Complete questionnaire sheet (2 Pages), Assignment 2 (5 pages), Assignment 3 part 1 , and Assignment 3 Part 2 to complete a business plan for: Honestly Juices is different from other cold-pressed juice companies because we collaborate with the consumer and accept feedback from them that we inject into the decision making of what goes into the juices and why.

Draft Assignment 1 (5 pages), complete questionnaire sheet (2 Pages), Assignment 2 (5 pages), Assignment 3 part 1 , and Assignment 3 Part 2 to complete a business plan for: Honestly Juices is different from other cold-pressed juice companies because we collaborate with the consumer and accept feedback from them that we inject into the decision making of what goes into the juices and why. We also ensure that our juices are non-GMO, sustainable, 100% organic, chemical, and pesticide-free fruit juices while there are only a limited few companies that can deliver on that standard.

At Honestly Juices, our mission is to enthusiastically produce and deliver non-GMO, sustainable, 100% organic, and pesticide-free fruit juices that a child or adult can healthily enjoy. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction in our juices because that is what our customer expects and we meet this by collaborating with our consumers so that we are the best in the world.

Do Assignment 1 and the Questionnaire firstly. I am flexible on the rest of the documents. There are many attachments to refer to and more that I will upload in a day or two unless needed sooner.

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