Trinitarian and unitary

two approaches or models of validity—trinitarian and unitary. In some ways, these two models are competing views of gathering evidence for a test’s validity. In other ways, the two approaches have an overlap of elements. For this discussion: Compare and contrast these two models in terms of how they conceptualize validity. Identify at least one […]

Journal article's

For this discussion, describe one journal article’s findings on validity. In your post, synthesize the data and information and interpret it yourself based on the information you are learning about evidence for validity in this course. The specific category of validity. The author’s overall interpretation of the results. You are not required to report the […]

Career Counseling: I believe from this experience I have developed an ability to understand the importance of informational, assessment, and emotional support. What areas do i struggle with most in career counseling?

K. P. Career counseling involves properly understanding your client’s needs and then guiding them towards achievable goals (Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey, 2017). It is important that counseling professionals are compassionate individuals with a desire to help others in order to foster an authentic and safe relationship (McFadden & Curry, 2018). I have always loved helping others, […]

“Opposites attract.”: How do we determine what type of research is suitable for a particular problem?

This discussion, you are going to be asked to do a bit of critical thinking. Have you ever heard this expression? “Opposites attract.” What about this one? “ Birds of a feather flock together.” Both of these say something about what attracts one person to another and both are commonly used expressions. The problem is […]

Alcohol and Barbiturates: Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning theories. Assignment 1 Answer the following questions after completeing the Psych Sim titled Your Mind on Drugs: Alcohol and Barbiturates – How does alcohol change the brain’s functioning? Mechanisms of Drug Addiction – What leads a person to move from the casual or recreational use of a drug to a state of addiction, in which the person experiences a powerful […]

Cultural: Using the African American culture in Georgia, address the communication needs of this group, in terms of medical information. What are you suggestions for health care providers working with this group to improve treatment adherence?

Using the African American culture in Georgia, address the communication needs of this group, in terms of medical information. What are you suggestions for health care providers working with this group to improve treatment adherence? Requirements: Each 2-3 page (plus cover page and references) paper must be concise and readable by the general public. Use […]

Research Methods

Using the Annotated Bibliography format provide a detailed review of six qualitative articles. As you review articles with the focus of your research question you may need to select alternative studies to align with your completed work. The selection of articles is dependent on the focus you choose for your discussion. If the articles do […]

Barriers and Differences in Treating Women: Explain why these modifications are important and how they are different from treatment for men.

Discussion—Barriers and Differences in Treating Women Treating substance-abusing women can be a completely different entity from treating men. Often, women who abuse substances face significant barriers when seeking treatment, and are often in need of therapeutic techniques specifically tailored to suit their needs. Keeping this in mind, and using the textbook, lecture materials, and other […]

Low-Incidence Exceptionalism: The Deaf Culture;Explain the lessons individuals from the hearing and deaf cultures learned from each other.

Discussion—Low-Incidence Exceptionalism: The Deaf Culture There is a greater variety of cultures than those related to ethnicity, religion, or geography. For example, there is also the deaf culture. One low-incidence exceptionalism you may have learned about in children is deafness. Although it might seem an easy decision to utilize technology such as cochlear implants to […]

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