How has the rise of social media changed the ways that consumers gather information and learn about competing brands?

Marking Criteria :
Planning- (10%)
Delivery (10%)
Representational Aids(10%) – Needs to be done using PowerPoint , Videos should be no longer than 1 minute each and 3 minutes for whole presentation. 3. You are expected to use the most up to date techniques in delivering your presentation.
Level of research(20%) – You are expected to use at least 5-10 academic references. These should be referenced within the body of your presentation. You are to use the Harvard System of Referencing. A full reference list should be included at the end of your presentation. you are expected to use journal articles etc to underpin your theoretical content.
Content(50%) – Answer the specific question asked. Underpin your work with a range of theories/ modeller. Include, where appropriate, application to a range of examples. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY OUT IN DEPTH RESEARCH. MAKE SURE YOU USE A RANGE OF ACADEMIC SOURCES IN YOUR CONTENT.

Assignment question for power point presentation :
The second stage of the individual decision-making model is information search, which is influenced by consumer learning. How has the rise of social media changed the ways that consumers gather information and learn about competing brands?

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