What are the key factors affecting the intensity of rivalry in your industry,support your answer? For example, consider buyer bargaining power in your industry as fierce, very strong, strong, moderate, or relatively weak)

MANAGING STRATEGICALLY1School of Business© 2020, Southern Alberta Institute of TechnologyCompany Assignment Part 4: Industry ForcesWeight: 3%Resources:•Gamble, Peteraf & Thompson(2020). Managing Strategically(7thedition). McGraw. •GLO-BUS Business Strategy Simulation Company Results•GLO-BUS Business Strategy Simulation Participants GuideSubmission requirements:•Submit final word document into D2L under Assignments.Hints (marking rubric):

1.What are the key factors affecting the intensity of rivalry in your industry,support your answer? For example, consider buyer bargaining power in your industry as fierce, very strong, strong, moderate, or relatively weak)(15 marks)

2.From the Competitive Intelligence Reports, what are your management hot spots? (5 marks)

3.What decisions are you going to make to address your concerns and improve your company performance? (10 marks)

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