Annotated Bibliography
Everything thing needs to know to understand this assignment will be in the document uploaded.
Here are the 5 sources for the bibliography
Aljaaf, A. J., Al-Jumeily, D., Hussain, A. J., Fergus, P., Al-Jumaily, M., & Abdel-Aziz, K. (2015, July). Toward an optimal use of artificial intelligence techniques within a clinical decision support system. In 2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI) (pp. 548-554). IEEE.
Amisha, P. M., Pathania, M., & Rathaur, V. K. (2019). Overview of artificial intelligence in medicine. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 8(7), 2328.
Lupton, M., & Australia, G. C. (2020). Can Patient Information Held by an AI Robot Be Protected by the Duty of Confidentiality?. International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 4(4), 41-55.
Tort, C. G., Pulido, V. A., Ulloa, V. S., Boedo, F. D., Gestal, J. M. L., & Loureiro, J. P. (2020). Electronic Health Records Exploitation Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. In Proceedings 3rd XoveTIC Conference (Vol. 6601, No. 5943, p. 191).
Yeasmin, S. (2019, May). Benefits of artificial intelligence in medicine. In 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security (ICCAIS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.