The Elaboration Likelihood Model Explained: Discuss the major tenants of the theory A brief background of the theories development including its creator(s) and the field the theory is from Applications of the theory in the strategic communication context (include research that has been done in the communication field as well as ways this theory could be applied in strategic communication situations)

For this short-paper assignment, select one of the following persuasion theories or models listed below and in 3-5 pages discuss… The major tenants of the theory A brief background of the theories development including its creator(s) and the field the theory is from Applications of the theory in the strategic communication context (include research that has been done in the communication field as well as ways this theory could be applied in strategic communication situations) Limitations of the theory The basic idea of this paper is that a fellow graduate student who is not familiar with the theory could read your paper and gain a solid understanding of the theory and how it can be used to persuade others. It is important to stay within the page limit as one of the challenges of this assignment is being able to succinctly explain ideas.

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