Analysis research of the author’s life, politics, the social context of the work, philosophical musings, how and why the work evokes a particular feeling in your, cultural relevance, or the components of the text such as significance of setting, narrative voice, imagery, or symbolism.

The Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck – text analysis

This paper will be 2 parts, the first part is text analysis. Possible starting places for you text analysis research may include the author’s life, politics, the social context of the work, philosophical musings, how and why the work evokes a particular feeling in your, cultural relevance, or the components of the text such as significance of setting, narrative voice, imagery, or symbolism. This kind of text analysis must use the rules of a compare and, or, contrast essay. In this text analysis you also need a thesis. your paper will explore a problem or point of interest created by the work of literature, this includes but is not limited to, character motivation, thematic elements, symbol, irony, etc. your ideas and insights will be based on information from the pages in the text.

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