Split 2750 words into a literature review based on ED&I and its utilization within the themes of transaction and transitional leadership and conflict management. The dissertation subject is specified on the British Armed forces, however the themes can be gleaned from the civil sector. Include areas such as “Fight,Flight or Flow” by Noncom & Noncom (2010) and Three Cultures at work (Marvels A. 2005) in the conflict management section.
Below is a list of useful references to use along with the research carried out by your writers.
Dander, C., & Mason, D. (2003). Diversifying the Uniform? The Participation of Minority Ethnic Personnel in the British Armed Services. Armed Forces & Society, 29(4), 481-507. dpi: 10.1177/0095327×0302900402
Dickens, L. (1994). The Business Case for Women′s Equality. Employee Relations, 16(8), 5-18. dpi: 10.1108/01425459410073915
Equality Act 2010. (2010). Retrieved 27 Jul 18 from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/pdfs/ukpga_20100015_en.pdf
Hussein, A., & Hashish, M. (2016). Equality and diversity in the British armed forces: progress, challenges and prospects. Defense & Security Analysis, 32(1), 36-50. dpi: 10.1080/14751798.2015.1130317.
Courthouse, P. (2015). Leadership (International Student Edition) (7th ed., p. 171). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc
Yul, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed., p. 312). Harlow: Pearson Education
Burns, J. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row.
Noncom S & Noncom M. 2010. Managing Conflict in the workplace (3rd ed). p.17-70. Oxford: Howto books.
Baal MA. 1998. Conflict prevention in the workplace: Using cooperative communication. Canada: Bacal & Associates.
Regine PR. 1992. Beyond conflict: From psychotherapy to peacemaking. p.52-58. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Marvels A. 2005. How to reduce workplace conflict and stress: How leaders and their employees can protect their sanity and productivity from tension and turf wars. p.30-33. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press.
Any work by BERNARD M. BASS