How using chlorhexidine wipes for bathing instead of soap and water reduces hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit patients.

Main objective: Develop a dissemination plan for research.

Plan should include discussion about the following:
Who is most likely to use this research?
What is the practice setting?
End-user needs
How should you present data to make it most usable?
Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose?
Does the target audience have a specific type of need based on practice setting?
What specific journals, newsletters, or publications would would you want to publish in to reach your audience?
Presentations at local, state, and national levels
What conferences, meetings, or panels would you want to present at to make sure your ideas were readily available in the field?
Attach are peer review articles supporting the reduction in infection rates with chlorine use. One attachment is a literature review of them.

ALSO links for tools to make a dissemination plan:


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