Create a Gantt chart for your project plan using a template created in Excel. Make sure to include specific and appropriate performance outcome measures in your Gantt chart.

The Gantt chart is a scheduling tool that uses bars to represent project activities and to show when the project, and each activity within the project, starts and ends against a horizontal time scale. Having a Gantt chart ensures that your project participants have the necessary time allocated on their calendars and are available to perform their activities.

Based on your informatics problem statement identified in week 1:

1. Create a Gantt chart for your project plan using a template created in Excel. Make sure to include specific and appropriate performance outcome measures in your Gantt chart. Reference the following links for Gantt chart and performance outcome guidance.

2. Separately summarize how the selected performance measure will assure proper measurement, data collection, monitoring, and analyzing in your project in a few paragraphs.

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