Factor Analysis.
Class Discussion Please answer these question briefly and separately.
1. Have the MI sub scales been established through factor analysis? If so, could you please cite the study where that was done and provide a description of the results of that analysis?
2. The Harte (1981) instrument sounds like an interesting instrument for assessing intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation for children. Do you know the exact name of the scale? Could you please explain what the researchers found when they conducted the factor analysis (such as how many factors and what they named the factors/what the factors measure)?
3. SASS has been examined using factor analysis. Could you please describe what factors were found in the two-factor model compared to the factors in the three factor model? In other words, did the
three-factor solution find factors consistent with the sub scales of depression, stress, and anxiety? What were the constructs supported by the two-factor solution?
4. What are the sub scales of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale? The source that you cited used the French version of the instrument, which would only be relevant if you were using the French
version in your research. Can you please find a research study that conducted a factor analysis of the English version of the instrument and report the factors that were found?
Use the author as one of your sources;
Kline, T. J. B. (2005). Psychological testing: a practical approach to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Chapter 10.