Environmental Hazards: Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, conduct an in-depth review of peer-reviewed journals on geriatric.

Environmental Hazards
This assignment will help you understand the principles of geriatrics through research.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, conduct an in-depth review of peer-reviewed journals on geriatric.
Identify a method of research you would like to focus on and select at least three articles focused on geriatric research, which use your selected method of research.
Create a 3pageMicrosoft Word document, that provides:
A brief summary of each selected article.
A comparison of the selected articles.
An explanation of the research method used to collect data in these articles.
A description of the target demographic of each study.
A comparison of the outcomes of each study.
A comparison of the effectiveness of the research methods used.
A description of how the three different studies could be redesigned based on your comparison.
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