan. The CAT scan revealed a growth on the pancreas, which turned out to be pancreatic cancer—the real cause of the cramping.

Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time-consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.

In this assignment, you will analyze a SOAP note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients, as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions.

Abdominal Assessment


CC: “My stomach hurts, I have diarrhea and nothing seems to help.”
HPI: JR, 47 yo WM, complains of having generalized abdominal pain that started 3 days ago. He has not taken any medications because he did not know what to take. He states the pain is a 5/10 today but has been as much as 9/10 when it first started. He has been able to eat, with some nausea afterwards.
PMH: HTN, Diabetes, hx of GI bleed 4 years ago
Medications: Lisinopril 10mg, Amlodipine 5 mg, Metformin 1000mg, Lantus 10 units qhs
Allergies: NKDA
FH: No hx of colon cancer, Father hx DMT2, HTN, Mother hx HTN, Hyperlipidemia, GERD
Social: Denies tobacco use; occasional etoh, married, 3 children (1 girl, 2 boys)

VS: Temp 99.8; BP 160/86; RR 16; P 92; HT 5’10”; WT 248lbs
Heart: RRR, no murmurs
Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical
Skin: Intact without lesions, no urticaria
Abd: soft, hyperctive bowel sounds, pos pain in the LLQ
Diagnostics: None

Left lower quadrant pain
PLAN: This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512) but will be required for future courses.
To prepare:

With regard to the SOAP note case study provided:

Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study.
Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.
Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.
To complete:

Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or Why not?
What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least 3 different references from current evidence based literature.

IOM Worksheet

The IOM report is an influential set of recommendations that is being used to shape nursing practice in the US now and in the future. The committee established four key messages about nursing:

1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.

2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.

3. Nurses should be full partners¬–with physicians and other health professionals–in redesigning health care in the United States.

4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.

Each of these recommendations is affected by multiple factors at the organizational, local, state, and national levels. In turn, each message affects multiple systems. As we’ve learned, different aspects of healthcare interrelate with one another, and changing one can have an unexpected effect on “downstream” outcomes.

For this worksheet, identify which of the four key messages you want to address, and answer the following questions:

1. What key message did you choose? Why do you think the IOM chose to emphasize this particular message/what is its purported significance?

br2. What are the factors that affect that message, for good or bad?
On an organizational level?




3. Have you seen changes on this key message being pursued? If so, what are they and where?

4. What are the expected outcomes of those efforts? Do you think these will be accomplished? Why or why not?

5. What is one recommendation you would make to your organization to promote the key message you chose, and why?

What key message did you choose? Why do you think the IOM chose to emphasize this particular message/what is its purported significance?

IOM Worksheet

The IOM report is an influential set of recommendations that is being used to shape nursing practice in the US now and in the future. The committee established four key messages about nursing:

1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.

2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.

3. Nurses should be full partners¬–with physicians and other health professionals–in redesigning health care in the United States.

4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.

Each of these recommendations is affected by multiple factors at the organizational, local, state, and national levels. In turn, each message affects multiple systems. As we’ve learned, different aspects of healthcare interrelate with one another, and changing one can have an unexpected effect on “downstream” outcomes.

For this worksheet, identify which of the four key messages you want to address, and answer the following questions:

1. What key message did you choose? Why do you think the IOM chose to emphasize this particular message/what is its purported significance?

br2. What are the factors that affect that message, for good or bad?
On an organizational level?




3. Have you seen changes on this key message being pursued? If so, what are they and where?

4. What are the expected outcomes of those efforts? Do you think these will be accomplished? Why or why not?

5. What is one recommendation you would make to your organization to promote the key message you chose, and why?


The Part I of this Business Plan has been already done, the Part I so that can be continued with the same segmentation.
The assignment will be completed on an individual basis.
The plan should follow carefully the outlines provided in the Sample and the Grading Sheet.
Part II of your business plan should include the following:
1. Sales Forecast (table format)
2. Organizational Structure
3. Competitive Edge
4. Marketing Strategy
5. Breakeven Analysis
6. Projected Profit and Loss (table format)
7. Projected Cash Flow (Cash Flow Forecast table format)
8. Projected Balance Sheet (table format)
9. Executive Summary

The business plan should be carefully written, clear and logical in its presentation.
A sample of a Business Plan Part II is located in the next document.
You will also find a copy of the grading sheet for the Business Plan Part II to be followed.

Compare the portrayal of women in two creation myths to explain what these similarities or differences tell us about the two belief systems from one perspective (metaphysical, cosmological, or aetiological).

ENGL 122
The paper must have one-inch margins on all sides and use size twelve font, either Times New Roman or Arial. MLA style. Write a 1000-word essay on one of the questions below using reading from the first three weeks of the course. Outside sources are not necessary.

Compare the portrayal of women in two creation myths to explain what these similarities or differences tell us about the two belief systems from one perspective (metaphysical, cosmological, or aetiological). Using Hesiod’s Theogony and Ovid’s Metamorphoses

*Please choose one perspective either metaphysical, cosmological or aetiological.
*Four examples, the outline had only 2.

Develop a method section that is designed to address the research question identified in Assignment 1.

For this assignment you will develop a method section that is designed to address the research question identified in Assignment 1. This section must include all necessary subsections:

a) list your research question at the top of the Assignment

b) sample and sampling plan

c) data collection instruments

d) procedures

e) ethical consideration

Be as specific as possible. To guide the writing of this section, you are urged to use peer reviewed published articles, the APA Manual, and course readings in Mertler textbook. A draft of the method section is due on the discussion board to be shared with your classmates during module 5. It is expected that you will incorporate feedback from peers and instructors into this final version.

Describe the elements of group dynamics and conflict resolution methods.

Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
AC 1.2 Describe the elements of group dynamics and
conflict resolution methods.
Maximum score2

1:2 REFER It is good to see information on theoretical models – Lencioni has been outlined looking at Group Dynamics and the Conflict resolution model outlined is the TKI model. It is good to see an example of how TKI can be used in a real situation. ACTION: To fully cover this criteria please start by referring to lesson 2 and identify a formal or informal group that you have participated in. This then needs to be related to the Tuckman model that has been described. 2 Models need to be presented for Conflict Resolution. Please provide another model in addition to the TKI model, an example for the second model also needs to be added.

pleas see the the webside for more information about what the lactural want.

State how his study is different from the other ones tackled before, and how does it differ from the previous ones in the literature review.

Please, follow the Order Description precisely,
The manuscript (Article) is for publication in one of the international journals indexed with Scopus. Therefore, the manuscript should include followings:

1. The topic should be new and have something valuable that makes paper worthy for publication.
2. The article should include theoretical and empirical/practical parts.
3. Besides the Abstract and Introduction, the writer should include:
• Keywords
• Highlights
• Problems of the Study
• Significance of the Study
• Objectives of the study
• Hypotheses
4. Literature review (Previous studies tackled by other previous researchers about the same or similar study).The Writer should state how his study is different from the other ones tackled before, and how does it differ from the previous ones in the literature review.
5. In the practical part, the writer is kindly requested to specify the sample of the study included in the study. It also should include:
• Results
• Conclusions
• Implications
• Recommendations
6. The article should have a proper model of analysis upon which the entire study is based.
7. The practical part should include:
• Statistical methods
• Figures
• Tables with titles
• Equations
8. All the sources cited inside the manuscript body should be mentioned in the References section. All the sources have to be cited from top tier journals.
9. The manuscript should be identical to a format guide that will be uploaded upon the acceptance of handling the order by the author.

As you prepare for graduation, you will be deciding on either graduate school or job placement. For those students selecting the job process, there are many stages to consider, one of which is the interview. As a criminal justice major, you may pursue jobs in the law enforcement arena. During the interview process and training, law enforcement agencies may ask substantive questions related to ethics or officer trust. Although there are many professions that compel ethical behavior, the cornerstone of law enforcement relies on officer trust.

Submission Details:

By the due date assigned, in at least 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following questions:

Consider the below question as a possible interview question. If you were asked this during an interview, how would you respond?

Officer trust is one of the basic tenants of law enforcement and it is often referred to as the “thin blue line”. Do you believe that this line exists and, if so, do you agree with the concept? How far is too far when it comes to protecting the blue line?

What is the central point (thesis) of the piece?
Does the author provide evidence for his opinion? If so, cite an areas where evidence is used to support the main argument.

For this discussion, complete one main post (1A and 1B).
Post #1A After reading the two selection listed below, answer the following questions. (minimum 250 words)

What is the central point (thesis) of the piece?
Does the author provide evidence for his opinion? If so, cite an areas where evidence is used to support the main argument.
Is the counterargument presented? Cite an area where the opposing view is addressed.

Reading Options: (Will attach pictures of the reading)
Andrew Leonard’s “Black Friday: Consumerism Minus Civilization?” p. 164
(textbook being used: Bullock, R. & Goggin, M.D. (2016). The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings (4th ed.)
ISBN: 9780393632354)

Watch Video
Alternative Math | Short Film

User: n/a – Added: 9/19/17
YouTube URL:
Post #1B After watching the video, “Alternative Math” answer the following questions:

What is the writer/director’s goal in making this film?
What is the tone of the piece? Who do think is the intended audience?
Describe your reaction to the piece. Not whether you liked it or not, but whether you agree or disagree with the premise. Does it have any relationship to current affairs? If so how?
How do you know if a source is reliable?

All posts should include word count.
Posts discussing written texts should include quotes with APA in-text citation and reference.

Any topic in the field of Financial Management, corporate finance or Accounting that is feasible and could generate new knowledge.

It is a requirement for assisting me with the identification of the research topic, framing research questions, and then conducting the whole research project and writing the dissertation paper on my behalf as per the academic standards and guidelines as well as the submission timetable of the university. My university is one of the russell-group, research-intensive unis in the UK and has rigorous academic standards in marking post-grad papers and assessing the academic rigour and originality of a research. The detailed guidelines of the research project of my uni is attached. My Dissertation Prep Class will start by mid of October where will be matched to a dissertation advisor who will supervise our research project. By the end of the class we should submit a research proposal. Samples of the RP have been supplied by the Uni and are attached hereby. I can submit tens of assignments I have written myself on the taught modules of this master’s programme as a guiding sample of my writing style. The last email sent to me by my student support manager summarising the research process and timeline reads as follows: “…… As requested, I have registered you to the start date of the dissertation on 25 October 2018. The registration should appear on your Student Portal in the next 2 business days. Starting at this time means your dissertation will be due on 31 July 2019. Please keep in mind that the dissertation lasts 40 weeks from the point at which you start. Once underway, you can reschedule up to day 14 of the Research Methods Training. Following this you are not able to reschedule and must complete the whole 40 week process.

Here is some other important information:
• During the first six weeks of LAUR 905, students go through the Dissertation Preparation Class to find a Dissertation Advisor (DA). The General Dissertation Instructor will post a list of potential advisors; students then liaise with one or two potential advisors to find a good match.
Once students have found a DA, then a new one-to-one classroom is opened for the student and their DA. Within this classroom students develop their proposal and gain proposal approval from their DA. It is recommended that students gain proposal approval by week eight.
After proposal approval, students then move on to research and writing. During this phase students work quite independently, so it is important to manage your time and keep in regular communication with your DA.

Fragmentation and Conversion of Agricultural Land: Analysis of Values to Inform Policy

Masters Dissertation; This qualitative research looks at the root of the social tensions surrounding the loss of agricultural land and how these tensions affect policy. It is a mix of sociology, political theory and a little bit of ecology. ( It is in line with Elenor Ostrom’s work)
In 2008, the Government of Alberta Canada introduced the Land Use Framework (LUF). The LUF is a ‘cumulative effects management’ approach (CEM). It has been ten years since the introduction of the LUF and AB is still loosing prime Ag land at an alarming rate. There have been several research projects measuring the spatial context and implications, but few have attempted to asses and synthesise the non-spatial aspects of urban encroachment. Based on a qualitative comparative case study (3 regions within Alberta) approach, this research explores the informal institutions (social norms & values) and formal institutional path dependency. How do these institutions interact to inform values that may ultimately influence land management decisions? And considering the influences of informal norms, can horizontal/polycentric governance (Foundation of the LUF) be effective as a CEM approach by delivering the desired outcomes prescribed in the LUF? Through assessment of local land-use planning frameworks and interviews with local decision-makers, landowners and developers, several policy gaps are identified at both the provincial and the local municipality level. The LUF and subsequent municipal level land-use policies do not incorporate and or anticipate the influence of informal institutions.
Alberta provides an interesting location to examine public perceptions about the loss of agricultural land for some reasons. Due to the province’s broad historical agricultural base and its current population and urban growth, local conflicts regarding agricultural land conversion to urban development are becoming more common. While Alberta has made strides in improving land-use policies and protective management efforts, the debate is ongoing regarding whether or not a provincial policy is indeed necessary for this protection.
Please use Elenor Ostrom’s ‘Understanding Institutional Diversity’ and her other works regarding informal institutions and common pool governance and cumulative effects management. Also, use Douglas North’s Theory of Institutions and Patha Dependency and Arild Vatn’s book ‘Institutions and the Environment. Please use any references you feel is relevant to this project. I will include an outline of this research and will add a few Thesis examples that I would like you to follow for formatting and content. I will also upload references, and Gov. reports once we get going so I can limit your need for searching relevant material. Please note that I am not rigid and open to any suggestions. A page number is also flexible. Please work for quality and not the number of pages. I selected 100 due to uncertainty so more or less is fine.


News and Views article for a 3rd year biochemistry subject. Major assignment. I have written approx 400 words already. I have chosen a journal article “Rigid amphipathic fusion inhibitors demonstrate antiviral activity against African swine fever virus”. My review is on this journal article. Please edit and add another 500 words., according to guidelines and marking rubric which I have attached. Must include, 1 figure or diagram and 8-10 references as per the guidelines.

According to Weber’s thesis that capitalism grew out of a belief system rooted in cultural ideas of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, do you agree or disagree with the pamphlet? Why or why not?

Please reply to two of the prompts below as well as two of your colleagues posts:

Ariana and Misha looked at the music charts. Ariana compared herself to Adelle (Ariana thinks she is worse than Adelle), while Misha compared herself to Mariah (Misha thinks she is better than Mariah). Name and define the processes in which Ariana and Misha engaged, respectively. Then, draw a graph that shows Ariana’s and Misha’s self-esteem before and after they make their comparisons. Assume that Ariana and Misha start out with the same level of self-esteem.
In a political pamphlet being handed out to students on campus, the writer is suggesting that capitalism is a product of the trades and activities of Islamic merchants. According to Weber’s thesis that capitalism grew out of a belief system rooted in cultural ideas of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, do you agree or disagree with the pamphlet? Why or why not?
Jessica and Jonathan are best friends. Jessica is very individualistic, while Jonathan is very collectivistic. Based on research regarding primary and secondary control, draw a graph for each person that shows the relationship between the amount of anxiety they would feel based on how much personal control they have in any given situation.
Your school’s counseling department emphasizes the importance of convincing people to gain control by asserting themselves in their environment. Regardless of one’s cultural background, everyone feels a greater sense of power when changing the environment to suit himself or herself. Based on empirical research, do you agree with your counseling department’s perspective? Why or why not?
Xiao Mao is an interdependent Chinese-American child in elementary school, and Kitty is an independent Canadian child. They are in the mall with their fathers picking out board games as presents. How would their motivations to play the board games compare if they chose the games themselves versus if their fathers chose the games for them? Draw a graph to demonstrate the pattern of results that you would expect.

Facebook’s initiative: serving the bottom of the pyramid?

This paper should be in executive summary format which the details are going to be explained and samples are attached, preferably 3-4 pages. Sources have to be cited. It is going to be submitted in turnitin for plagiarism.
This is what my professor wants:
Don’t forget to guide yourselves with the case questions included in the book, as the answers do need to form part of the body of your papers.

I love this attached guide from ‘’ on how to write an executive summary, basing yourselves on the book’s case question as guidance. If you follow this you’ll be golden.

The need, solution, and call to action should most likely contain some of these answers as well as the research points you find that relate to the company in question. The evidence should have the research that backs all this up and current events that relate, and your opinions that bring all of it together. Don’t forget to cite your sources. And please make sure to bring content. The paper can be as long as it needs to be to contain the right information. Also remember format is important. Graphical representation of company performance is always a plus.
I will attach a picture of what that my professor was talking about. She did not ask for any specific format so it could be MLA or APA. I will also attach a picture of formats that she prefers.

Turkana, Kenya CBHC, maternal and child morbidity and mortality

For this assignment assigned writer must:

1. create a 1-page outline for the healthcare program

2. Create a 10 page proposal for a primary health program for Turkana Kenya

Instructions for the assignment will be attached.

Side note, for this assignment writer must follow methods from the standpoint of Community-Based Healthcare.

Any questions feel free to contact.

Resistance and resilience : the sojourner syndrome Ave the social context of reproduction in Central Harlem

ESSAY QUESTION: Discuss How Inequality is examined in the study using environment and housing (in the ARTICLE)
-include a thesis statement or question.
-divide essay into 3 sections; introduction, discussion and conclusion
-12 point font, double spaced
-write at least one Introductory paragraph to explain the scope of your thesis statement /question.
-the Discussion should examine and analyze your interpretation of the authors’ positions clearly and concisely.
-the Conclusion should explain whether or not your work supports your thesis statement.

Yeast Intolerance

Researching about people who have yeast intolerance and what they can/can’t eat and what kind of substitute for the recipes
also how many people who have a yeast intolerance

In either designing the job or in hiring to fill the job, does your organization consider any of the individual factors that might influence success? Explain

Herzberg pointed out that not every job or person is a fit for enrichment. Businesses and their strategies differ and the kinds of skills, procedures, and behavior required on the factory floor is quite different from those required for a leading-edge design shop. In addition, people with the same abilities and personalities may be at different levels in terms of satisfying their needs (e.g., Maslow’s hierarchy). It should be no surprise to you that both job and organizational design are situational and interdependent with many other concepts involved in the “management of human energy.”

1. In either designing the job or in hiring to fill the job, does your organization consider any of the individual factors that might influence success? Explain your answer and consider the following factors:
– Cultural differences in the people
– Personality factors like MBTI type, conscientiousness, the focus of control, and hardiness
– Where a person is in satisfying their higher- and lower-level needs.
2. In your organization, are there any jobs that appear to have been successfully designed (either initially or as they have “evolved”) using ideas like those described in the textbook? Anchor your comments in the achievement of the three critical states, and in the achievement of “engagement”.
3. How would you describe the organization you work for on each of the basic design dimensions? What changes in these dimensions have you seen in your organization due to pressures for improved cost/effectiveness or to meet other changes in the environment/competition?
Please use references and citations from the uploaded book.
Nelson, D.L., & Quick, J.C. (2017). ORGB5 Organizational Behavior. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

Write a 3000-word essay that focuses on an issue or article in an old magazine.

Requires research and multiple references into works that consider Australian architecture. Link to the magazine provided in the uploaded document.

Describe the five (5) typologies of wage labor migrants and give examples for two (2) types using your readings or the lessons.

Answer the following 5 questions with short answers (150-200 words) and answer the following essay questions (300-500 words).

You are allowed to use all course content, including lessons, readings, and your notes to answer questions. You are not allowed to use any outside resource, such as the internet, or reading material external to the course.

Your answers should include minimal direct quotations. However, you should cite all information that is not general knowledge (i.e., information/ideas that everyone can be reasonably expected to know). Since we’re all using the same sources, you can follow this simple format for your in-text citations: (Author, pg. #). If the author is not known to you, then you can follow this simple format: (“Title,” pg. #).

Short Answer Questions:

1. Describe how the anthropological perspective is useful for migration. Include at least three key concepts and/or methods used in anthropology and discuss how these relate to the study of migration.

2. Describe the five (5) typologies of wage labor migrants and give examples for two (2) types using your readings or the lessons.

3. Describe the four (4) dimensions of globalism.

4. List and describe four (4) root causes of displacement. Give examples of two (2) causes using your readings or the lessons.

5. Describe the difference between acute and anticipatory movements and provide examples of each.

Essay Questions:

1. Drawing on De León’s analysis, describe the “Prevention Through Deterrence” program and discuss how it relates to migrant border crossings and migrant deaths.

2. Discuss the differences between the definitions of migrant and refugee. Explain the challenges and problems associated with these definitions. Provide examples from course content and readings to show the role that these definitions play in international migration.

I have attached all the 5 weeks of reading material along with the papers written for you to review so you can answer the questions.

Please cite if you direct quote or reference anything. You can ONLY use the course material.

The Influence of e-commerce on the Supply Chain Management of the Organisation

The findings chapter can be structured as per the research questions. For example, with regards to the challenges related research question you can have something similar as the section title under which you can have sub-sections for each kind of challenge; the findings for each challenge needs to be detailed out. Similarly for all the other questions.

“Review the traits of narcissism on page 22 of ‘Shattered Self-images’ (Chapter 2, Gun Violence in America).

Do you agree that school shooters are trying to redefine the image others have of them? In which Durkheimian type of society do you think a school shooting is most likely to occur? Why? (Consider the definition of narcissism when answering this question).”

Complete the “Resistance to Change Questionnaire” and view your results.Do you agree or disagree with these results? What areas seem accurate, which do not?

Submit a paper which is 2-pages in length, exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced in Times New Roman font (or its equivalent) which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least 2 sources, using APA format, independent of the textbook.

Complete the “Resistance to Change Questionnaire” and view your results.Do you agree or disagree with these results? What areas seem accurate, which do not? Give an example of a change situation in which you were recently involved. Did you resist? Why or why not? What was the ultimate outcome? If you are unable to take the online questionnaire, you can download the self-scoring version here.

Be sure to use APA formatting in your paper. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a free website that provides excellent information and resources for understanding and using the APA format and style. The OWL website can be accessed here:

Papers will be assessed using a rubric — please review it in the Learning Guide.

Packet Capture and Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems

In this project, you will use monitoring technologies Wireshark and Snort in the Workspace virtual machine to compile a malicious network activity report for financial institutions and a bulletin to a financial services consortium. The report should be eight pages double-spaced with citations in APA format. The bulletin should be one page double-spaced.

There are eight steps to complete the project. Most steps of this project should take no more than two hours to complete, and the project as a whole should take no more than two weeks to complete. Begin with the workplace scenario, and then continue to Step 1, “Create a Network Architecture Overview.”

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

1.1: Organize document or presentation in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points to be internally unified and function as part of the whole document or presentation.
1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, problem under consideration.
2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
2.3: Evaluate the information in logical manner to determine value and relevance.
2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.
2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions, checking against relevant criteria.
5.3: Uses defensive measures and information collected from a variety of sources to identify, analyze, and report events that occur or might occur within the network in order to protect information, information systems, and networks from threats.
8.1: Demonstrate the abilities to detect, identify, and resolve host and network intrusion incidents.
8.2: Possess knowledge and skills to categorize, characterize, and prioritize an incident as well as to handle relevant digital evidence appropriately.
8.4: Possess knowledge of proper and effective communication in case of an incident or crisis.
8.5 Obtain knowledge and skills to conduct a post-mortem analysis of an incident and provide sound recommendations for business continuity.
9.1: Knowledge of the Information Technology industry, its systems, platforms, tools, and technologies.

Case analysis
What do you think the problem is for Don with the use of RFID for igloos?
What false assumptions, if any, did Barry make in trying to sell RFID to Don?
How could Barry have sold this idea any better to Don?
What advice would you give Don on his company’s investing in RFID?

Create an annotated bibliography consisting of seven sources. Each entry will consist of a reference list citation, a summary of the source’s information, and a one-sentence assessment.

Purpose: The purpose of the annotated bibilography is to summarize the sources that you have gathered to support your research proposal project. These summaries help you to think about the complex arguments presented in your sources.
Description: In this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography consisting of seven sources. Each entry will consist of a reference list citation, a summary of the source’s information, and a one-sentence assessment. Each annotation should be between 150-200 words. If an entry is shorter than 150 words, it is llikely you have not fully developed your summary, and this lack of development can severely impact your grade for this assignment.

1. The environmental impacts of increasing road salt pollution.
2. Detruction and restoration of the Everglades.
3. Endocrine disrupters and humans (or fish, or wildlife in general).
4. Indoor air pollution and human health.
5. Informing decision and policy makers.
6. Recognizing social stress, including mental and behavorial health issues.
7. Land application of treated sewage sludge: community health and environmental justice.

Also example has been uploaded.

Identify a large corporation – Walmart. Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen

Identify a large corporation – Walmart
Review the information listed on the company’s website, or interview someone from the respective company to answer and discuss the following information.
Write a paper including the following:
• Introduction
• Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen – This would include such things as where they are primarily located, whether they are multinational, what field exactly does the company occupy, how large of a work force, company history, etc.
• Conclusion
Include a minimum of one credible, peer-reviewed articles to support your recommendations.


Statement of Purpose or “Why Am I Doing This?”
The ability to perform solid research is a key to success in academics and professional life, but communicating that research in a clear and concise manner is equally as important. This part of the assignment provides you with the opportunity to develop writing skills—specifically in the areas of organization and use of proper grammar, mechanics, and style—and to show your ability to use sources with integrity.

Completing This Assignment:
• For the topic selected in Module/Week 2 of the course and utilized again in Module/Week 4, you will complete in the actual body content at least an 800 word 3-page paper that presents the research conducted during the term.
• The paper must be well organized and developed and provide a concise examination of the subject.
• Utilizing the sources from Module/Week 4 and your own arguments, argue both sides of the topic choice you chose. Did your opinions change? How?
• Citations must conform to current Turabian citation style with properly formatted footnotes and bibliography for the 3 or more scholarly sources you use.
• The title page and reference page do not count towards the total page count.
• When you are finished, your assignment must be:
o In a Microsoft Word (or compatible) document
o Formatted, including:
§ 12-point Times New Roman font
§ double-spaced
§ 1-inch margins
§ Page numbers placed at the bottom center of each page of text (not including the title page)
o Proofread carefully to ensure it is written in scholarly language with no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors and conforms to the standards of mechanics and style expected at the university level
• You must use the template for the assignment provided in Assignment site.

Price volatility , price formation , speculative trading (please see file)

Chapter 1 introduction (1500)
background-research Questions-research aims and objectives-dissertation structure
Chapter 2 literature review (The rest)
-Theoretical and empirical literature with evaluation and synthesis (I submitted my articles to you so that you will review them)

What interests you the most? What ideas do you have about a topic? What thoughts do you have about the topic right now (prior to researching it)?

Use some of the following questions to help shape a reflection upon the topic you are considering for your research paper.
Think about some of your favorite subjects. What interests you the most? What ideas do you have about a topic? You may want to mention and then briefly explain three ideas that you have, pointing out the topic idea that is most appealing to you.
What thoughts do you have about the topic right now (prior to researching it)? What do you expect to find when you research the topic? What do you hope to learn about? What are some of your assumptions right now?

Involvement and Leadership in an organization

This week addresses the topic of “empowerment” and its role in successfully leading change. We focus on the “involvement – empowerment – engagement – resistance” continuum. Leading change is about leading people, and while we might sometimes feel like there’s no other choice but to pull people along to do what we think is “best”, what do we have when we get to where we’re going?
Black says that organizational transformation is really about people transformation thus, it is important to re-engage with this concept and attempt to understand what it implies since it is so critical to successful change implementation.
Week 06 Discussion
Please answer each of the following questions. Use APA format and remember to list your references. These should be answered with 150-200 words each

What is the difference between delegation and empowerment? What would be your choice as to which to emphasize during a change initiative and why?
How is Black’s notion of “Getting Tired” connected to empowerment

Consider youngsters’ developmental abilities (e.g., physical, cognitive, social, linguistic) for the age they are targeting. Design a game or toy (e.g., card game, board game, physical activity game) that is age-appropriate and takes into account the children’s developmental abilities.

Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that play gives children valuable practice in adult-like behaviors. Furthermore, Vygotsky argued that various forms of play (especially pretend play) enables children to develop increasingly sophisticated ways of thinking about relationships between objects and their meanings. You might want to discuss young children’s play characteristics and behaviors, and elaborate on it to discuss older children’s play.

Neysmith-Roy (1994) designed the Make-a-Toy project to enable students to develop a higher level of understanding of children’s psychological and physical needs. She explains that this activity is a good alternative to experience-based activities in case students don’t have opportunities to interact directly with children.

In this activity you are to either plan or actually create a toy or game together in a group incorporating what you know about these theories of development. You will bring in your plan or the actual toy or game in the next class so that we can see it.


Construct an age-appropriate toy or game for children or adolescents.(Some supplies will be provided in class the previous week). Pick a close age range (ex. 2yo-6yo)

Consider youngsters’ developmental abilities (e.g., physical, cognitive, social, linguistic) for the age they are targeting. Design a game or toy (e.g., card game, board game, physical activity game) that is age-appropriate and takes into account the children’s developmental abilities.

Another variation is to have students actually teach a child a new game using Vygotsky’s ideas related to scaffolding and zone of proximal development.

Be prepared to justify:
The targeted age group
The toy’s positive and negative characteristics (including safety issues)
Describe how the toy contributes to children’s psychological and physical development
Convince the reader that Vygotsky would agree that your particular toy would contribute to children’s ability to master increasingly complex cognitive processing skills necessary for understanding cause-effect relationships, taking others’ perspectives (e.g., hypothesizing about what the opponent’s next move will be), practicing skills needed in later life, refining cooperation and conflict-resolution skills

The game itself does not have to be made, only come up with written up plan for one.

An example of similar games is included (Educational _games.pdf) as are the pages from the textbook which deal with the two educational theories involved.

Students are to keep a health behaviour change diary using the template on Moodle. Develop and document short-term and long-term goals to achieve the change in yourbehaviour;

Students are to keep a health behaviour change diary using the template on
Moodle (‘Assessment 2’ folder).
In this diary (1000 words), students are to:
• Document ONE key health behaviour you wish to change (i.e.
increasing levels of exercise, consume a healthier diet, increasing
water intake, quitting smoking). With this, include a discussion on
why this changein health behaviour is needed using the literature for
support (references);
• Develop and document short-term and long-term goals to achieve the
change in yourbehaviour;
• Document the positives versus the negatives of changing your
behaviour (pros versus cons) – document this in table form;
• Describe the impact of the behaviour change onyour health;
• Describe the impact of the behaviour change on yourlifestyle;
• Measure and record progress to achieving the change on aweekly
basis (in the form of weekly diary entries, not included in the 1000
word count. Students must have a minimum of seven (7) entries
and include the dates of the entries.
At the end of the change period, complete a reflective piece (1500 words) on
the change journey:
• identify barriers to change you experienced;
• identify facilitators to change you experienced;
• Reflect on ways you can use your own change experienceswhen
working with a person experiencing a substance-usedisorder.
All of the sections in the diary and the reflection are to be supported with
contemporary, scholarly literature (references).
As this is a reflective piece, you are encouraged to write in the first person.
*Note, it is compulsory that all students are to email the Subject Coordinator
by week 3 of session (by the 12th August) providing the first diary entry for
feedback. No marks will be awarded for this; it is a formative part of the

For this discussion, you will be defining research in nursing and evidence-based practice in nursing. Along with your definitions, provide one example of each.

For this discussion, you will be defining research in nursing and evidence-based practice in nursing. Along with your definitions, provide one example of each.

Provide a sample research question and a sample clinical question. You may use questions you found in reviewing the literature as a guide, but may not use them as your own example. You must provide an original example of a research question and clinical question.
Examples from the readings cannot be used as the example for clinical/research questions.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. No direct Quotes!

I have attached chapters 1 & 2 from my textbook for your reference. The reference is as follows:

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Thank You!!

What is the cause of higher incidences of Registered Nurse (RN) turnover and caregiver fatigue in acute care, hospital settings when compared to non-hospital, non-acute care locations?

Written Assignment-

In this assessment you will create 1 clinical question using the PICO format labeling each portion of the question. Then search the literature to find 3 articles related to your clinical question. List the articles in APA format.


Differentiate between research questions and clinical questions

Discuss the steps for appraising the literature for clinical application

PICO Assignment – 30-point value. You will use the document in the assignment instructions and create 1 clinical question using the PICO format. Label each portion of the question and then search the literature to find 3 articles related to that clinical question.
Assignment must be completed on the template provided in the assignment instructions
Do not use soap and water vs gel question, the adult wart, menopausal women with osteopenia, PKU testing of 2-week-old infants, or hypertension and home monitoring as your PICO question; these are specific examples given in the required reading at the end of the Evidence-Based Practice activity and in the course presentation and cannot be used.

Important– the 2 additional questions of the assignment should focus on your clinical question and NOT as a generalization regarding PICO questions. If answered as a generalization, points will be deducted.

Must include 3 references. The textbook should not be used
Journal articles must be peer reviewed and must be no older than 5 years (2013-2018)

My PICO Question is noted on the template and is as follows:

What is the cause of higher incidences of Registered Nurse (RN) turnover and caregiver fatigue in acute care, hospital settings when compared to non-hospital, non-acute care locations?

Read the Kunreuther and Useem excerpt from Learning from Catastrophes (Chapter 1). and provide a response discussing one or more of the principles and ways the principle or principles could be realistically advanced or enhanced. Support your position with appropriately cited facts or rationale from earlier readings or other scholarly, research, or incident sources you identify through additional research.

Students’ Perception of the Usefulness and Effectiveness of Cloud Applications in Undergraduate Education in Saudi Arabia

– Please write the following parts to complete the attached research:
– Findings
– Discussion (Analysis)
– limitations (Also, how other methods can help the used method in this research)
– Future work. (eg What exactly are the worries of being traced?, what you could find out and what you couldn’t)
– conclusion
– abstract
– Table of content

– Try to answer the hypothesizes included in the introduction.
– include any important diagrams and tables from attached files (unused diagrams can be noted in the future work section like unnecessary demographics diagrams).
– Elaborate on the future work section and more research questions(can be extracted from the survey).
– focus on the limitations, future work, conclusion (see attached marking criteria).
– apply the attached marking criteria
– State the results as you have. Then see if there are correlations between things, eg, computer anxiety and reasons that deter.
– Refer to the guidelines to write the report and the abstract (attached)
– extract findings from the graphs(two files attached).
– write about correlations between different graphs.
– Use the technology acceptance model (TAM).
– 10- font: Arial, size:12, Line spacing:1.5
– Anything is not clear please ask.
– Quality over quantity
– include existing references
– Please use academic articles, peer-reviewed, published in the last 5 years, APA reference style, academic language.
– if more in-depth data is needed please inform me.

Please critically analyze Chapter 4 here attached and draw up conclusions on the overview of the mobile communications market in South Sudan.

Relate this to the literature review also attached here in order to suggest a possible business model for mobile operators in such a volatile emerging market. Summary of the data obtained from my questionnaires administered through Survey Monkey is also attached to assist you in the discussions. Kindly ask if you need any clarification.
Thank you

Medical education: An exploration of support provisions and preferences for medical students taking supplementary exams

Literature review of recent academic papers.

Can you please find relevant published research papers for referencing preferably from the last 5 to 10 years. such as from the MEDICAL TEACHERS journal and medical teaching journal also things like BMJ, GMC guidelines on support for medical students. i have added a many research papers below.

The aim of this project is:
• To explore the support provisions and preferences for students sitting supplementary exams
• To provide feedback and recommendations to the Faculty of Medicine regarding support provided for students sitting supplementary exams
This will be achieved by:
• A review of current literature
Exploring the perceptions and preferences of medical students at UOS Faculty of Medicine through semi-structured interviews

ALL Referencing in Vancouver style referencing please !

The Research Project Report is marked using a structured scoring system and contributes 70% towards the final module mark. Students are required to submit a 5000-6000 word report that has the following sections: lay abstract (300 words), my contribution, acknowledgements, contents, introduction ( a 2000-3000 literature review), aims, methods, results, discussion and references. The assessment criteria for the report and weightings are shown below, detailed marking criteria are in resources.

Knowledge and conceptual understanding of background information (25%).
Description of the research methods used for the study (15%).
Data analysis, interpretation and presentation (25%).
Communication and contextualisation (25%).
Adherence to presentation guidelines and formatting (5%).
Appropriateness, adequacy of referencing and consistent style (5%).
Introduction / Literature Review

Does the review clearly describe the background of the chosen subject area?
Does the review place the background of the work into the context of the wider scientific literature?
Does the review critically discuss the scientific literature in the subject area?
Is the review well laid out? With a natural progression to the project hypothesis and aims?

Are the aims of the project clearly stated?
Is the student’s contribution to formulating the research question clear?

Is the methodology sufficiently explained/referenced?
Is there sufficient detail for the work to be replicated if required?

Are the results well presented in a logical coherent order?
How well are the results analysed and evaluated?

Does the discussion relate the observations adequately to the existing literature?
Is the overall message of the project clear?

Has a Vancouver reference system been used appropriately?

Is the use of appendices appropriate? Or have they been used to avoid breaching the word limit?

General Points

Is there evidence that the student understands the ethical implications of their work?
What evidence is there of a capacity for synthesis of ideas and the development of critical thinking?
Is the project concise, well written and coherent?
Does the project report explain adequately to a generalist the rationale behind the work and the implications for its outcome?
Does the project report communicate how the student arrived at the research question, the problems encountered in performing the work, and what the student learnt from the process?

Your work will play a part in the research paper which will just be for the literature review. The 2000 to 3000 word side of things.
if you can find common themes amongst the research papers of the types of support that medical students have found useful and not useful and what has worked in other similar environments and areas to best help students pass failed exams.

Identify and fully describe leadership strategies designed to enhance team functioning and lead organizational change.

The purpose of this leadership assignment is to:
assess a selected interdisciplinary health care team using the Lencioni model of the five dysfunctions
identify and fully describe leadership strategies designed to enhance team functioning and lead organizational change.
serve as a consultant to “study” and address team functioning and behaviors. All instructions have been attached please follow all instructions exactly how they are stated. the team is a team of providers in a mental health clinic we have all been working together for 1- 1 1/2 years. Lt Col Nielsen is who we all report to. He is our flight CC. His information is included with the group team information. Our main goal is to provide high quality safe patient care.

Health, wellbeing & safeguarding for children and young people in Edinburgh

Current legislation – This is to meet learning outcome 1
In this section you should review current thinking and legislation in HWS, to cover this:
You should begin by explaining two significant developments from the welfare state which have influenced the health, wellbeing and safety of the children in your project focus area.
You should then explore current health inequalities for your chosen research area and describe how two priority frameworks are tackling these issues, evaluating how well they do so.
Lastly in this section you should identify and describe two pieces of current legislation which are relevant to health, wellbeing and safeguarding and explain how these are relevant to your project area.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Hello there-
This essay is aiming to show one of the applicant’s most significant challenge, and how he conquered it step by step.
Original detailed description is provided below:
5) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Things to consider: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from the experience. Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?

If you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you doing now, and does that affect different aspects of your life? For example, ask yourself, “How has my life changed at home, at my school, with my friends, or with my family?”
Here is the story I want you to write about:
The applicant founded a club in high school for he wanted to spread the knowledge of preventing careless fires in the community. The challenge here is that because of the doubt from peers and the many complicated issues he had to solve (gathering fund, finding coworkers, designing events, etc. you can make up more troubles he had to face at that time, make sure they are appropriate and shows it was very difficult to found a club). All these difficulties made him to doubt himself and got nervous about this thing, so the real challenge here is to push himself and be confident. So one day when he is really tired of all the issues in the club and start to think of quitting the whole thing, he put away all the paperwork and start to ask himself why he wanted to found this club, and after reminding himself his goal and calm down, realized that the real “enemy” he is facing here is his inner doubt of himself and his lack of confidence. So he fixed everything and eventually the club went well and held many meaningful events that serves for his purpose.
I would like you to write about his thoughts and all the difficulties he faced, but the focus should be on how he figured out everything, like he calm down and thought about everything, and how he fixed it (you can use your imagination for this part, like what he did to fixed this problem other than just being calm, maybe ignoring hostile peers and become determined etc. ).
Also, please show that he learned a lot more than just how to found a club, like he gained strong will and patience, as well as ignoring the negative/hostile comments made by people that are just jealous etc.
Please write the essay in first person’s perspective.
Word limit: ~300.
Please add logical linkages in between the paragraphs/sections to ensure the whole essay’s logical flow.
You may start from the end of the story and not to write this essay in chronological order, like starting from an successful event the club held and talk about how difficult it was at first to found it and how much he struggled about this. This is up to your preference, all I want is the essay has a good flow and fits the description perfectly.
Enclosed is the applicant’s personal statement and his essay on the topic of diverse background, may be helpful to you to learn more about him.

Submit a business case proposal, which is a summary of your selected business case for the course project.

Submit a business case proposal, which is a summary of your selected business case for the course project. The business case proposal will be submitted as a Word document and in paragraph form. This business case proposal provides your instructor insight into the project you are selecting and allows for instructor feedback and guidance in terms of the scope of the business case for the purpose of this course.

The first milestone of the course project is an introduction. The sections to include as part of the introduction are:
Background – This section provides information about the system, processes, and other aspects of the system such that the reader can understand the business problem in the context of the system.
Problem Statement – This section should clearly state the problem to be solved, why it is a problem, and how it impacts the system.
Audience – This section should discuss your communication plan, identify the different audience types in the project, and what type of information is communicated to each audience type.
Note that the course project intent is to introduce students to an entire systems analyst process. Each milestone is fairly significant in size if performing an actual project. For the intended learning and exposure to the course project topics, please know that assumptions will have to be made and that any such assumptions should be documented.

Project Assessment Task 1
you ‘re required to Develop a “RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN” for a company
(e.g coffee shop, restaurant or any , please note that I work in restaurant so most of my Tasks are for restaurant or coffee shop BUT its up to you)
Please read the instructions page80 week2
Project Assessment Task 2

3. Written questions Task3

Write a memo (approximately 2–3 pages) to your supervisor explaining your findings and your recommendations for where improvements are needed to increase financial health.

Taking the role of a financial analyst within the company, prepare an executive dashboard (performance report) on a large, publicly traded company of your choice (e.g., Cisco, Walmart, IBM, Apple, etc.) by computing and comparing its ratios against the 11 industry average ratios listed in Problem 4-23 on page 129 of the text.

Use the provided Financial Ratio Excel Spreadsheet to show the computed financial ratios for your chosen company. Prepare your performance report to show calculations for the 11 ratios listed on page 129, as well as a comparison of your computed ratios with the listed industry averages. The comparisons, including a list of your computations in a table, should be added as an appendix to the memo described below and submitted as a separate Excel spreadsheet.
Write a memo (approximately 2–3 pages) to your supervisor explaining your findings and your recommendations for where improvements are needed to increase financial health. Be sure to Include the following:
Areas within the company that are both above and below industry standards
An explanation of the limitations of using ratio analysis
The qualitative factors that play a role in improving the company’s financial health
In the memo, suggest some specific ways in which the company can plan to improve below industry average ratio performance over time. Suggest annual targets over the next three years to catch up with or surpass industry averages. Explain why your recommendations should be effective.

Do you really think that IT governance is the secret sauce for success? How does governance help the business become more agile?

As we push further into Tiwana’s IT Strategy, you may find that the discussion topics are a bit less “relatable” to your personal experiences and you may have a bit more trouble thinking about how to contribute–particularly if you haven’t spent a lot of time working in a corporate environment in the past. That’s okay–feel free to draw on business news or even hypotheticals in your discussions here.
Answer the following question:
Do you really think that IT governance is the secret sauce for success? How does governance help the business become more agile? Do you think the author is correct in his recommended breakdown for governance structures?
From your book Tiwana, A. (2017).
IT Strategy for Non-IT managers: Becoming an Engaged Contributor to Corporate IT.
ITS Ch. 5-6: “IT Governance & Project Management”

Write an outline on the essay topic below.
Compare the portrayal of women in two creation myths to explain what these similarities tells us about the two belief systems from one perspective (metaphysical, cosmological, or aetiological). The two creation myths are Hesiod’s Theogony and Ovid’s Metamorphosis.

If possible, interview a practicing Muslim individual or an imam, which can be used as an academic resource. If you would like to take pictures during your visit to this community or place of worship, be sure to obtain permission.

Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words that analyzes the Five Pillars of Islam.

1. Describe each of the five pillars and reflect on why they
are referred to as Pillars of Islam.
2. Make a detailed analysis of how one of the pillars would
function in the daily life of a particular Muslim individual.
3. Identify one ancient Christian community living or serving
in an Islamic majority context, such as Coptic, Marionite, Chaldean, Armenian, etc. Compare and contrast how this ancient community practices similar rituals as the Five Pillars of Islam.

This section tests your ability to interpret significant passages from a text. In a paragraph, 1) identify the author and the text, 2) identify a clear theme in the passage; remember a theme is the book’s stance on a certain issue, 3) analyze the passage in terms of this theme, supporting this theme with at least two specifics. For these specifics, look at the language (connotations of words, repetition), look at the setting, look at the images, look at the narrator’s voice (humor, irony, sympathy), look at the characters (how do they function as representations of this theme; how do they voice this theme).
Identify the text, state a clear theme, support this theme with at least two details from the passage)
For years she had been what is called “stage-struck” and had paraded through the streets with traveling men guests at her father’s hotel, wearing loud clothes and urging them to tell her of life in the cities out of which they had come. Once she startled the town by putting on men’s clothes and riding a bicycle down Main Street. In her own mind the tall dark girl had been in those days much confused. A great restlessness was in her and it expressed itself in two ways. First there was an uneasy desire for change, for some big definite movement to her life. It was this feeling that had turned her mind to the stage. She dreamed of joining some company and wandering over the world, seeing always new faces and giving something out of herself to all people. Sometimes at night she was quite beside herself with the thought, but when she tried to talk of the matter to the members of the theatrical companies that came to Winesburg and stopped at her father’s hotel, she got nowhere. They did not seem to know what she meant, or if she did get something of her passion expressed, they only laughed. “It’s not like that,” they said. “It’s as dull and uninteresting as this here. Nothing comes of it.”
With the traveling men when she walked about with them, and later with Tom Willard, it was quite different. Always they seemed to understand and sympathize with her. On the side streets of the village, in the darkness under the trees, they took hold of her hand and she thought that something unexpressed in herself came forth and became a part of an unexpressed something in them.

Describe basic characteristics of performance appraisals

Text Book Resource (Chapter 6):
See attached document.

“Describe basic characteristics of performance appraisals.”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Literary Analysis of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged is a story that portrays a dramatic conflict of characters and their values. What is the most significant conflict in the story? Is it the conflict between the creators and the looters? Is it the conflict the creators experience in their own souls? Is it something else? Explain your answer.

Need to come out with SOA, and also need to come out with some spreadsheets, like the income and Balance sheet before the advice is given.

Need to come out with SOA, and also need to come out with some spreadsheets, like the income and Balance sheet before the advice is given. and also the spreadsheet that shows the result after the advice is given.

1. Income statement
2. B/S
3. Risk profiling/ combine risk profiles and look at their goals and objectives
4. The advices that should be given to customer
a. An assessment of the progress in achieving retirement goals
– Required income and assets during retirement
– Projected wealth at retirement
b. Superannuation allocation
c. Assessment and recommendations regarding superannuation assets
– Comparison of fees
– Investment portfolio recommendations

. A discussion of existing and required Insurance needs
e. General advice regarding estate-planning arrangements

Report and Case Study – Project Charter, Scope Management, Project Planning

Please read and understand the Project brief for part A & B.
The assessment is based on modules 4,6,7 – so go through attached models.
Part A – template is attached to PRM500 assessment 2 doc
Part B – template as a group case study template

Please ask questions if you need any more information

Choose a research article on mental health related to biological issues or environmental issues. Must be a research article. Write a summary on the article. Please place the citation at the end of each paragraph and also please make sure it is a research articles.

Assignment 1: Practicum: Cover Letter, Resume, and Portfolio

Students will:
• Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios
To Prepare for the Assignment:
• Review the Learning Resources concerning developing your professional cover letter, resume, and portfolio.
• Review the Cover Letter, Resume, and Portfolio Assignment Guide
• Refer to the Walden University Career Center website for resources to develop your cover letter and resume. With the assistance of the Walden University Career Center website, you can make your cover letter, resume, and portfolio accessible online to your faculty and potential employers.
Your professional cover letter, resume, and portfolio are due by Day 7 of Week 10. It is highly recommended that you begin planning and working on this Assignment as soon as it is viable. The following checklists outline all of the items you should include in your cover letter, resume, and portfolio.
Checklist for Cover Letter (S/U grade)
Your cover letter should be:
• Presented and formatted in a professional business manner
• Addressed properly
• Clear and concise and include:
o Content Introduction
o Content Body
o Content Conclusion
• Written in a professional style and include:
o Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
o Clear and accurate sentence structure
Checklist for Resume (S/U)
Your Resume should be clear, concise, and well-organized and it should also include your:
• Name, address, business phone number, and e-mail address (top center of resume)
• Profile: 2–3 sentences describing goal and positive attributes/characteristics
• Certifications and licensure
• Education
• Professional experience
• Honors/awards
• References
Checklist for Portfolio (S/U)
Your Portfolio should be clear, concise, and well-organized and it should also include your:
• Personal philosophy statement
• Self-assessment
• Personal goals (short term and long term)
• Achievements
• Cover letter
• Resume
• Diplomas for formal education
• Letters of recommendation
• References (list names, affiliation, and contact information)
• Certifications
• Certificates of attendance for continuing education
• Transcripts
• Publications: None
• Oral presentations and/or poster presentations

Want to use Critical Race Theory to explain that the inconsistency in legislation for prostitution as opposed to pornography is due to the racial composition/class of the participants (race based morality).

The citations must be in BlueBook format with footnotes. Attached is a sample dissertation showing format.
Please use law review articles and case law for citations in addition to the other sources you choose.

You previously assisted me on this matter. I now need you to add:

1.) A table of contents with all proposed chapters for the dissertation (detailed chapter outline)
2.) Results Chapter that interprets statistical data regarding arrest, convictions, and demographics/ racial compositions of commercial sex workers. In leu of interviews with sex workers, it should say I used questionnaires.

I will later contract you for the other chapters. I understand that five pages will not be enough for this chapter but please include as much relevant information as possible and I will place another order next month for you to expand this results chapter.

Would like my dissertation to examine how:
Prostitution is a form of illegal behavior. Pornography is the same form of behavior. They both should either: be illegal because there is no difference or there should be full governmental regulation on both. Want to use Critical Race Theory to explain that the inconsistency in legislation is due to the racial composition/class of the participants (race based morality). Prostitution is comprised mainly of ethnic minorities, while most pornography is made by non-minorities. There is no legal rationale (policy basis) for distinguishing the two.
Data should look at arrests, convictions, and demographics/racial composition.
And, must use BlueBook citations.
Thank you in advance 🙂

Managing in the global environment

Find a recent print media article (within the last 5 years) about an organisation that has been reported for unethical business practice/s. You are required to attach the media article to your case study
Discuss the ethical responsibilities of the organisation doing business in that country and/or industry. To discuss adequately you are required to include what their responsibilities are and why you believe they are responsible
Use the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as a framework to analyse the case.
Identify which UN Global Compact Principle/s this case breaches. If you have identified more than one Principle chose only one to discuss how this organisation has breached the Principle
Apply business ethics and corporate social responsible theory from your textbook, lecture material and Vuws learning materials from this unit to analyse this case
Provide two recommendations to such an organisation to enable them to increase their globally responsive business practice/s in the future

To structure this case study you need to follow essay format.

You will find excellent details on how to structure and write an essay on the WSU Library Study Smart webpage:

The case study needs to be 1200 words in 12pt Arial font and needs to include a Harvard reference list

Conflict Management

Have you ever been in a marathon meeting that never succeeds in addressing the agenda items? 3M conducted a study of over 3,000 people where the topic of unproductive meetings was covered and found that it was the second most important reason why most dislike meetings (Lumsden et al., 2010, p. 318).

Take some time to read the Chapter 13 Box 13.3, Lousy Meetings, article. Then read the scenario and based on what you have learned and Chapter 12 regarding conflict management and communications styles, and the Learning Activities regarding negotiation, complete your Assignment addressing the checklist items.


Describe the communication style for each character as evidenced by the verbal and non-verbal communications.
At what point was progress on the goal of the meeting subverted? Explain how they could have stayed on track.
How was leadership evident in the conduct of this meeting or could something more have been done to make it more effective?
Explain how and why negotiation and conflict management strategies might have been successfully applied.

Make sure your persuasive essay expresses a clear purpose and point of view and follows the persuasive essay steps.
Write your paper using Standard English, using correct grammar and spelling.
Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that your work is original and insightful.
Use the 6th edition APA formatting and citation style for your paper.
Access the Assignment rubric.

Respond in a 2–3 page paper with a separate title and reference page.

Text Book Resource (Chapter 6):
See attached document.

“Explain the four interrelated functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Explain the four interrelated functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling

Text Book Resource (Chapter 6):
See attached document.

“Explain the four interrelated functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Human Resource Management – Human Resource Law: Employment Law

This is a business unit in Human resource management.

Q. Although the Equal Pay Cases of 1969 and 1972 accepted the principle of equal pay for men and women and ended the practice of having different rates for male and female workers in awards, there remains a persistent gender wage gap in Australia. Discuss the ways in which Australian employment law has contributed to continued pay inequity since the Equal Pay Cases, and the prospects for change through the existing legal system.

Create a playlist to promote your own personal health – either physical or mental health.

To do this, you will carefully choose music that suits the purpose of the playlist and draw on concepts and theory covered in lectures to strategically organize the order of songs. Actively listen to the music you choose for your playlist to test that it meets your intended purpose. Although you should choose either physical or mental health, you are welcome to draw on any literature from the different weeks of the semester that is relevant to explain the health benefits for you.

Introduction (approx. 500 words):

In the introduction, describe your selected purpose for the playlist and summarise key theories about how music could be used to promote the desired outcome. Clearly describe the process you used to create the playlist, stating how you went about selecting the songs and the order.

Assignment body (approx. 1200 words): In the body of the assignment, list the order of the 10 pieces of music included in the playlist. Discuss your experience of each track and use the literature to explain how it either contributed to your identified health purpose, or how and why it was unsuccessful. Include descriptions of the musical aspects (the beat, harmonies etc) and non-musical aspects (associations etc) of the track, depending on which was more relevant for each particular one. You must use the literature throughout the assignment to justify your claims about the benefits of music for this purpose. Dedicate approximately 120 words per song and include the song title and reference details as the subheading for each song (these titles are not included in the word count).

Conclusion (approx. 300 words): In the conclusion, reflect on any potential mental or physical health benefits that may result for others through the construction of a playlist similar to yours, including any ideas you have about the use of music to promote health in the community.


Use the songs as Headings for the body of the assignment. Please include reference to each song as the subheadings including Track Title, Performing Artist and year of publication, with information about the Composer and Record Company if information is relevant.


We recommend APA6 referencing style, however, your references can be in any style as long as they are consistent.
All citations included in the body of the assignment must appear in the reference list according to your chosen referencing style.
Include a minimum of 6 academic pieces of literature, integrated into the body of the assignment.
You may choose to write the assignment in first or third person.
The reference list and subheadings are not included in the word limit. In-text citations are included in the word limit.
You may choose songs from any genre/style/culture.
We allow 10% either side of the word limit for essays. Include the final word count on the front page of your essay.
Assessment criteria:

Integration of the literature into the explanations about the choice of each song.
Capacity to critically reflect upon the potential use and challenges associated with songs and playlists. Why was it successful or not successful, and how does that confirm or contrast the literature?
Clarity of writing and presentation.
Successful and clear reporting of all tracks and citations in the text, and correct referencing of tracks and literature references according to APA 6 or other chosen style.

Analyze a health policy at the federal level

To analyze a health policy at the federal level
Select a health issue as directed and identify a federal policy associated with your issue; introduced/passed within the past 5 years (2016 or sooner)
Search for scholarly journal articles to support your view on your topic of choice. It is important to use resources from the past 5 years unless you are citing seminal work.

Government Budgeting and Finance

Research Paper Proposal

Write on a budget issue that has come about since the 2016 Presidential Election. You may choose to:

1- Do comparative research as it relates to a previous presidential administration
2- Look at budgetary issues that have developed since 2016
3- Explore any legal issue that are pending do to action taken
4- Choose another budgetary issue that has surfaced doing the present administration.
This is just for the proposal, then i need the whole essay Tow Weeks Later.
The required text book for the class link:

What are the key concepts of the reading? What evidence or specific cases does the author present to explore these concepts?

Minimum 2 page critical reflections on the articles, exploring what you have learned and how your perceptions and ideas have changed after the reading. Some possible questions to address:
What are the key concepts of the reading? What evidence or specific cases does the author present to explore these concepts? What does the reading make you think about? What are you having trouble understanding? What would you like to discuss further?

Compare and contrast qualities, characteristics, behaviors, and leadership styles of successful entrepreneurs.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

Competency 1: Compare and contrast different types of entrepreneurial ventures.
Analyze the strategies used by entrepreneurs to attain success.
Analyze types of organizational ventures.
Compare and contrast qualities, characteristics, behaviors, and leadership styles of successful entrepreneurs.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Assignment Instructions
Write a 4–5 page research paper comparing and contrasting the entrepreneurial features of two well known, successful individuals who fit your definition of an entrepreneur. Your paper should follow a logical structure and be evidence based. Use the MEAL Plan structure (see Resources) to help guide the organization of your paper.

Main ideas: Present the main points or ideas that you are making in this paper.
Evidence: Give us a reason to believe you. Support your reasons with evidence. Acknowledge other view points and respond to them (Booth, Colomb, & Williams, 2009).
Analysis: Identify the component parts of the articles cited. Identify patterns or themes in the articles reviewed. Use data and information from others to support your main points and ideas.
Link: Synthesize what you have learned. Integrate and combine ideas from your source articles into a new whole containing your own ideas.
Conduct independent research for resources and references to support your paper. Provide a reference list and in-text citations for all of your resources, in APA format. You may use your course materials as supporting resources.

Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2009). Craft of research (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Assignment Formatting Guidelines
Format your paper as follows:

References: Support your paper with at least 3 academic resources from the Capella library. You must use proper APA (6th edition) style to list your references. Refer to the Capella Online Writing Center’s APA Style and Formatting module for more information.
Length of paper: The body of the paper must be 4-5 full pages, not including the references list, appendices, or the title page.
Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills and should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Formatting: Use APA (6th edition) formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Formatting module for more information.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Conduct independent research for resources and references to support your paper. Provide a reference list and in-text citations for all of your resources, in APA format. You may use your course materials as supporting resources. Use the link to the Supplemental Resources to view additional readings recommended for this activity.

What led to the rise of the 1850s Republican Party?
2) Explain one reason for the failure of the CSA

3) Describe one major component of the Reconstruction and why it failed.

PLEASE USE THE TEXTBOOK . The book is Eric Foner 2016. Give Me Liberty: An American History Seagull 5th Edition.

Nike AD Initial Artifact Analysis

Analyze the video in this

Use the fundamental moves of analysis. 1. Frequency: what repeats? exact vs related repetitions. 2. Contrast: organizing contrasts, aka binaries. 3. Anomalies: what doesn’t seem to fit? 4. Intensity: what stands out? turning points, and key terms. Use also Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. Please sue the grade guide attached below for your reference.

Passion for media communication

This is a group assignment (Australian Taxation law).

Candidates must apply the IRAC principle when addressing the relevant issues (i.e. I= Identify the key issues, R= Cite the relevant legislative provisions and case law (rules) where appropriate, A = apply the relevant rules to the facts presenting arguments for and against and C = form a conclusion based on your stronger argument).

Upon reading the case study please identify the taxation issues for only Strategic Business Transactions & Key Client Matters (No. 4 to 6 only). This is my part.

For this 2 problems identify all relevant tax issues, critically analyses and applies the taxation treatment to the issues, i.e., you will need to argue and support your view and consider differing views (if applicable), and finally, indicate your recommended action based on your better view, i.e., your conclusion (IRAC principle).

There are documented positive correlations
between effective parental engagement
and high student achievement. Successful
leaders make parents partners and create a
structure for parents and educators to work
together. Read the article, “Unlocking
Families Potential: A Conversation with
Karen L. Mapp” by Thiers (2017). Reflect
on ways your school seeks to foster “role
construction” and address barriers between
teachers and families. What are some
suggestions you could make for increasing
the level or quality of parental engagement
in your school? How might this article
inform your work on your IIP?

Excel Project #2 requires that you prepare a 10-column work sheet for the year, a Multiple-step Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, and a Balance Sheet. The specifics for this Project can be found on the Project File attached to this assignment.

The unadjusted trial balance for Dakota Enterprises as of December 31, 2016 can be found on the Excel Project 2 file attached below. Additional Information necessary to complete the work sheet is also listed on that work sheet.


Complete the 10-column worksheet using Excel. The 10 columns include the following:

Unadjusted Trial Balance – Debit and Credit
Adjustments – Debit and Credit
Adjusted Trial Balance – Debit and Credit
Income Statement – Debit and Credit
Balance Sheet – Debit and Credit
When preparing your spread sheets, be sure that you consider the following:

Use a font style that is professional and consistent.
Size fonts properly.
Format the amounts using the accounting format.
Be sure that the amounts line up properly.
Be sure to use the proper underlining.
Align all items correctly.
Be sure to include proper indentation.
For any items that involve a mathematical computation, you are required to enter a formula. For example, on the Adjusted Trial Balance columns, enter the formula to compute the “Adjusted” balance; on the Income Statement, be sure to use formulas for all totals and subtotals.
When preparing the financial statements, do not simply enter the amounts from the completed work sheet — use a formula that refers each amount to the related cell on the worksheet. By doing this, any change you make on the worksheet will automatically up the financial statements.

This above list is an example of the items that you are to consider. Remember that you are required to present these financial statements to management and ultimately to the board of directors – and the method of presentation is important.
Please find the attached Excel file where all the work can be done on the same file and contains additional information in the introduction tab about the project. Let me know if you have any questions.

Strategic allocation of financial resources

Using research of the current literature on the topic selected relevant to the strategic allocation of financial resources, prepare a 7-10 page prospectus response complying with the instructions in the attached documents.

If and to what extent is there a difference in suicidality among firefighters and EMS personnel based on gender?

Chapter 2 needs to include a minimum of 50 peer-reviewed, empirical research articles, and 75% of all references within this chapter (and in proposal/dissertation) must be within the past five years.

Based on Martin et al, (2017) further research in correlates of suicidality in firefighter and EMS personnel is suggested among female firefighter and members of rural community fire departments.


It is not known if and to what extent there is a difference in suicidality based on gender and in the rural community fire departments among firefighters and EMS personnel.


R1: If and to what extent is there a difference in suicidality among firefighters and EMS personnel based on gender?

R2: If and to what extent is there a difference in suicidality among rural community fire departments and urban community fire departments.

Application: Sexual Behavior

Gender and sexuality are intertwined in many cultures. (Gardiner & Kosmitzki, 2011) Socialization agents teach the appropriate behaviors for gender and the acceptable sexual attitudes and behaviors within a culture. Cultural differences exist around the world and across countries. For example, cultural differences may exist through the number of partners allowed in a marriage, expectations for males and females, and knowledge and application of safe sex practices. Differences may also arise in what is permitted and acceptable, such as premarital sex, same-sex relationships, and extramarital relationships. The consequences for an individual deviating from these cultural expectations also vary from culture to culture.

For this Assignment, choose one sexual attitude (e.g., abstinence, monogamy, etc.) and one sexual behavior (e.g., chastity, infidelity, etc.).

The Assignment (4 pages)

Use your Final Project culture of interest ( TURKISH CULTURE )and select another culture of interest to you.
Compare the similarities and differences of sexual attitudes and behaviors in each culture.
Describe the cultural factors that influence sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Explain how sexual attitudes and behaviors are perceived and displayed within each culture.
Be specific and provide examples.
Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.Article: Afable-Munsuz, A., & Brindis, C. D. (2006). Acculturation and the sexual and reproductive health of Latino youth in the United States: A literature review. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 38(4), 208–219. Article: Aubrey, J. S., & Harrison, K. (2004). The gender-role content of children’s favorite television programs and its links to their gender-related perceptions. Media Psychology, 6(2), 111–146. Article: Crouter, A. C., Manke, B. A., & McHale, S. M. (1995). The family context of gender intensification in early adolescence. Child Development, 66(2), 317–329. Article: Echávarri, R. A., & Ezcurra, R. (2010). Education and gender bias in the sex ratio at birth: Evidence from India. Demography, 47(1), 249–268. Article: Ghule, M., Balaiah, D., & Joshi, B. (2007). Attitude towards premarital sex among rural college youth in Maharashtra, India. Sexuality & Culture, 11(4), 1–17. Article: Lancaster, G., Maitra, P., & Ray, R. (2008). Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: Evidence from selected Indian states. Oxford Development Studies, 36(2), 133–157.Article: Miyajima, T. (2008). Gender inequality among Japanese high school teachers: Women teachers’ resistance to gender bias in occupational culture. Journal of Education for Teaching, 34(4), 319–332. Article: Mohammadi, M. R., Mohammad K., Farahani, F. K., Alikhani, S., Zare, M., Tehrani, F.R.,…Alaeddini, F. (2006). Reproductive knowledge, attitudes and behavior among adolescent males in Tehran, Iran. International Family Planning Perspectives, 32(1), 35–44. Article: Para-Mallam, F. J., & Funmi, J. (2010). Promoting gender equality in the context of Nigerian cultural and religious expression: Beyond increasing female access to education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative & International Education, 40(4), 459–477. Article: Sadker, D. (1999). Gender equity: Still knocking at the classroom door. Educational Leadership, 56(7), 22–26.
Article: Sadker, D., & Zittleman, K. (2005). Gender bias lives, for both sexes. Education Digest, 70(8), 27–30.Article: Witt, S. D. (1997). Parental influence on children’s socialization to gender roles. Adolescence, 32(126), 253–259.

Exemplification Essay

Determine exactly what point you are going to make and write it down in precise terms. Think about why you want to make this point. Develop a thesis statement then choose examples and details that count for something those that move the reader towards some goal.

Leadership and Management

Develop a communication and delegation plan for the change initiative, establishing a sense of urgency, and translating the vision. Detail how responsibilities will be delegated and which stakeholders will be impacted.

Overcoming educational barrier-
This essay is aiming to show the struggle of the applicant in an educational barrier and how he fought to overcome it.
Original detailed description is below:
Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
Things to consider: An educational opportunity can be anything that has added value to your educational experience and better prepared you for college. For example, participation in an honors or academic enrichment program, or enrollment in an academy that’s geared toward an occupation or a major, or taking advanced courses that interest you — just to name a few.
If you choose to write about educational barriers you’ve faced, how did you overcome or strived to overcome them? What personal characteristics or skills did you call on to overcome this challenge? How did overcoming this barrier help shape who are you today?
Please only consider the option of overcoming an educational barrier.
Here is the story I want you to write about:
The applicant has been the top student in school and his specialty is math. He is very proud of his math talent and started to grow arrogant (too proud of himself). He once gained a chance to participate in math competition which was said to be really difficult, his arrogant blinded him from preparing for the competition and costed him the chance to win the prize. (Like, he made many careless mistakes and got stuck at difficult questions, maybe add his thoughts at that time, anxious, nervous, started to realized not preparing was a bad idea, etc.). After the competition he learned there are a lot of great people at his age with outstanding math knowledge and started to be patient and gained strong will in overcoming the barrier that keeps him as the top math student in class but this time he is not just talented but also hardworking. So the educational barrier in this case is not about not learning stuff well but being too talented that ignored the importance of hardworking, patience etc. and he also gained strong will from this experience.
The “barrier part” of the story may be very different from the traditional ones, so please think carefully in how to demonstrate it, so that we are showing this process instead of telling this process.
Please make the paper fluent and consistent, add logical linkages in between to ensure the logic flow of the essay.
Word limit: ~300
Enclosed is the applicant’s personal statement and his essay on diverse background, may be helpful to you.

What leadership qualities do you think will help make a successful mental health clinician?

What leadership qualities do you think will help make a successful mental health clinician? Remember, the roles and duties we have already discussed. How do you think you can acquire more leadership qualities or become a better leader?

Be a leader who can lead, passionate, kind, people-oriented

Movie Review and Showing and Tell Paragraphs

This essay is in 2 parts with each Page has 300 words.
Remember, The originality of your work Monitored through Turnitin!!!

Page 1. Briefly describe the film, book, album, or video game that you will review. And then tell us whether or not you will be recommending this item to your audience in your review.

Page 2. In this discussion, we will display the skills of showing and telling in our writing. Tell us about one of the strengths or one of the weaknesses of the item that you are reviewing. For example, if an actor in a film does a great job, then describe his or her best moment (avoid spoilers)!. If a band or artist had a particularly great song on an album, then explain what is great about it in your opinion.

Remember that you are writing for an audience that knows less about this than you do, so act as a guide.


Go to PsycPORT ( and select an article related to one of the topics below. Write a summary of the article that is between 150 and 200 words long. Your summary must include the main ideas of the article, the chosen topic from the list below somewhere in the title, a brief descriptions of any research discussed in the article, and a link to the article. No direct quotes or copied and pasted text from the article are allowed.
Please be clear about your topic choice (of the five given) by putting it at the top of your submission. Also be selective about what kind of article you choose. Do not choose an article that provides basic information about the topic. For instance if you choose Learning, you need to find an article that connects Learning and some other factor, like poverty, for example. There is a lot of general information about these topics on the website, but choose articles that discuss cutting edge research regarding the topic.
Grading Rubric
Topic choice stated at the top of the submission 15
Article regards new research on the topic (not purely informational like you would find in a textbook definition). 30
Link to article present 15
Article has a direct and clear connection w/the chosen topics 15
Sub-total 75
Mechanics penalties (-2 each to maximum of 30 points)
Word count penalties (-20 if over 200 or under 150)
Psychological disorders
We have to choose one articles from PsycPORT this website.

14 Hyperlinks spatial exploration

This assignment will allow you to explore the locations and siting of the objects and monuments we have studied so far. By calling up three-dimensional views through mapping programs (such as Google Street View and Google Maps or Earth on your phone or computer), you will become familiar with the larger setting and geographical, topographical, and spatial details of these places.

1) Please create a document with at least one hyperlink (you can provide more if you find it useful) to two monuments each from Chapters 1-7. This will produce a total of 14 hyperlinks.

2) Go into Google Earth or Google Maps, search for these locations, use Street View to “place yourself” in the locations.

3) When you visit each location, find at least one view that interests you (one is the minimum requirement, but if others appeal to you, by all means, include them too!).

4) EXPLAIN why you have selected your VIEW(s) in one or two pithy sentences. Your explanation should convey why the view(s) you have selected enhances your understanding of the monument/place/site/object itself. In other words, how does seeing the Street View image of this place further your UNDERSTANDING of it, beyond what we discussed in class?

5) Chapter 1 is about (Art in the Stone Age) = 2 Separate Hyperlinks monuments
Chapter 2 is about (Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia) = 2 Separate monuments Hyperlinks monuments
Chapter 3 is about ( Egypt from Narmer to Cleopatra) = 2 Separate monuments Hyperlinks
chapter 4 is about (The Prehistoric Aegean) = 2 Separate monuments hyperlinks
chapter 5 is about (Ancient Greece) = 2 Separate monuments hyperlinks
chapter 6 is about (The Etruscans) = 2 Separate monuments hyperlinks
chapter 7 (The Roman Empire) = 2 Separate monuments hyperlinks

modes of p53 Regulation

. How to Prepare the REVIEW of the article “Modes of p53 Regulation”.
1. Read the scientific article. Please INCLUDE Figures 2 AND 4 to guide your review.
2. Please address the following points in your review:
a. Use the “Introduction” to provide a summary of WHY p53 is important, AND describe some of the interesting questions related to p53 activity & function.
b. Summarize the “Classical Model” of p53 ACTIVATION presented on pages 612-613 (text related to FIGURE 2).
c. Provide a very brief definition (i.e. 2-3 sentences AT MOST) of the following terms: ACETYLATION, UBUITINATION, METHYLATION, SUMOYLATION & NEDDYLATION.
d. Summarize the “Refined Model” of p53 ACTIVATION presented on pages 616-618 (text related to FIGURE 4).

Shortage and Lack of Female Airline Pilots: Business Perspective

Please not that the class is Graphic Communications.
This is is the assignment :

This activity is an introduction to reflection papers and how you can use them to reflect on the process of creating a design project by identifying areas for improvement for a project and process.

You will be choosing a previous assignment from this class, redoing it, and writing about the experience.

A reflection paper is used to capture reactions, feelings and analysis of an experience in a more personal way than in a research essay or formal presentation.

Choose one of your previous assignment submissions from this class
Redesign that assignment
Using the reflection writing format, write 1 page on this experience
Your paper must include the original submission and the redo.

6- Composition Assignment
In this assignment, you will adjust the provided heading, sub-heading, body copy and images into an aesthetic design layout with the same content, 3 times. Use the provided PowerPoint file (that contains all the content) to make each of the 3 versions of the same content.

Open the provided Power Point file
For each slide, adjust the heading, sub-heading, body copy and images to an aesthetic layout
You may change or use any aspect of the design elements and principles to create harmony
Create forms
Save the file

Wealth and Poverty in America

Please see additional materials for link(s).

Various areas across America represent all points on the spectrum between rich and poor, poverty and privilege. View one or more of the following videos related to poverty or wealth in America.
• Poverty in America Documentary 2017 (52:01) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• America’s Poor Kids (Child Poverty Documentary – Real Stories (58:51) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• 740 Park Avenue Wealth and Power (54:30) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• The rise of the Super Rich Untold Wealth of the One Percent (45:03) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

After you watching the videos, post a thoughtful critique addressing the following questions:
• What were the main points of the documentary? What moral/ethical issues were addressed?
• What was your reaction to the issues? Did any aspect surprise you?
• Why do you think there is such a large gap between the richest and the poorest in our society?
• Were the issues presented in a biased or unbiased manner? Were the arguments grounded in fact or opinion? Did the presenters/producers appear to have an underlying agenda that they were pushing forward?
• What is a moral/ethical response to the identified issues? Should we intervene to “fix” the problems identified? Why or why not?

What is your overall opinion on this?

Mapping Social Network Analysis of University of Sydney’s Linked-In and Instagram accounts

Demonstrate understanding of the university of sydney’s social media footprint through analysis of its Linked-In and Instagram accounts for each platform. You need to analysis each account on each platform as well as interaction analysis. The report should contain:
• quantitative Social Network Analysis mapping using visualisation tools such as Tableau, NodeXL, etc.
• university background and relevant social media footprint
• agenda for each social media platformand account specific
• analysis on the chosen account and the threads within
o what was the SNA based on and why
o number of network members and their interactions
o clusters/groups found
o key network members
o nature of interaction (in degrees and out degrees) within clusters and externally
• reflect and draw strategic conclusion/recommendation on what the university of Sydney should consider in future based on their current SNA mapping, this could also include comment platforms.
• All analysis must be be supported by academic literature. Harvard referencing must be adhered to. References are not included in word count.
• Pictures, tables and extensive quantitative analyses are expected for graduate level students, intuitive qualitative analysis does not suffice at this level.
Word count: 1000 +/- 10%

A critical analysis of two counselling theories

Select two counselling approaches. Compare and contrast these approaches in terms of both their theoretical assumptions as well as the techniques used in therapy. Provide an evaluation of empirical evidence that may support one over the other.

According to Benjamin, what is the power of film and how might it mobilize the masses in acts of resistance? How does Adorno respond to Benjamin’s argument?
1) According to Benjamin, what is the power of film and how might it mobilize the masses in acts of resistance? How does Adorno respond to Benjamin’s argument? How might these understandings of the significance of film correlate with the Feminist critique of film?
2) Both Benjamin and Adorno employ the dialectical method of Marx (Hegel) for their projects, but in their correspondence, Adorno accuses Benjamin of falling prey to a kind of naïve romanticism with his belief in the transformative potential of mechanical reproduction as a forwarding agent in the political project of the proletariat. Adorno responds to the draft of “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” with the injunction for “more dialectics” (529). What precisely is in tension between them and how might their approaches help us to navigate today’s culture and media manipulations?
3) In the age of mechanical reproduction, art was separated from tradition giving artists a new sense of freedom. But with that freedom, Adorno explains in “Art, Society, and Aesthetics,” “what looked at first like expansion of art turned out to be its contraction” (1). Rather then embrace this new found freedom, artists everywhere searched to put themselves back in the box (1). Taking into consideration Spivak’s essay, “Supplementing Marxism,” what do you think would be a Marxian analysis, in regards to why this contradiction occurred?
4) In “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Benjamin discusses what occurs to the authenticity of the art object as “the essence of all that is transmissible from its beginning.” When an art object is reproduced by technological means, he claims that “the historical testimony is affected,” which thereby affects the authority of the object itself (521). Do you think that, in today’s technology-entrenched society, we are experiencing this lack of authenticity? Or do you think it is, instead, possible for authenticity to still occur? How does the utilization of technology for reproduction change our understanding of authenticity? Please provide some examples of artists that you think are or are not doing this effectively.
5) In the two excerpts we read, Edward Said identifies not only a European cultural tradition of universalism and ‘superiority’ but also accuses academia of the same insular notions. Spivak shares these concerns. Said introduces a methodology of discourse as a remedial measure to the rigidity of history and philosophical difference. In the current firmly globalized (yet simultaneously nationalistic and divided) geopolitical experience, what might discourse offer that is similar/different/ other than dialectic? And is ‘giving voice’ enough considering the shadow of traditional power structures?

Explore the ways in which the narrators of both ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘Salome’ are presented as being mad?

Poems-“Porphyrias Lover”(Robert Browning)… “Salome” (Carol Ann Duffy)
coursework needs to be about both poems. You answer a question exploring a common theme, but it does not necessarily need to be comparative. You can write about one poem and then the next one and draw comparisons in your conclusion.
(TIP: think about the causes of madness and the effects their mad actions have)
-4 main body paragraphs, two for each poem. Each main body paragraph should have a topic sentence,3-4 quotes in which are analyzed using(point, evidence, explanation, zoom in on a powerful word in the quote) then a Closing sentence (wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph)
– conclusion etc.
Thank you!

Editorial Board of Connecticut Journal of Public Health

You are serving on the Editorial Board for Connecticut Journal of Public Health. For its next issue, you can only accept three (3) manuscripts.
1. The following abstracts have been submitted and you can only invite three (3) abstracts to be converted to full manuscripts.
2. Your decision has to be based on Scientific Quality and Public Health Importance and Impact.
3. Please select three (3) Abstracts and in 500 words justify your reasoning.
PLEASE ONLY 500 words! Thank you!

What is your assessment of Rayovac’s strategy and position in the global battery market? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

1. What is your assessment of Rayovac’s strategy and position in the global battery market? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
2. What is your assessment of Rayovac’s diversification strategy? In particular, how would you assess the Remington, United Industries, and Tetra acquisitions? How would you evaluate the conceptual logic behind these acquisitions?
3. What is your analysis of Rayovac’s corporate strategy in 2005? What changes would you recommend to their top management team?

Assignment Title: “Building a Community”
Assignment: U.S. writer required and at least three references from uploaded text/material answer/address the following:
A) Which strategies from “Building a Community” would you incorporate into your overall U.S. 11th grade U.S. History class classroom management plan? Explain your reasoning along with the 11th grade U.S. History class classroom you envision.

B) As a way to demonstrate your ideas, go back to the scenario: “A middle school student who is required to set at the front of a class becomes fidgety to point where he/she is becoming disruptive to the whole class. 20 minutes into the class the student gets up and wanders around the class room. When asked to return to his/her seat, he/she leaves the classroom and heads down the hall.” Briefly describe the situation. Then describe the community-building strategies you would use to solve the problem.

In a 2 page paper, please analyze the following:
1. How do psychological principles affect the study of the behavior of individuals and groups?
2. What are the parameters of behavioral deviance and its various therapies?
3. How do psychological principles affect the study of individual differences?
4. Last, explain the role of psychology in such areas as industry, complex organizations, law, and education.

Could you please expand on how interrater reliability would be used to determine the correct course of treatment for cancer?

Week 5 Discussion Use the author as one of your sources and answer each question separately and briefly.
Reliability of raters
Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological testing: a practical approach to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Chapter 8
1. Could you please expand on how interrater reliability would be used to determine the correct course of treatment for cancer?

2. How does modern test theory approach reliability in a very different manner than does classical test theory?

3. It is not unusual to obtain qualitative data in the beginning phases of a study that can then be evaluated in order to design a quantitative study that is informed by the earlier phase. Do you know what the research design of the Pew Research study entails?

45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Posting is insightful, thorough, and includes application of theory/law to real world experiences, and examples. Posting demonstrates thorough understanding of the assignment and is substantiated with two (2) or more scholarly sources, one of which can be the course text

22.5 (22.5%) – 25 (25%)
Providing additional examples/sources demonstrating understanding and application of the discussion topic.

22.5 (22.5%) – 25 (25%)
Postings are polished, free of errors in mechanics, and is APA compliant

Describe the four processes in the pharmacokinetic phase. What factors influence each process? Include first-pass effect, protein binding, and free drug in your answer.
Describe the pharmacodynamics phase. Include onset, peak, duration, peak and trough levels.
What nursing interventions are necessary when a patient takes a medication that must be monitored by peak & trough levels? Why?
Explain how the nursing process is used to safely give medications to patients.
Please include intext citations and references

Economic Development Analysis and Proposal Plan

You will submit an Economic Development Analysis and Proposal Plan, consisting of 15-20 pages. In order to complete this assignment, you must choose a specific locale that you want to use for your case study. You may wish to select the community in which you currently live or a hometown as the focus of this report. A case must be a “bounded system” with definable parameters (Stake, 1995). This assignment will require that you address the following six specific areas: locale, economic situation, SWOT, legal and public policy issues, governmental atmosphere, and action plan and period, please include an abstract conclusion and reference pages

Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer engagement and Customer Experience

Title will be: “Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer engagement and Customer Experience”
– The project will consist of many phases (e.g Project proposal, leatreture reviews…etc.) and will need an active response from your side
– Each phase will need a review from my doctor and agreement and accordingly we will move through the different parts and phases.
– The project proposal will be required for first submission within the next 3 days. And upon approval we will go through.
– Please find the attached directions for the proposal and for writing the whole thesis for the main directions.
– I am coming from Sales Background in Pharmaceuticals, medical, cosmetics and Healthcare IT fields, so My focus would be in these areas as primary and some examples from other industries would be fine but I prefer these areas.
– We will be depending on surveys as method of collection and I would send the questionnaires . Surely the questionnaire will be provided from you to support the dissertation.
– The region of focus will be the middle east excluding Israel from the whole thesis and not to mention it by any mean in the whole dissertation.
– Please be trendy in the examples and subjects.
– Artificial intelligence and blockchain would be great areas to relate to when appropriate.
– Focus also on social media and relate some of the examples to routines in daily lives.
– Please focus also on the marketing of applications
– The project proposal is of 8 pages
– The Dissertation will be the rest 60 pages
– Please avoid talking about politics and religions.
– Please always try to support ideas or conclusions with financial figures when applicable and appropriate.
– Please always give me heads up before beginning writing the next part to agree and move ahead to avoid multiple revisions.
– Always after each meeting with my professor, I will update you accordingly.
– Please assign the appropriate number of resources, unless a direction from my professor comes in this regard.
– Please check as well the timelines in the attached Guidelines

How Can Annual Conference Events Retain Existing Customers and Attract New Ones. What Factors Affect Participants Increase On Annual Conference Events.

University course is International Event’s Management – Master’s Dissertation on the topic: How Can Annual Conference Events Retain Existing Customers and Attract New Ones. What Factors Affect Participants Increase On Annual Conference Events.
I have done primary research based on an event I worked on, which is Global DIY Summit. I will attach results of questionnaires, it will be good to draw some conclusions of that research and link it to how it affects customer retention. I will also provide background information about event and links to its websites.
I am attaching all guidelines and supporting material for assignment. Attaching secondary research papers, which can be used for some evaluation. My dissertation draft document has breakdown of sections which need to be followed in the flow of work. Research proposal document is a piece of work i have submitted to university before, for a separate assignment, so it can be used as part of dissertation as long as it does not flag as plagiarism. Please let me know if any more supporting information is needed, i have a lot.
Even is Global DIY Summit, this is website with info:

Heart Failure

This paper continues your in-depth look at your selected disease/condition
Does this disorder affect the structure or functioning of connective tissue or bone cells?
Does it affect any hormones that regulate bone formation or repair?
Does it affect absorption of any materials needed for bone or muscle growth or repair?
Dose the disorder affect structure of skin cells or any of the skin appendages?
Does it affect thermoregulation?
Does the disorder make the person more susceptible to a skin disorder, including infections and cancers?
Does this disorder have any affect on the person’s ability to launch an effective stress response?
Does it result in acute or chronic stress?
Does this disorder affect the structure or functioning of neurons? [consider central and peripheral neurons]
Does it affect neuron action potentials or their ability to conduct impulses? [consider neurotransmitters also]
Does it affect pain or other sensation?
Does it affect the functioning of the neuromuscular junction or the motor unit?
Does it affect the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells?
Does it affect cognition? [also consider when the disorder is not well managed]
Does the disorder affect the structure or function of the urinary tract?
Does an alteration in renal functioning affect the disorder?
Does the disorder increase the chance of developing renal caliculi?

Analyse the level of compassion satisfaction and / or compassion fatigue within your specialty area of practice and in a care environment you have practiced, (this can be past or present workplace).

Students are required to analyse the level of compassion satisfaction and
/ or compassion fatigue within your specialty area of practice and in a care
environment you have practiced, (this can be past or present workplace).
From this analysis you need to propose a potential project that will have
a positive impact on improving the compassion satisfaction and human
flourishing within this practice environment.
Your report should include:
• An overview of your specialty area of nursing practice that
highlights practice changes that have influenced nursing care from
a compassion satisfaction or compassion fatigue perspective.
• Evidence of analysis of the findings from observation and / or the
stories from people receiving care and / or their carers
• Analysis of the current compassionate culture in terms of the
attributes, enabling factors and consequences using the effective
workplace culture framework (Manley et al., 2011).
• A synthesis of the information above to develop recommendations
for improvements to compassion satisfaction and human
flourishing in current workplace cultures.
This assessment should be written as a report with formal headings.

Discuss factors that accountants should consider when setting up accounting policy
relating to inventory for the entities they work for?

Required to choose a suitable company with sufficient disclosures and write a business
research report to address the following two questions.
By reference to the annual report of your selected company, you are required to address the
following two aspects in the business report:
(1) Review the inventory disclosure of your selected company which may include:
-inventory system (perpetual or periodic);
-cost assumption (FIFO, LIFO or average cost);
-the impact of cost assumption to the statement of profit and loss and
-evaluation of inventory, etc.
(2) Discuss factors that accountants should consider when setting up accounting policy
relating to inventory for the entities they work for?
may choose the company from:

Writing an essay on the topic: In “Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too” Alex soojung kim pang argues that workaholics have nothing to be proud of because they arent as efficient as they think.

Writing an essay on the topic: In “Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too” Alex soojung kim pang argues that workaholics have nothing to be proud of because they arent as efficient as they think. Should students take his hints to study less but more deliverately? Why or Why not?

Link to paper:

Our teacher mainly grades and focuses on how well we present are arguments, and the approach we use to communicate to our readers, when writing must include thesis outline, and when writing body paragraphs we need to follow a structure: claim +evidence, explain and link, articulate assumptions, if there are counter arguments ackoneldege them.

Following in the attached doucment are links she gave us to help with research in the topic, must somehow incoporate at least one of the research she provides to us.

In this comparative essay, discuss the role of prominent secondary characters in two different novels below:
1) All the King’s Men (by Robert Penn Warren)
2) Wise Blood (Flannery O’Connor)

*****It is extremely important to look at the PDF file named “ENGL227 Comparative essay guidelines (MUST READ)” attached in the additional materials section. *****
This PDF file basically contains ALL required criteria required for this comparative essay. Please make sure that you strictly follow these guidelines when writing this paper. The essay should be 100% original and not plagiarized from anyone else’s work. NEVER paraphrase any already existing essay and just change the wordings.

An international arts organisation is seeking proposals for live music projects that will empower local communities.

Write a proposal outlining your project for a group that includes you, to do a public performance of a pop song of your choosing that will draw public attention to an important social or political issue in your community. In your proposal, explain why the song you have chosen will be able to draw attention to the issue and how you think a performance of it could empower and inspire change in the community.

To answer this question, you will need to:
• Explain what the issue is and why it is important. Identify and present an issue that is impacting people in your community that you think deserves immediate attention. For example, there may be an environmental issue in your hometown that has been ongoing for a number of years, or an injustice against a group of marginalized people in your capital city that you want to draw attention to, etc. Ensure you have sufficient evidence to argue for the importance and urgency of the issue.

• Explain what song you have chosen and why it will draw attention to the issue. Undertake additional wider reading to consider the background behind the song you have chosen. This could include things like: why the song was written, what the songwriter’s political stance was on relevant issues, the cultural background of the songwriter, why and when the song was popular, etc. Use this information to explain why it’s the right song to highlight the issue chosen.

• Describe how the performance will look and sound and explain your choices. Consider how your research above will inform the performance by your group. You should consider things like when and where the performance will take place (including the time of day, date, time of year, venue or location), as well as how the group will present themselves, what the song will sound like (use appropriate terms to describe to vocal characteristics), how the song will be interpreted by the group (if appropriate – for instance you may have a creative interpretation of a particular lyric), and what the intended impact of these things will be on the audience.

• You must choose a song that you have not studied in this subject. This includes songs studied in lectures, tutorials and in your assignments. Hence, DO NOT pick songs by Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, The Beatles, Mariah Carey, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga or Madonna.

An effective proposal should be structured using an introduction, body and conclusion. It can include headings to organize the sections, as well as pictures if necessary.

Make sure you do wider reading using a variety of sources (such as videos, news articles, academic journals, web pages etc.) to support your proposal.

You must acknowledge when you have used someone else’s idea by referencing appropriately.

For the Final Project, you will select a public organization (federal, state, or local) with which you are familiar.

This may be an organization for which you currently work or have worked, know about from others, or have learned about through academic resources and/or the media, as long as it is not a non-profit organization or a private for-profit organization. With this organization in mind, you will explore the various topics of the course. As you progress through the readings and assignments in the course, think about how these topics relate to finance and budgeting within the organization you selected.

Submit your Final Project, which should contain the following sections (the sections can be reordered for appropriate flow):

The organization selected is the United States Department of Veterans Affairs

1. Mission and goals of the organization
2. Ethical considerations related to finance and budgeting within the organization
3. Technological considerations for improving the efficiency or effectiveness of finance and budgeting within the organization
4. Applicable laws, regulations, and policies impacting the organization’s financial and budgetary operations
5. Internal factors impacting successful strategic financial planning
6. Evaluation of the organization’s annual financial report
7. Evaluation of the organization’s revenue sources
8. Evaluation of the organization’s expenditures
9. Assessment of the organization’s overall financial condition
Your Final Project must demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to graduate-level scholarship. It must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. Also, you must use at least six scholarly sources from the library that were published within the past five years to support the paper.
The project should be 14–15 pages in length (double-spaced), not including the title page, the abstract, and references.
Be sure to support your Final Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.

Mikesell, J. L. (2018). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Eskridge, R. D., French, P. E., & McThomas, M. (2012). The international city/county management association code of ethics. Public Integrity, 14(2), 127–150.

Gillette, C. P. (2012). Fiscal federalism as a constraint on states. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 35(1), 101–114.

Jost, K. (2010). States and federalism. CQ Researcher, 20(36), 845–868.

Rossmann, D., & Shanahan, E. A. (2012). Defining and achieving normative democratic values in participatory budgeting processes. Public Administration Review, 72(1), 56–66.

Sorens, J. (2011). The institutions of fiscal federalism. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 41(2), 207–231.

Complete questionnaire sheet (2 Pages), Assignment 2 (5 pages), Assignment 3 part 1 , and Assignment 3 Part 2 to complete a business plan for: Honestly Juices is different from other cold-pressed juice companies because we collaborate with the consumer and accept feedback from them that we inject into the decision making of what goes into the juices and why.

Draft Assignment 1 (5 pages), complete questionnaire sheet (2 Pages), Assignment 2 (5 pages), Assignment 3 part 1 , and Assignment 3 Part 2 to complete a business plan for: Honestly Juices is different from other cold-pressed juice companies because we collaborate with the consumer and accept feedback from them that we inject into the decision making of what goes into the juices and why. We also ensure that our juices are non-GMO, sustainable, 100% organic, chemical, and pesticide-free fruit juices while there are only a limited few companies that can deliver on that standard.

At Honestly Juices, our mission is to enthusiastically produce and deliver non-GMO, sustainable, 100% organic, and pesticide-free fruit juices that a child or adult can healthily enjoy. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction in our juices because that is what our customer expects and we meet this by collaborating with our consumers so that we are the best in the world.

Please, do Assignment 1 and the Questionnaire firstly. I am flexible on the rest of the documents. There are many attachments to refer to and more that I will upload in a day or two unless needed sooner.

Write a business plan about running an intelligent car park company which is constructed in the city of Sydney

To write a business plan about running an intelligent car park company which is constructed in the city of sydney
only need to complete 1. Exclusive summery 2. Background 3. Service 4. Direction 5. Strategic analysis

The fisheries along the east coast of Canada and the United States have faced many challenges. The history of the Cod industry in eastern Canada and northern New England has especially gone through difficult times over the last several decades. Please explain what has happened and the impact of these changes on the people that live there

800 to 1,000 words of text
2) any titles, title pages (which are not necessary) and the list of references must be in addition to the 800 to 1,000 words of text
3) use of at least two references from peer-reviewed (or refereed) journals– see ‘Peer Reviewed Articles & Journals’ under Assignments)
4) use of the textbook as a reference
5) use and highlight in bold print at least two italicized terms from the textbook for section VL4.
6) list of cited references at the end of the paper with complete citations for each reference
You should follow APA format for the paper, though no title page or abstract are necessary. But be sure your references are complete. I also suggest 12-point Times New Roman with 1.15 spacing.
Textbook is on Chegg
ask support for details

Assess Aristotle’s claim that “man is a political animal.” What does he mean by this and how does he defend his statements?do you think his justification of his claim is successful?

What were two outcomes of the Seven Years War? Were these outcomes surprising? Why or why not?

Donald Trump hails South Korea trade deal (International Economics)

Please find the article for this assignment here:

The assignment MUST always be related to the article sent above.(BBC)
Please find the detailed description of the assignment here:

Let us assume that the WTO has decided to re-open the case of trade in GMO foods under the principle of “precaution” at the behest of the European Union. Your task is to write a letter to your Senator (approximately 500 words), who works with the US Trade Representative, to advocate either for or against the continued trade in these foodstuffs. In your letter, be sure to use the arguments/ assumptions about trade and politics to bolster and explain the position you choose to take.
A TED talk applying the course concepts to your own experience.

Your final assignment will be a mock TED talk. You won’t deliver the talk but you should prepare PowerPoint slides with accompanying speaker notes.

In this presentation, you should identify a real-life work situation that you can use as your own case study to apply three (3) concepts from our course (similar to the cases we have been reading for the course). You may use anything in the Conrad & Poole text that helps us understand and interpret the situation.

Treatment effectiveness of Veterans with PTSD

The paper is a formal research project on the effectiveness of treatment of veterans with PTSD. It also includes a hypothetical study and methods used.

Summarise Herman and Chomsky’s “propaganda model”

Summarise Herman and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model. Your Summary should be no longer than 750 words. The object of this exercise is to assess your comprehension of key ideas and issues in this area, and your ability to write concisely about them. Please reference appropriately and include a bibliography from the following enclosed source. Pages 1-35 of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (1988). Please demonstrate that you have read this material in the quality of your summary and by quoting from it.

South African managers in public service: On being authentic

Evaluate qualitative research questions in research studies published in peer-reviewed journals
• Identify qualitative approaches in research studies published in peer-reviewed journals and explain how the researchers implemented the approach
• Explain use of qualitative designs in research studies published in peer-reviewed journals
• Analyze alignment among theory, problem, purpose, research questions, and design in qualitative research studies published in peer-reviewed journal articles.

Sports Analytics (DATA) argument

The assignment is to argue whether the data provided (ATP Rankings) are correct in Sports Analytics.
Detailed Paper instruction is attached as a separate file.
No other sources are needed except the ATP website.
Message me as soon as possible if you have any question about the assignment

Masters Criminal Justice Final Exam: Corrections and Methods

This is a final comp. exam for Criminal Justice. Must conduct a case study on electronic monitoring. 2 rewrites will be required once the graders receive the draft and recommend certain areas they deem necessary to change or alter. Schedule is as follows:

The question and study is:

Electronic monitoring, or surveillance, has become a “fashionable” approach to community supervision of offenders. What are the issues involved in the approach? What are the variations of the technique? What is the evidence of effectiveness?

Next, design a study to assess the effectiveness of electronic monitoring. You need to include the following:

a) Hypotheses to be tested
b) Sample and sampling method
c) Method for data collection (e.g, type of research design — field research, experiment, quasi-experiment, surveys, interviews, official data, etc.)
d) Statistical analyses to test hypotheses

Must be APA and use scholarly sources. I am thinking 7 or more scholarly APA sources at least.

There is a minimum requirement of 500 words for the article critique.
Write a summary of the article. This should be one to three paragraphs in length, depending on the length of the article. Include the purpose for the article, how research was conducted, the results, and other pertinent information from the article.
Identify the selection criteria and methods and how they relate to hiring at the organization in the article.
Discuss the meaning or implication of the results of the study that the article covers. This should be one to two paragraphs. This is where you offer your opinion on the article. Discuss any flaws with the article, how you think it could have been better, and what you think it all means.
Write one paragraph discussing how the author could expand on the results, what the information means in the big picture, what future research should focus on, or how future research could move the topic forward. Discuss how knowledge in the area could be expanded.
Any sources used, including the textbook and the article, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

Discuss Corporate Social Responsibility and answer the following questions.
1. The significance of product lifecycle in lifecycle pricing for companies that promote CSR?
2. Connections among source, production, consumption, and disposal?
3. Implications for companies’ reputations and brand when they do not pay attention to product lifecycle, final consumer product or means of production?
4. Describe 5 steps a multinational corporation leader can take to ensure ethical and sustainable practices?

Option #1: Direct Cost: Scenario 1

Assume the network and data that follow. Be sure to access the “Module 5 CT Option 1” file below.

Compute the total direct cost for each project duration. If the indirect costs for each project duration are $ 400 (17 time units), $ 350 (16), $ 300 (15), and $ 250 (14), compute the total project cost for each duration. Plot the total direct, indirect, and project costs for each of these durations on a cost-time graph. What is the optimum cost-time schedule for the project? What is this cost? Thoroughly address the questions in a 2-4 page paper, but include the charts and graphs as appendices to your paper.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

2-4 pages in length, not including the cover, references page, and appendix.
Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.
Cite a minimum of three sources, two of which should be current academic peer-reviewed, scholarly sources to support your responses, and should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. The CSU-Global library is a great place to find these resources. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and the current CSU-Global APA and writing standards. Note: Current research in this class means the most recent five-year period. Although research older than five years may be used, it will not count toward the assignment requirement. Additionally, in lecture material for Module 1, you were reminded of what constitutes academic peer-reviewed, scholarly sources, and how to find them in the CSU Global Library.
Appendix — remember that appendices follow the references page.
Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment rubric available in the Module 5 folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.

Managing significant biological threats in a fast-paced society is complicated. We are increasingly able to travel to distant parts of the globe via a single connection. Long-haul, extended point-to-point travel is now possible by airlines introducing the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 into service.
Answer all of the questions below as it relates to the above in essay format
Is it possible to quarantine large portions of the population, particularly in the US?
How would that be accomplished?
Is it beneficial in a high resource country like the US?
How does this differ in Liberia?
Why might quarantine be useful in some settings but not others?
Would it be appropriate in your community?
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
What factors contribute to the spread of an infection which causes the infection to be declared a pandemic?

Journal Topic: Research—Three Paragraphs (with respect to the three subtopics), with each Paragraph 8 to 10 sentences. [This Journal Entry must be TYPED in Courier New 10 or 12 point font, double-spaced].
Subtopic A: What is ‘Research’? Give your own definition and then a formal definition from a source. What is the difference between Basic Research and Applied Research? Give two generic examples of each type of Research. Give two particular examples of each type of Research, as related to your Major Field—e.g. Sociology or Accounting.
Subtopic B: Based upon your Major, what are THREE RESEARCH SOURCES you could consult to learn about: (a) the job prospects in this field, (b) the salary range in this field, (c) the formal and continuing education requirements for this field? Give a brief explanation about each of the Sources chosen.
Subtopic C: Based upon your Major, what are THREE ACADEMIC OR SCHOLARLY JOURNALS which you could use in order to conduct Research about some Question or Problem in your field, as might be presented to you in a Senior-Level Research Class? Give the names of these Journals. Give several Examples of Research Questions or Problems related to your Field of Study.
Additional Requirement: Students should present along with their Journal Entry AT LEAST ONE ACADEMIC ARTICLE (as indicated in Subtopic C) for their Major Field. (Note: Because many Journal Articles are long, students may print just the first three pages of the Selected Article to submit with this Assignment.) The Journal Article may be presented to the Instructor.
*my major is criminal justice and is pursuing a law enforcement career

Ebola: Sociological issues/impact on parts of society and vulnerable populations

Based on the attachment of “paper topic” answer the following questions below in essay style with headers

Crisis Name/Title:
Scale of Primary Impact: (e.g., global, national, regional, city, etc.)
Brief Description and type of disaster:
Based on the primary hazards, identify key guiding frameworks/regulations and lead agencies with the level of jurisdiction (such as local, county, state, or federal). You are encouraged to present this information in chart form.
Finally, in 2-4 paragraphs, discuss
Legal issues
Organizational/administrative issues
Policy issues and challenges
Sociological issues/impact on parts of society and vulnerable populations
Scientific/engineering issues
Other issues
All sources should be cited using APA citation style. Include a bibliography of cited references.

Write an essay about the concept, importance, components, and management of working capital

The term net working capital is associated with short-term financial decision making. Therefore short-term financial management is often called working capital management. The types of questions usually fall under the general heading of short-term finance are:
1. What is a reasonable level of cash to keep on hand (in bank) to pay bills?
2. How much the firm should borrow in the short term?
3. How much credit should be extended to customers?

write an essay about the concept, importance, components, and management of working capital. Your essay should cover: Current assets and current liabilities, emphasizing:
a. Cash and liquidity management
b. Credit (A/R and A/P) and inventory management.

Explain how this topic will enable you to be a better and more effective professional (and student, if applicable) and how you immediately plan to use this skill and knowledge for your development (2 points)

Identify TWO (2) topics that we have covered in the course and for EACH topic: (approximately 3 pages for both topics; Total 10 points; 5 points for each topic)
Briefly explain the topic and your understanding/interpretation of it (1 point)
Describe how you related to this topic in the course, how it enabled you to stay engaged in the course, with the professor, and with your classmates (2 points)
Explain how this topic will enable you to be a better and more effective professional (and student, if applicable) and how you immediately plan to use this skill and knowledge for your development (2 points)
We have discussed extensively the impact of information technology on the nature and design of work in organizations. Use the knowledge of the course material and other skills you gained (such as practice of mindfulness) to answer the following: (approximately 1 page; Total 5 points)
1) As a business manager, what are the main challenges and opportunities that you expect to see in your organization (if you are not currently working, use a suitable work place from your previous experience or the university environment)? (3 points)
2) How do you propose to address these issues? How do you plan to help make your employees more effective? (2 points)

3. Based on the CAIS article “Tutorial: Big Data Analytics” Watson (2014) and related discussions from textbook material topics: (approximately 1 page; Total 5 points)
Explain briefly the main business objectives of knowledge management, business intelligence, and business analytics in the organization. What are the main challenges and risks involved? (2 points)

Describe briefly how you would address these challenges in a private or government organization related to your industry. Use specific instances from your experience of (1) Wiley Plus SAP ERP simulations and (2) SAP Business Objects exercises to explain your response. The attachment is the topic regards to question and as well as the guideline thank you

Turkish MSK physiotherapists’ perceptions of therapeutic relationship

Rationale: This part should start with introduce physiotherapists role and therapeutic relationship which is also called patient-centred care. Advantaged and benefits of therapeutic relationship like what is it and why is that necessary and adavantages from patients and physios side.
Other countries beliefs about therapeutic relationship like the UK, US and Avustralia. What is the position of therapeutic relationship in those countries What are physios beliefs in those countries.
Therapeutic relationship in Turkey what are physios opinins and how important for them. do they implement therapeutic relationship in thir practice (probably you will not enough article about Turkish phhysios or physiotherapy in Turkey but you can connet that to the literature gap as a justification of choosing this topic
objectives are to learn their perspectives and to lead the second study that can evaluate the barriers and facilitaters for therapeutic relationship)
Justifications are crucial and all justifications are needed to support by articles
Proposed research question: the research question will be design with PEO approach (literature is needed)
Paradigm: why is this necessary ? why do the researchers need to use paradigm (literature). In this case the paradigm is considered interpretivist / constructivist (needed to be justified with articles why i chose this method? )
Research method: first general information about all research methods (focus group, interview and survey (comparison between interview and survey, advantages of interviews) and justify that why i will use interview method (advantages and disadvantages of it)
disscussion about focus group interview and one to one in person interview (again justify that why i will choose one to one interview adavntages and disadvantages of it) (all justifications are needed to be support with literature
proposed mthodology: i am goint send you an example of dissertation proposal. you can find this part in this proposal and it can make you clear of how it should be (proposed methos: one to one interview discuss about what kind of problems might arise and solutions for it) (literature)

Professional, ethical and practical considerations: again you vcan use the example study that i will send to you. However you can also contact me when reach this part to disscuss and have consensus ideas

Pediatric Nurse: Locate the name of a recent (

The purpose of this homework is to introduce you to APA style, as you will be required to use this format for all of your papers in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Please be sure to complete all of the steps as outlined below in order to receive full credit.

Make sure to use the assignment rubric to guide your work.

1. Locate the name of a recent ( 2. Find one scholarly article related to your topic and read it.
3. Type a one page (double spaced) summary of the article you read. In your summary, make sure and use in-text citations, including page numbers if you use a direct quote. Remember, even information that is summarized must be cited to avoid plagiarism.
4. At the end of the summary, type the reference to your article in correct APA style.
5. Please include a copy of your article with your assignment submission; this can be a .pdf file. Simply attach both this template (in Word format) and the article to Blackboard when you submit.

Ecocentrism: The Old man and the Sea. What is the significance of this identification of the marlin?

Topic: In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago repeatedly identifies the marlin as a “brother.” What is the significance of this identification of the marlin? How does it connect to the way in which Santiago’s and the marlin’s roles at some points seem to become blurred? Most importantly, how does it connect to the larger themes of the novel?
***The important idea in this topic is ecocentrism (a belief that ecosystems and their interests should be valued intrinsically and placed before human interest). Our class focuses on how nature depicted in the work. I also uploaded a file about the ecocentrism (Wilderness by Leopold) for your reference. Also note that I’m a non-native speaker so please write that is easy to understand it.

Book link:

Please read carefully for the additional instructions.
Additional Stipulations:
· Use the present tense when you are analyzing a literary text.
· Begin your essay with a title that clearly indicates the essay’s subject matter, including the title of the book you will be discussing (e.g. Wilderness and Hunting in Leopold’s Sand County Almanac).
· This essay, like any academic essay, should contain a strong one-sentence thesis statement at or very near the end of the opening paragraph. Each supporting paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that makes a claim about the text and then proceed to give evidence for that claim and to discuss that evidence.
· The thesis statement and topic sentences must make claims about the text (e.g. “In Leopold’s essay, the wilderness is a stage on which men use traditional skills to prove themselves,” NOT just “The wilderness is a stage on which men use traditional skills to prove themselves”).
· Your evidence should include a good balance of direct quotation from the text and paraphrase. Remember to integrate direct quotations in the way you were taught in class (and in MLA style) and to include a works cited list.
· Each body paragraph must contain multiple pieces of evidence. For the essay to achieve a passing grade, at least one of those pieces of evidence in each body paragraph must be quoted directly. Please do not rely on previously chosen online lists of quotations from famous works. Students who do this miss the most important pieces of evidence, fail to make original arguments, and generally fail to demonstrate deep enough knowledge of the text that they are discussing
· Avoid plot summary altogether, even in your introduction. Focus on argument and analysis.
· No reading of secondary material is required or expected. This is not a research paper.
· Do not rely on ready-made online analyses of the book for your ideas. The best essays result from making your
own observations and developing your own opinions.
· If you do use secondary sources, including any of the many freely available sources on the internet, please cite
your sources fully in both in-text citations and the works cited list. Failure to do so is plagiarism, even if you are
only drawing on the ideas, not the actual words, of the sources you have consulted. See the MLA Style
Guidelines handout for detailed information on how to give proper credit to your sources.
· If you really want to find good quality secondary sources on literary texts, remember that the best place to
search in the MLA International Bibliography (available under Databases on the library website).
· Your essay should be formatted in MLA style (this includes both the layout of the paper as a whole as well as the
format of the in-text citations and works cited list). Good online resources for MLA style may be found by
searching for “OWL Purdue MLA format” on the internet.

Your task for this project is to develop a complete strategic Internet (DIGITAL) Marketing plan – marketing, advertising, media, and financial plans for a product or service. For example it can be a product/brand such as GoPro, Nikon, Kodak or service such as MySpace, Etsy, FreshDirect, Paypal etc. The latter group can also include various social media/networking platforms as well as B2B sites. In addition, I find it very valuable when doing a project of this nature specifically for non-profit/charitable organizations since they are heavily dependent on the use of digital media due to financial constraints.
The important point here is that the product or service you choose NEEDS a new marketing plan because for various reasons (based on research you will conduct) it is not growing as well as expected (and in comparison with its competitors) in the marketplace.

Research: Find at least 5 articles that are at least 3 pages in length each, focused on a single product or product line, service or idea detailed above. Business Magazines that are likely to contain articles that meet these criteria include Fortune, Forbes, WSJ, Business Week among others. In addition there are many digital marketing news magazines that you should use (e.g., Mediapost, adage, internet retailer etc.) Articles should be dated 2018, 2017, 2016, or 2015. These articles are to be used to conduct a situation analysis on your product/company. For example, if you choose to do a digital marketing plan for JetBlue, then find and select articles about the parent company and its recent digital and online strategies regarding its brand and offerings. What have they been doing, have they or have they not been as successful competing with other big players like American and Southwest, and try to get as much detail as possible about the company itself and its digital marketing/advertising strategies and also financial performance data from their annual reports and other sources including those listed below through Pace library. Remember the more detailed and comprehensive your report the better your grade. Almost everything you write should be based on facts, data and research you conduct online. Always cite your sources fully and correctly so I can access the same information quickly.
The number of articles you need will depend on the amount of information you find in your article (s). The more the better of course, but choose articles that add value to your project. Your assignment will be to develop/infer the marketing plan using the basic concepts of marketing learned in class. Use the headings and sub-headings as noted below.

Company Analysis – This section explains what the company’s strengths are and how the company is able to achieve its mission and goals.
■ Company Analysis:
■ Trends in sales/ market share
■ Specific segments which exhibit growth/ stagnation
■ Trends in DIGITAL ad/ IMC
■ How is the brand currently positioned?

Proposed paper topic: Cyber security policy and freedom of speech in the information age

You will write a purpose statement for an essay proposal. I will provide you with the paper topic and the research question so you understand the direction in which you will write the purpose statement.

Proposed paper topic: Cyber security policy and freedom of speech in the information age

Proposed research question: Should traditional notions of freedom of speech be updated and refined for the information age?

Your task will be to write the purpose statement and to find 6 peer reviewed sources.

2 pages double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font left justified format

Citations/References: You must use Turabian parenthetical style

What belief do students have in Growth Mindset theories? What effect, if any, does Growth Mindset theories have on students?

The paper is a research paper based on Growth Mindset for students focused on 3 questions:
1) What belief do students have in Growth Mindset theories?
2) What effect, if any, does Growth Mindset theories have on students?
3) Can positive behaviors or actions from guardians/educators be the cause of student’s successes rather than the theory of Growth Mindset? (For example, saying “Nice job on that homework” motivates the student, not so much an intrinsic belief from the student that they will succeed)

I have provided 6 articles/sources that MUST be used as these are the 6 I am using to write the paper. All I need is the annotated bibliography of the 6 articles/sources I have provided.


Opinion Paper About Nike’s New Advertising Campaign

Paper Format:

1. Executive summary
2. Question answers (approximately 1 page per answer)
3. References

1. As discussed in class this semester, advertising is a $550-Billion-dollar expense in marketing and marketing resources must be spent wisely. Nike’s rare move into politics is definitely a risk. Do you believe the risk of using Colin Kaepernick as the face of Nike’s advertising campaign was a good risk to take? Yes or No and Why?

2. Review at least one commercial from the Nike-Colin Kaepernick ad campaign. As a result of this ad, would this encourage or discourage you to buy Nike products? Yes or No and Why?

3. What is your opinion on current Nike customers destroying their own Nike logo material? Do you think this will be a long-term action or just a knee-jerk reaction? Why?

4. If you were the Senior Vice President of Nike’s marketing department, would you be willing to risk your career and possibly future career implementing the Colin Kaepernick marketing program? Yes or No and Why?

How has the rise of social media changed the ways that consumers gather information and learn about competing brands?

Topic – Learning

Marking Criteria :
Planning- (10%)
Delivery (10%)
Presentational Aids(10%) – Needs to be done using PowerPoint , Videos should be no longer than 1 minute each and 3 minutes for whole presentation. 3. You are expected to use the most up to date techniques in delivering your presentation.
Level of research(20%) – You are expected to use at least 5-10 academic references. These should be referenced within the body of your presentation. You are to use the Harvard System of Referencing. A full reference list should be included at the end of your presentation. you are expected to use journal articles etc to underpin your theoretical content
Content(50%) – Answer the specific question asked. Underpin your work with a range of theories/ modelsrk. Include, where appropriate, application to a range of examples. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY OUT IN DEPTH RESEARCH. MAKE SURE YOU USE A RANGE OF ACADEMIC SOURCES IN YOUR CONTENT.

Assignment question for power point presentation :

The second stage of the individual decision-making model is information search, which is influenced by consumer learning. How has the rise of social media changed the ways that consumers gather information and learn about competing brands?

Student Loan Debt in America – Literature Review

All sources must be found on the UMUC’s library.


Please ask support for log in information

*. you wrote all of the papers mentioned below as reference.

In the synthesis essay, you will focus on Student Loan Debt in America.

You will divide the essay into categories. Each category will be labelled with a heading.

In the synthesis essay, you will focus your research efforts in a particular area, perhaps as a response to what you found while writing the annotated bibliography (this site wrote) and in constructing the four-source and six-source essays (this site wrote all of these papers). You will then conduct more research and synthesize your findings in this literature review.

You might decide to disregard several of the articles you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography or in the following two essays because they don’t speak to the specific area on which you decide to write your multiple-source literature review. You might select one article that you analyzed in the critical annotated bibliography, look up the articles cited in the article, and “snowball” your research that way.

Equality Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) in the Armed forces

Please split 2750 words into a literature review based on ED&I and its utilisation within the themes of transactional and transitional leadership and conflict management. The dissertation subject is specified on the British Armed forces, however the themes can be gleaned from the civil sector. Please include areas such as “Fight,Flight or Flow” by McConnon & McConnon (2010) and Three Cultures at work (Maravelas A. 2005) in the conflict management section.

Below is a list of useful references to use along with the research carried out by your writers.

Dandeker, C., & Mason, D. (2003). Diversifying the Uniform? The Participation of Minority Ethnic Personnel in the British Armed Services. Armed Forces & Society, 29(4), 481-507. doi: 10.1177/0095327×0302900402

Dickens, L. (1994). The Business Case for Women′s Equality. Employee Relations, 16(8), 5-18. doi: 10.1108/01425459410073915

Equality Act 2010. (2010). Retrieved 27 Jul 18 from

Hussain, A., & Ishaq, M. (2016). Equality and diversity in the British armed forces: progress, challenges and prospects. Defense & Security Analysis, 32(1), 36-50. doi: 10.1080/14751798.2015.1130317.

Northouse, P. (2015). Leadership (International Student Edition) (7th ed., p. 171). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc

Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed., p. 312). Harlow: Pearson Education

Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row.

McConnon S & McConnon M. 2010. Managing Conflict in the workplace (3rd ed). p.17-70. Oxford: Howtobooks.

Bacal MA. 1998. Conflict prevention in the workplace: Using cooperative communication. Canada: Bacal & Associates.

Breggin PR. 1992. Beyond conflict: From psychotherapy to peacemaking. p.52-58. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Maravelas A. 2005. How to reduce workplace conflict and stress: How leaders and their employees can protect their sanity and productivity from tension and turf wars. p.30-33. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press

Any work by BERNARD M. BASS

Can this change be described as an increase in social equality and greater cultural freedom (i.e. – freedom of thought and religious belief)? As greater political and economic liberty?

By 1750 the English colonies on the North American mainland had matured and changed. What were the key ways in which the colonial societies of this era (1700-1750) differed from those of the early 17th century (1600-1650)? Can this change be described as an increase in social equality and greater cultural freedom (i.e. – freedom of thought and religious belief)? As greater political and economic liberty? (no plagiarism)

Write an essay exploring the question of: is death of a salesman a tragedy? is Willy Loman a tragic character?

Write an essay exploring the question of: is death of a salesman a tragedy? is Willy Loman a tragic character?

What social psychological concepts do you see affecting your life currently? Discuss examples of social psychological terms/concepts as you see them in your life.

Link to the book:
One pager per chapter question please
Chapter 11: What personality concepts resonate the most with your experiences and life? Provide specific examples about yourself or others that illustrate some of the concepts from the theories discussed in this chapter. Do you think personality changes throughout life? Provide support for your thoughts on this question.
Chapter 9 : Consider the many concepts and stages discussed in this chapter. Do you see examples of any of these with yourself or others? Connect concepts discussed in this chapter with your own experiences or examples from people you have encountered.
Chapter 12: What social psychological concepts do you see affecting your life currently? Discuss examples of social psychological terms/concepts as you see them in your life. Remember, social situations are broadly defined and you are living in a “social” world, so you shouldn’t have any problems recognizing connections between the “book” material and your own experiences.

Was the “Myth of the Blitz” a myth?

To some extent, all nations that experienced the war have made the war part of their national identity. For Americans, it’s the “Good War,” for Germans, the “Bad War,” for Russians, the “Great Patriotic War.” The Chinese see it as a victory over Japanese aggression; the Japanese see it as proof of the value of nationalism or pacifism, depending on whom you ask.

In Britain, the war is often portrayed as a confirmation of the values most associated with British identity: respect for the rule of law, a belief in fairness, and a stiff upper lip. They recognized a threat; they were attacked; they pulled together; they saved the world. For some, however, this view of the war is a myth, invented by propagandists during the war and maintained by historians and politicians after the war.

One problem with this argument, though, is that many of those who experienced the war were, and continued to be, strong proponents of this view themselves. In this paper, use the sources from Weeks Four and Five, and choose THREE additional sources from either the “People’s War” site or the Imperial War Museum’s archives to support your argument about whether the Myth of the Blitz was a myth at all.

The objective of an informative essay is not to present your view, but “to inform or educate the audience on a given topic” (The KU Handbook for Writers, 2008, p. 102).
Your informative essay might
• explain something most readers don’t know
• present the latest research on a topic
• analyze a cause-effect relationship
• teach readers how to solve a problem or apply knowledge

For this course, your informative essay should be 3–5 pages in length and use at least four sources. You should also use a formal academic writing style, avoiding contractions like won’t and presenting evidence objectively instead of saying I think or relying on personal experience.
you need to state your proposed topic, write a tentative thesis statement, detail your intended audience, and list four potential sources for your research. For your sources, you will need at least two periodicals, one of which will need to be a scholarly journal. One of your sources should be a current event article, sourced within the last two years. See the following examples:

Proposed Topic: Substance Abuse
Tentative Thesis Statement: Substance abuse among soldiers has increased drastically due to uninformed medical personnel on base, alcohol sales outlets are more prevalent, and soldiers are resorting to alcohol to deal with PTSD instead of seeking counseling.
Intended Audience: United States citizens who are ill-informed about the substance abuse problems in the US Military; Service members who are currently dealing with substance abuse problems
Potential Sources: (You must have at least four)
Zoroya, G. (2012, September 18). Military needs to better address substance abuse by troops, study says. Detroit Free Press. Retrieved from
Mcfarlane, A. (1998). Epidemiological evidence about the relationship between ptsd and alcohol abuse ☆ ☆☆: The nature of the association. Addictive Behaviors, 23(6), 813-825. doi:
Ptsd and problems with alcohol use. (2007, January 1). Retrieved from


Students will complete their final research paper and submit..
Papers should be in correct APA format
Running Head
Page Numbers
Cover Page
In-text and Reference Page Citations
Appendices if necessary

New Orleans Culture

The objective of an informative essay is not to present your view, but “to inform or educate the audience on a given topic” (The KU Handbook for Writers, 2008, p. 102).
Your informative essay might
• explain something most readers don’t know
• present the latest research on a topic
• analyze a cause-effect relationship
• teach readers how to solve a problem or apply knowledge

For this course, your informative essay should be 3–5 pages in length and use at least four sources. You should also use a formal academic writing style, avoiding contractions like won’t and presenting evidence objectively instead of saying I think or relying on personal experience.
you need to state your proposed topic, write a tentative thesis statement, detail your intended audience, and list four potential sources for your research. For your sources, you will need at least two periodicals, one of which will need to be a scholarly journal. One of your sources should be a current event article, sourced within the last two years. See the following examples:

Proposed Topic: Substance Abuse
Tentative Thesis Statement: Substance abuse among soldiers has increased drastically due to uninformed medical personnel on base, alcohol sales outlets are more prevalent, and soldiers are resorting to alcohol to deal with PTSD instead of seeking counseling.
Intended Audience: United States citizens who are ill-informed about the substance abuse problems in the US Military; Service members who are currently dealing with substance abuse problems
Potential Sources: (You must have at least four)
Zoroya, G. (2012, September 18). Military needs to better address substance abuse by troops, study says. Detroit Free Press. Retrieved from
Mcfarlane, A. (1998). Epidemiological evidence about the relationship between ptsd and alcohol abuse ☆ ☆☆: The nature of the association. Addictive Behaviors, 23(6), 813-825. doi:
Ptsd and problems with alcohol use. (2007, January 1). Retrieved from


Students will complete their final research paper and submit..
Papers should be in correct APA format
Running Head
Page Numbers
Cover Page
In-text and Reference Page Citations
Appendices if necessary

Leadership powerpoint assignment using the Lencioni model of the 5 dysfunctions.

Leadership powerpoint assignment using the Lencioni model of the 5 dysfunctions. You are to use Powerpoint slides with commentary notes with the writer acting as an advance practice team work consultant. Answer why the chose you. ( I have experience leading teams of nursing, running triage and overseeing the operations of nurses in a very busy large 75 bed ER). I have included the interviews responses of the model. Format as SMART and her sure to include a statement or 2 related to diversity and inclusion. Please use 5 Scholarly Resources in APA format. There needs to be a PP graph as well. PLEASE USE RUBERIC.

How do folktales, legends, and mythologies help a culture to “teach” its members? How do you think about “American Exceptionalism”?

One page per question please
Question #1: Culture and Mythologies
Each culture has its repertoire of mythologies. They even borrow from each other a little in creating mythologies, such as the story of George Washington admitted chopping down a cherry tree, “Honest Abe” (Lincoln) walked ten miles (or one mile, or three miles, give or take) to return one penny (or three pennies, give or take) to a customer, etc. Yet each culture makes some extraordinary claims about how their culture is exceptional and superior to other cultures.

So, the question is: How do folktales, legends, and mythologies help a culture to “teach” its members? How do you think about “American Exceptionalism”? Some commentators think it is a mythology, yet our President and political leaders keep citing it to justify our foreign policy. To what degree do you agree with “American Exceptionalism” and to what degree should we caution about it?

Question #2: Negotiating identity through communication
Okay, enough has been said about the positive side of identity thing. Now, let’s face the negative side of identity thing. Again, how we communicate and how our communication is received by others can be shaped by (1) our sense of “who we are,” (2) our sense of “who they are,” and (3) their sense of “who we are.” (- “I am not what you think I am. I am not what I think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”) Therefore, we need to constantly negotiate our identity with others and with ourselves through communication. Because of this identity thing, we could get confused, frustrated, and even neurotic. In a multicultural society, identity carry the baggage of racism, bigotry, prejudice, and stereotypes. It could disempower us. Sometimes I feel some people expect me to behave like a specific type of human being. But I don’t want to fulfill their definition of who I am, I can enter some awkward situation… Tell me your story of negotiating your identity with others through communication.

Guidelines for response:
*answer the questions head-on rather beating around the bush.
*completely answer the questions raised in the prompt rather than partially answer the question
*argue logically, i.e. points driving points with strong evidence to support the claim.
*fresh idea and independent-thinking, not platitude and parroting.
*write with style: good diction, compelling rhetoric, and concision.
*being conscious of grammar, punctuation, and citation.

Leadership and management style of filipino-Chinese Businessmen

Senior High School Thesis
Reference must be from 2010 to present
1. Review of Related Literature
2. Abstract
3. Synthesis
4. Research Methodology
5. Research Method
6. Descriptive Research
7. Random Sampling
8. Statistical Treatment
9. Questionnaire

Define the basic concepts of what an ACO consists of and how a healthcare organization can become one or participate in one.

Here is what needs to be discussed:
What is an ACO (Accountable Care Organization) and what does being part of an ACO mean potentially to radiology departments?
Define the basic concepts of what an ACO consists of and how a healthcare organization can become one or participate in one.
How does the reimbursements models of an ACO differ from traditional models we see today?
Define what population health means?
What are the potential financial impacts to radiology departments?
What will Radiology departments of the future need to look like to be successful in an ACO system?

Discuss the place of qualitative and quantitative research in evidence-based practice.


In this assessment you will find a qualitative AND a quantitative study article in the library, provide the APA reference and answer the questions to appraise the research studies. Please use the template provided below to complete the assignment.


Discuss the place of qualitative and quantitative research in evidence-based practice.
Explore the parts of a qualitative and a quantitative research report.
Review of APA formatting

Point Value: 30


To be successful, complete the following steps in order:

STEP 1. Review the instructional materials and finish learning activities in module 2. Utilize CINAHL to locate a qualitative research article.

STEP 2. Click here to download the rubric. Click here to download the template.

STEP 3. Open the provided template on your computer.

STEP 4. Fill in the portions of the template below each question with your answer; use complete sentences.

Please use 1-2 full sentences to answer each question.

Promotion and the Product Life Cycle

Complete a minimum 700-word product strategy in Microsoft® Word. Incorporate a product strategy that addresses the following:
• Select a product strategy.
• Address at least three areas of the product lifecycle (NPI, growth, maturity, and decline).
• Create at least two different types of media methods for the product or service. One method must be print and the other must be non-print, both of which highlight your product or service. In your assignment, include 2-3 sentences about each media method (i.e., one paragraph of what you would do, but not how to do it). For example, (this cannot be used in this assignment), a non-print media method would be a Facebook campaign that provides users with a reward for each review (positive or negative) about the use/appearance/price/etc. of the product or service.
• Determine how you will measure the marketing activities (i.e., what metrics will be used to determine success or failure).
• Address three elements of the following Product and Promotion List:
o Integrated marketing communication
o Advertising strategy/objectives
o Push and pull
o Media strategy
o Advertising execution
o Direct marketing
o Public relations/strategies
o Positioning

Cite a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references.
Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

History of Oil

Too much time spent on the introduction or conclusion will take away from the rest of your answer. Organize your answer to the questions in the form of an essay, not just an outline. Grading will be based upon accuracy, clarity of argument, specificity and evidence, comprehensiveness or completeness, and focus on the question.
Question 1. Write an essay on oil nationalism. First identify what areas of the world engaged in oil nationalism and/or the actual nationalization of the oil industry before World War II? What impact did the nationalization campaigns have on the nations doing the nationalization and their oil resources? On the oil companies?

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.

Case Report

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. – based the firm’s 2017 10-K

Other reports are available from that same web page. Be sure you select the “2017 Annual Report”.

Identify and evaluate Huntington Ingalls’ corporate level strategy. Include:

1. What is Huntington Ingalls’s corporate- level strategy?
2. What is the evidence of this strategy?
3. How might the strategy aid financial performance? Is there useful relatedness? Is there value to the stockholders?

– 12-point Times New Roman
– Double space, standard margins

Please find attached an example of how the case report should look like

Choose one topic centered on a specific aspect of Technology in Music. Summarize what you plan to research and elaborate on in your Paper.

Choose one topic centered on a specific aspect of Technology in Music. Some examples of good topics include:

• “The Accordion’s Technological Development in the United States”

• “Mixing and Mastering”

Be sure to summarize what you plan to research and elaborate on in your Paper. Include an anticipated outline for the flow of your ideas.

You will need to create a table. To be successful in doing this, you will need to create a table in a Word document and then cut and paste (Ctrl C then Ctrl V) it into a new thread in the discussion board. In your table, there should be the following:

Comparing and contrasting at least 6 different elements of quantitative and qualitative research. Examples are provided under the assignment directions. You cannot use any of the examples listed in the assignment instructions.
Providing one example of when you would choose to use a quantitative approach instead of a qualitative approach and discuss why.
Providing one example of when you would choose to use a qualitative approach instead of a quantitative approach and discuss why.
Original post must include 2 references- 1 peer reviewed AND 1 course material
Response posts must include 1 reference- 1 peer reviewed OR 1 course material
· Examples from the student’s practice/experience are
provided to illustrate the discussion concepts.
All assignments address use of refereed (peer-reviewed) journals. Peer-reviewed references include professional journals (i.e. Nursing Education Perspectives, Journal of Professional Nursing, etc.), professional organizations (NLN, CDC, AACN, ADA, etc.) applicable to population and practice area, along with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs-National Guideline Clearinghouse).
References not acceptable (not inclusive) are UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.
You can use one textbook as a reference, and we recommend that it be the LoBiondo-Wood and Haber text because it is the most relevant to the course content. The references are supposed to support the Family Nursing theory/thoughts/etc and should be specific to those things; therefore, peer reviewed journals are really the best option versus other textbooks.
LoBiondo-Wood, G. and Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier

Identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.
Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic.( Pressure Ulcer) Make sure to include the following:
1. The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
2. The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed (Nursing home setting)
3. A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
4. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
5. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
6. A proposed solution to the identified project topic
You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of (8) EIGHT PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES.
I included the PICOT Statement paper you did back in May. Note I don’t need a PICOT statement in this paper I just included it because it might be helpful

Law and Cyber Crime:
Describe several possible Cybercrime objectives and operational methods that could be employed for abuse of Digital currencies, and the “Internet of Things”.
Examine and Describe laws and practices related to Computer Forensics. Will these laws and practices be effective for emerging cyber crimes you have described above? Explain your answer

What is the main issue for your organization(nursing home) in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue.

Pressure ulcer

During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the organization(nursing home) is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing.

Develop Scales and Questionnaire:
• The scale is published in a Scimago top quartile journal or in a journal with a JCR impact factor over 1

• all of the items (questions) make complete sense in your study (preferably) without editing or omitting any items. Contextual changes are fine, e.g. changing reference to a country
• Each scale should ideally have between 5 and 10 (or 12) items Ideally, they should all utilize Likert scales and if I would recommend using 7 points (strongly, moderately, slightly) regardless of number of points in the original scale, as you will be able to get better, more differentiated results.
• adequately explained the PROCESS of how you created your self-developed scales. Where did the items come from? E.g. literature, consulting experts, focus groups etc. You need a scientific method to generate these
• Your self-developed scales will work best if the measures are also quantified in Likert scale format (or rating scales). Nominal/categorical items will have little value.
• devising a scale for neighbourhood economic status (NES) (we have previously discussed possible items, e.g car ownership, vacations abroad etc),
• I need to develop scales on neighbourhood economic status (NES) and family background rest of contrast scales are available
create the questionnaire using all the factors mentioned in the paper plus develop for 2 factors

Explain the charges brought against him. B. Recount his defense. C Using your knowledge of Socrates from the several dialogues we’ve read, do you think the Athenians were right to consider him a danger to society?

1) In Apology, Socrates is on trail for a set of charges. A. Explain the charges brought against him. B. Recount his defense. C Using your knowledge of Socrates from the several dialogues we’ve read, do you think the Athenians were right to consider him a danger to society? Why?/why not?

All those questions MUST be answered in the essay. I MUST HAVE intext citations with PAGE NUMBERS AND QUOTATIONS! There is NO outside sources other than the book itself, and you must include quotes and PAGE NUMBERS. ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM!! I will purchase the extra plagiarism check so DO NOT copy and paste. This paper must be 4 pages if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. This paper must be grammatically correct and must make sense. I do not accept lazy work and good work will be rewarded with a 5 star feedback.

Investigate professional journals and locate two articles pertaining to organizational behavior that are of interest to you. You are to critique each of the two articles according to the instructions below. The articles should be less than three years old.

Each one- to two- page critique (a total of two to four pages for both critiques) must include the following three parts and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide (including title page, in text citations and reference list).

* Identification of the Article – Provide the reader with enough information about your article so he/she will be able to locate the article.
*Summary of the Article – List the main points that the author has tried to establish (i.e., 1, 2, 3 or first, second, third). There normally will be three to five main points. If you are summarizing a court case, you should discuss: What provision of the law was at issue? Briefly state the facts of the case. What legal tests were applied? Were there any unusual elements in the case?
*Your Critique – Provide your reaction (insightful, critical, and logical) to the points that the author tried to make, or an overall critique of the entire article. A simple statement of agreement or disagreement is not sufficient. While you may make such a statement by way of introduction to your reaction, you must clearly and logically state the reasons for the position that you have taken.

Write a Research proposal on Passengers perspective on surface access for Heathrow Airport

First proposal about the topic above, word count should be 1800 words and 25 references.

For the dissertation, the word count should be around 10000 words up to 80 references.

Mobilization Plan

Create an 8–10-slide mobilization plan PowerPoint presentation (with detailed speaker’s notes) for a mobilization plan by your health care organization to commit 20 nurses to participate in a 4-month-long multinational effort to treat patients exposed to a highly contagious virus in a hot zone in Africa.

Nursing leaders must incorporate approaches that are inclusive and respectful of all stakeholders in the health care workforce, patient population, and the larger community that is served by the organization. Communication among members of teams, between departments and service lines, within large networks, with strategic business partners, and with patients, families, or support persons requires awareness of various facets of effective communication and cultural competence. A mobilization plan for an international medical mission requires careful planning of organizational structure roles, power distribution, and team member empowerment.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Identify nursing leadership priorities using a systems perspective.
Identify the major stakeholders within the health care system that would be affected by the mobilization plan.
Competency 2: Apply systems theory and systems thinking to facilitate health care delivery and patient outcomes.
Apply systems thinking to determine the impact of the mobilization effort on hospital staffing and care patterns.
Identify key actions needed to assure quality of care and safety for mission patients and personnel.
Competency 3: Analyze the role of multiculturalism and diversity in organizational and systems structure and leadership.
Examine potential multicultural and diversity issues that mission personnel may encounter.
Competency 4: Evaluate how power relates to health care organizational structure, behavior, and leadership.
Describe the medical mission team’s organizational structure and how power is distributed.
Assess how the organizational structure empowers team members.
Evaluate potential power issues that may arise when dealing with a multinational contingent.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.

Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad

How as Lincoln Electric able to grow and prosper for so long in a difficult commodity industry when others failed and were forced out? What is the source of their success?
•What is the root cause of Lincoln’s failures to turn a profit on so many of the operations it acquired in other countries? Could its unique compensation system have worked in some of those operations?
•Should Lincoln Electric proceed with its investment in Indonesia? If so, how? What should the company’s approach be to employee compensation?

Housing and health, food safety and hygiene, Occupational safety, health & wellbeing, Environmental protection, Health protection & communicable disease control, Public health improvement– any of this topics

Research proposal 2500 words
Application on ethics for the main Project to be submitted in uni.
dissertation – Research project maximum 5000 words

Executive Summary of Organizational Diversity

Write a 3–5 page executive summary that examines an organization’s diversity policies and practices.

Becoming a nursing leader requires a good deal of thought, consideration, and evaluation of the qualities you believe are essential for a nurse to effectively lead in the delivery of health care.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 3: Analyze the role of multiculturalism and diversity in organizational and systems structure and leadership.
Analyze the impact of a diverse nursing workforce on patient outcomes.
Analyze how the health care system integrates diversity and multiculturalism into its practices.
Analyze current recruitment and retention policies to identify gaps between best practices and current policies.
Competency 4: Evaluate how power relates to health care organizational structure, behavior, and leadership.
Assess the level of integration and importance of multiculturalism and diversity in a health care organization.
Recommend evidence-based changes to the organizational structure and systems leadership that empower a diverse workforce.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.

IMC strategy

IMC strategy: choose the IMC elements (eg. Advertising, Direct Marketing, Digital, PR etc) you will use for your product and list objectives and reasons for using these strategies for them all. The company is “so good milk Australia” and the product is “Soy Milk”
The IMC elements chosen are:
1. Advertising
2. Sales and promotions
3. Direct Marketing
4. Digital marketing

Risk and Return Article Review

Assignment instructions included – This is for a doctoral level coursework. The writing quality (included grammar) should be on point. The paper should also have very good substance, not just basic narrative. Critical thinking is highly tested in this assignment.
VERY IMPORTANT: This is NOT an academic writing assignment, so no need for intro or a lot of details: just a quick summary of each article then a couple of paragraphs comparing and contrasting them. Thank you!

What model of HRM practice is the most widely practised by airlines in highly competitive markets and why?

Find academic research that specifically discusses airlines HRM practices, strategies and processes. Rather than focus on specific HRM models you focus on identifying how airlines practice HRM and on identify what practices are the most prevalent. The term model in this case is not a specific HRM theory but “your” description of those most prevalent practices.

Write a Director’s Statement outlining how you would direct a film based on one of your own original stories.

We assess the story, but mainly you are assessed on the ability to communicate your vision of a film, encompassing its key elements, from a director’s point of view. You must use what you learned in the lectures about genre, camera, lighting, sound, editing and more to illuminate a story on the cinema screen.
Here is a simplified rubric:

Story: creativity, thematic sophistication and narrative cohesion: 30%
Director’s vision: use of FIVE of casting, genre, locations, production design, camera, lighting, sound, music, editing, special and visual FX: 50%
Engagement and effort: 10%
Presentation incl. spelling and grammar: 10%
Also attached is an example to show you what we are looking for. This has been written as if director Stanley Donan was one of your classmates, and he as a student of Making Movies One has written his own original story for a film called Singin’ in the Rain (which you may recall from our lectures!). Remember YOUR submission must be YOUR ORIGINAL IDEA and NOT an existing film.

Some Tips

TITLE: What’s a snappy or intriguing title for your film? What will look good on a movie poster?

LOGLINE: You can choose either a short sentance or phrase that would look good in a movie listing or review site OR you can use an elevator pitch format such as this “In a (SETTING) a (PROTAGONIST) has a (PROBLEM) (caused by an ANTAGONIST) and (faces CONFLICT) as they try to (achieve a GOAL).” or a simpler version such as “When [a major event happens], [the hero], must [do the main action].”. Experiment with these to find the right fit for your film.

SYNOPSIS & AUDIENCE: Regarding the synopsis – it’s very difficult to compress stories into a small number of words. However, as a filmmaker you are constantly required to do this, so its good practice. Once you are thinking about the question “what are the KEY elements of my story?” then you are doing an exercise that is actually very helpful in understanding your story in its totality, rather than its details. Regarding the audience – who will you market your film to, what age and gender and what distribution avenues are perfect for your film e.g. film festivals/cinema/video on demand/network television/YouTube?

DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT: What tools in your director’s toolkit can you use to tell your story in an imaginative and engaging way? How will pacing, framing, soundtrack and lighting moods affect your audience? What special FX do you need, if any, and how are they justified by the story? How can you show particular sides of your protagonist’s character through props or locations, without needing any dialogue to explain it? What genre does your film fit into – or what genres does it blend and borrow from, using what generic elements? Use small details to illuminate key elements of your vision, so it reads as if we can see the movie play before our own eyes.

Human Resources, Sexual Harassment Training Plan

There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment, write a training plan for all employees in your firm to educate and develop their awareness of sexual harassment and understanding of legal and organizational policies. Be sure to include training aspects of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation.
This plan should be in narrative form with a minimum requirement of 500 words. Discuss the following guidelines to complete your plan.
Planning: Should all employees be trained at once? If not, who should be trained first? What are the anticipated outcomes or terminal learning objectives of the training?
Design: In what format should the training be given, and why? What modalities will be used for employees on multiple shifts or in multiple locations? What are the core elements of the training that will align with the learning objectives?
Implementation: Who will lead the training, and how will it be implemented? Will you be training for knowledge or behavior change? How will you conduct the actual training to account for knowledge and/or behavioral change?
Evaluation: How will you know if the training was successful? What measures will you use to know if employees 1) learned from the training, 2) behaved differently after the training, and 3) the training has a bottom line impact to the firm?

Either John Stuart Mill’s or Immanuel Kant’s ethical theories, evaluate the morality of The Stouffer Foundation’s actions with regards to the 7 young men sent to the Virgina Episcopal School, as discussed in episode 625 of the This American Life podcast. In other words, tell me whether that action was morally good or bad according to the theory you picked, and tell me why it was good or bad.

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Emotional intelligence is a concept now widely associated with effective leadership (Northouse, 2015). Evaluate how a leader can develop their emotional intelligence and analyse the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation and change in an organisation from a leadership perspective.
1) avoid citations in introduction and direct the reader towards the content that they will be reading.
2) define the concept of emotional intelligence: what is it, why
is it a useful characteristic for a leader to develop?
3) How do you recognise develop emotional intelligence among leaders?Emotional intelligence applied – how?
4) Impact of emotional intelligence on innovation
5) Emotional intelligence and change
How does emotional intelligence inspire change in the workplace?
6) Conclusion – what do you conclude from your analysis of emotional

The Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck – text analysis

This paper will be 2 parts, the first part is text analysis. Possible starting places for you text analysis research may include the author’s life, politics, the social context of the work, philosophical musings, how and why the work evokes a particular feeling in your, cultural relevance, or the components of the text such as significance of setting, narrative voice, imagery, or symbolism. This kind of text analysis must use the rules of a compare and, or, contrast essay. In this text analysis you also need a thesis. your paper will explore a problem or point of interest created by the work of literature, this includes but is not limited to, character motivation, thematic elements, symbol, irony, etc. your ideas and insights will be based on information from the pages in the text.

Write a research paper about one element from the periodic table of the elements.

The periodic table is an exquisite representation of the organized and interconnected world of the elements. The periodic table reflects both the physical and chemical characteristics of every element. There are many layers of organization to the periodic table that are not apparent to the casual observer. In writing this paper, you will develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the complexity of the periodic table and interrelatedness of matter itself.

Write a research paper about one element from the periodic table of the elements. Select an element that you find interesting and tell the story of that element. In doing so, explain how the element relates to the elements around it in the periodic table and why the element is in that particular location on the table of elements. Below is a list of aspects to explain in the paper:

Who discovered your selected element
When it was discovered
Modern and ancient uses of the element
Ways in which the element’s use impacts our daily lives
Ten (10) physical properties
Ten (10) chemical properties
Your paper should be at least 3 pages long with at least 750 words. The paper should have a title page, the body of the paper, and a bibliography of sources. Use at least four reputable sources, which can include scientific journals, popular press, and one Internet source. Write your paper in a Word document in APA format. This assignment is due at midnight on Sunday at the end of Week 7.

If you are unsure about how to reference information, please ask your instructor or visit the APA website. Please remember that Excelsior College subscribes to, the world’s largest plagiarism detection service, and will check submissions.

Guidelines to APA format including a sample paper may be found at: Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or the American Psychological Association website.

See the Course Calendar for the due date.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.” Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.” Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.”


This course has Turnitin® fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.

Bad Parenting Practices and the Psychological and Physical Effects on Children
Must be 4-6 pages. Min of 7 sources, one MUST be from printed periodical and one from a book. Must have header and page numbers. My thesis statement and Outline has already been approved by the teacher. They are attached. It will be ran through the internet to check for plagiarism.

Paradigms of Scientific research

What is the author saying about the paradigms of scientific research? Place this debate within the context of contemporary politics, specifically the Paris climate agreement of late 2015. Address the question of what it means to suggest a conclusion is “settled science” and whether and under what circumstances such a claim can be made.

Climate Change and the Need for a New Paradigm

Durkheim and Holism

Émile Durkheim developed a concept of holism, which he set as opposite to the notion that a society was nothing more than a simple collection of individuals. In more recent times, “holism” has been contrasted with “individualism” as two different forms of societies.

Compare and contrast the holistic and individualistic conceptions of society.
How are the differences between the two reflected in differing theoretical and methodological approaches to studying the social world and social phenomena?

Your paper should be three pages in length, not including your cover sheet and reference list.
Cite at last two credible, scholarly sources and integrate them into your writing.

Using examples from practice, discuss how you would empower a patient living with a long term condition to self-care.

Using examples from practice, discuss how you would empower a patient living with a long term condition to self-care.
3000 words in total (plus/minus 10%)
A brief introduction to the work
This should include a statement of confidentiality and refer to the professional standards
of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives (Nursing Midwifery Council, 2015)
(250 words)
An exploration the following:
How a patient’s attitude, beliefs and perception might influence their ability to self-care (500 words)
How life events/life styles might influence a patient’s ability to cope (500 words)
How psychosocial factors might influence the ability of patients and/or their family to cope (500 words)
The recognition and evaluation of coping strategies used by individuals (500 words)
The pivotal role of communication in continuing care (500 words)
A brief conclusion
This should include a summary of the main points discussed and concluding statements (250 words)
Reference List
You are expected to include evidence from academic and professional sources to support your work and follow the HSK guidance for citations and references.
The reference list is not included in the word count.
Additional details
The summative template provided on StudyNet must be used.
When using examples from practice, you may choose to refer to more than one patient and different long term conditions or a single patient and one long term condition.

Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism

The total word count for this assignment should be between 2,000 and 2,500 words. This includes all footnotes, in text references and appendices but excludes any bibliography, reference page or contents page. N.B. Appendices should only be used in exceptional circumstances and should consist of only brief extracts or tables. The amount of words per question should reflect the number of marks allocated. Penalties will be applied for excessive overall word count. Only footnote or Harvard style referencing are accepted. Please follow the guidelines.

Personal Narrative Paper with Theoretical Reflection

Based on the contents and materials studied in the weeks 1 – 7 of the COMM 216 online course, Write a Personal Narrative Paper with Theoretical Reflection focused on one of the following topics: Microcultures. Please use Microcultures and Hispanic (Mexico) as the culture theme.
Please provide concepts, appropriate examples, relevant arguments, and your own conclusions to support the document. In your paper, it is imperative that you blend your thoughts with references to the literature from this course to further validate your statements and opinions. It should include J. Neuliep’s chapters AND other assigned readings and videos from our class.
A common mistake that students will make is quoting from dictionaries, scripture, religious texts, additional websites, or literature reviewed in previous courses. Please avoid this. Reference to the assigned literature assures me you have reviewed them and allows me to assess your ability to synthesize, reflect, and apply the material with your own thoughts on the topics discussed.
It is not enough to mention the authors and their ideas on the personal narrative paper. Please include in-text citations (APA). Also, at the end of the document, all resources should be listed in a reference page using APA standards (Sixth Version).
The document must follow this format: Microsoft Word Document 3 – 4 pages in length (no reference and title pages included). Type size: Times New Roman, 12 Points. Double spaced.
Academic language is expected. Please avoid using slang, idiomatic expressions, inappropriate speech, or any language with a racial, ethnic, group, or gender bias. Be aware of the appropriate levels of formality to communicate with your audience, and follow style and grammar rules for all academic purposes.

Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval/ Foley Catheters

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. (FOLEY CATHETERS) Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.

Write a description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Discuss the issue(s) in the MDA, Value Line or article.
Discuss the potential impact on financial reporting based on the issue(s) raised in the article. Hypothesize – how will the financial statements change, given the article’s discussion of issues (circumstances)? OR, does this issue put pressure on the business such that this pressure could lead to financial reporting misstatement? OR, what I found interesting about this article was the following.

Management Discussion and Analysis in 10K (MDA)
Item 7

Value Line

Article 1

Article 2

Please address the questions for each of the four items above. Just write a brief (more than 5 sentences) paragraph for each item addressing the questions. Thanks!

A systematised review of the literature to inform a desk based business proposal to reduce patients waiting time in a general hospital in Lagos, Nigeria though the use of telecommunication.

A key feature for this proposal literature review will be the demonstration of your ability to work with creativity and originality using knowledge and insights into the area of study and to effectively integrate skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Also, I will request some more chapters like Executive summary, Introduction Chapter, etc. after getting the literature review and it gets a positive feedback.

Critical Theory (social emancipatory) and Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory

Connecting experiential learning theory (Dewey and others), transformative learning (Mezirow, Dirkx, and others), neurophysiology (Pelowski), Critical Theory (social emancipatory) and Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory. The aim is to write a qualifying paper that will be a precursor to my proposal. This should include the foundational literature and conceptual and theoretical framework that my proposal will be written upon. The prompts should give a guiding framework but the final paper should reflect my inquiry and the state of the art as we know it to be today. I would prefer to keep the same writer for this paper and the writing of my co-writing of my proposal. Must have familiarity with Adults Learning Theory and the way that art is being deployed here. Vygotsky has never been brought into this the conversation before so adding his work here is quite new but I would like to see how it can fit. This is for 10 pages on top of and integrated into what I have already written.

Sampling and Sample Distribution and Errors

Sampling and Sample Distribution and Errors: during those times it is difficult to count an entire population, sampling is one great way to test that population and the results. These are results that a statistic can take and how often each result can happen. The textbook in Chapter 7 discusses the Cell Phone Case Cost reduction by companies as one example. Briefly discuss the importance to a company when it comes to sampling. Terms like mean and standard deviation and sample errors should be factored into your discussion. Try to incorporate a real example.


How does it enable the supply chain organisation to enhance their performance?

The assignment has to be critical, analytical, and must not be descriptive, so write less words and use more of diagrams of logistics and supply chain Enterprise resource planning (ERP) models, concepts, and theories to critically argue your case in this assessment.

just bring out most important points from the case ,analyse them with concepts and recommend academic backed solutions gotten from ERP model concepts and theories.
This is a PHD report but do not include introduction page, or executive summary or conclusion. make sure there is recommendations .as you can see the word requested is few so you have to be critical using models diagrams , concepts and theories to make it more in dept. remember it must be descriptive

Measuring of Profitability in digital marketing and building a toolset for it

Thesis with emphasis on theories behind digital marketing formats, ways etc. with profitability in mind. How to EFFECTIVELY measure different forms of digital marketing, comparison to non-digital marketing if applicable. After theory there should be an indicative way of how to actually measure accurately.
My school uses Turnit plagiarize checking service so this needs to pass that.

Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.).

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.
Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.
This assignment will define and compare ethics and morality.
Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.). Students must utilize the Library Subject Guide for Criminal Justice (See Content) to conduct independent and unique research.
Part One: An opening paragraph describing your topic and ultimate conclusion
Part Two: Brief description of the selected event and the ethical issues involved you choose to write about
Part Three: Conclusions based on your research and class readings as to the consequences of unethical behavior to the system, the society, and the individual. The following issues must be covered within the report:
o Cultural issues, (may include all areas of diversity including race, gender, sexual orientation and occupational culture)
o Historical context, include your theories on why the situation occurred
o Moral courage, (For example, – was there a particularly courageous individual involved?)
o Politics (Note, in this context “politics” referrers to the personal and/or group dynamics within a particular organization, community or similar setting. It does NOT relate to political parties or affiliation with any political party.)
Format Requirements
750 to 1,000 words
Double space
12 pt. font
1” margins
Use APA narrative and reference page citations for all sources
Include reference page using American Psychological Association (APA) format guidelines (not included in word count)
Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)
Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of submission

OSHA’s personal protective equipment (PPE) standard

OSHA’s personal protective equipment (PPE) standard requires employers to assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, which may necessitate the use of PPE. Based on the assessment, appropriate PPE must be selected and provided to affected employees.
Using Subpart I Appendix B as a guide, develop a hazard assessment for your workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. If you work in an office, or if you work in another non-hazardous location, develop an assessment for an imagined industrial shop such as woodworking or metalworking. Use the other sections of Subpart I to help determine the appropriate PPE for each hazard. You can also use online safety equipment catalogs to find examples of PPE that meet the OSHA requirements.

If this local or county entity was faced with a 2% reduction in general fund resources, what specific expenditure reductions would you recommend and why?

The goal of public organizations is to provide public services. This is done through expenditures ranging from salary for law enforcement personal to maintenance of public parks. Governments provide a wide range of public goods and often there is more demand for services than revenue to pay for those services. Determining annual expenditures is one of the primary functions of any governing body and trade-off typically have to be made.

In this discussion, you will review the expenditure priorities of COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS. Finally, you will make recommendation of how to reduce future year expenditures when faced with a revenue short-fall.

Be sure to first review your readings from this week and prior weeks that will help support this discussion and then research additional resources to assist in your evaluation. For example, it is helpful to examine available data and other public documents for the city or county. These resources are useful and should be incorporated into your discussion. Also be sure to incorporate the Mikesell text to support your analysis.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4
In looking at your local or county government budget, identify 3 departments which get the most general fund resources. Next, identify the expenditure categories that are most important in the total spending for each department. Finally, If this local or county entity was faced with a 2% reduction in general fund resources, what specific expenditure reductions would you recommend and why?

Mikesell, J. L. (2018). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Chapter 5, “State and Local Budgets” (pp. 214-251)
Chapter 3, “Budget Methods and Practices” (pp. 106-142)

Write a 600-word essay about each Pioneer on their role in the television.

Scottish inventor John Logie Baird and American Inventor Philo Taylor Farnsworth are two of the biggest Visual storytelling Pioneers of our time, but the two have something big in common.
• Write a 600-word essay about each Pioneer on their role in the television.
• After the two 600 word essays write a 160 word conclusion on who deserves the title of Inventor
of television.

Hospital Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure

Search for at least 5 authoritative national and/or global data sources such as websites, data sites, and/or documents that are relevant to the focus of your proposed manuscript. (Hospital readmission in patients with heart failure)
Search for and identify at least five authoritative national and/or global data sources such as web sites, data sites, and/or documents for health-related information.
b. Include data from public and private agencies or stakeholders that participate in providing, monitoring, advocacy, and cost analysis/reporting for the aspect of health care addressed in your proposed manuscript.
2.Use only authoritative sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), American Heart Association (AHA), American World Health Organization (WHO)), and/or peer-reviewed journal articles.
c. Include data to address the dimensions of prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and the social, economic, and human suffering costs/implications.

Discuss published, peer-reviewed research reports found from an online library literature search and organize their literature by topic.

Teams will discuss published, peer-reviewed research reports found from an online library literature search and organize their literature by topic. The discussion will include what is known in the literature about a topic and where the gaps (areas that need to be researched) in knowledge are.
Teams will discuss the literature found by all members in the TEAM discussion thread. Individual members should have their own journal articles (no duplicates please) to discuss.

7. This Activity requires 400 or more words, with minimum of 2 references. Proofreading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation is needed – along with APA formatting for the references.
The peer-reviewed journal articles need to have all of the following that can be reported from the article (not needed for this assignment but will be needed for the next assignment which will use these same articles): Authors, Year, Location Research question, independent and dependent variables Sample size, sampling method, and sample characteristics Research design Steps taken to protect human subjects Statistical answers to the research question(s), including statistically significant findings, p values, statistical test values, etc.

The National Rifle Association (NRA): Describe the organization. What is their issue and why is it important to “the greater good”?

Case Study Analysis Course Project
The assignment:
First: Choose 1 Interest Group from the list to create a case study analysis assessment paper.
Interest Group:
1. The National Rifle Association (NRA)

Second: Address each of the 10 prompts using these headers. Use a full and complete paragraph for each prompt (minimum- see grading rubric). A full paragraph is 4-5 complete sentences which fully answer the question.
See requirements below. The numbers noting the questions are ONLY to assist you in completing the assignment. You are NOT to answer with numbers or bullet points. This project must be in a case study analysis paragraph format answering EACH of these questions using MLA citation style INCLUDING intext parenthetical citations.
Intercultural Competence (header)
[Analyze the contrasting outlooks, perspectives and value sets of various cultures]
1. Describe the organization. What is their issue and why is it important to “the greater good”?
2. Find a competing group (either a group on the opposite side of the issue or a group that is competing with them for resources) and describe them.

Which group is doing better to secure resources and accomplish their goal? Be specific, use statistical and relevant data and analyze.
Name one situation where your group opponent has a valid point and might be winning the debate, accomplishing its goals or is more successful in obtaining competing resources.
Knowledge of Civic Responsibility (header)
[Shows in-depth ability to analyze the effects of an individual carrying out civic responsibility and the effects of not doing so]
5. What do they ask for from their members?

What do they give their members in selective incentives to be a part of their effort?
If you were a believer in this issue, why would it be important to be a member of this group?
Engaging effectively in regional, national, and global communities (header)

[In-depth analysis of regional, national and/or global communities’ or organizations’ abilities to solve specific problems. Cite real life examples or evidence that demonstrate engagement]

What are some different issues this group faces when they operate locally with in the United States, nationally and internationally?
How is the group a social group and how is it a political group?
What happens to this group and its issue if people don’t get involved?
Analysis Requirements
Cover page: Includes Your name; GOVT 2301; CWID; Term (Fall 2018 etc.) ; Prof. P. Dodd
Times New Roman 12-point font
This must be in WORD or PDF format
Double spaced
Introduction paragraph briefly outlining what you are going to be analyzing (not part of the 10-paragraph minimum)
Conclusion paragraph briefly reiterating what you analyzed and provided supporting evidence of (not part of the 10-paragraph minimum).
Minimum of 10 complete paragraphs answering each of the 10 questions (approx. 1000-1500 words)
Utilize proper in text parenthetical citations and a compiled work cited page using MLA format
Page numbers according to MLA style (not cover page)
Utilize a minimum of 6 legitimate sources: In general a thorough analysis/case study would have 8-10 sources.
– textbooks
– Center for Responsive Politics
– Vote Smart
-Texans for public justice
– Library of Congress
-TAMUC library databases such as
Academic Search Complete
-Best websites include .edu/.org/.gov
Your sources must be legitimate and less than 10 years old
You may utilize graphs/charts/tables (But they are not part of word count, but do add analysis points- see grading rubric)

Developing a pay for performance program at the unit level in relation to the nursing sensitive indicator

Introduce ” pay for performance as a solution” in nursing by getting paid more for better quality work
– determine a register nurse specific pay for performance program at a unit level
– explain how the program will be implemented , explain what is in the literature and what works
– incorporatethe AACN survey
-introduce pay for performance as a solution
BODY of Presentation
– provide brief supporting literature for pay for performance
-describe core elements of the program to be implemented at the unit level (people, process, organization, technology)
– include literature the is tangible and intangible benefits and value of the program (include catagories of organization, staff, and patiernt)

Provide References within last five years using APA sixth edition format, grammar, punctuation and spelling with citation page

Examine the role of folk and/or fairy tale in “The Book of Dust” by Philip Pullman and “The Secret in the Wings” by Mary Zimmerman

That is an example of what the topic needs to be. The paper is based on those two books we read in class. You should use the skills of literary analysis and augment your ideas with 6-8 scholarly sources that are used in your paper. The research work exists to add depth to your project, not to decide your topic. I need a 10 page essay and an annotated bibliography with 6 sources. I also need an Outline but they said that comes with it. I have uploaded the assignment I received so you can read exactly what the teacher wants.

Write a 4 page APA format paper Discussing applied concepts, in order to be able to describe and analyze the character and nature of stress, how it generalizes to health

Write a 4 page APA format paper Discussing applied concepts, in order to be able to describe and analyze the character and nature of stress, how it generalizes to health, mechanisms of pain and mediation of pain, chronic and terminal illness, and psychosocial mechanisms used by health psychology.

Does your obligation to the organization’s well-being provide ethical justification for informing superiors about the shortcomings?

Answer the following questions: You’re working on a project with another worker and he’s not doing well. His contributions need constant correction. Does your obligation to the organization’s well-being provide ethical justification for informing superiors about the shortcomings? Does the ethical situation change if you’re also competing with that workmate for a promotion? If it changes, how and why? If not, why not?

Sources from Chapter 6 Employee’s Ethics: Getting a Job, Getting a Promotion, Leaving; 6.3 Plotting and Promotion

Choose two countries (excluding the United States), and prepare a presentation that explains their basic Internet infrastructure. Discuss the origins and key technologies behind the Internet for your chosen countries. Include their public and commercial infrastructures and their backbone connectivity to the Internet. Create a graphic illustrating a common or best practices Internet infrastructure, and utilize it in your presentation.
You must elaborate on the information provided on each slide. To do so, you can either utilize the speaker notes function within PowerPoint to summarize and/or explain the slides’ contents, or you can record voice narration for each slide. You are not required to do both, but you must choose one of the two options above to receive full credit.
Your PowerPoint presentation must contain eight to 10 slides; the title and reference slides do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

Describe any three different ways you will tend to analyze your sales. What are the business dimensions for your analysis?

All responses must be at least one full paragraph, single spaced. Type the question first and follow it with your response. Please do not quote from the textbook. I am interested in YOUR ideas, thoughts, and opinions.
1. You are the vice president of marketing for a nation-wide appliance manufacturer with three production plants. Describe any three different ways you will tend to analyze your sales. What are the business dimensions for your analysis?

2. You are the manager for the data warehouse project at a retail chain with stores all across the country and users in every store. How will you ensure that all the details necessary to decide on the DBMS are gathered during the requirements phase? Write a memo to the Senior Analyst directly responsible to coordinate the requirements definition phase.

3.You have recently been promoted to administrator for the data warehouse of a nationwide automobile insurance company. You are asked to prepare a checklist for selecting a proper vendor tool to help you with the data warehouse administration. Make a list of the functions in the management and control component of your data warehouse architecture. Use this list to derive the tool-selection checklist.

4. As the data acquisition specialist, what types of metadata can help you? Choose one of the data acquisition processes and explain the role of metadata in that process.

5. What is a factless fact table? Design a simple STAR schema with a factless fact table to track patients in a hospital by diagnostic procedures and time.

Research Paper about Veterans (Former Military Service) in Prison and their needs as Special Needs Offenders.
Connect lesson material from three textbook chapters to your research. Identify/explain what matched and what was different (e.g., clientele, BBBs, COs, etc). For example: Does an elderly SNO also overlap as a death row SNO and substance abuse SNO?
3. Utilize at least three (3) other resources (these could include interviews, videos, book, magazines, internet articles, etc.) for this paper.

Include information on the following:
a. Characteristics of the Veteran Special Needs Offenders (SNO)
b. Special issues/problems of the SNO
c. Incarceration issues
d. Community issues

a. Was the experience what you expected?
b. What surprised you during the experience (if anything)?
c. How did the experience fit with course lesson material?; and
d. Any other thoughts about the experience (personal and academic are both OK).

DR1K 35: Sound Production Practice 2

LO2 Assessment – Written Report


The written report should be around 900 words, and must include the following:

♦ justification of the microphone choice in relation to the production brief and audio source to be recorded. Reference should be made to microphone frequency response, type (eg dynamic, condenser), polar response pattern and sensitivity.

♦ justification of the microphone array arrangements in relation to the production brief.
Reference should be made to the suitability of the array(s) used in relation to the brief.
♦ an explanation of phase anomalies, in relation to microphone and loudspeaker arrangements, with regard to image perspective and timing. This should contain information on the main characteristics (localisation, perspective and phase anomalies) of different array arrangements (eg coincident pairs, spaced pairs, near coincident, spot microphones and binaural arrays). For speaker arrangements, explanation should be of the number of speakers used, their frequency response and their set-up angle in relation to image perspective and timing for the listener.

♦ an explanation of the mixdown process including: channel bussing, panning, equalisation and speaker placement in relation to the surround format selected. This should include a detailed account of the mixdown process in reproducing an accurate representation of the audio source.

1: Justification of microphone choice

2: Justification of the microphone array arrangements

3: Explanation of phase anomalies
3.1 Microphone Arrangement
3.2 Loudspeaker Arrangement

4: The mix-down process

Product – are the product attributes and brand fully aligned with customer needs?

In this assignment, you play the role of the CEO of a recycling company. Your team brings you a marketing plan they would like to implement. Their plan requires an investment and promises success. (See the Marketing Plan for Blue Star Recyclers below.)
Assess each section of the plan to determine if it is worth the stated investment. Review each section of the plan using some of the guideline questions shown below. Note these questions are not intended to be answered in a yes or no fashion. They are offered to help you consider and then explain whether the material in the plan is important. Identify information that is missing, incomplete, or needs additional data to be effective.

Your analysis should also include assessment and explanation for the following:

Customer Need – does the description state the need from the customer’s point of view or does it describe a product?
Customer Analysis – Are the description and definition clear? Are buyer motivations clearly described? Can you estimate how many customers fit the target market description and confirm the need exists? Why or why not?
Market Analysis – Does the market analysis demonstrate external trends that might influence the ability to meet customer needs? Does the internal analysis show company capabilities in meeting customer needs?
Objectives – Are specific objectives stated in the context of meeting the needs of the target market or are they general company objectives. Explain.
Product – are the product attributes and brand fully aligned with customer needs?
Place – Is the location or distribution channel consistent with Product type and customer needs?
Price – Are price objectives and policies consistent with Product attributes, distribution channels and customer needs?
Promotion – Are the promotion tactics clearly described and aligned with the marketing mix and customer needs? Are costs and results stated quantitatively?
Tracking and Controls – Are systems established to track plan results and are those plans aligned with the resources of the company?
Financial Results – Are projected financial results consistent with information shown in the rest of the marketing plan and do they deliver results expected by the organization?
At the conclusion of the analysis, explain why you would or would not approve implementation of this plan. Compile your assessment in a 7 page paper. Include citations and reference material to support your assessment.

Develop a competency specification for an aviation-related topic and produce a set of test items to asses

The full task is attached below.
Develop a competency specification for an aviation-related topic and produce a set of test items to assess it. Justify the items you have chosen in terms of item validity and reliability. Please read all the steps below BEFORE you select your topic; marks are awarded for completing each step.
Select from the following topics (you will then need to identify an individual task within your chosen topic):
• Aviation security identification of dangerous items
• Cabin crew handling of emergencies
• Passenger check-in systems
• Incident investigation
• Fault diagnosis
Bear in mind that you will need to find some test candidates to sit your exam – so don’t choose a topic that is too complex.

Personality Test Reflection of Personality Theories

Complete the following tests:

Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3:
Print a .pdf file or take a screenshot of your results. Please be sure to include these documents as part of your assignment submission.

You should also include a one-page reflection for each personality test. A reflection may include whether you think the test results were an accurate depiction of you, what you thought of the test questions, or thoughts on the trait being measured.
Needs Cover Page, Test Results and Analysis, Test Documentation

Should we protect biodiversity and prevent species extinction, or is species extinction inevitable and we should just learn to live with it? How does the extinction of other species affect us?

To receive full credit I expect you to use at least four of the resources that have been provided. They should be properly cited within the text of your essay and be properly listed in a reference list (i.e. works cited page). Your essay should be 4-5 pages in length not counting the reference list. Please consult the syllabus and all of the other relevant documents and links that have been provided to you on plagiarism and APA formatting.

Reminder: The University’s policy on Plagiarism—

These are the 4 resource that should be use on the paper
1..In Defense of Biodiversity: Why Protecting Species from
Extinction Matters
BY C A RL SA F I N A • F EBRUA RY 1 2, 201 8

2.Should Some Species Be Allowed to Die Out? by Jennifer Kahn

3.We don’t need tosave endangeredspecies.
Extinction is part of evolution.
The only creatures we should go out of our
way to protect are Homo sapiens.
By R. Alexander Pyron November 22
R. Alexander Pyron is the Robert F. Griggs
Associate Professor of Biology at the George
Washington University.

A new look at preserving biodiversity ..By Hilary Rosner

Police Use of Force

The Topic
Walker, Spohn, and De Lone covered several of the issues centering on criminal justice and race and ethnicity. For your research paper you are to write a research paper on an issue of your choosing on race/ethnicity and criminal justice. You can explore in more detail one of the issues raised in, The Color of Justice, or an issue related to race/ethnicity and criminal justice not covered in their book. Again your choice.

brThe AbstractbrTopics are to be approved in advance through the submission of an abstract that is due September 3. Abstracts are worth 5 points towards your total grade, and should include a brief description of the paper topic and the manner in which the topic will be addressed. A partial list of references must also be included – at least 3 or 4 references.brbrThe Research PaperbrThe final paper is worth 35 points towards your total grade. It should be 1 pages, typed, double spaced, with a 12-point font and one-inch margins. It will be necessary for you to use outside sources i.e., articles from refereed journals in the field) to adequately address your topic in the paper; a full reference page listing all sources used must be attached to your final paper.

Create a week-long unit for each subject area that you have chosen and demonstrate the integration between the two subject areas.

In order to complete your DUP, you should complete two unit forms to show the integration of two different subject areas for one week of instruction. Create a week-long unit for each subject area that you have chosen and demonstrate the integration between the two subject areas. Remember, your units should also demonstrate accommodations for your students with disabilities. Some examples of accommodations include: assisted technology, note taking, test taking, graphic organizers, trade book alternatives, memory strategies, and behavior strategies (such as self-monitoring, contracts, etc.). You can come up with the subjects that you feel is easier to do that intersect. here is an example in this link.

Write down the case study about the Kahramaa (qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation).
1. The governance structure of the case under investigation.
2. The key player and their roles and responsibilities.
3. Power relations among involved actors.
4. Role of citizens in the analyzed case study

1. All the Content of the Final Report and resources are attached with the orders. as well as i need other resources provided by the Readers.

2. I attached also my own paper that contain some of the information related to the following;
a.the main actors (governmental and non-governmental).
b. the overall governance structure place governing Kahramaa
c. the role of citizens.

3. I attached some resources related to the Laws available related to the Kahramaa. I need the writer to go through them and include them in the case study .

4. NO plagiarism at all please.

Is it connected to problems in police training and the militarization of police departments and their social distancing from the citizenry?

Watch film(LA Confidential) and answer questions below.
Most big-city police departments adopted the reforms Chief Parker introduced to the LAPD in the early 1950s, and most big-city police departments today are racially integrated. Yet police-community relations today are in a terrible state, judging by the persistence of abuse of Use-of-Force laws, racial profiling, racial scapegoating, and violence against unarmed and innocent minorities (the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri is being repeated in many other towns and cities). How would you explain this? Is it due to the persistence of racism in society as a whole, with it becoming more “acceptable” again to openly express racial animosity? Is it connected to problems in police training and the militarization of police departments and their social distancing from the citizenry? Is it due to the omnipresence of guns or changes in crime patterns (the waning of organized crime, except for foreign-based drug cartels—and the preoccupation of police with the war on drugs and criminal acts by drug users)?

How has vaccinations impacted the frequency of these diseases over the past 100 years? Why are some people worried about giving their children vaccines?

Your friend is worried about the many vaccines that his newborn son is scheduled to receive and asks you for advice since you are taking a biology course. Start with an explanation of how vaccines work. Briefly contrast the traditional methods used to create vaccines with more recently used biotechnology techniques. Then list some of the diseases that babies and children in the US are routinely vaccinated against. How has vaccinations impacted the frequency of these diseases over the past 100 years? Why are some people worried about giving their children vaccines? Is there scientific evidence to support these concerns? Conclude with advice to your friend in regard to getting the recommended vaccines based on what you learned from reliable information sources.

Write a paper with title page, introduction, several paragraphs addressing the questions, conclusion and references. You must write in your own words and paraphrase information from the selected information sources, addressing each of the questions for your chosen topic. Your paper should consist of less than 10% direct quotes. Your paper should be 750-1500 words, excluding references and title page. Use APA style for references:

Examine best practice in planning, teaching, and assessing the four skills in second language acquisition general. Evaluate the various techniques and strategies with reference to the literature.

Assignment 2: Teaching Technique Essay (2500 words max)
Examine best practice in planning, teaching, and assessing the four skills in second language acquisition general. Evaluate the various techniques and strategies with reference to the literature.
Create a lesson plan and an assessment task based on what you have learned about current best practice. Justify your lesson plan and assessment task with reference to the literature.
Reflect on lesson planning or assessment design. What do you think about the value of lesson planning? What did you find challenging about designing a lesson plan and/or assessment task? Write a 500-word reflection on your learning process for this assignment.
Marking criteria Possible marks
Discussion: 20 marks
Practical application: 10 marks
Academic writing: 5 marks
Reflection: 5 marks

The texbook needs to be referenced and is:
Brown, H.D & Lee, H (2015). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (4th Edition.). New York: Pearson.
Notes: The lesson plan needs to be a task-based lesson

Individual Written Case Analysis (Strategic Audit) Outline –
Develop a case about, analyze, and make recommendations about Ford (Ford Motor Company).
Use approximately 20 sources from Academic journals.
See attached document for Outline and Rubric
Please use last 5 pages as appendix as needed for additional support.

Mathematical Economics Assignment on Arnold Harberger

The assignment does not specify that the word limit is 750, excluding the math. We expect you to argue your view on Harberger’s estimates, illustrated with derivations using the model.

2. This assignment uses some mathematics that will be covered in detail in the course Mathematics 1 for Economics, in which the principal reference is Sydsaeter, K. and P. Hammond (2012), Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Prentice Hall, 4th edition (ISBN 978-0-273-76068-9).

3. In the assignment it is specified that the parameters of demand and supply are “positive”, but this should be “non-negative” – a subtle difference that matters here in subquestion 19.

no external sources please but the articles should be used.
Thank you

Discuss the possible damage with short term and long term complications of a firefighter inhaling heated air and in respiratory distress. Prioritize the necessary interventions to stabilize the patient. Then discuss an in-depth plan of care for recovery.

Create a Dating App Algorithm that is Inclusive to Different Kinds of People

First, Read this – you are going to create an algorithm – don’t worry you don’t need to have any coding experience.

Submit: An algorithm with 20 steps that matches folks looking for romance/friendship

An algorithm for our purposes is going to be a set of instructions. You should have a list of at least 20 of these instructions. Go wild with this. Based on what we have read and watched about flaws in algorithms – and the violence they commit against various folks of political interests, genders, sexualities, body types, and race – do your best to build something that is better. This assignment has no definitive answer and that’s ok. I want you to be experimental here – and try things out – even if they fail. A good place to start is the video about OK cupid. We have a model – a set of instructions for a computer to follow that is in place (see the watch video). You can copy the model from OK Cupid and then make alterations that you think will make it better.

Will you decrease questions? What about picture swiping? Be a little bit of a social engineer. How will you use an app/algorithim to make the world better/more equitable?

There is so much written on this subject. Do some research to get inspired (algorithms and dating)

Please submit a list of 20 instructions a computer can follow to match people based on romance/friendship

It would help if you can draw a tree using The way a computer works is that it makes a decision based on a yes or no answer to a previous question.

Here is a primer for your model structure.

How Decision Tree Algorithm works


Inside OK Cupid: The Math of Online Dating


The Era of Blind Faith in Big Data Must End


Oh Great: There’s a Horrible Dating Trend to Worry About


‘Least Desirable’ How Racial Discrimination Plays Out Online

The performance of your airline will depend on how effectively the Management Team apply theory in practice to support critical analysis and evaluation in context leading to informed problem solving, identification of opportunities and decision making. You will need to draw extensively on theories and techniques from your MBA toolkit through taught units, for example, including:
• Strategic Management
• Marketing
• Human Resource Management
• Performance management
• Operations Management
• Finance
Your task:
You will be assessed on an individual report which demands in-depth critical analysis and evaluation of theory in practice leading to clear conclusions and feasible recommendations. You will write an individual report on the effectiveness of the performance of your airline in the simulation, showing how theory which you have learnt on the course was demonstrated both in your management of your business and in the way the players in your industry competed, integration of theory and practice.
You must address all specific questions below. You also can highlight other areas of your own choice.

1. What was your vision for your airline and the strategic plan?
2. What were your company’s performance objectives? How did these compare to the actual performance? Why?
3. What were the key strategic moves that led to your success (or demise)?
4. How is the company positioned for the future?

6. Important “take-aways” from the simulation experience.

Critically evaluate the use of theory in practice to inform decision making throughout.

Explain how many members will be in the group
• Discuss the goals or purpose of the group you are forming
• Determine what the members will gain from participating in your group

Post your initial response in 150-300 words
Chap. 5: Forming a Group (Use the topic you submitted)
Discussion Bd 17 (provide an APA reference)
• Based on the proposal written, share your idea for starting a group (topic/subject/issue)
• Identify the type of group
• Specify the length of time for the group to accomplish its work
• Speculate when you will hold your initial meeting
• Describe expected attendees

Post your initial response in 150-300 words
Chap. 5: Forming a Group (continuation of Db17)–Use the topic you submitted.
Discussion Bd 18 (support the following with a reference)
• Explain how many members will be in the group
• Discuss the goals or purpose of the group you are forming
• Determine what the members will gain from participating in your group

Chap. 5: Forming a Group (continuation of Db17)–Use the topic you submitted.
Discussion Bd 18 (support the following with a reference)
• Explain how many members will be in the group
• Discuss the goals or purpose of the group you are forming
• Determine what the members will gain from participating in your group

Critique the article in Appendix A of the text. Use this article in Appendix A to answer the following critique questions in Boxes: 5.2, 6.3, or 7.1. Your instructor will assign each student a box to answer the questions from.
4. This Assignment requires 300 or more words (not including Title Page and Reference Page), with minimum of 2 references. Proofreading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation is needed – along with APA formatting for the references.
The following questions need to be answered for this paper:
Box 7.1

*Does the review seem thorough and up-to-date? Does it include major studies on the topic? Does it include recent research?
*Does the review rely on appropriate materials (e.g., mainly on research reports, using primary sources)?
*Is the review merely a summary of existing work, or does it critically appraise and compare key studies? Does the review identify important gaps in the literature?
*Is the review well organized? Is the development of ideas clear?
*Does the review use appropriate language, suggesting the tentativeness of prior findings? Is the review objective? Does the author paraphrase, or is there an overreliance on quotes from original sources?

Write a survey of the topic influence of the tax enforcement on tax avoidance, with suggestions por further research and caveats.
the papers i need you to survey are:
The Effects of Changes in State Tax Enforcement on Corporate Income Tax Collections
Sanjay Gupta
Michigan State University
Daniel P. Lynch
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Does Schedule UTP Have Uniform Long-Run Effects on Corporate Tax Planning?
Kim Honaker
Middle Tennessee State University
Divesh S. Sharma
Kennesaw State University
The Deterrent Effect of Employee Whistleblowing on Firms’ Financial Misreporting and Tax Aggressiveness
Jaron H. Wilde
The University of Iowa

Perspectives on Corporate Tax Planning: Observations from the Past Decade
JH Wilde, RJ Wilson – Journal of the American Taxation Association, 2018 –

Executive summary of the key differences in contract formation across the seven legal cultures

Provide an essay that includes the following contractual legal cultures: (i) English, (ii) German, and (iii) Norwegian, and (iv) Italian, (v) CISG, (vi) PECL, and (vii) UNIDROIT.
Create an executive summary of the key differences in contract formation across the seven legal cultures. Be objective and not argumentative or persuasive, simply make the legal rules clear and set out clearly their differences. The summary should include following topics:
1. Comparative Contract Formation, 2. Comparative Contract Interpretation, 3. Comparative reasonableness in contracts, 4. Comparative aspects of ‘good faith’ in alternative legal cultures.
Each sentence must have a footnote where the specific page is given. Only sentences which are common knowledge or own ideas must not have a footnote. (strictly use of OSCOLA citing style)
• The essay has a total body word count of 3,000 words.
• Title page, table of contents, footnote and citations, and the references/bibliography are not included in the word count.
• All citations must be in OSCOLA, unless pre-approved by the Coordinator to use Blue Book citation formats; no other formats permitted.
• Foreign language legal references should refer and cite to official English language translations when available, otherwise, citation should follow OSCOLA norms while also presenting translations of titles in English within brackets, these things -> [].

Provide a synopsis of eight peer-reviewed articles from nursing journals using an evaluation table that determines the level and strength of evidence for each of the eight articles.

In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. Being able to articulate the information and successfully summarize relevant peer-reviewed articles in a scholarly fashion helps to support the student’s ability and confidence to further develop and synthesize the progressively more complex assignments that constitute the components of the course change proposal capstone project.

For this assignment, the student will provide a synopsis of eight peer-reviewed articles from nursing journals using an evaluation table that determines the level and strength of evidence for each of the eight articles. The articles should be current within the last 5 years and closely relate to the PICOT statement developed earlier in this course. The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. A systematic review may be used to provide background information for the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project. Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” resource to complete this assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

PICOT Statement Paper (FOLEY CATHETHERS): Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings.

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. (FOLEY CATHETERS) The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

Evidence-Based Solution
Nursing Intervention
Patient Care
Health Care Agency
Nursing Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Discuss how you would apply either system theory or change theory in the development of your strategy to address the chosen weakness.

Attached is also assessment tool that I used.
These are the directions for the paper.

B. Complete the attached “Patient-and Family-Centered Care Organizational Self-Assessment Tool” (PFCC) for a healthcare organization.

Note: The PFCC tool is a subjective tool used to assess the organization you have chosen.

1. Describe the healthcare setting you used in the PFCC.
2. Using the completed PFCC tool, describe the strengths and/or weaknesses of the organization for each domain.

C. Identify one area of improvement from the weaknesses identified in part B2.
1. Create a strategy to increase patient-centeredness in the organization by addressing the weakness from part C.
a. Discuss how you would apply either system theory or change theory in the development of your strategy to address the chosen weakness.
2. Discuss the financial implications of implementing this strategy.
3. Discuss the methods you will use to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy.

D. Create a multidisciplinary team by identifying the following:
• potential members that will assist you in implementing the identified strategy
• The role of each team member
1. Discuss how cultural diversity within the team supports patient-centered, culturally competent care.
2. Using one of the leadership theories below, discuss the leadership style you would utilize in developing your team:
• transactional leadership
• transformational leadership
• emotional leadership
• traditional leadership
3. Discuss how the team will work together to implement the strategy to address the weakness identified in part C1.
4. Describe how the team will communicate the identified strategy and intended outcomes to the healthcare organization.
5. Describe a specific tool you could use to develop the team’s self-assessment skills.

Create a 2- to 3-page web proposal outlining your plan for developing your website from start to finish. Be as detailed as possible.

In this assignment, you will focus on the planning phase of a website being developed by you. You will gather requirements and specifications of your website and develop a site map. In addition, you will decide on the navigation structure, the layout, and the look and feel of your website. It is much easier to make these decisions prior to starting the development process of the website.

Create a 2- to 3-page web proposal outlining your plan for developing your website from start to finish. Be as detailed as possible. Your proposal should include the following details:
Purpose of the website
Target audience
Navigation structure
Color scheme and images
Site map or layout

Hacking Groups

This assignment will help you recognize the different categories of hackers. One of the challenges with hacking is the number of different ways hackers are able to obtain information. Understanding the different categories can help you know the risks they might pose to an organization.


Choose one of the five categories and conduct an Internet search to find out how common your chosen group is and how the hackers are able to hack into computers.
Note: Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature—articles from peer-reviewed journals and relevant textbooks. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Using the example of the technology you have selected to study (you may discuss another technology if you so wish) consider the following: ***The technological device that I had previously discussed was the mobile phone. Please feel free to use this technological device for this assignment.***

1) Drawing upon the required readings on ANT, describe the key network of human and non-human actants that enable the successful working of the technology or technological system you have selected to study.

2) Consider some of the sources of friction or resistance that trouble the successful functioning of a technology/system you have selected to discuss.

3) Consider the script associated with the use of this technology/system (the actions that are prescribed or delegated to human and non-human actants.

4) If possible, find a video that illustrates the breakdown of the script or actor-network associated with the technology you
are studying.

5) Comment on one (1) other post on the discussion forum. The key aim is to help fellow classmates with the analysis of a technology/technological system

Your initial post should be between 200-300 words

Describe five elements of critical analysis to use in evaluating someone else’s writing

“Describe five elements of critical analysis to use in evaluating someone else’s writing.”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Describe the sources of information for financial statement analysis.

Text Book Resource (Chapter 17):
See attached document.

“Describe the sources of information for financial statement analysis.”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

This order consisted of 2 half page prompts for 2 different chapters in the book I’ve attached as a resource.
In addition to the first prompt, there is a 2nd prompt regarding the material in Chapter 18 of the book I’ve attached. That prompt is “Describe the basic components of a products cost”. For both prompts, a half-page long paragraph should be written.
The paragraphs are separate and independent of each other

Factor Analysis

Class Discussion Please answer these question briefly and separately.

1. Have the MBI subscales been established through
factor analysis? If so, could you please cite the study where that was
done and provide a description of the results of that analysis?

2. The Harter (1981) instrument sounds like an
interesting instrument for assessing intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation for
children. Do you know the exact name of the scale? Could you please
explain what the researchers found when they conducted the factor analysis
(such as how many factors and what they named the factors/what the factors

3. DASS has been examined using factor analysis. Could
you please describe what factors were found in the two-factor model compared to
the factors in the three factor model? In other words, did the
three-factor solution find factors consistent with the subscales of depression,
stress, and anxiety? What were the constructs supported by the two-factor

4. What are the subscales of the Revised Child Anxiety and
Depression Scale? The source that you cited used the French version of
the instrument, which would only be relevant if you were using the French
version in your research. Can you please find a research study that
conducted a factor analysis of the English version of the instrument and report
the factors that were found?

use the author as one of your sources
Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological testing: a practical approach
to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Chapter 10

Chapter 7 – Recruiting, Motivating, and Keeping Quality Employees

Text Book Resource (Chapter 7):
See attached document.

Prompt #1 (Half-Page):
“Explain how companies train and develop employees, and discuss the importance of a diverse workforce.”

Prompt #2 (Full-page):
“Define human resource management and explain how managers develop and implement a human resource plan.”

Please write each prompt on their own separate page, as they aren’t related to each other. Please also include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Report about mechanism and guideline exercise for Hypertension

Explain or summary about mechanism of Hypertension by paper 1 and paper 2 (paper 3 is the supporting document) in 1.5 pages (you can put the necessary picture that relevant the mechanism).
2. Explain or summary of paper 4 that is about the guideline of exercise in hypertension (can be support by paper 5) in 2.5 pages.

3. Finally, critical analysis of a paper 4 that is NOT the same as a summary. This should include a summary of the key elements of the methodology, data analysis and interpretation of results, including any limitations in the experimental design, data analysis or in the interpretation of the results (can be with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the paper) in 1 page)

So totally is 5 pages.

A Peculiar Imbalance: The Fall and Rise of Racial Equality in Early Minnesota

Paper must support the quote, “The Concepts of race and culture grew more rigid as Minnesota was transformed from wilderness to civilization”
Provide 3 examples from the book, A Peculiar Imbalance: The Fall and Rise of Racial Equality in Early Minnesota
Paper must include 2 quotes from the book, A Peculiar Imbalance: The Fall and Rise of Racial Equality in Early Minnesota, and must be cited properly.
12 point double spaced
no plagiarism

How the course fits into your career plan( Provide well-structured subject such as corporate finance and asset management which are important for future career path.

Applying for LSE Msc Finance and private equity degree (blanket include are some of my personal point )
1.why wish to continue studying?(career advancement opportunity, advanced knowledge)
2.what interest you about the subject?( undergraduate finance degree e.g principal of finance and risk management. include the reason of choosing both finance and private equity instead of just finance)
3.why choosing LSE? (geographical location is best for financial study,strong reputation and cutting edge in preparing student in finance)
4.How the course fits into your career plan( Provide well-structured subject such as corporate finance and asset management which are important for future career path.
5.relevant study and academic ability ( CV in attachment)
6.personal skills and linking to the course (magic society and leader of football team ) developed interpersonal skills through magic presentation
teamwork skill and leadership skill

Explain what organizations can do to help their employees avoid and manage stress.

Text Book Resource (Chapter 7):
See attached document.

Prompt #1 (Half-Page):
“How does a company as large as Camden effectively and authentically communicate to its employees?”

Prompt #2 (Full-page):
“Explain what organizations can do to help their employees avoid and manage stress.”

Please write each prompt on their own separate page, as they aren’t related to each other. Please also include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Case Study in Wolverhampton UK

This assessment is a case study in Wolverhampton, in the UK, provide full background, include statistics of ethnicity.
2. Please provide a good introduction and conclusiom of this essay.
3. Discuss the background (demographic, ethic background, genetics, cultural background, life expectancy, cause of deaths)in Wolverhampton.
3. How complex factors affects the health and well-being and health delivery in Wolverhampton?
4.Discuss framework and policies of inter-agency and its definition.
5. Identify the priorities and needs of Wolverhampton based on the JSNA(Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) report. Choose 2 or 3 priorities and explain how inter-agency meeting and solving these needs.
6. Who are the inter-agencies working together to tackle the needs of this community?
7. What is the role of Healthwatch in Wolverhampton and how they engage with other agencies and multi-disciplinary teams?
8. Explain the leadership structure of Healthwatch and inter-agencies in Wolverhampton who are working to address the needs of this community. Are their goals being met?
9. What are the positive and negative impact of this leadership to Wolverhsmpton?
10. What are the strenght and opportunities of this inter-agency in Wolverhampton?
11. Are there any challenges for the inter-agencies to meet the needs of this community such as funding, power sharing, risk assessment, staffing issues, communication barriers, workload, incompetence, etc?
12. How do they implement their strategies to meet the needs of the community in Wolverhampton? Are these inter-agency effective in meeting Wolverhampton’s needs?
13. Compare Wolverhampton to other boroughs in the UK in terms of complex factors in multi-cultural communities.
14. Please provide a good conclusion for this case study.
15. Please use JSNA report as one of the reference to explain the priorities in Wolverhampton.
16. Give atleast 2 books including Littlechild and Smith (2013) and useful website in answering this assessment

Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation.
Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources.
Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts.
Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

Field Flow Fractionation (FFF) in Analysis of Polymers

Below is the proposed outline for my term paper. Please feel free to add any section you think is necessary for the report.
Term Paper Title: Field Flow Fractionation (FFF) in Analysis of Polymers
1. Introduction + History
2. Overview of Molecular Weight Characterization methods
3. Theoretical background
4. Instrumentation
a. Thermal Field-flow Fractionation
b. Flow Field Flow Fractionation
c. Centrifugal Field Flow Fractionation
d. Electrical Field Flow Fractionation
e. Detectors
5. Experimental Procedures
6. FFF Applications to polymer analysis + provide examples
7. Advantages and disadvantages of FFF.
8. Conclusion.
Please provide figures in the report, such as pictures for thermal FFF, Flow FFF, I don’t want the report to be only text. I am targeting to have a high score in this report so please do your best (I trust you).\

What is the evidence of periglacial activity in north east Scotland? How does landscape determine soil type and how does this ultimately affect land use in the North East of Scotland?

A four page summative essay will use the fieldwork experience and external reading to answer one of these questions:
1.What is the evidence of periglacial activity in north east Scotland?
2.How does landscape determine soil type and how does this ultimately affect land use in the North East of Scotland?
3.Soil survey and soil classification are two contrasting disciplines that require different sets of tools-discuss.
4.What is the catena concept (physical and chemical)? Can this really be related to all global environments (i.e. temperate, tropical etc)?
5.How does human intervention affect the genesis of soil and its capacity to deliver
ecosystem services? Focus on one human intervention.
6.How will climate change affect the evolution of high latitude soils?

Write a response to the following question:

Chhibber and Verma write that there are two intellectual traditions in India. One argues for a limited role for the state in social transformation whereas the other seeks social transformation through politics. Does the institutional design of the Indian state (embodied in its constitution and institutions) reflect these two divergent traditions?

The answer should be typed and printed (fontsize 12, double spaced). It should not exceed 800 words. You must engage with the reading materials provided for this course.

Explain how a strong sense of community can be established and maintained in an eLearning environment. In addition, contrast the concepts of a sense of community with collaboration. Explain why your choice of a virtual delivery system(s) is the best delivery model for your workplace. Include in your explanation how the delivery system maximizes access for your audience and how it enhances the ability of your audience to connect and share a sense of community. Defend your choices from personal experience, a learning theory, and at least one research study (PhD, EdD, and EdS students) or dissertation (PhD and EdD students); use module resources as applicable. PLEASE USE THE 2 ARTICLES in UPLOAD

Briefly compare the story of Chretien de Troyes with that of either Robert de Boron or Wolfram von Eschenbach. What new elements are added in or taken out?

-The concept and the instructions are both attached
-Please use 5 references (excluding the case itself)
-This is actually a group presentation however, I would like a written format
-My team has already divided the parts and I will specifically be looking at the key issues, doing a PEST analysis for Japan, China and Europe and give a recommendation.
-Please take note of the last section in the instructions file (the part about Globalization concept) as this is vital.

This response paper is written in response to the assigned film Clive Wearing: Living without Memory and the course lectures on memory and memory disorders. Here is the link for the video: ( )

APA Requirements and Academic Writing (5 points)
Minimum length for this paper is 2 pages. The length does not include title, name, date, etc. Title, name, date, course section etc., should appear double spaced on the cover page. The title of your paper should appear centered on the first page of your paper in addition to the cover page.
APA requirements:
Cover page
Reference list
One (1) reliable source related to the topic (reliable article, book, or scholarly article-no textbooks)
Two (2) in-text citations/ parenthetical citations
Running head
The paper must be typed using:
12-point Times New Roman Font
1-inch top, bottom, left and right margins (This is an APA deviation)
2-spaces between sentences (double spaced & two spaces between sentences)
Paragraphs: The first line must be indented 0.5” from the left margin
No block paragraphs or justified paragraphs.

Language: Language used should meet academic standards, no slang, colloquialisms, contractions, or foul language. Remember, the language we use when speaking to each other in real life, or in the classroom, is often unsuitable for incorporation into an academic paper.
Organization: A well-organized paper should begin with an introductory paragraph (thesis statement), continue with 2 or 3 body paragraphs, and end with a concluding paragraph.
Clarity & Structure: There should be clear structure within each paragraph (i.e. thesis statement first, followed by supporting information, then a concluding statement).
Grammar & Spelling: Your paper must be clear, coherent, and include proper sentence structure. Papers should be proofread for sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Content (10 Points)
How does the topic fit into the context of the course material that we are learning?
In other words, how does the knowledge gained from the film relate to the textbook readings and course lectures on memory?
Introductory information on memory and amnesia appears in your text book
Provide background information from the film.
Key Points & Learning
What new or interesting information did you learn?
Describe and discuss the types of memory problems that Clive Wearing and what caused them.
Describe and discuss Clive Wearing’s Procedural Memory
Describe how Clive Wearing’s Semantic and Episodic Memories work
Discuss how Clive Wearing functions in his daily life
What is his relationship with Deborah like?
Does he have a family and if so, what are those relationships like?
Can Clive Wearing live on his own? Why or why not?
The points you choose to discuss must be presented clearly and accurately.

Listen: “the Art of Hip-Hop” playlist. Try HERE, or HERE (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., or search “Drew Lindsay the art of hip-hop” in Spotify.

(NOTE: if you have any trouble accessing this playlist you have to contact me immediately).


For each question below, aim to write at least a page. These can be in note format (informal,) but look as closely as you can at the text of these songs.

1.) Choose two of the following verses:

The first verse of Aquemini (Big Boi)

The last verse of Aquemini (“My mind warps and bends”) (Andre 3000)

The first verse of Hootie Hoo

Andre 3000’s verse on Black Ice

Your goal is to simply compare the way these verses work (how the rappers approach each verse). Talk about the tools each rapper uses – try to talk about the “style” of that verse. Talk about the things they do, and talk about the differences between them. Your first act is to OBSERVE. Just see what they do.

2.) Compare the first verse of “Chum” to the second verse of “Hive”

Your goal is to simply compare the way these verses work (how the rappers approach each verse). Talk about the tools each rapper uses – try to talk about the “style” of that verse. Talk about the things they do, and talk about the differences between them. Your first act is to OBSERVE. Just see what they do.

3.) Read: “the Gilded Six BitsPreview the document”

match any two songs from the “Art of Rap” playlist to this story. Explain your logic – explain the connection.

Critical Analysis Paper

a. Identify the five steps of the critique process for quantitative studies, according to the text and describe the purpose of each of these five steps.
b. Critique the findings, conclusions, generalization, and significance of findings, implications, and suggestions for further research in the study.

Use the following quantitative study to answer question 4: Wetzels, R., van Weel, C., Grol, R., Wensing, M. (2008). Family practice nurses supporting self-management in older patients with mild osteoarthritis: A randomized trial. BMC Family Practice, 9(7), 1-6. doi:10.1186/1471-2296-9-7

Needs assessment plan for people with developmental disabilities transitioning to the work force

Using the topic from your research paper in Assignment #1 create a needs assessment plan for a proposed program, including approaches to measurement and methods of data collection and analysis. Discuss your approach within the context of the four types of need as outlined in Kettner, Moroney & Martin and be sure to link your assessment plan to the problem you identified in Assignment 1. Justify why the methods you selected are the most appropriate to assess the need for your program. Students are expected to produce a 5 to 7 page paper with at least 5 citations from academic journals (not counting title and reference pages). When citing the literature, follow APA style.

How does intersectionality explain the experience of women, black and minority ethnic, gay and lesbian people?

In the essay students have to be critical for example what did beverage not do right? you critic. Drawing from socialist/ Marxist feminism, Radical feminism, Black/ anti Racist feminism.
Learning outcomes:
1} Identify the various layers of power, oppression and discrimination.
2}Evaluate the commonality and interactions of multiple oppressions.
3}Evaluate theories underpinning inequality particularly sexism, disablism, ageism and racism.
4}Identify the contentious and complex nature of power and oppression and and the broader dimentions of inequality.
5}Demonstrate the linkages between personal experiences of oppression and disablism, ageism, sexism and racism.
Readings from: Handbook disability studies (2001), Womens oppression and social work (1992), Developing anti-oppressive practice with older lesbian women and gay men in british journal of social work (2001) pg 917-932, Race and Ethnicity in mordern Britain (2000)

Web: National organisation for women report on political and social issues.

Journals: Disability and society Ethnic and Racial studies.
Referencing from a news paper like the Guardian is ok.
# harvard referencing ( in 150 words there should be a reference)
#2500 words
Thank you.

Depth vs. Breadth: Briefly describe a topic, the theory you would use to analyze it, and your resulting research question.


Depth vs. Breadth: Sociologists planning new studies must often choose between the detail and realism of qualitative data (depth of information), which sacrifices some generalizability, and the large samples and generalizable findings of quantitative data (breadth of information), which sacrifices realistic detail. Briefly describe a topic, the theory you would use to analyze it, and your resulting research question. Then discuss how you would handle this tradeoff in doing research on that question. Be sure to explain not just your choices but also your reasons–why would you choose a particular type of data to answer your question, and why is or isn’t it important for you to have a large sample? (Notes: To do this topic well, you must state and discuss a specific research question–don’t skip that step! Also, this can be a trial run for Writing Assignment 2 — feel free to use your intended topic, theory, research question, etc. for the Assignment, and see what kind of feedback you get.)

Research in the News: Find a newspaper, magazine, or web article that discusses a social science research study (see article requirements below). In your post, briefly describe the research and then use the issues and concerns in Unit 7 to assess its quality—or, if the article is missing important details, what further information you would need to evaluate the study. Some areas to think about: research design, data type, sample and generalizability, whether adequate control variables are included, validity and reliability of measures, possible Hawthorne effects, research ethics, etc. At the beginning or end of your post, provide a citation that includes the article author, date, title, publication title, and URL (if applicable).
ARTICLE REQUIREMENTS: The article must address social behavior, events, or issues—it cannot be purely medical or biological research. It must provide enough detail on a single study that you can evaluate the research – do not use an article that briefly summarizes several studies. To find an article, you can try searching news sources like the AJC or New York Times. I also found the Science Daily website to be a pretty good source: go to, then click on the Society/Education tab or just search “sociology” and see what you get.

Suggestions for reply comments: Both topics require that you really understand the unit concepts and are able to apply them. If you see someone headed down the wrong path—e.g., misusing a concept, omitting an important concern—help get them back on the right track. Also, remember that while there are better and worse ways to address these questions, there are no 100% correct answers. Thus, feel free to agree or (kindly) disagree with people’s research choices and critiques, and do not take it personally if they disagree with yours.

Critical Analysis of a Book

In writing a response, assume the reader has already read the book. Thus, do not summarize the contents of the book at length. Instead, take a critical, analytical approach to the book. There is no right or wrong answer to a book response; however, it is important that you demonstrate an understanding of the reading and clearly explain your support your reactions.

First, mention the title of the book to which you are responding, the author, and the main thesis of the book. Then, try to answer ALL of the questions below.

1. What does the text have to do with you, personally, and with your life (past, present or future)? It is not acceptable to write that the text has NOTHING to do with you, since just about every book has to do in some way with every other human.

2. How much does the book agree or clash with your worldview? What do you agree or disagree with? Use several quotes as examples of how it agrees with and supports what you think about the world and about what you think it is to be human. Use quotes and examples to discuss how the book disagrees with what you think about the world.

3. How did you learn and how much were your views and opinions challenged or changed by this book, if at all? Did the book communicate with you? Why or why not? Give examples of how your views might have changed or been strengthened, or perhaps, of why the book failed to convince you, the way it is. Use quotes to illustrate your points of challenge, or where you were persuaded, or where it left you cold.

4. How well does it address things that you, personally, care about and consider important to the world? Can you identify with the situation(s) in the book? How does it address things that are important to your family, your community, your ethnic group, to people of your economic or social class or background, or your faith tradition? If not, who does or did the book serve? Use quotes to illustrate.

5. What is your overall reaction to the book? How do you feel about what you are reading? How well did you enjoy the book or not?What would be the best way to evaluate the story? Use quotes or examples to illustrate the quality of the book.

FYI: you don’t need to use footnotes. When quoting or citing from the book, simply put author, year published and page numbers in parenthesis, for example (Hensley, 2010: 6). This is a critical essay, not a research paper.

Motivation and Reward

Requiring employees to perform or execute their responsibilities is a typical component to an organization’s system. Telling employees to perform may often leave them feeling like they are being controlled. However, when employees feel motivated, the process transitions from being told to perform to wanting to perform. As such, employees’ performance is greatly enhanced when they are motivated to do so. For this discussion, describe a situation you have experienced where motivation has positively influenced an employee’s performance. If you do not have any workplace experience, consider a situation that you have experienced in school when you felt motivated to improve your performance. In either case, what techniques were used to instill motivation? In responding to your classmates’ posts, respectfully critique the experiences they have shared.

Use examples from your local or work experiences or identify “best-practices” that may be happening already. Write a 3 page concept paper, stating what your strategy might include and why.

Read; Antimicrobial resistance: conserving life-saving medicines takes everyone’s help.
(you can also cut and paste this link: )

Review the listed supplemental links and then propose how you might respond if you were the local senior advisor to the Health Department. Use examples from your local or work experiences or identify “best-practices” that may be happening already.
Write a 3 page concept paper, stating what your strategy might include and why.
Use APA formatting and Citations to support your claims.

Visit the website for the World Health Organization (WHO) and pick at least one new “latest” technology featured on the site. Explain what it is, and how it affects the public.

Visit the website for the World Health Organization (WHO) and pick at least one new “latest” technology featured on the site. Explain what it is, and how it affects the public. World Health Organization Website.

Create 3 discussion questions for future students of this course, then include the key responses the instructor should look for.

Looking at the world and national health care/services environments. Create 3 discussion questions for future students of this course, then include the key responses the instructor should look for.

Note: Be sure to include any citations or url if you are referring to an online article, newscast, youtube or journal.

Outline a theory or concept of globalization and critically discuss to what extent it applies to Brazil

Use the 20 Academic sources ( Text Book and Academic Article that I have mentioned it in the attachment below ) and you can add 5 academic sources on your choice.

Score needed (First Class 70-79)
Written work will be of a very high standard throughout. It will demonstrate thorough research and contain analysis of a wide range of academic sources. It will critically engage with competing academic perspectives within a coherent and well argued framework. There will be very few grammatical or factual errors. Referencing should be flawless

No Wires Attached: Reversing Cultural Limitations Imposed on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilots

How can the US Air Force foster a positive culture that embraces RPAs and RPA operators in order to ensure they are used to their full potential?

RFID technology as part of a real-world business model of an organization

Develop a Term Project Paper that is a detailed design of an implementation plan to incorporate RFID technology as part of a real-world business model of an organization of your choice. The timeframe is the current year and out to the next three years. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your paper should include background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and RFID strategies. Support your paper with theories, concepts, and best practices from the course textbook and scholarly resources available from the Library and other Internet sites provided in this course.

Changes in Georgia’s Economy

Write a paper utilizing James Cobb’s, Georgia Odyssey, to answer the following question:
What were the central changes in Georgia’s economy that took place between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the 21 st century (the year 2000)?
If you quote or paraphrase from Cobb or any other source, you must utilize footnotes or endnotes to tell me you sources. Your footnotes must utilize the style described in Kate Turabian, Manual of Style.

What is the greatest challenge facing business in the 21st Century? Relate your argument to one or more of the topics covered in the unit.

The topics I have covered include:
Context-1) Globalization
-2) Business Intelligence and Analytics
Finance- 1) Ethical Misconduct and The Global Financial Crisis
– 2) Islamic Finance
Governance- 1) Public Policy
– 2) Corporate Social Responsibility
Im looking for around 850 words for this assignment if you could.

Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

Talking about Foley cath. Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.


3rd Year Project for Business Computing and Entrepreneurship

This course will empower students with a detailed understanding of the development of a large business software application or business report.

Business applications or business reports developed may be based on businesses within the creative, gaming, social or third sectors. Students will be required to undertake an extensive literature review before developing their application or writing their business report.

Students will therefore need to develop the skills to research the capabilities or issues associated with a particular business context. Students are required to analyse, evaluate and articulate a business application domain or business area in context and then propose and develop a new application or business report.

The module will enable students to gain an understanding of the issues and resources required to develop a new business application or business report in a business area or context.

Students will gain a detailed understanding of the role of the business application developer or business reporter. During the authoring process undertaken, students will develop an understating of how to formulate and present their own business ideas initiatives, thereby applying the business computing and entrepreneurial knowledge they gained throughout the programme of study.

Students will have to manage their own time and set regular objectives, undertaking activities including project analysis, design, implementation, report writing and evaluation.

Use the following quotations as a prompt for your discussion of one of the major themes in Augustine’s Confessions

-you can choose whichever quotation you like from the list
-please follow the instructions on the file provided
-use the template as a guide
-there should be a thesis statement
-use the text “Saint Augustine’s Confessions as a primary source
-cite the paper using book chapters, volume, paragraph number (refer to template)

Pax Rome, the greatset Civiliation to exist Vs The Conqured Byzantine Empire

Why was Pax Rome the pinical of ancient civilization as compared to the Conquered Byzantine Empire
See attached for a helper outline

Explore ONE evidence-based practice of your choice from the 27 practices identified by the NPDC (Wong et al., 2015).

In this assignment, you will explore ONE evidence-based practice of your choice from the 27 practices identified by the NPDC (Wong et al., 2015). You can access the site via the link below:

Evidence-Based Practices for working with students with ASD(
Imagine that the school/early childhood setting at which you have begun to teach is about to undertake a peer-led professional development series on evidence-based practice (EBP) when working with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Staff members have been asked to select one EBP from a list of twenty-seven identified practices and present an informative paper to their peers.
As well as to provide information on the EBP, the goal will be to communicate to your colleagues the importance of using EBPs in educational practice, how your specific EBP works to support the development of students with ASD, and provide examples of individual strategies and approaches that could be employed in an educational context.
The use of headings is optional. However, your essay should follow a logical structure, including an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and a list of references. Given the word limit, it will be important that you are able to effectively synthesise the relevant information and ideas to provide informative information that a colleague could utilise to gain a greater understanding of EBPs in education. It is required to use current literature (publications available through the Dixon Library) to justify any instructional recommendations you will make.
Important Notes
• Throughout your assignment, you need to use at least five peer-reviewed references, excluding the textbook.
• Ensure you have edited your work so that there are no typing, spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure your computer is set to English rather than US spelling!
• Check that you have used correct APA referencing conventions (APA 6th).
• Please note, extensive checks for plagiarism will take place on all submitted pieces of work.
Information about this assignment will be covered in Topics 5, 6 & 7.

Change management plan developed in Assignment Having selected the intended change and provided a context and need for the change
Assignment 2 has a word limit of 1500 minimum and 2500 words maximum

Assignment 2

The tasks for this assignment relate to the change management plan developed in Assignment Having selected the intended change and provided a context and need for the change, and mapped the process of change and its management, you must now consider financial implications of the change for your facility or health service.

The following financial aspects of the intended change should be addressed:

• Resources required for the change and how you will mobilize them (i.e. how you will use the allocated funding and existing or additional human resource (personnel) to implement the change plan).
• Impact of the change on the ‘bottom line’ (i.e. surplus/profits) and cash flow of the facility or health service in the short and longer term.
• Any capital investment decisions required as a result of the change and source of funding.
• Financial risks that may arise from the change and the process to mitigate the causes and effects of those risks.
• Possible regulatory compliance issues to meet the requirements of government and other regulatory bodies.

You will need to consider:

• Role of the finance function in strategic and operational management.
• Application of each of the following to the change management process: cash, operational and capital budgeting; managing short-term resources and obligations; long-term financing; accountability and control factors

Report about developing a project using SCRUM(agile) report “WikiStyle”

Hi everyone,
– Please write a report by following the attached marking criteria. (“WikiStyle”)
– Use the attached evidence log folder to find all the evidence you need to complete this report.
– The folder is separated based on the project plan which was done in 6 weeks
– The project built using SCRUM (Agile) development methodology
– It is divided into 3 sprints each sprint consists of 2 weeks.
– The folders are named using shortcuts such as sprint 1, W1 means week 1 in sprint 1
– Check product requirement file
– Many important pieces of evidence are in the “Other evidence” folder
– Only write about the highlighted points in orange color sections under Team Assesment Report in assignment 2 file, page 3&4 (attached).
– Follow the sequence of the assignment instruction
– This report should reflect real situations as much as possible.
– It is highly recommended to mention any challenges and issues that face the team so it should reflect real work problems.
– the main thing here is to learn how to use Agile (SCRUM) method in development.
– references are NOT required but make sure no plagiarism.
– font: Arial, size:12, Line spacing:1.5
– Any question please ask

The LINK to the evidence log folder:
ask support
Building a project using SCRUM(agile) report “WikiStyle”

Academic Essay on the novel “Home” by Toni Morrison

5-page essay, Times New Roman, double-spaced

Essay related to the novel “Home” by Toni Morrison
Must include at least 3 outside sources (such as credible articles from real life or conducted studies as supporting evidence in the essay. The essay can explore major themes in the novel such as racism, gender inequality, home coming​, PTSD and etc.
Must follow the basic essay structure with a strong thesis statement

Compare and contrast structure-centred and agency-centred approaches to the study of regime change.

You are asked to produce a 1,200-word theoretical review that will explain, compare and contrast structure-centred and agency-centred approaches to the study of regime change. The aim is to engage with the theory underpinning both approaches.
You should analyse the main aspects of each approach, its main arguments and how the proponents of each understand the puzzle of why regime change occurs in some contexts but not in others. As part of the review of each approach you should be critical and highlight the central weaknesses and limitations of the approach you are discussing. You could also perhaps consider whether the two approaches can be reconciled. Some reference should be made to real-life cases, but it is not the aim of the assignment to discuss any case or cases in any great depth.
As part of this assignment you should also put forward an analysis of which approach you think is most convincing in terms of explaining regime change. The essay should consist of an introduction, a main body (consisting of several paragraphs) and a conclusion. Remember to draw on the appropriate scholarly literature for each approach, making full use of the writings and ideas of key scholars. To this end, the reading lists for weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 are crucial for this assignment.
The point of this review is to ensure that you have the theoretical grounding to explore the practical issues in the study of regime change that will form part of the essay questions for the second assignment.
Main class book: Haerpfer, C. W., Bernhagen, P., Inglehart, R. F. and Welzel, C. (2009) Democratization. New York: Oxford University Press.

Cinema of small nation in Saudi Arabia

The LR chapter will be around 10K words (for now you’ll do 5k words and next month I’ll order another 5k words) and I need you to adopt a model for Saudi cinema and the model should match with the theoretical framework I’m using “the political economy approach and specifically using an analysing the ownership and control”, and the 5K words must answer these question:

*How do the frameworks of national cinema and small nations’ cinemas illuminate the case of Saudi Arabian cinema?
*How would you define Saudi Arabia cinema?
*Why are small nations’ cinemas relevant for this thesis?
*What features and conditions of small nations’ cinemas have scholars identified?
*Which of these features is relevant to the Saudi case, and in what ways?
*What does looking at Saudi cinema through the lens of small nations’ cinemas accomplish? (That is, why is this a useful critical framework?)
*What does a national cinema include? Then explain what key characteristics of national cinemas would be relevant to the Saudi case.

I’ll upload 2k words draft I did and you’ll see my supervisor comments. You can get the sources I’ve used and I’ll upload a pdf of two books that is very helpful.
For more information about my thesis, this is the structure of the thesis:
Chapter 1: Introduction to film industry and theoretical framework (the political economy approach).
Chapter 2: Literature Review (About cinema in small nation)
Chapter 3: Film Industry pre-2005. Historical background
Chapter 4: Film Industry between 2005 – 2015.
Here we’ve four case studies:
1. Keif al-Hal? Film 2006.
2. Menahi Film 2009.
3. Wadjda Film 2012.
4. Saudi film festival 2008.
(Using case studies in order to explain and understand in details how is the relationship between the Saudi film industry and other powerful individuals in Saudi Arabia).
Chapter 5: The new kingdom from 2015 – present.
1. creating institutions (like General Authority for Entertainment in 2015, Saudi Film Council in 2018, Allowing the General commission for audiovisual media to organize and licenses movie theatres in 2017, creating General Authority for Culture in 2016 and, etc)
2. New programs for policy, censorship, and subsidy.
3. Restriction of the religious authorities.
Chapter 6: Conclusion.

So, please send me 3k in the next two weeks, I’ll read it and in 4 weeks you send a complete draft (5K words)
Let me know if you have further question.

Thanks a lot

FAMILY MINISTRY PHILOSOPHY from a Protestant Evangelical perspective

Some suggested sources or references are Pastor Rick Warren’s 2 books “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH” , and “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE”.. also MOST ANY book or magazine on evangelical YOUTH MINISTRY OR DISCIPLESHIP OR, MOST ANYTHING BY AUTHORS DOUG FIELDS, especially “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN YOUTH MINISTRY”, or “PARENTING TODAY’S ADOLESCENT” by Dennis & Barbara Rainey, or most any Christian books or magazines on Adolescent and Child development, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU MUST USE THE SMALL BOOK TITILED, “SHIFT” (what it takes to reach Families today) by BRIAN HAYNES , The focus of the paper must be about this book called “SHIFT”!!! THE PAPER IS TO CREATE AND DESIGN A MODEL FOR FAMILY MINISTRY. IT IS ESSENTIALLY A DISCIPLESHIP PAPER. How did Jesus do it and how was it done in the old testament?? The entire book SHIFT is FOUNDED UPON the principles of the SHEMA in Deuteronomy 6:5-7. The paper should be laced with scriptural references so the king James Bible can be a source or reference as well. The paper explains through modeling and teaching how parents disciple their children to be like CHRIST!!! The tiny book SHIFT which is only about 136 pages has 7 milestones that must be used which are stages of child and adolescent development in Christian growth. According to class requirements, the paper needs to discuss these 7 milestones and maybe use some of these other sources to confirm them. Israelis children were taught in the old testament by the principles of the Shema in Deut.6:5-7 . How do we institute those today in our churches. Also according to the class requirements, the paper needs to have these sections within the paper–After the Introduction, 1. The Theological component of the Family Ministry model, 2. The Educational Component of the family ministry model, 3.THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK “SHIFT” ,MILESTONES OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, 1 THRU 7 WITH AN EXPLANATION OF MILESTONE, and LASTLY, THE APPLICATION of how parents do this, and of course some type of bibliography at the end.

Please write one page per question and address all aspects of questions:
Question one: Q #1. Perception Isn’t Reality, Or Is It?
Recently I heard a time-honored trick in car dealership: car salesman lures the customer with the deal; reveal it doesn’t apply to the car being considered; then have a word with manager, who – hallelujah! – agrees to an exception, and customer, with a great relief, happily buy the car with the price originally intended by the car dealer. So, change perception, change reality.
I also heard that happiness equals reality minus expectation. So you will be less miserable if you don’t go to the Facebook to be constantly out-shined by your fantastic friends.
Is there any particle of truth in the statement that “perception is reality?” If not, why do we often forget that it isn’t and, reject others’ reality as “nonsense” and insist our reality as the only legitimate one? How does our imperfect perception system get us into trouble in our interaction with others? How could we put our perception in perspective so we can enter a reasonable negotiation with others in regard to whose reality is more accurate?
Use your life experience, news stories, and others’ research to make a measured argument.
Question 2: Q #2. Gender role and cultural war
One of the most important family patterns is the teaching of accepted gender roles. In any society, gender is a key feature of a person’s social identity; gender differences are more influenced by culture than biology. In the past 100 years, we saw great shift in gender roles all over the world. Cultural wars are waged regarding to the shift and further rip open the old fabric of the culture. Tell me the positive thing about the shift. Is there anything negative about the shift? How does our mass media system and politics enter the fray and make it more complicated (I mean America is so gender divided not knowing our true enemy is not our man and our woman – I might wrong)? Do you believe technology and social media will make major alteration to gender roles in the next ten years? Why or why not?
Guidelines for response:
*answer the questions head-on rather beating around the bush.
*completely answer the questions raised in the prompt rather than partially answer the question
*argue logically, i.e. points driving points with strong evidence to support the claim.
*fresh idea and independent-thinking, not platitude and parroting.
*write with style: good diction, compelling rhetoric, and concision.
*being conscious of grammar, punctuation, and citation.

Prepare a design report for this TSF, providing the following:
1. A cross section of the TSF showing any drainage features that you have incorporated. Supporting
calculations are essential.
2. Determine the factor of safety against potential geotechnical instabilities (under both static and
seismic loading conditions) and compare these with accepted industry values.

****REQUIRES TO WATCH THE FILM “The Imitation Game”*****
Based on the film below, you are required to critically evaluate leadership and change management strategies adopted by the key and other characters. About the following film: Imitation Game (Film)
1. You will identify the leadership challenges faced by the leader and other key characters and critically evaluate the way these challenges have been managed over a defined period of time.
2. Based on your response to the above, evaluate the reaction of the followers/ key stakeholders to change and their role in bringing about or sabotaging the process.
3. Compare and contrast the leadership behaviours exhibited from your chosen film with the approaches taken by Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin)

This report requires a selective application of appropriate models underpinning leadership, change and followership.

-Find/Use quotes to underpin an argument in the film
-What does the leader in the film use to lead >> e.g Knowledge (Classify the leadership, do they move between different leadership styles
-Use books and journal articles as references, e.g. Hersey and Blanchard (1993) Management of Organizational Behaviour, Higgs and Dulewicz (2004) The Emotionally Intelligent Leader, Kotter (1990) A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs from Management. Mintzberg (1979) The Nature of Managerial Work,
-make use of this model to demonstrate the change of the people or the organization Kurt Lewin change management model, justify why you choose it
-Appendices should have 500 words (main body 1.500), include here other characters from the movie e.g. Joan Clarke, other Followers
-Identify and analyse sources and types of power

-use a variety of model which relate to leadership always demonstrate things that were mention in the film, main character/key person Alan Turning
-use phrases for arguments e.g. Because of/as/since, Given (the fact) that, Due to, As is show, If… then… Therefore, As a result, This leads/points to
-Needs to be well structure throughout

Case Study-A young black woman’s experience

Write to the uninformed. Write your response to someone who has no idea what higher education is all about. You need to explain thoroughly, make connections to evidence, and use examples from the case to bolster your points. If you do that, you will most likely offer the clear and thorough arguments the faculty want to see.

Analyze the case and provide a potential approach to addressing the issues, informed by
theory and evidence-based concepts.

The faculty are less interested in you being “right” in your analysis than in seeing evidence that
you can integrate the information you have learned across the curriculum, think through it
critically, and apply it effectively.
What the faculty want to see as part of your analysis:
 Discussion of major issues in the case
 Application of theory
 Using evidence-based concepts to inform the analysis
 Thinking critically about the case, its component parts, and the best approach to
addressing the issues
 Connecting a wide variety of course materials and content to inform the analysis
 Writing that demonstrates professional level work, including adherence to APA
Here are some things for you to consider:
 Evidence-based concepts could include the following:
o Peer-reviewed journal articles
o Institutionally-based practices that are supported by data
o Research reports from established and recognized organizations
o Theoretically-informed literature or reports from international or national research
 Application of theory should do the following:
o Identify the reason the theory was selected
o Discuss concepts/components of the theory in a detailed and thorough manner
o Align each concept/component of the theory with the issues in the case and
explain why the theory informs or leads to the best approach
o If concepts/components of the theory are not used or you do not think they are
applicable, discuss the reasons why
 Critical thinking is demonstrated by:
o Analysis of what works and what does not work in the case
o Discussion of the case from different perspectives (e.g., primary character in the
case as well as others involved or impacted constituents, etc.) and levels (e.g.,
individual, work group, etc.)
o Defending the approach as the most appropriate path in context of what we know
from the professional literature
o Examination of how the case is important to the mission of higher education (e.g.,
student development, student success, student learning, etc.)

Comparing two short stories the yellow wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Hills like white elephants by Ernest Hemingway

Need to compare the two books by comparing themes, symbols and setting, only use sources from the actual stories, quotations obviously, and need a 75-90

Adolescent Depression- Nature VS Nurture

Write a paper describing in detail the “nature” (primarily genetic, inherited) contributions to Adolescent Depression as well as the “nurture” (environmental, societal) contributions. Finally, conclude the paper by indicating which side (nature, nurture) gives the strongest contribution to teenage depression, or whether they are both sides are needed. (At least 1.5 page on “nurture” and at least 1.5 page on “nature” contributions)

Produce a research paper between 8–10 pages on a topic pertaining to Accounting Information Systems.

You will produce a research paper between 8–10 pages on a topic pertaining to Accounting Information Systems. A title page in current APA, running head, abstract, and reference list must be included with the paper. This paper must contain at least 8 sources. Sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed.

Compare and Contrast Dissertation

It is a compare and contrast dissertation.Then plan should not be A. Compare B.Contrast. Please find attached a model for this type of exercise.Please make sure that the titles of the plan are written.

Professional Communications

Student will review an articles relating to professional communication or leadership in the Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street

Journal, or other recognized professional publication. This is not an opinion piece, but an article review. Please do not write in first-person for this assignment.

Provide a link to your review before you submit it on eClass.

Your review must include the following:

1. Include the title, date, author and name of the publication of the article.

2. Identify the objective(s) of the article

3. What are the central themes addressed?

4. What specific evidence (surveys, studies, research) is provided? Is it adequate to support the objectives?

5. How does the article contribute to the field of professional communication or leadership?

6. Conclude with a brief overall assessment of the article.

The review should be a minimum of two pages long, typed, double-spaced, with special attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It will be assessed on clarity of writing and overall understanding of the article and application to the field.

The Secret History of Thought: Use instructions found here to write reflective research journal

Listen to Podcast found on ;Invisibilia; The Secret History of Thought– Focus on second story; starts around 35.50 minutes. Use instructions found here to write reflective research journal

Why are individual suffering from Schizophrenia at such high risk of suicide?

Question: Why are individual suffering from Schizophrenia at such high risk of suicide? Make sure to factor in the different types of symptoms when answering.
As always…..please review the chapter and powerpoints prior to answering.

For all three of the readings, list the following (bullets ok): Who (what group of people, which specific individuals) is this article about? When did the events it discusses happen? What are three examples it uses to explain the event? Why does the event (or events) described matter, according to the author?

Please write short essay after reading attachments(readings) only pages below.

Ekeh, Peter P. “Colonialism and the two publics in Africa: A theoretical statement.” Comparative studies in society and history 17.1 (1975): 91-112

Comaroff, Jean, and John Comaroff. “Christianity and colonialism in South Africa.” American ethnologist 13.1 (1986): 1-2

Diouf, Mamadou. “The French colonial policy of assimilation and the civility of the originaires of the four communes (Senegal): A nineteenth century globalization project.” Development and Change 29.4 (1998): 671-696.

Persuasive Speech on Gun control

A persuasive Speech on gun control must have at least two statistics in the speech, at least two quotations, at least two specific examples

What are the primary factors involved in determining compensation for a firm’s CEO? What reasons best explain compensation reductions for top executives in recent years?

BAM510 essay instructions

This is a BAM510 Human Resource Management course

Textbook: Human Resource Management, Thirteenth Edition, 2013
ISBN-13: 9780132668217
Arthur’s: Gary Dessler
Publisher: Pearson
The essay needs to be primarily written based on the text book. (I have uploaded this information from the book)
The structure of an essay begins with the introduction which is the first paragraph and it introduces the topic. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences. Then the body of the essay elaborates on the topic and it is at least 3 paragraphs of at least 3 – 4 sentences. The essay is finished with the conclusion which is the last paragraph and is a summary of the main points of the essay. It should be at least 3 – 4 sentences.
References (APA Style): Need two references. At least one reference from the text book listed.

Conduct a windshield survey to identify a population and its primary health concern. Develop a 3–5-page report that explains demographic changes for a population and describes the health disparities and social determinants of health that can affect the population.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other. You are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the accolade “The Great Emancipator?” Say why/why not.

Instructions from Professor *** An essay question is given below. This question constitutes a controversial issue in the Civil War period. Your job is to be the historian, take a stance on the issue, and use historical evidence from your notes, the textbook, and the primary source book This Fiery Trial to substantiate your argument. You will not be graded on your point of view; but rather, you will be graded on how well you employ historical evidence in order to prove your thesis statement and your supporting arguments. Also, I have included a prompt on the rules for good historical essays and a breakdown of a sample historian’s argument regarding Indians. Your essay should be structured in a similar way.You will be graded on the quality of your explanation and on the breadth and suitability of the historical examples given. Your essay should be relevant to the question, and the information presented in a clear, logical and coherent fashion.You must cite your sources! You may use Chicago style or MLA format—just so long as you professionally give credit where it is due. As regards to your research, the question requires content that can be derived partly from my lectures (Module 7: The American Civil War) and partly from the Norton text (chapters 11, 12, and 13). Also, it is highly advisable that you peruse your This Fiery Trial book in order to cull primary source evidence on Lincoln’s position regarding American slavery. Also, feel free to pursue wider research, beyond the course materials, if you are so motivated. It will pay dividends in the quality of your answer. Just make sure that you consult credible academic sources and be wary of sources like Wikipedia!Lastly, some advice for my students. It has been my goal in this class to not only teach you all history, but also, I have sought to teach you the tools of the historian: how to identify historical significance, how to analyze historical primary sources, and how to construct a historical argument. It is my hope that by the end of this class, you will not only have learned American history, but you will also have become a historian in the process. And one rule historians live by is to always contextualize their subject! That means that when you judge Lincoln in your essay, you may not judge him against 21st century standards. To hold a historical subject against one’s own modern standards makes for very bad history. Therefore, when you examine Lincoln or cast your judgment on him, compare him to his peers and judge him against the standards of the 19th century. This will make you sound like a professional and objective historian.

Please professionally respond to the following question:

Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the accolade “The Great Emancipator?” Say why/why not.***

If you have any questions please let me know, I have attached the lectures mentioned in the instructions for your use. Also try to use the Abraham Lincoln book mentioned in the directions if possible. thanks!

In a 1000-1,250 word essay, summarize the study, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Use the practice problem and a qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1000-1,250 word essay, summarize the study, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Refer to the resource “Research Critique Guidelines” for suggested headings and content for your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

What is Tyler’s diagnosis? What are his symptoms that would support this diagnosis?

The clinical vignette for modules 7, 8, & 9 is listed below. Please diagnose the individual, and list the symptoms you used to support your diagnosis. Make sure to review the criteria from the book and powerpoint slides before you submit. Grades will be based on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the symptoms you identify to support it. Please provide your answers in a document and attach as a submission.

Tyler is a 22 y/o college senior at UC Davis. He is referred to you for therapy by the campus health center. Tyler’s clothes appear dirty and disheveled, and he tends to not make eye contact and to giggle at inappropriate times throughout the session. Much of his behavior and speech patterns throughout the session are difficult to understand.

Tyler also mentions several times that the police have been tracking his movements for the past year. He states, “They’ve tormented me almost daily by hiding in trees and taking my picture, and have implanted a mind-control device so I’m unable to think my own thoughts.” Although he denies ever seeing them he is quite certain that he’s correct in his beliefs. When you ask if he could be mistaken he accuses you of being a plant of the local police department and that you stand up and let him check your pockets.

The Health Center has sent medical records also detailing Tyler’s tendency to have a flat affect at times and having become more and more isolated over the past year. He is also at risk of failing out of school and losing his housing due to his behaviors.

What is Tyler’s diagnosis?

What are his symptoms that would support this diagnosis? Make sure to be very specific in your description of the symptoms.


Cézanne’s manner of painting, whilst it is quite evident that he employed little ‘taches’ or segments of color-form that together compose the whole. But these segments are not curvilinear, as far as I can tell.
I can think of many other good examples, which have the added bonus to focus on a genealogy of modernism (which I think it’s at the center of your research question) that takes us away from the received one that starts with Cézanne. Suppose you were to focus, instead, on the French movement called “Orphism,” and associated figures such as Apollinaire, Sonya and Robert Delaunay, Paul Signac, the chemist Chevreul (who developed a theory of color; in fact, I think that color should also be a factor in your study); that in my opinion would be a much more promising avenue, because it will shed light on a lineage of modernism that is not often considered in the usual narrative. That will also take you to examine abstraction and spiritualism, for example, in the artwork of Hilma Af Klint (who is having a retrospective at the Guggenheim just now), who used the circular figure in almost all her paintings; the works by Kandinsky from the 1920 and ’30s; examples of Russian “Cosmism,” and the relatively unknown branch of spiritualist art from the Baltic region (Lithuania, Estonia, etc.) – see in particular the exhibition catalogue from the Musée d’Orsay from last summer.
Even Van Gogh would be a better starting point to illustrate curvism than Cézanne (all his work has a sort of sweeping circular motion to it).
Finally, you should look into historical precedents, such as the “serpentine line” which was considered a trait of beauty in Italian Mannerism and later in Hogarth (Treatise on Beauty). This will give you a historical as well a theoretical underpinning. I also recommend to look into the writings by Henri Focillon, Hubert Damisch, and Merleau Ponty, of course (there is much in this idea of the curve that has to do with embodiment). Rudolf Arnheim is also an author you should look into (and the whole Gestalt philosophy movement).
Finally, you should start compiling a list of texts that are more closely related to the topic at hand, to see where the gaps and the blind spots in the research are. Keep it up!

Literature Review- Quantitative and Qualitative Study

Complete a literature review for your theoretical research study.
Choose one quantitative and one qualitative research study relevant to your final project.
Write a 1- to 2-page review of each article (2–4 pages total.)
In the introduction of the literature review, state and explain your research question.
In the body of the literature review, answer the following questions:
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the studies?
What are the threats to validity in the study (internal and/or external)?
In the discussion section of your literature review, determine which study type (quantitative or qualitative) works best for your final project and the research question you have chosen, based on the two articles you reviewed.
What is good quality research?

The assignment is:

Assignment 2: Research Critique
What is good quality research? 50%
(2000 words)

This 2000 word (excluding references) paper comprises a response to the question What is good quality research? through a critique of at least two of the research seminars presented or two readings throughout the semester that you explored in EDU6195: Advanced Seminar. Each seminar is unique and there is no universally agreed upon set of criteria for what constitutes good research and yet, it is a constant aspect of academic work to judge others research. We would like you to begin developing the skills to review research; form a judgment about it; and be able to justify how you came to that judgement. You will draw on the unit readings, the unit text, and other appropriate literature to support your critique.
We expect you to structure your paper with an introduction, conclusion and subheadings in the body of the paper. Nonetheless, you may be guided by the following set of questions:
1. Does the title indicate the nature of the research?
2. Are the objectives or purposes of the research clearly identified?
3. Are the objectives or purposes of the research fulfilled?
4. If hypotheses were postulated, are they proved or not proved?
5. Has a sufficient amount of literature relating to the topic been studied?
6. Does the literature review, if any, provide an indication of the state of knowledge in the subject? Is the topic placed in the context of the area of the research as a whole?
7. Are all terms clearly identified or explained?
8. Are the selected methods of data collection suitable for the task? Why were they chosen?
9. Are any limitations of the study clearly presented?
10. Are the data analysed and interpreted or merely described?
11. Are conclusions based on evidence?
12. Is there any evidence of bias?
13. Are the data likely to be reliable? Could another research replicate the methods and have a reasonable chance of getting similar results?
14. Are recommendations, if any, feasible?
15. Is the referencing well done?
Please note: these 15 questions are to guide the development of your critique, and may inform the structure of your assignment. Depending on the methodology used in your chosen seminars, some of these 15 questions may not be appropriate for your critique.

I clarified with the lecturer that the following 2 readings are suitable:

Why Do You Work with Struggling Students? Teacher Perceptions of Meaningful Work in Trauma-Impacted Classrooms (from week 9)

Effective Behaviour Management Strategies for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students: A Literature Review (from week 8)

The lecturer confirmed I can critique these two readings with reference to the 15 questions.
The Assignment Information document which is attached gives a list of references. There is no specified text for this unit and so those readings need to be referenced to, my lecturer said a minimum of 10-12 should be referenced.


Choose a a case identified with circumstance or event that describes an ethical issue, within an Asia-Pacific business context from a media source (newspaper article, blog, advertisement). Analyse your chosen case by applying either virtue ethics OR utilitarian ethical theories, arguing both the claims and the criticisms of your chosen theory in relation to your chosen case. No introduction and Conclusion need, please only write on the topic given in the Finding section. Please apply 4-5 chat or graph to support some of the analysis. For the format, please see additional materials.

Ethical Decision Making and Moral Climate in Justice and Security

How to manage use-of-force ethical issues: This research must address what criminal justice and private security managers and executives are doing to address use-of-force issues from an ethical point of view. The research must describe modern methods of controlling police brutality, the Use of Force Matrix, training, and legal issues concerning use of force by law enforcement.

1-A problem or issue statement

2-Research questions

The above mentioned are the two topics to cover for this research paper.

Deception by the Investigating Officer in the Investigative, Interrogative, and Testimonial Processes

The purpose behind this assignment is to examine two juxtaposing ethical behaviors that occur in the criminal justice system. For example, investigating officers are not only allowed but are even encouraged to lie and use deception during the investigation and interrogation process as a means to obtain to the truth and ultimately seek justice. This is an ends-justify-the-means, borderline ethical practice that shows students the pragmatic difference between deontological and ontological ethics.
discuss deception in the investigative, interrogative, and testimonial processes. Answer the following questions:

Is it ethical to lie to obtain to the truth? Do the ends justify the means?
Is there a conflict between the code of ethics and how law enforcement is really conducted?
What role do physical behavior and nonverbal communication play in detecting deception?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Paste these instructions on the cover page of your paper, using a small font.
After reviewing the required reading (attached), write a 3-page paper on the Federal Aviation Administration addressing the following:
1. What does the organization do? (i.e., What types of products or services does it provide?) Note that the organization could be For-Profit, Non-Profit, or Government.
2. What is the structure of this organization? Why do you think it was selected?
3. Discuss one or more high level processes the organization accomplishes? Which department do you think is the lead for this process?
4. Discuss one or more information technology systems used to accomplish the processes identified in “3” above. Why do they use information technology? Who are the participants that use the identified tool?
You are encouraged to use the SAME terms and sources as the case for the generic parts of your paper and specific sources related to the organization you identified, if they are publicly available.
The paper will also have an abstract that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion. The paper will have a conclusion.
Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.
All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited.
All required references are to be cited at least once.


Module 2 – Case
Case Assignment
Even the most intelligent manager is prone to personal biases and pitfalls that can lead to bad decisions. We all carry biases based on our personal experiences. And we can all fall into various traps that lead to decisions that seem perfectly logical at the time but in retrospect, we see that we should have known better.
Carefully review all assigned readings and make sure you understand the different types of biases. Then read through the scenarios below and think about what kind of biases are demonstrated in each scenario. For each scenario, carefully explain which specific bias or biases is demonstrated by the decision and what can be done to avoid this bias in the future. Make sure to pick at least one specific bias that you read about for each scenario, and explain your reasoning. Use references to at least one of the three required readings from the background materials in your discussion of each scenario below. Your CASE paper should be 4–5 pages in length:
1. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a corporation is of the strong belief that marketing is not a good use of the company’s money. Someone shows her data from several years ago showing that during a period of high spending on marketing, sales did not go up. She says, “See, I told you marketing is not a good use of our budget!” and cuts the marketing budget to almost zero. Following the cut in the marketing budget, sales also start to drop dramatically. When asked by an employee if the drop in sales is due to the cut in the marketing budget, she says, “No!” and insists there must be a different explanation. What kind of decision-making bias do you think this represents, and why? What steps would you recommend to this CEO to reduce this kind of bias? Support your answer with references to at least one of the three background readings.
2. A CEO decides that he wants to greatly expand the company’s market by purchasing a major rival. This acquisition would double the company’s market share. However, several of his top managers warn him that such a purchase would require the company to take out a huge amount of debt to finance this merger, and that many of these large mergers have failed. They also point out that the organizational culture of the other company is very different and that managing this merger would be very difficult. Nonetheless, the CEO insists that he can overcome the odds and plans to go through with the merger. What kind of decision-making bias do you think this represents, and why? What steps should this leader take to avoid this bias? Support your answer with references to at least one of the three background readings.
3. A CEO wants to purchase a new factory. He is currently deciding between two factories. The owner of Factory A brags that 94% of products produced at the factory are free of defects. The owner of Factory B cautions that his factory has a 5% defect rate but management and staff are working very hard to reduce the rate. The CEO decides to purchase Factory A citing its strong 94% rate of success in producing defect-free products even though Factory B actually has a 95% rate of success. What kind of decision-making bias do you think this represents, and why? What steps should this leader take to avoid this bias?
4. A CEO of an automobile company decides to introduce a new hybrid vehicle using cutting-edge technology. A huge amount of money is spent in research and development as well as advertising. But when the car is completed sales are very slow and the price has to be cut so low that the company is losing money on every hybrid vehicle sold. She is advised to simply abandon the car to avoid further losses in profits, and focus her energy on selling profitable vehicles. However, she insists it is unwise to abandon the hybrid vehicle given that so much money has already been put into the project. What kind of decision-making bias do you think this represents, and why? What steps should this leader take to avoid this bias? Support your answer with references to at least one of the three background readings.
5. Conclude the paper with a discussion about which one of the decision-making biases you think is the most dangerous to a leader, and explain your reasoning.
Assignment Expectations
• Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.
• Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
• Make sure to cite readings from the background materials page. Rely primarily on the required background readings as your sources of information.
Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13 and 14 on in-text citations.

You’ve discussed attack vector and attribution with your nation state team members. In this step, your group will prepare an Attack Vector and Attribution Analysis of your group’s findings in the previous steps. The analysis should first identify all possible attack vectors via hardware, software, operating systems, telecommunications, and human factors. Next, you should discuss whether attribution is known for the threat actor (hackers and actors) likely involved in exploiting each weakness. Integrate supporting research via in-text citations and a reference list. This analysis will play a key role in the development of a Vulnerability Assessment Matrix and Cybersecurity Risk Assessment in the next few steps.

What does the 10,000-hr rule have to do with music, musicians, composers, performers, etc? How does Gladwell explore and expand on this topic? What does this have to do with Silicon Valley?

Word Count: At least 750, but it’s more about the quality of your comprehension, writing, and application of the ideas in the chapter and book.

Grammar and punctuation: Yes.

1.) Start with Chapter 2 from Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers.”

2.) Then pick any other chapter to read and to use as a basis for reflection.

3.) What does the 10,000-hr rule have to do with music, musicians, composers, performers, etc? How does Gladwell explore and expand on this topic? What does this have to do with Silicon Valley?

4.) How do you relate to all of these ideas explored thus far in the course, in music performance, in the 10,000-hr rule, etc.? How can you take any of these ideas and apply it to your life and your career?

5.) Treat this like a small research paper. Quote meaningful lines from the book. You can augment your paper with other sources as well, such as other books, research papers, a video, a coach, etc. What can music teach you about yourself that will make you a better you?

(This is the link to the book:

What is the main idea of this TedTalk? According to Loftus, what are the factors that impact our accuracy recall of information?

*Here is Dr. Elizabeth Loftus’ TedTalk “How reliable is your memory?”

Please do the following-

1.What is the main idea of this TedTalk?
2.According to Loftus, what are the factors that impact our accuracy recall of information?
3.Do you agree with her theory or not? Please cite a study to support your analysis (publication year has to be between 2005-present).

*1 paragraph her question
* make transitiona
*at least 300 words

Analyse the operations management issues raised in the case study safe stuff ltd and consider how lean management force is benefit.

The brief is attached with an order , please make sure write down it very academic. Please read the all brief careful . Thanks

Women rights

Please use the below to construct writing involves women rights, no need for title or any introductions. please use as much space in the page as you can to add more content.

Women rights:
The objective of women right has always been main challenging topic in the most modern societies due to existing policies that repress women rights in all aspects of life such as healthcare, education and income, and especially in the countries that human rights laws are not protecting or aligned with women rights such as countries that are ruled by religious and dictatorship governments. Most global human rights organizations are working towards establishing long-lasting solutions to meet justice for women around the world (Women’s Rights Law Reporter, 2013).

Introduction to the Role of Economics in Decision-Making

Title: ” Analyzing Managerial Decisions: Nobel Prize winner F.A. Hayek on the ‘Miracle’ of the Price System.”
Please use this reference and citation.
Brickley, J., Smith, C., & Zimmerman, J. (2016). Managerial economics and organizational architecture (6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin.
If calculations would enhance your commentary, it is strongly urged that you include these calculations.
Succinct, complete answers that show that you have prepared your writing with thought and
reflection are preferable.
The question is on page 115.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, or Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Research information on the internet related to prevention, current treatment and rehabilitation for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, or Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).

Write a 5-page scene of a relationship beginning or ending.

Write a 5 page scene of a relationship beginning or ending. This assignment should be in screenplay format. Use the Goodwill Hunting scene as a guide.

Lesson on story structure:

SCENE: Children asking mother why she leaves late nights for work instead of spending it with them

(mother is single/financially struggling/stripper/has 2 children- son and a daughter)

Coral Reef Ecology

A research paper on Coral Reef Ecology will be prepared. The body of the research paper must be a minimum of six double, spaced pages, using Calibri size 11 font, with an additional cover page, a table of contents, and a bibliography. Must use at least 5 sources and will be in MLA format. At the end of the paper discuss how the research on your topic changed or improved your understanding of ecological principles. The paper must meet the minimum requirements to be accepted for evaluation.

The Qawasim and other mobile peoples in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf in the 18th and early 19th Centuries

This paper shall look at pirates and other mobile peoples present within the Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf during the 18th and early 19th centureis. I have supplied a first draft of a similar proposal which looks at piracy and should form the basis for the research proposal.

Maintenance, Tools and Troubleshooting

Prior to beginning work on this assignment read Chapters 12 and 13 in the textbook, review the Network Maintenance Myths Busted (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and the Top 5 Threat Protection Best Practices (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. online resources, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture. For this assignment you will take on the role of a newly hired IT Director of a company that has been a victim of multiple cyber attacks in the last few months. You need to create new security plans, policies, and procedures to eliminate these attacks. These elements will serve as the basis of a manual to follow, filled with best and latest IT practices. Part of this documentation will be sections on best maintenance practices for your network, including the tools to deploy to defend against outside threats, and what to do in the event a network is faulty or down due to a malfunction or an outside breach.

Research a minimum of two professional sources on this topic. (Access the MISM Credible Resource Guide for assistance with finding appropriate credible professional resources.)

For this assignment, evaluate the telecommunication and network processes currently in place and explain how the company plans to protect its network and assets from both internal and external threats using best practices moving forward. Apply technical knowledge to the security issues and explain the tools that will be deployed to reach the new level of security. Create an outline of the procedures that will guide the organization in the event of a security breach, and then provide an explanation of each element in the procedure. Explain the troubleshooting tactics that will be employed when the network is down. Support your statements with evidence from at least two additional professional sources in addition to the required resources.
The following are the links of the two stated above:

Introduction to the Role of Economics in Decision-Making

Title: “Analyzing Managerial Decisions: Interwest Healthcare Corp.”
Please use this as a reference and citation.
Brickley, J., Smith, C., & Zimmerman, J. (2016). Managerial economics and organizational architecture (6th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin.

If calculations would enhance your
commentary, it is strongly urged that you include these calculations.
Succinct, complete answers that show that you have prepared your writing with thought and reflection are preferable.
There are four questions that are on page 49.

Urban Management Practice: Governance and Power in the City

****** Conduct and write a governance AUDIT REPORT about an urban management institution, such as a state agency such as the Greater Sydney Commission or Landcom, an airport authority, a municipal council, a lobbying body such as the Committee for Sydney, a state or Federal department, or a health district.
Your governance audit report should:
1. Describe the organisation you are auditing.
2. Analyse the organisation using the ideas and theories from the readings.
As the course theme is governance and power’ you should frame the report in the critical readings that con- stitute the course material. All of the core readings concern urban management agencies or institutions of some kind, and pull them apart’ analytically. A high distinction report would be similarly critical (not necessarily negative, but conscious that how these bodies work in practice are driven by powerful agents). Reference can be made to media reports, Hansard, Auditor-General reports, Budget Estimates hearings, legislation, public inquiries, etc. if necessary to give you a sense of this

**** FORMAT:***
You should use the style that you believe communicates most effectively. You may use the conventional devices of reports, such as text boxes or diagrams, or follow a more textual approach.

@@@@ Marking Criteria:@@@@
Written Communication and Presentation: The overall presentation of the report and presentation conforms to the standards set out in the Learning Guide.
High Distinction = The writing and presentation are clear, concise and free of typographical and grammatical errors. The report is clear and succinctly convey the key information about the organisation. It has a sophisticated understanding of how to apply critical concepts to explaining how the institution functions, and shows a high level of research into how it operates in practice.
Distinction = The writing and presentation are clear and concise with minimal typographical and grammatical errors. Key aspects of the organisation are accurately conveyed, there is evidence of ability to apply critical con- cepts to explaining how the institution functions, and evidence of research of how the organisation operates in practice.
Credit = The writing and presentation are competent, clear and concise with limited typographical errors. Most key features of the organisation are conveyed clearly. There is moderate evidence of critical concepts, and a largely descriptive and/or formal account of how the organisation operates in practice.
Pass = The writing and presentation are sound, though with varous weaknesses. It has little conceptual insight, but adequately communicates some of the features of the organisation.
Fail = The writing and presentation are poor and unclear with frequent errors of grammar and style. There is no conceptual basis to the report, and very limited coverage of the organisation.


Research Essay

Question: A number of Australia’s Asian neighbour states have undergone major social and cultural transformations since World War II. How have these changes affected their relationship with Australia?

IT systems

Select an airline such as American, Delta, Southwest, Emirate, etc., and compose a scholarly case study paper that provides details on one of the information systems that has been implemented by the company in the area of human resources, sales and marketing, customer service, reservations, maintenance, or operations. Be sure to select an information system that has resulted in the airline gaining a competitive advantage over its competitors. Touch on how the utilization of the information system has assisted the airline’s management or employees in making better decisions, improving the business processes, operating more efficiently, or attracting or retaining customers.
Scholarly paper
• Microsoft Word (DOCX)
• Current APA style
o Times New Roman font
o Double-spaced lines
o Title Page
o Page Headers on all pages
o Abstract page
o Body of the text
§ Introductory paragraph
§ Citations
§ Conclusion
o Reference List page
pages in the body of the text
• Provide data from research
utilizing a minimum of TWO
primary sources

Theory & hypothesis

PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT CAREFULLY, IT WILL EXPLAIN WHAT TO DO, And how to get an “A” grade paper. Read what it says and follow from there. I will also attach the literature review that explains what research was done for this project so far and you can use that to assist with this order as well. You can use some of the sources listed on the lit review, but try to incorporate new scholarly sources.
*my topic is: how does voting technology used in certain areas affect partisanship in areas where it’s used. Feel free to include new and updated technology.
All research should be supported with prior research. So in a sense for this paper, for everything that you type and find, I would ask “how do you know that?” If that helps clear this assignment up some more.
Please let me know if any questions or concerns.
I will also try to upload some examples

A Changing World Thesis and Outline

The discovery of America, and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind”—Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, 1776. Think about why he and many other notables supported this statement, especially concerning the discovery of America. What was so important about this New World across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe? How did it change globalization in terms of trade, culture, societies, innovations, old and new world exchanges, and in other ways?

Part 1:
1. Write a thesis statement that is one to two (1-2) sentences long in which you:

State your thesis on how the discovery of America changed the world. Justify your response.
For the first part of this assignment, you will create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your main idea to the reader. The body of the essay organizes the material you gather and present in support of your main idea. Keep in mind that a thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. (Note: Please consult the Purdue OWL Website with tips on how to construct a proper thesis; the website can be found at:

Part 2:
For the next part of this assignment you will create an outline of the main points you want to address in this paper. This outline will serve as the basis for your Assignment 1.2 Final Draft. (Note: Please use the Purdue Owl Website to assist you with this assignment; this website can be accessed at:

2. Write a one to two (1-2) page outline in which you:

Determine three (3) major aspects that demonstrate Old and New World exchanges.

List five (5) specific groups that were affected by this event. Provide two (2) examples for each cohort describing how they were affected.
List five (5) ways that the creation of new global trade routes affected the occupations and lifestyles of the average working American in the colonies.

Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Recognize the main factors that led to America’s early development.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in American History to 1865.

rite clearly and concisely about American History to 1865 using proper writing mechanics.

Writing Personal Resume for application as adviser

Explanation of the require Content of a personal resume ( as Paragraphs explained below)

Paragraph 1
Personal Details
Full name, age, nationality, marital status, address… etc. of personal information.

Paragraph 2
Degrees owned, more details and focus about the MBA degree especially the title of the thesis which concern in healthcare management.

Paragraph 3
Employment history, more focus on the jobs in NHRA and the role of healthcare facilities auditor then the role as training and development administrator in MOH.
Focus in details on the auditor role and the achievements done.

Paragraph 4
Personal characteristic
Capabilities & competences, type of personality, expected employment role … etc.

Paragraph 5
Future vision
What can do, expected role in the job. Focus about the auditing role and link how to manage and develop the healthcare facility. Moreover help in HR aspect in the facility

Note: CV attached, you can contact for more details. Competent Resume required

Final Case Analysis: Mattel Toy Recall of 2007

The Final Case Analysis Paper should focus on real life and real time application of topics covered in this course; the uses you have seen and the uses you can envision.

Read and review the articles provided on the Mattel Toy Recall of 2007 (see below). The 2007 Mattel toy recalls were in response to findings that several children’s toys were coated in lead-based paint.

Mattel gets the lead out
Lead paint prompts Mattel to recall 967,000 toys
Mattel recalls 19 million toys sent from China
Write an eight- to ten-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), that addresses the following:

Explain if Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys.
Describe what Mattel should or could have done differently.
Describe who or what was responsible for the fact that children were exposed to potentially dangerous toys.
Explain the best way to ensure the safety of children’s toys and consider how the following groups would respond: government regulators (in the United States and China); consumer advocates, the toy industry, children’s product retailers, and standard-setting organizations. Explain the differences in their point of view.
Describe what you think is the best way for society to protect children from harmful toys and discuss the appropriate roles for various stakeholders in this process.
Writing the Final Case Analysis Paper

The Final Case Analysis Paper:

Must be eight- to ten- pages in length (excluding the title page, references page, exhibits, etc.) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a cover page:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis or topic.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. That is, state your response to the content, either positive or negative, and then defend your position. If multiple options/alternatives/positions are present and are being rejected, you must also defend the reasons for rejecting an option.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis or topic and a closing paragraph that summarizes the main point or points of your paper.
Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.
Must include, on the final page, a reference list that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

What is the estimated income elasticity of demand? Is Liquid Ozarka a normal or inferior good? A 6 percent increase in average household income would be predicted to cause what percentage change in sales of Liquid Ozarka?

Using the marketing data from the 15 test markets shown above, estimate the parameters of the linear empirical demand function:

1. Using the appropriate tests, Evaluate the significance of the regression as a whole and the significance of the individual parameters at 5% level of significance. (show all your steps and procedure).
If any of the parameter estimates are not significant at the 2 percent level of significance, drop the associated explanatory variable from the model and estimate the demand function again.
a. Your final estimated linear demand function for Liquid Ozarka is
b. What percentage of the variation in sales of Liquid Ozarka is explained by your estimated demand function?
2. The marketing consultants describe a “typical” market as one in which the price of Liquid Ozarka is $3.50 per gallon, average household income is $45,000, the price of rival bottled water is $3 per gallon, and the population is 75,000.
Answer the following questions for this “typical” market scenario.
a. What is the estimated elasticity of demand for Liquid Ozarka? Is demand elastic or inelastic? What would be the percentage change in price required to increase sales of Liquid Ozarka by 10 percent?

b. What is the estimated income elasticity of demand? Is Liquid Ozarka a normal or inferior good? A 6 percent increase in average household income would be predicted to cause what percentage change in sales of Liquid Ozarka?

c. What is the estimated cross-price elasticity of demand for Liquid Ozarka with respect to changes in price of its rival brand of bottled water? Does the estimated cross-price elasticity have the expected algebraic sign? Why or why not? If the price of the rival brand of water rises by 8 percent, what is the estimated percentage change in sales of Liquid Ozarka?

B. Using the marketing data from the preceding 15 test markets, estimate the parameters for the log-linear empirical demand function:

1. Using the P-Values, if any of the parameter estimates are not significant at the 2 percent level of significance, drop the associated explanatory variable from the model and estimate the demand function again.
c. Your final estimated log-linear demand function for Liquid Ozarka is

br2. Does a log-linear specification work better than a linear specification of demand for Liquid Ozarka? Explain by comparing F-ratios, R2s, and t-ratios (or p-values).

3. Using the estimated log-linear demand function, compute the price, income, and cross-price elasticity of demand. How do they compare to the estimated elasticity for the linear demand specification?
4. What is the estimated quantity demand based on the values of explanatory variables given above?

Using the marketing data from the 15 test markets shown above, estimate the parameters of the linear empirical demand function:

Using the marketing data from the 15 test markets shown above, estimate the parameters of the linear empirical demand function:
1. Using the appropriate tests, Evaluate the significance of the regression as a whole and the significance of the individual parameters at 5% level of significance. (show all your steps and procedure).
If any of the parameter estimates are not significant at the 2 percent level of significance, drop the associated explanatory variable from the model and estimate the demand function again.
a. Your final estimated linear demand function for Liquid Ozarka is
b. What percentage of the variation in sales of Liquid Ozarka is explained by your estimated demand function?
2. The marketing consultants describe a “typical” market as one in which the price of Liquid Ozarka is $3.50 per gallon, average household income is $45,000, the price of rival bottled water is $3 per gallon, and the population is 75,000.
Answer the following questions for this “typical” market scenario.
a. What is the estimated elasticity of demand for Liquid Ozarka? Is demand elastic or inelastic? What would be the percentage change in price required to increase sales of Liquid Ozarka by 10 percent?

b. What is the estimated income elasticity of demand? Is Liquid Ozarka a normal or inferior good? A 6 percent increase in average household income would be predicted to cause what percentage change in sales of Liquid Ozarka?

c. What is the estimated cross-price elasticity of demand for Liquid Ozarka with respect to changes in price of its rival brand of bottled water? Does the estimated cross-price elasticity have the expected algebraic sign? Why or why not? If the price of the rival brand of water rises by 8 percent, what is the estimated percentage change in sales of Liquid Ozarka?

B. Using the marketing data from the preceding 15 test markets, estimate the parameters for the log-linear empirical demand function:

1. Using the P-Values, if any of the parameter estimates are not significant at the 2 percent level of significance, drop the associated explanatory variable from the model and estimate the demand function again.
c. Your final estimated log-linear demand function for Liquid Ozarka is

2. Does a log-linear specification work better than a linear specification of demand for Liquid Ozarka? Explain by comparing F-ratios, R2s, and t-ratios (or p-values).

3. Using the estimated log-linear demand function, compute the price, income, and cross-price elasticity of demand. How do they compare to the estimated elasticity for the linear demand specification?
4. What is the estimated quantity demand based on the values of explanatory variables given above?

Describe your business, product, unique selling proposition, and target market. Indicate why you think it will be successful. Describe your organization, marketing and distribution strategy

The Business plan needs to be at least 20 pages long. The PowerPoint presentation needs to be 10 slides. All instructions are included
Business Project
Attached Files:
BA 318 Business Plan Rubric.docx (14.337 KB)
GROUP BUSINESS PLAN BA 318 2014.docx (14.258 KB)
See attached documents.

Business Plan Presentation Power Point
Attached Files:
BA 318 ECI Presentation Rubric.docx (12.405 KB)
Your business plan should include a power point presentation. The presentation should cover the following. It should be a presentation used to sell your idea to potential investors and be no longer than 10 slides. The presentation should be uploaded so that all class members can look at the class participants ideas.

1. Describe your business, product, unique selling proposition, and target market.
2. Indicate why you think it will be successful.
3. Describe your organization, marketing and distribution strategy
4. Explain how will you manufacture your product or services
5. Give an overview of your financials and discuss the amount of money your need to start your business.

Reagen’s 1981 Tax Cuts comparison to Trump’s TCJA 2017

When it comes to tax cut, people usually relate it to simulating the economy. This paper will discuss the relationship between Reagen’s 1981 Tax Cuts and Trump’s TCJA 2017. And how the TCJA may not work well as public expected. I outlined the structure of this paper in the attachment. Please follow the outline and paraphrase and expend a little on what I wrote.

I need a professional paper addressing PhD scholars and universities professors. Please find below the Information.
Challenges of Nation and Education System in Pakistan
This research seminar will be based on national challenges/ issues and role of education in addressing these challenges with sub themes:
• Emerging needs and importance of moral education
• Sustainable development and national prosperity
• Competition at global level: Knowledge economies
• Ways to improve assessment and evaluation system
This research seminar will open the new horizons in the field of education and will help to align the education at secondary and higher level with emerging national needs and priorities in a shortest possible span of time. This event will provide a platform for deans, directors, policy makers, curriculum developer teachers and students to share their knowledge and experiences regarding making reforms in education system. This seminar will provide a forum for discussion about identifying existing gaps in national needs and education system. Unfortunately, in Pakistan the future needs are not properly visualized that cause impractical and unrealistic policies that are hard to meet. So this 2 days seminar would offer an open place for discussion to identify national needs and discrepancies in existing educational policy and education system that would lead practical suggestions and experts views about how to bridge gap between national needs and education system to meet future demands.

Would you strive to eliminate/isolate resisters or engage them? Why? How can you use resistance to facilitate moving forward during a change initiative?

Please answer each of the following questions. Use APA format and remember to list your references. These should be answered with 150-200 words each.

Would you strive to eliminate/isolate resisters or engage them? Why? How can you use resistance to facilitate moving forward during a change initiative?

Are you comfortable with loosening control so that employees at every level take responsibility for both decision making and taking action in change initiatives? Describe your comfort level.

Create a Critical Thinking Handbook

Each week in this class you were exposed to different elements of critical thinking. Some things might have been a simple review for you while others were concepts to which you might not have been aware. You were asked at the start of this course to begin a critical thinking diary in which you summarized the key points each week, define in your own words and provide examples to support those definitions. Your textbook along with other readings provided you with additional information.

Now it is time to compile all your weekly entries into your Critical Thinking Handbook. Remember, each element in the Handbook will need to be properly cited and referenced. In addition to the course textbook, you also were required to use one additional scholarly source.

Check your Handbook before submitting to be sure that you have included the necessary elements from each assignment in your handbook, and that you have scrupulously followed the rules of Academic Integrity in appropriately paraphrasing and citing anything ideas you drew from the text or outside resources.

Support your paper with at least seven scholarly references. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Dr Callahan has argued that the 1920’s were the most important moments in the development of literature in the past 200 years. He has tied this change in poetic method to the Poundian maxim “make it new” in what ways did the poetry of the 1920’s try to “make it new”?

The “Poundian Maxim” refers to Ezra Pound. William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound and Langston Hughes all wrote poems very different than anything the world had seen before. What techniques allowed them to be successful? William Carlos Williams and Langston Hughes both expressed subjects that poetry had previously considered not to be important (simple things). For example the poem “The Red Wheelbarrow” By William Carlos Williams shows that there is dignity and importance in the simplest things in life. A wheelbarrow is needed for farming and we all depend on farmers for food hence the quote “so much depends on a red wheel barrel”. This essay must be in 5 paragraphs (introduction, conclusion and 3 body paragraphs) and the paragraphs must be organized by concept not by each poet. “The Red Wheelbarrow” and “The Weary Blues” must be used. This essay is all about modern poetry.

Special Needs Children and Low-Income Families

Edit the Abstract (Don’t use Pronouns like Me, my, you etc.)
Introduction needs to be catchy, every literature review in every article should include the key information, deficiencies and how the research will address the deficiency.
State the hypothesis at the last paragraph of the introduction
Explain the graphs
For the discussion part please put a theoretical framework, connect it with Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory

Develop a written assessment that includes the review and appraisal of a health topic from the course schedule.

In this task you will critically review and appraise policy and practices that contribute to the health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families.

You will develop a written assessment that includes the review and appraisal of a health topic from the course schedule. For the topic you will summarise key policies and guidelines that inform the issue and services. You will review and critique contemporary practices which address the issue. A template is provided below to guide your response.

Discuss the effects of climate change on the ecology, community and economy of CHINA(Drought)

P.s could u make the topic linking to the 2010–11 China drought
1. The location of the region and its current geographic, ecological, social and or economic contexts.
2. The causes of climate change in general (i.e. not region specific) and the degree to which they are
3. The effects of changing climate likely to be experienced by that geographical region. In this you
must include:
• An outline of how modelling is undertaken and the level of certainty in the results.
• SimClim generated projections of the region’s temperature and precipitation for 2050,
2070 and 2100, including a description of what the projections are suggesting may happen.
You must include the baseline scenario for comparison.
• Projections of sea level rise and extreme events where relevant to the region.
4. The impacts of climate change on ONE of the following areas:
• Agriculture
• Sport and Tourism
• Health
• Ecology
• Managing water resources
• Town Planning
• City/region infrastructure
5. Governance issues. In this you must include:
• The structure and hierarchy of the current government of the region and their views with
respect to climate change.
• Current and proposed measures towards mitigation and adaptation with respect to climate
change in the region.

The mid-term assignment of the contemporary Japan of major international relations

you will answer 5 of the 6 questions.
2. each answer should be about 150 words in a short essay format with a better quality. and the point will be 5 for each question.
3.your answers should be concrete, precise, and succinct. they should include both the required reading materials of each week and what we discussed in the lecture based on each week PPT. mention the author’s names if you are referring to their ideas. and this is also the point I really count on and want to see from your answers. as well as some extras reading you find.
4. the assignment questions and required materials and PPTs will be uploaded, please carefully focus on both.
5. the answer sheet should point out the answer question you have chosen and write the number of the question as well as the question and then start to answer the question on the new line in well -organized formation and meet all the required mentioned above.

MY RESEARCH TOPIC: How using chlorhexidine wipes for bathing instead of soap and water reduces hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit patients.

Main objective: Develop a dissemination plan for research.

Plan should include discussion about the following:
Who is most likely to use this research?
What is the practice setting?
End-user needs
How should you present data to make it most usable?
Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose?
Does the target audience have a specific type of need based on practice setting?
What specific journals, newsletters, or publications would would you want to publish in to reach your audience?
Presentations at local, state, and national levels
What conferences, meetings, or panels would you want to present at to make sure your ideas were readily available in the field?

Attach are peer review articles supporting the reduction in infection rates with chlorhexidine use. One attachment is a literature review of them.

ALSO links for tools to make a dissemination plan:

Review and discuss an article that sheds light on the conditions that lead to the “freedom with fences” (the ability to be innovative and creative within certain prescribed boundaries) organization.

Provide a “map” to a new reading that addresses each of the problems numbered below (1-4). Length will be shaped by thoroughness. Avoid outlining your chosen article or filling it with lists. Submit the original articles you used as PDF documents.

Format ( follow the format below for each of the 4 questions below):

Major theme of the essay:
Arguments used to support this theme:
Ideas that support the problem under review:
Discussion of the problem:


1. If the CIO is to be valued as a strategic actor, how can he bring to the table the ethos of alignment, bound to the demands of process strategic planning to move IT to the forefront of the organization’s future? Select an article to review that assists in our understanding of this problem.

2. Review and discuss an article that sheds light on the conditions that lead to the “freedom with fences” (the ability to be innovative and creative within certain prescribed boundaries) organization.

3. You are the new CIO of a large wholesale manufacturing firm. The CFO has historically “run the numbers” for the IT component, but projects have always been pitched more for their aesthetic value over RoI. Present a review of an article for your CFO, CEO, and disseminate to your IT staff, on how you would like to frame the IT fiscal with a logic for doing so.

4. Review an article that discusses the benefits and risks, and how we can anticipate an overall positive RoI for conversion to a cloud based platforms.

The references below CAN NOT BE USED as they have already been taken & are not allowed ( Please choose new article & references )!

Reference: 3 Things to Know Before Moving Your Data to the Cloud. (2016). Veritas. Retrieved from

Reference: Barr, J. (2011). Introduction to AWS. Retrieved from

Reference: Sullivan, D. 2014. Cloud Computing. RealTime Publications. Retrieved from

Reference: FitzGerald, J. (2011, June 10). Selecting Metrics to Demonstrate IT Value. Network World. Retrieved from

Reference: IT Financial Metrics Primer. (2016). Apptio, Inc. Retrieved from

Reference: IT Financial Metrics Primer: Eleven Essential Metrics. (2015). Apptio, Inc. Retrieved from

Reference: Technology Business Management. (2010). Apptio, Inc. Retrieved from

Reference: The Top 10 Metrics to Manage the Business of IT. (2016). Apptio, Inc. Retrieved from

Reference: Bolman, L. & T. Deal. (2003). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. 3rd edition. Jossey-Bass, Inc.

Reference: Stenzel, J. (2011). Freedom with Fences: Robert Stephens Discusses CIO Leadership and IT Innovation. In Stenzel, J. (Ed.) CIO Best Practices: Enabling Strategic Value with Information Technology (1-40). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Reference: Wilson , J. H. (2011, Winter). Freedom at Work: Psychological Empowerment and Self-Leadership. International Journal of Business and Public Administration, 8, 106-124.

Reference: Execute Organizational Goals Through Alignment. (May 24, 2016). ClearCompany. Retrieved from

Reference: Henderson, J. & N. Venkatraman. (1990). Strategic Alignment: A Model for Organizational Transformation Via Information Technology. 1990. Center for Information Systems Research. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boston, MA.

Luftman, J. & Brier, T. (Fall, 1999). Achieving and Sustaining Business-IT Alignment. California Management Review. 42 (1), 109-122.

(a). Hay (1975) and King (2000) both discussed the role of discretion in the English criminal justice system during the 18th and early 19th centuries (1700s and early 1800s). What did they agree about? What did they disagree about?

(b). Which side of this debate do you find more persuasive, and why? (In your answer you should refer directly to historical materials of sources)

How does gender, sexuality, queerness, and other forms of difference impact how we see Asia, and Asian bodies? How and why do these texts express this lived experience differently?

* I would like Essay to be comprised of easy words in a sense that is not to wordy.
Your task in this paper is to compare the artistic readings for this section to produce a critical conversation among texts and understandings of queerness, Asianness, sexuality, and race. Use the critical texts, keywords, and class lectures/discussions to inform your comparison. You should not simply reiterate what a thinker says and then use the artwork to prove that this is true. Instead, write your own original argument and interpretation of the artwork that is informed by, contrasting with, or deviating from the critical framework. A good incorporation of critical work can change the way we look at the art, or change the way we look at the theory, or both.

You must use at least three texts from this section of the course. You should examine too the contemporary historical, cultural, political or economic context to help establish the texts’ intentions (what it is responding to) and its impact.
Following is the 3 text
– Madame Butterfly ( attached )
– Rolling the rs
– Edward said ( attached file )
– M butterfly ( attached file )

In terms of academic writing, I expect you to:

Make a complex and significant argument that impacts the reader’s conceptions, his/her values, or knowledge of an alternative solution.
Articulate your stakes. Why are you making this argument? What is its purpose?
Be explorative and thoughtful. Think of how the language and structure of your essay makes sense for the concepts you want to understand.

Question: According to Melissa Miles, “street photography is circulating in ever more limited fields” (2015, 290). Critically discuss the broader impacts of increasing restrictions on photography in public spaces. Your essay should refer to both the history of street photography and to contemporary debates about privacy and photography in public spaces.
Your essay should demonstrated wide reading and in-depth critical analysis. You are expected to draw upon the weekly readings that relate to your chosen essay topic as well as at least 6 academic sources from beyond the required and recommended readings. You must stay within 10% of the 2000 word count. Your reference list is not included in the word count. On the first page please include the following:
There are three sets of criteria that are assessed in essays: reading and research; argument and analysis; and writing and structure. Within each of these sets, markers are looking for the following:
Reading and research:
• – evidence of critical engagement with set course materials
• – evidence of independent reading of appropriate academic material
• – evidence of thorough research (books, academic journals, media sources,
archives – not random websites and wikipedia entries) Argument and analysis:
• – well-articulated and well supported argument
• – evidence of critical thinking (through taking a position in relation to key
ideas from the course, and supporting this position)
• – evidence of relational thinking (through making connections between key
ideas from the course and wider literature, and supporting these connections)
Writing and structure:
– clear, logical and coherent structure
– clarity of expression – adequate referencing

Answer the following questions, in essay form. Each question should be rewritten and answered completely, using complete paragraphs and citing sources both in-text and on the reference page.

1. Explain the importance of conventions to associations, and identify factors that association meeting planners consider when making a site selection. Additionally, describe the tools salespeople use to locate associations and to find information about the meetings associations hold.

2. Identify factors that corporate meeting planners consider when making a site selection, and describe the tools salespeople use to locate corporations and to find information about the meetings they hold.

3. Summarize sales considerations for selling meeting services and products to SMERF organizations, identifying several SMERF organizations.

4. Describe the convention and meeting sales techniques of sales blitz selling, trade show selling, selling with convention bureaus, site-inspection selling, and familiarization tours.

Question: According to Melissa Miles, “street photography is circulating in ever more limited fields” (2015, 290). Critically discuss the broader impacts of increasing restrictions on photography in public spaces. Your essay should refer to both the history of street photography and to contemporary debates about privacy and photography in public spaces.
Your essay should demonstrated wide reading and in-depth critical analysis. You are expected to draw upon the weekly readings that relate to your chosen essay topic as well as at least 6 academic sources from beyond the required and recommended readings. You must stay within 10% of the 2000 word count. Your reference list is not included in the word count. On the first page please include the following:
There are three sets of criteria that are assessed in essays: reading and research; argument and analysis; and writing and structure. Within each of these sets, markers are looking for the following:
Reading and research:
– evidence of critical engagement with set course materials
• – evidence of independent reading of appropriate academic material
• – evidence of thorough research (books, academic journals, media sources,
archives – not random websites and wikipedia entries) Argument and analysis:
• – well-articulated and well supported argument
• – evidence of critical thinking (through taking a position in relation to key
ideas from the course, and supporting this position)
• – evidence of relational thinking (through making connections between key
ideas from the course and wider literature, and supporting these connections)
Writing and structure:
– clear, logical and coherent structure
– clarity of expression – adequate referencing

Do you think Maria Garcias’ actions (getting the Diet Coke) were instilled in her through company training? Or do you think she did it on her own?

View the short video by Ross Shafer from the following URL address on You Tube:

The “personal’ side of exceeding customer expectations is probably the most gratifying part of the service industry. It makes the customer feel good and special, and it makes you feel good and special.

From the video, please answer the following questions:

1) Do you think Maria Garcias’ actions (getting the Diet Coke) were instilled in her through company training? Or do you think she did it on her own?

2) Think about the hiring process that took place when Maria was hired by this hotel company. What qualities do you think they saw in Maria that made her a good hire?

3) What Maria did was so simple; yet, her example is not common in our business, no matter what sector you are exposed to. If you were the manager overseeing Maria’s room service department, how would you motivate the rest of the room service team to work at her level of customer service?

4) How can we, as managers, better “tune-in” to the needs of our customers … especially those like Ross Shafer in the video; checking in after midnight?

5) Briefly describe the last time you were “wowed” by a special, unexpected personal service. How did you react? Did you provide positive feedback like Ross did in the video?

Using the questions as sub-headers, re-write the questions in your own words and answer each question in “mini-essay” form; that is, with an introduction, supporting body with references where appropriate and a conclusion for each question, three to four pages, not including cover and reference pages. Make sure to provide a proper introduction and thesis for the entire assignment at the beginning of the essay; that is, provide appropriate background information and establish the purpose before writing your mini-essays.

Has the MRO partnered with an OEM or global provider to conduct maintenance activities? Is the company a new or older MRO service provider?

Task: Synopsis

Internet Research : MROs in the News

As this is the current event research on MROs in this course aimed at reinforcing management and operation of MROs as business entities. For this assignment, kindly find an article in an MRO-related journal or other current resource which provides details on an MRO’s financial condition. Try to identify such things as:

– Has the MRO partnered with an OEM or global provider to conduct maintenance activities?

– Is the company a new or older MRO service provider?

– Has the company expanded or reduced their market footprint?

– Is the MRO gaining in market and or profit share?

Any type or size of MRO can be utilized for this activity. After locating and reading the article, write a 1-2 page synopsis of your findings.

Include details of the MRO with regards to the questions noted above. Include a cover page and reference page in your written document. Your submission is expected to be grammatically sound, free of spelling errors and formatted according to the APA 6th Edition. Provide at least one in-text citation and separate reference page to support your research.



and other sources are welcome on this topic. Thank you

Based on a service user statement, critically analyse a social issue, highlighting theoretical perspectives, practice implications and personal reflection.

“I have felt like a freak- you know, the name-calling- from neighbours- folk who are just ignorant of mental illness. We are now trying to break down some of the stigma, because people don’t really understand- they are scared. Mental illness is so different to a physical illness, because a physical illness you can see, with your eyes- if you’ve a broken leg or arm. But with certain types of depression- you cannot see it; no one can see it. So it’s hard.”
Sally (quoted in Cree and Davis, 2007, p. 65)

Service users statement should flow all through the essay

Explain the differentiation of one of your assessment for learning tasks (either summative or formative) to suit the needs of diverse learners. You should include a discussion of how the task has been differentiated and what you intend the differentiated task to achieve. You may choose the type of learner for whom you are differentiating.
• Discuss the evidence-based pedagogical strategies included in your unit of work to support higher order thinking.
• Discuss the way in which your formative assessment tasks can be used by students to improve their performance and by teachers to evaluate the success of the curriculum
• Critically evaluate the resources you have collected for their effectiveness in teaching this Area of Study
• Correctly reference sources using APA format
Please see the attachment as a frame of reference. The first attachment is the previous assignment using summative and formative assessment types to teach and assess student’s for Psychology classes. Please elaborate more on how this contributes to higher order learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy). The second attachment is the criteria (aim for HD (highly distinguished).
Please use specific and un-ambiguous sentences at the master’s level

Research paper-Plastic bags should be banned in the United States

First I had to come up with a topic:
Plastic bags should be banned in the United States
Over the years, there has been a concern from environmental and research organizations on the dangers of increased use of plastic bags on the environment. The use of plastic bags are posing threats to the environment since they are harmful to plants, animals, land, and the water. Although people are aware of the negative impacts of plastic bags on the environment, efforts to reduce the use of plastic bags have not been successful over the years. Some experts predict the use of plastics contribute to more than 30% of the total environmental pollution. In the U.S, plastic waste is the leading environmental challenge that the country currently faces.
Over 8 million tons of plastic find their way into the oceans annually thereby increasing the current estimates of 150 million tons of plastics currently present in the oceans. Although governments, policymakers, and research organizations have debated on the best way to control the use of plastics in the world, there has been mixed reactions on the total ban as the best policy. Some countries, have taken the bold move of completely banning the use of plastic bags.
Next I had to develop a working thesis statement for my research paper:
Working Thesis Statement
Through the long term overuse of plastic bags we have created millions of pounds of deadly debris in our oceans, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and landfills. This increasingly destructive threat could most simply be resolved through the use of paper, reusable, biodegradable bags in all retail stores, therefore, banning all plastic bags in the United States.

What I need:
4.) Assignment: Annotated Bibliography,
-Choose 5 sources that you are considering for your research paper.
– In a Word document, for each source:
a. Write an MLA format citation followed by a paragraph annotation of the source. The annotation should be a description and evaluation of the source. You can also explain how you will use the source to support your argument in your paper.
b. Each annotation should be approximately 150-200 words. Sample (from the presentation included in the lesson–see below for example):
Waite, Linda J., Frances Kobrin Goldscheider, and Christina Witsberger. “Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations Among Young Adults.” American Sociological Review 51.4 (1986): 541‐554. Print. The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males, increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self ‐ sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.

My P•P: Type 2 diabetes adult patients
• I: Diet modification and physical exercise
• C: Compared to those who did not modify their diet or do physical exercise
• O: Controlling blood sugar
• T: Within six months period
My sentence format for my PICOT question would be, in type 2 diabetes adult patients, does diet modification and physical exercise helps in controlling blood sugar compared to those who did not modify their diet or do physical exercise within six months period?

Explain the struggle presented to Samori (and Coates’s audience) in Between the World and Me.

Answer these 4 questions listed below. Support your answers through text evidence and analysis. (A paragraph for each question.) Use these two books, Citizen by Claudia Rankine and Between the World and me by ta-Nehisi Coates.

1 Explain the struggle presented to Samori (and Coates’s audience) in Between the World and Me.
2 How are addressability and perspective used in Citizen? Choose one passage, quote moments from it, and analyze its purpose/function in comparison to the more traditional narrative format.
3 Why is it so difficult for Coates to tell his son that he has the right to be himself in America?
4 What do these two texts offer Americans in terms of understanding and interacting with social injustice?

Demonstrate the advanced nursing knowledge of patient assessment and management of Sepsis within the acute medical ward.

Mr King is a seventy-five-year-old male brought into the Acute Medical Ward via the rapid access clinic in University Hospital Waterford who alerted the Clinical Nurse Manager on the suspicion of sepsis and poor vital signs. The clinical nurse manager welcomed Mr. King reassured him and explained what was happening.

Mr King had Increasing shortness of breath and productive cough

Had Started five days ago, seen by GP and started on oral antibiotics two days ago. Became increasingly unwell despite antibiotics.

PMHx – COPD, T2DM, venous leg ulcer and HTN

DHx – salbutamol PRN, carbocysteine 375 mg TDS, tiotropium BD, metformin 1g BD, amlodipine 5mg OD, Ramipril 2.5mg OD. No known drug allergies.

O/E – Speaking in short sentences

Accessory muscle use

Purulent sputum

No obvious deficits in chest expansion

Global wheeze and crackles mid to base on right-hand side. Dullness on percussion to mid and lower right side.

Observations: BP 90/45 HR 130 CRT 6s SpO2 82% on air, respiratory rate 32, temperature 38.6 degrees.

This patient clearly meets the SIRS criteria being pyrexic, tachycardic and tachypnoeic. The purulent green sputum suggests the chest as a focus of infection, this is reinforced by the previous treatment and diagnosis of a lower respiratory tract infection by the patient’s GP.

Assessment of The Septic Patient
As with any critically ill patient, follow the ABCDE framework. A quick hello and how are you can give you an idea of a patient’s ABCDE state. I do this to tell me is this patient going to arrest on me in the next thirty seconds and do I have enough time to go into a more detailed assessment following handover? During my secondary assessment I can then take more time and be more thorough.thenar em

I also document my assessment in the ABCDE framework. It’s logical, allows you time to think and makes it harder for you to omit details in both examination and documentation of findings.

A – patent

B – Tachypnoeic with respiratory rate 32, SpO2 84% on air, equal chest expansion. Global wheeze and crackles mid to base on right side. Dullness on percussion to mid and lower right side.

C – BP 90/45 HR 130 CRT 6s, cold to touch.

D – Alert, blood glucose on venous blood gas 14.5 mmol/l

E – temperature 38.6 degrees

Basic investigations – blood cultures, clotting screen, full blood count, urea and electrolytes, liver function, C-reactive protein and a venous blood gas. Urinalysis and send for culture. Are they confused? Measuring of urine output is needed. Often a catheter is required for an accurate fluid balance
Use Irish references as much as you can. Use the Sepsis 6
Have an appendix with case presentation, nursing documentation, charts,

Using your source(s), explain how children were treated during the Victorian time period and the conditions they lived in. How is this shown in Charles’ Dickens’s text (give specific examples)?

Using your source(s), explain how children were treated during the Victorian time period and the conditions they lived in. How is this shown in Charles’ Dickens’s text (give specific examples)? Consider what it would be like if things were the same today and a child had to work in your vocational field of choice. How hard would it be for a child to work in your field of choice?

After reading the selection from Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times”, choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write a clearly developed and well-formed research paper on your chosen topic. Follow the writing process and be sure to cite one or two sources using APA format. Your paper should be written following basic APA rules. You may review the following links for help with APA format.

Write an Op Ed + Pitch for its publication

Write an Op Ed and its pitch. I gave the instructions for the Op Ed attached on the Additional materials. I also give some lecture slides and examples.
Number of sources varies on any hyperlinks needed. (Probably needed for facts and statistics)

Assess the major events and experiences that helped to shape the political thinking framers of the United States Constitution as well as the political dynamics in the form of major debates that transpired at the convention?

This is a Critical Essay!
Please read carefully for essay instructions and format. The course is called American National Government and Politics. Only use sources from the following places below:

1. Intellectual/Opinion Journals: American Prospect , Atlantic Monthly, Commentary, Dissent, Nation, New Republic, New York Review of Books, and

This course is American National Government and Politics
Critical Essay must answer this question. 7 PAGES long! Including citations and references.

During 1787, the Constitutional Convention was called in which the framers drafted a new national constitution for a recently formed sovereign country (the United States of America). As such, assess the major events and experiences that helped to shape the political thinking framers of the United States Constitution as well as the political dynamics in the form of major debates that transpired at the convention? Evaluate major sources and limitations of power written into the document?

The paper MUST cover the following outline:

Historical Overview
• Influences on the Framers
• Intentions of “Constitutional Convention of 1989
• Federalists, US Anti- Federalists
• Cabinet
US Constitution
• Main Principles
• Constitutional limitations
• Court Cases, clauses
• Bill of Rights
• Living Constitution

What two or three critiques should people who want to do humanitarian work be aware of, and how should they respond to or address these critiques? (You may answer this question in general, or focus your answer on a specific humanitarian issue)

please use sources from
Barnett and Weiss – Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics
Séverine Autesserre – Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention

Write a summary/review of the article, including basic information about the study including who conducted it, what the research question was, the subjects, methods, results, and discussion.

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain understanding of current available research that relates to the Child Life profession.

Step 1) Review articles, find one your are interested in, read it (maybe a few times)
Step 2) Write a summary/review of the article, including basic information about the study including who conducted it, what the research question was, the subjects, methods, results, and discussion. (Including bibliography information in APA format).

Conduct an original meta-analysis. The domain should contain a minimum of the 10 studies used in the annotated bibliography that I provided to you.

Conduct an original meta-analysis. The domain should contain a minimum of the 10 studies used in the annotated bibliography that I provided to you. Despite the small sample size (N of studies), include:
a) find original sources
b) code study characteristics
c) Write a paper according to APA format. Present the extracted information in table for and write a summary of no more than 2-3 paragraphs single space of the findings.
d) Please extract the following information from each article:
1. Name of the study
2. Name of the author(s), year published
3. Journal name
4. Sampling Method
5. Number of participants
6. Race/Ethnicity of Participants
7. Gender of participants
8. Age of Participants
9. Outcome Variables
10. Statistical significant findings

Write an essay that discusses the links between the recent global war on terror and the issues of human rights and distributive justice in the international system.

Please write answers for the following essay question. This exam is worth 20% of the final grade. As with all exams, please provide foot or endnotes and the list of your sources. Please use quotations when appropriate. All work must be turned in by the last day of the course. Please follow the directions for submittal found at the bottom of this assignment.
Part One:
Identify three specific and current issues/cases in the international system that are good examples of the ethical challenges facing nations and governments in the world today. Why have you chosen your three cases and what are the major ethical considerations or dilemmas posed by each?
Part Two:
Write an essay that discusses the links between the recent global war on terror and the issues of human rights and distributive justice in the international system. How will the emphasis on national/homeland and global security steal away the emphasis on human rights (human security) and distributive justice? (you may have to do some research on the web) Contrast the use of different ethical frameworks or theories (idealist, realist, religious etc.) discussed in the beginning of the class. How do they lead to very different answers to the question?
Part Three:
The US President has just appointed you to the newly formed cabinet position of Secretary of Foreign Policy and International Ethics. Your first task is to develop an ethical framework for the assessment of the country’s foreign policy. Describe the framework you would design to determine whether or not the nation is behaving ethically. What would you emphasize and what would be the foundation of your framework? Would you suggest major changes to the conduct of the US in the international system, why or why not? If so, how?
Part Four:
In reflection–what are the most important points that you have learned in this course? What are five questions that you would continue to research? Post in your final test document.

This test is meant to challenge your analytical and creative abilities. Be serious but enjoy it too.

Research paper for an art history class on Classical Mythology

This is a research paper for an art history class on Classical Mythology. I have research paper guidelines which I am providing, as well as the sample paper that was provided. The paper must reference specific pieces of art, which have to be displayed, separately one per page. I can insert these myself if need be, but they must be referenced in the paper. The basic guidelines are:
·3,000 words minimum (10-11)
·At least 5 academic sources, must be consulted and listed in a bibliography (no internet sources)
·Chicago Manual Style
·Footnotes in lieu of parenthetical citations
·Times New Roman in 12-point font, double spaced
·Margins no more than 1” (all sides)
·Name, instructor, course title and date on the title page
·Illustrations and bibliography after main text

Using the framework descibed by Hewison (2007) analyze your issue or concern fully using the steps in the model.

1)Using the framework descibed by Hewison (2007) analyze your issue or concern fully using the steps in the model.The frame work is
1)Identify the level of policy analysis:Macro, meso or micro-level
2)Use a nursing Meta-paradigm to frame policy analysis that focuses on
a)Person (humanistic perpective)
d)Nursing or other health professional discipline
3)Examine the policy environment
a)understanding of policy environment
b)Response to organization’s policy environment
c)Manner in which organization’s policy is shaped
4)Develop an understanding of the manner in which the policy is developed
5)Examine original sources of information generated during the policy development process to include parliamentary speeches, debates, official reports and statistics.Each policy document should be analyzed to
a)Develop a summary description of the main policy aims or objectives
b)Establish the status of the policy documents in comparison to other relevant documents
c)identify central policy themes
d)identify the area of practice impacted

2)Provide a clear and succinct statement of your position or view on the rising cost of prescription drugs in healthcare or concern you have chosen to focus on.

3)What is your proposed alternative(s) to the current health policy
4)What implications does your policy alternative as stated above have for nursing or advanced practice nursing and how can nursing help to get it implemented.
5)Use evidenced based documents, journals, legislation as the data sources for your paper.

The development of the United States between 1860 – 1900

Part A: Pick an industry that was critical to the development of the United States between 1860 – 1900. Give a brief account of its importance and some of its major players.

Part B: What would it have been like to work in this industry? Put yourself in the shoes of a 19th century employee of one of the companies you mentioned in Part A.

Is there any bibliographic information about the author given? What are the author’s qualifications and authority?
Who is the intended audience?

The reviewer must present information that will allow the reader to make a value judgment about the book. Reviews must have an introductory section to establish a focal point for discussion. The second part characterizes the author’s treatment of the subject, and the final section brings the paper to a conclusion. A conclusion must deal with the essence of the author’s arguments.

Engage in formal writing that requires utilization of all stages of the writing process;
Demonstrate reading comprehension through the communication of an original synthesis;
Identifying and ascertain relationships between texts and write to inform others about the content and their own arguments; and
Improve their ability to select engaging and appropriate evidence to support their argument(s).

Students are free to agree with the author on every point, disagree with the author on every point, or any combination of the two. The important thing is that students offer insights into what contribution they believe the book makes to the literature on the subject and who, if anyone might benefit from reading it. In reviews of two or more books the emphasis is on comparison. Therefore, the introductory section establishes a focal point of comparison between the two books. The second part characterizes each author’s treatment of the “problem.” The final section brings the paper to a conclusion by way of synthesis or repudiation; in other words, the conclusion offers a suggestion of an interpretive orientation consisting of elements of both perspectives under review or an argument against one or both authors.

Questions to be considered while reading:

Is there any bibliographic information about the author given? What are the author’s qualifications and authority?
Who is the intended audience?
Define the general problem area. What does the author intend to discuss? Why?
Does the author build on past research?
What is the objective or purpose of the research? Is it clearly stated?
Does the author define any terms? Are the definitions specific and useful?
Are references given? Are the references recent, important?
What are the author’s major findings and conclusions? Have these been supported by the author’s analysis, arguments, findings or evidence? Has the author overlooked anything?
Does the author accomplish his or her objective? Does the author do what he or she has set out to do?
Does the author suggest areas for further research or discussion?

What operational definitions are used to define the variables used in the research?



Find and read an article from a professional journal dealing with Criminal Justice. Journals are available from online library. The Journal must be from 2008 – 20018. Current issues, only, are acceptable. Select an article, which interests you from a CJ journal. Be careful to select a research report, not a case study, descriptive project or theoretical discussion. If you have a question concerning type or article, talk with your instructor. Complete a synopsis of the article following the outline provided below. Each submitted review is worth 15 points, approximately 1.5 points per item. APA format worth 2 points. You must submit a copy of the article (approximate article length – 10 pages) with your paper.

Source: From what journal is the article taken? Who is the author? Use proper bibliographical form.

Problem: What is the problem or issue being studied in this article?

Hypothesis: What is the hypothesis being tested? What are the independent and dependent variables? State the hypothesis in an “If ……… then………. format. There may be more than one hypothesis.

Research design: What research design is used? Support your answer.

Time frame: What time frame is used? Explain your answer.

Operational definitions: What operational definitions are used to define the variables used in the research?

Sample: What kind of sample is used? Random? Nonrandom? Why? Who or what is the sample?

Findings: What are the findings of the study?

Conclusions: What conclusions did the author draw?

Ethical questions: What ethical questions are or should have been addressed concerning the research?

11. Copy: A copy of the article must be attached to your paper. Your paper WILL NOT be graded unless
12. APA format 2pts

Develop an six (6) page essay that fully responds to the following prompt:

Prompt: To survive and thrive in the 21st century, our society is dependent upon our nation’s critical infrastructure. Ensuring the continued functioning of all aspects of this infrastructure is a responsibility incumbent upon all facets of our society. For this final written assignment, you are to select one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors determined by Presidential Policy Directive 21, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, as the primary focus topic of your report (you must select a critical infrastructure sector you have not previously focused upon in a previous forum assignment). In your report, as it relates to your chosen sector, offer the following:

In-depth analysis of the threats and hazards currently being addressed
The consequences to communities, states, and nation should that sector be compromised
Measures that government (local, state and federal),as well as the private sector is currently taking related to each of the five mission areas found within the National Preparedness Goal (prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery)

Chosen sector: ENERGY

“IPR Reflection Paper” Signature Assignment #1: Communication Skills Demonstration

Rubric and the grading rubric is within the attachment and what I sent you is the following directing for this paper but the grading rubric is in the attachment. Also, the syllabus is in the attachment as well which you can locate the instructions for this assignment under
“Signature Assignment #1: Communication Skills Demonstration”. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can attach some PowerPoint we discussed in class as well.
Signature Assignment #1: Communication Skills Demonstration
B. Reflection Paper
Each student will have an opportunity to act in all roles. Students will prepare a reflection paper that
addresses the following (be sure to address course concepts and skills in your analysis – use social
work language):
1. I learned…
2. I found that my strengths are….
3. Areas that I will continue to work on in my advanced year…
4. The learning opportunity that most surprised me was…
5. My biggest challenge was…
6. What were my challenges when I received feedback?
7. The most important learning opportunity that I experienced as a result of these activities
Instructions for writing Reflection Papers: This is the part of the assignment that will be graded. These
questions should be answered thoughtfully and critically and in depth. There is no specific page
recommendation; however, papers under 5 pages in length are likely to be insufficient

Was the Army right to court-martial General Billy Mitchell for his outspoken views on the military use of air power?

Do some web research (i.e., read through 2-3 references besides the text), and decide for yourself:
Was the Army right to court-martial General Billy Mitchell for his outspoken views on the military use of air power?
Justify your position on this dramatic moment in the history of U.S. aviation, and be sure to put your references (in APA format) in your primary post.

Why people should have a walkable community?

This assignment is for a persuasive speech. Need to write a persuasive speech outline. The topic is: why people should have a walkable community? I uploaded several outline organization templates that you can choose one fitting for this topic. Remember to follow the speech outline when you write. Also, I uploaded some persuasive speech guideline and examples below. Please check them before writing.

-Five credible sources are required for this speech. Five different sources could be two from journals, two from a book, one from a newspaper (better left unreliable website). Four credible sources support your idea- should have a walkable community, one sources support -should not have a walkable community. It means the final body paragraph (short one) should be opposite your thesis statement.

-Relate to personal experience. I’m a student, majoring in urban design.

-What specific policy change are you asking. Specify it.

“Exceptions (and their absence) matter as much as rules in defining states’ freedom of action under the WTO agreements, and the balance those agreements strike between trade and competing values.” Do you agree?

Essay question:-
“Exceptions (and their absence) matter as much as rules in defining states’ freedom of action under the WTO agreements, and the balance those agreements strike between trade and competing values.” Do you agree? Explain your answer.
guidelines for the paper uploded.

Presentation Outline for Phosphorus (P)

Preliminary Research – you have already selected your topic, move to step two.
2. Specific Research – Conduct additional research that is specific to your element.
You should acquire a minimum of 3 resources. These sources should be cited using the APA style guidelines.
1. Two or more from the Internet.
2. If easily accessed, one or more from printed media.

3. Outline – Prepare a simple outline of your topic based on the information from your research.
1. Historical Information
1. Discovery (2 pt.)
2. First Isolation (2 pt.)
3. Naming (2 pt.)
4. Historical Uses (2 pt.)

2. Description of the physical properties of your element.
1. IUPAC Name (1 pt.)
2. Atomic Number (1 pt.)
3. Molar mass (1 pt.)
4. Most common isotopes (two or more) (1 pt.)
5. Group (1 pt.)
6. Period (1 pt.)
7. Category (metal, metalloid, nonmetal) (1 pt.)
8. Electronic configuration (1 pt.)
9. Physical appearance at room temperature (1 pt.)
10. Melting point (1 pt.)
11. Boiling point (1 pt.)
12. Density (1 pt.)
13. Solubility (1 pt.)
14. Other properties (ductility, malleability, conductivity, etc.) (1 pt.)

3. Description of the chemical properties of your element.
Two or more common reactions or indicate a lack of reactivity (2 pts.)
4. Description of the contemporary uses of your element and impact of the element. (2 pt.)
5. Other interesting information about your element. (3 pt.)
6. Bibliography (APA) (6 pts.)

RESEARCH ESSAY on the movie “Avatar(2009)”

RESEARCH ESSAY on the movie “Avatar(2009)”
at least 12 good, valid sources.

This is a critical analysis of the film. Do NOT include a summary of the film.
Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year.
Body includes examples from film.
Include quotes from the film as evidence.
Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.
You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper.
The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA format as a References/Works Cited page.
You MUST also write about two techniques of the film.
Think about:
a. How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react?
b. Key terms and ideas in class.
c. What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme?
d. How does it affect society?

“How do we explain people’s behavior?”
“What things are most important to the experience of being human?”

Key Terms to be used:
Motive, Emotion, Instinct, drive theories, drive, arousal theory, glucose, insulin, basal metabolic rate, leptin, set point theory, body mass index, obese, self actualization, self determination theory, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, TAT, emotional intelligence, interpersonal engagement, amygdala, facial feedback hypothesis, self efficacy

Motivation asks the questions:
“How do we explain people’s behavior?”
“What things are most important to the experience of being human?”
Emotions asks the questions:
“What factors contribute to the experience of emotion?”
“What is the purpose of emotion?”
In this experiment/lab, you will explore the questions above. Please review these questions and be sure you understand them prior to beginning (by reading the chapters).
While conducting the lab it is your responsibility to take notes that you believe may answer any of the questions above.
In addition, you should take a close accounting of all observations possible and document them.
2) Create a hypotheses about which category (found below) will contain the largest numbers AND a statement about why you believe this is so
3) You will listen to your radio or MP3 player as usual for the duration of 1 week
4) Identify at least 10-20 terms from the readings to observe for
5) You will identify the main topic/subject for each song. For example the song Sexual Healing by Marvin Gay is about SEX
6) You will quantify your finding using categories. Limit your categories to the following main subject
a. Love/ or other Emotions
b. Sex
c. Food
d. Work
e. Other
7) You will complete a frequency distribution, and the mean, median, and mode for each category
8) You will then write up a reaction paper to your observation, identifying in BOLD the terms that apply to your reading
9) Your paper should be 2-3 pages of text typed double-spaced in times new roman font with 1-inch margins. DO NOT include a title page name etc. Names are automatic when submitted through CANVAS
10)You will need your notes for the discussion forum
11)Notes should include
a. Descriptive statistical data from your observation
b. Titles and content of songs

Implementation and Sustainability of Response to Intervention in PA Secondary School Cohorts post RtI Boot Camp: A Quantitative Correlational Study

The purpose of this Quantitative study is to obtain numeric data on the reduction of barriers and increase in facilitators, post-intensive professional development, among school leaders at the secondary level and the fidelity of the implementation of the RTI /MTSS plan in five school districts around Pennsylvania.

Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice

As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to diagnose, treat, and evaluate patients who have chronic disease. A nurse must understand how pathology, treatment, regimens, and psycho-social issues affect patients and the care they receive. Disease management is more than just monitoring a medication or treatment; it is evaluating the disease process from the micro to macro level. As a nurse with an advanced degree, you will be expected to assess patients and individual and population responses to chronic illness.

For this assessment, I will investigate pathopharmacological issues related to a specific disease process. I choose to investigate asthma. As part of this assessment, I will analyze the various impacts the disease process has on the patients, their families, and populations at a local, national, and international level.

Write a Potential Qualitative Research Proposal

Taking what you have learned from the readings and the feedback given on your past assignments, present a mini proposal for a study that ONLY involves a QUALITATIVE research design. Your proposal should include the following:

1. Statement of problem. Provide a clear justification with evidence on why this study is relevant to psychology and worthy of doctoral-level study. Support your efforts using at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. You can use as many references from your annotated bibliography as you feel are relevant.

2. Purpose statement (how your study will address the problem using qualitative methodology). This statement should flow from the problem statement.

3. Research questions (be sure to align these with the problem and purpose).

4. Find an additional two to three articles related to your topic of interest and provide an overview of the research methodology and design. Specifically discuss the elements below from each article and discuss how each applies (or does not apply to your current study):

The specific QUALITATIVE design
The population and sample
Steps for data collection and protection of human subjects, along with steps for the analysis of the data
Issues of trustworthiness within a qualitative framework
Discussion of the inherent strengths and challenges of your hypothetical study
Make sure to support all assertions and research choices using the course resources as well as additional scholarly literature you have found. Justify your steps and choices, using the course resources to help support your points.

Length: 5-6 pages, not including title and reference pages
I uploaded 8 articles about PTSD. Please see the attached.

Develop understanding of human resource development concepts, effective conflict management skills, and effective collaboration skills

Integrate leadership skills of systems thinking, communication and facilitating change in meeting patient care needs

Develop understanding of human resource development concepts, effective conflict management skills, and effective collaboration skills

Identify collaborative decision making and distinguish different models of decision making, and identify ways to make decision making more effective

Discuss each member of senior management, to write advantage & disadvantage base on their views.

Please refer to the study guide (page 10 & 11)
Using 12 font size, 1.5 pacing, APA referencing.
Please copy paste the website for me to do reference.
Please refer to some pic (tips) that lecturer giving me in class.

A) Discuss each member of senior management, to write advantage & disadvantage base on their views. (each member answer do not exceed 5 paragraph.) How the company can best achieve growth in revenues and profits? ( In this answer have to search in internet) Last, conclusion is discuss the ways to increase profit / revenues.

B-D) Answer is all search on internet.
D word count is depend. As there is only have 5 mark.

Develop coherent paragraphs or points to be internally unified and function as part of the whole document or presentation.

In this project, you will create a threat model. The length of this threat model should be eight to 10 pages. There are seven steps that will lead you through this project, beginning with the scenario as it might occur in the workplace, and then continuing with Step 1: “Describe Your Mobile Application Architecture.” Most steps of this project should take no more than two hours to complete, and the project as a whole should take no more than two weeks to complete.
When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.
• 1.1: Organize document or presentation in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
• 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points to be internally unified and function as part of the whole document or presentation.
• 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
• 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
• 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, problem under consideration.
• 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
• 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions, checking against relevant criteria.
• 6.3: Specify security solutions based on knowledge of principles, procedures, & tools of data mgmt, such as modeling techniques, data backup, data recovery, data directories, data warehousing, data mining, data disposal, & data standardization processes.

Evaluate ABC’s current OCC. What advice would you provide in order to better position ABC to successfully implement this change?

ABC Company, Inc. has been in existence for 10 years. They have 50 employees, currently have one location, and they only manufacture one product: widgets. They have managed to stay in business by holding onto a small portion of the widget market, but they are far from the market leader. Over the last 5 years, their market share has stayed more or less stagnant. The president of the company is an older gentleman and mostly works from home. He makes decisions through meetings with his managers over the phone and is rarely seen at the company. Mid-level managers don’t have much contact with each other and basically focus exclusively on their individual departments. The rest of the staff members are very distrustful of management and there has recently been a lot of turnover. Outside of interoffice griping, there is rarely any company wide communication.

Recent economic developments and technological advances in the widget industry have resulted in a greater demand for widgets in emerging markets, as well as in the U.S. In order to stay competitive, ABC Company is considering expanding its operation globally. ABC has come to you, an expert on organizational change, for consulting advice. Evaluate ABC’s current OCC. What advice would you provide in order to better position ABC to successfully implement this change? Be as thorough and specific as possible, covering as many issues as you can.

Step 8: Create the Joint Net Defense Bulletin
The last step in the project is to create the Joint Net Defense Bulletin. Compile the information you have gathered, taking care to eliminate any information that could identify the bank, and create an educational public service announcement document for the bank consortium. Provide this PSA also to the FBI Chief and the FS-ISAC representative.
The bulletin should be a one- to two-page double-spaced Word document.
Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.
• 1.1: Organize document or presentation in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
• 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points to be internally unified and function as part of the whole document or presentation.
• 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
• 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
• 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, problem under consideration.
• 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
• 2.3: Evaluate the information in logical manner to determine value and relevance.
• 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.
• 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions, checking against relevant criteria.
• 5.3: Uses defensive measures and information collected from a variety of sources to identify, analyze, and report events that occur or might occur within the network in order to protect information, information systems, and networks from threats.
• 8.1: Demonstrate the abilities to detect, identify, and resolve host and network intrusion incidents.
• 8.2: Possess knowledge and skills to categorize, characterize, and prioritize an incident as well as to handle relevant digital evidence appropriately.
• 8.4: Possess knowledge of proper and effective communication in case of an incident or crisis.
• 8.5 Obtain knowledge and skills to conduct a post-mortem analysis of an incident and provide sound recommendations for business continuity.
• 9.1: Knowledge of the Information Technology industry, its systems, platforms, tools, and technologies.

Compare Keogh’s Model and DW Model and discuss how these two
models explain the property market.

Module title – Real Estate Economics and Finance

This module provides an introduction into a set of theoretical principles and practical skills in economics and finance which enable property professionals to develop, manage and grow successful businesses.
Learning Outcomes

Understand and analyse the structures of property markets including office market, housing market and land market

Assemble information and data from a variety of sources and discern and establish connections;

Identify and critically analyse issues with reference to pertinent argument and evidence;

Critically evaluate current theory and practice in relation to problems associated with organisation of projects and teams.

Students are expected to undertake a wide range of reading, especially with reference to current trends in real estate market and real estate financing, to develop their understanding of the use of economics and finance.

Question: Compare Keogh’s Model and DW Model and discuss how these two
models explain the property market.

Please refer to appendix 1 for the details of the coursework briefing.

Appendix 1

Write an essay of no more than 2,500 words (not including the bibliography)

The essay should clearly relate to the question and should provide both the starting point of the discussion and the purpose of the conclusion.

The essay should attempt to include both some general and theoretical discussion and some real world discussion and evidence.

The essay should be well presented and easy to read. It should contain a title page, contents page, sections and section headings.

Annotated bibliography
As part of the essay you must produce an annotated bibliography on your subject. The bibliography should include all the main references used for this coursework. It is expected that you will carry out a literature search to provide additional material.

About 10-12 references and At least 6 and not more than 8 of the references should be accompanied by brief descriptions, more detailed explanation which both indicate the nature of the material covered by the reference and briefly comment on the usefulness of the source. Each description should be about 80 words.

The bibliography should conform to the Harvard System. Guidance sheets on this referencing system can be obtained from the library.

Marking scheme

Structure of the paper/ presenting the essay
Introduction – topic to be investigated, main issues to be outlined
Development of theoretical framework- relevant economics theories identified, application of theories, critical analysis of the theories
Review of the literature- critical review of the literature, sufficient number of references to back up theories, referencing min 10 sources but about 6-8 in more detail
use of data to test the theory- data presented being relevant, and to test the theories, sources being reliable.
Conclusion – strands of argument pulled together, related to central question


Describe traditional theories as well as those framing recently published articles. Overview the major tenets/terms of each theory, citing a few specific research applications and findings.

Read broadly in your area of instructional communication to identify the major theories guiding research in the area.

Write a cogent survey of these theories in the style of a Literature Review, including citations and references in APA format.

Describe traditional theories as well as those framing recently published articles. Overview the major tenets/terms of each theory, citing a few specific research applications and findings.

Consider the overall structure of your paper, and use subheadings to organize the report for your readers. If you wish to focus on a specific sub-area, first overview the larger theoretical landscape.

Should be 11 pages of writing, one cover page, and one reference page. 13 pages total. The average paper will probably include about 6 theories, but no less than 4.

Can cite as much as needed, does not have to be exactly 10. It can have more or less sources if needed. It is a graduate level paper, so it is expected to be thoroughly cited.
The readings where the information is found is attached. I hope this makes it a little easier.

Thank you so much!

Describe Siosan’s utility function. Contrast her utility function with that assumed in traditional finance theory, Discuss what biases Siosan’s behavior reflects

Please read below for deliverables of paper I must have. However, see attached is the detailed instruction with scenarios that must comprehended within the paper as a final project.

1. Executive Summary (one-page)

2. White Paper on Prospect Theory
a. Prepare a professional 4 pages ‘white paper’, double-space, Times New Roman 12 point font; reference page(s) do not count in the page limit. In your report be sure to include the following topics: 1) Prospect theory vs. expected utility theory, 2) A numeric example demonstrating violations of expected utility theory, 3) Description of the value function, 4) Implications of prospect theory (or behavioral finance) for the Efficient Market Hypothesis, and 5) An example of an anomaly that could be explained by prospect theory.

3. Bias Identification
a. Select the behavioral finance concept best exhibited in each of your colleagues’ three statements at JoJo’s bar. Explain how the behavioral finance concept you selected affects her investment decision making. Write your responses to these issues raised by your colleagues. Provide clarity, organization and completeness in your responses. This part should be between 2 pages in length.

4. Behavioral Finance and Investments
a. Complete a report on you observations of your first client, Violet. The report should be 3 pages in length, double-space, Times New Roman 12 point font; reference page(s) do not count in the page limit. Your report should include the following: 1) Describe Siosan’s utility function. Contrast her utility function with that assumed in traditional finance theory, 2) Discuss what biases Siosan’s behavior reflects, 3) Explain how a rational economic individual in traditional finance would behave differently with respect to each bias, and 4) Determine whether your observation about Siosan’s retirement portfolio allocation is correct. Justify your response.

5. Behavioral Corporate Finance
a. Prepare a professional 2 pages memo addressed to the CFO describing the recent behavioral finance literature on the topic on issues related to the Board of Directors, double-space, Times New Roman 12 point font; reference page(s) do not count in the page limit. In your report be sure to include at least 4 recent academic references.

6. Your Future and Behavioral Finance Post 2008
a. Respond to the questions and issues raised by Stephanie in the final part of the learning demonstration with a professional 4 pages report, double-space, Times New Roman 12 point font; reference page(s) do not count in the page limit. In your report be sure to address all of Stephanie’s points.

Efforts to preserve biodiversity, though intended to reduce human influence on the environment, might interfere with the natural process of change and evolution. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

Business Formation” Please respond to the following:

Use the Internet or Strayer online databases to research two (2) businesses that are formed differently (i.e., corporation, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, sole proprietorship). Then, determine at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of the partnership business formation. Provide relevant examples of each to support your response.

Terrestrial biomes are largely shaped by their climate. Consider the area in which you live; and then, based on the temperature and precipitation of your area, propose what kind of biome you believe would occupy your area if it weren’t for human intervention. Next, suggest two (2) kinds of plants you would expect to dominate your area if not for human activity. Lastly, state whether or not you believe that human intervention has had a positive or negative effect on your area. Justify your response.
Biodiversity is an important characteristic of communities and biomes. Efforts to preserve biodiversity, though intended to reduce human influence on the environment, might interfere with the natural process of change and evolution. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Provide at least two (2) examples to support your arguments.
In order to protect the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) population, logging was greatly reduced in 1994, even though it was projected to cause the loss of over 30,000 jobs in the rural communities of the Pacific Northwest. After the plan was implemented, jobs were lost (although there is some debate as to whether the recovery plan was wholly responsible) but the owl population continued to decline. Based on the information provided, please answer the following questions:
In your opinion, do you think the job loss was worth the attempt to save the owl population, even though it seems to have been unsuccessful? Justify your rationale.
Suggest whether or not you would support further reduction in logging, along with its inevitable loss of jobs, in order to try to save the northern spotted owl.
Hypothesize whether or not you believe it is possible to have both a healthy environment and a healthy economy. If you believe it is possible, suggest one (1) way this could be feasible. If you don’t believe it is possible, suggest one (1) factor that would have to change to foster a healthy environment and economy.

What does it mean to be moral or immoral? Who decides on these definitions?
Does the definition of morality change depending on the situation?
Why do people behave the way they do?

In a 2-3 page essay (at least 4 paragraphs), you will explore the idea of morality by developing a thesis that takes a position related to morality in some way, and you will support this position with examples from at least two of the texts from this unit.

You might choose to focus on one or more specific moral transgressions (this can be one of the ones we discussed in class, or you can come up with your own) that we have read about in this unit. Or, you may also choose to develop a thesis statement by answering a more general question like the ones below.

These are examples; you are free to come up with your own topic as long as the overall topic is morality and you use specific evidence from at least two of the texts to support your ideas. You can also use real-life examples but no personal experience. Outside sources are not needed. Since this is an exemplification essay, your use of relevant examples will be crucial.

You will quote from the readings. Since you are responsible for developing a specific topic, it will be essential that you create a clear, specific thesis to explain your focus.

Here are some questions that might help you when deciding on a topic for this essay:
Are we “good” people?
What does it mean to be moral or immoral? Who decides on these definitions?
Does the definition of morality change depending on the situation?
Why do people behave the way they do?
How do people justify their actions? Are these actions surprising?
Society has certain expectations of its citizens when it comes to morality. Are there times when these expectations are wrong or unreasonable?
How are concepts related to morality more complicated than what some may think? (Consider situations that involve lying, adultery, following authority and/or tradition).

I am using the story “The Storm” by Kate Chopin to use as support for this unit

In a 2-3 page essay (at least 4 paragraphs), you will explore the idea of morality by developing a thesis that takes a position related to morality in some way, and you will support this position with examples from at least two of the texts from this unit.

You might choose to focus on one or more specific moral transgressions (this can be one of the ones we discussed in class, or you can come up with your own) that we have read about in this unit. Or, you may also choose to develop a thesis statement by answering a more general question like the ones below.

These are examples; you are free to come up with your own topic as long as the overall topic is morality and you use specific evidence from at least two of the texts to support your ideas. You can also use real-life examples but no personal experience. Outside sources are not needed. Since this is an exemplification essay, your use of relevant examples will be crucial.

You will quote from the readings. Since you are responsible for developing a specific topic, it will be essential that you create a clear, specific thesis to explain your focus.

Here are some questions that might help you when deciding on a topic for this essay:
Are we “good” people?
What does it mean to be moral or immoral? Who decides on these definitions?
Does the definition of morality change depending on the situation?
Why do people behave the way they do?
How do people justify their actions? Are these actions surprising?
Society has certain expectations of its citizens when it comes to morality. Are there times when these expectations are wrong or unreasonable?
How are concepts related to morality more complicated than what some may think? (Consider situations that involve lying, adultery, following authority and/or tradition).

I am using the story “The Storm” by Kate Chopin to use as support for this unit




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