American history: Based on the two documents, what role did religion and morality play in the debate over slavery? Do these religious and moral arguments impact racial discussions today?

HIST 1301 Core Assessment Instructions:
Carefully read and analyze the following two documents and write an 800 word essay to answer the following question:
Based on the two documents, what  role did religion and morality play in the debate over slavery? Do  these religious and moral arguments impact racial discussions today? 
Having considered these questions, write an essay of at least 800 words that:

  1. Makes a specific argument that can be supported with the specific  historical evidence of these two primary documents, as well as lecture  notes and the textbook assigned to your class;
  2. Analyzes the historical significance of these two primary documents; and connect them with issues facing our country today;
  3. Analyzes the role of religion and morality in the past, and the nature of the race in the past and today;
  4. Is written in standard English, with all sources and quotes properly cited using MLA format;
  5. Is written in your own words, not copied and pasted from other sources or web sites;
  6. Is submitted through eCampus, by clicking the “REQUIRED HIST 1301 CORE OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT ESSAY” link above.
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