Research paper: Now, technology is beginning to use in everywhere like school and family. Many electronic devices begin to enter the school for students to use. Multimedia devices began to appear widely in schools.

Zihao Dou (Raiden)
Research paper
History and Background
Now, technology is beginning to use in everywhere like school and family. Many electronic devices begin to enter the school for students to use. Multimedia devices began to appear widely in schools. However, the development of electronic devices and entry into schools to use and replace the traditional paper and pen have gone through a long process. The use of electronic devices has also experienced a lot in education. Electronic devices now bring many benefits for students. Technology applications have undergone a long process in education and the technology can have a lot of positive influence which is on education for children. For example, the technology can help students instant access to knowledge and it also can help the teachers personalize the education experience.
Technology has undergone various changes and developments before it was finally applied to education. In the early days, technology did not have the ability to replace paper and pens to educate students because of the great deficiencies in technology at the time. It could not be equipped with advanced technology for everyone. There is no way to apply the technology in the beginning, such as the first computer is very large. The computer went through a variety of updates and eventually became a tablet or laptop that we are now using and for the development of learning software is also a long time before it can be used. In the early days there were not many advanced educational software, only Word, Excel and Power Point can be used in the education. Now we can find a lot of learning software, such as our application of canvas. Computers and software have been successfully changed and applied very well in education. Technology now makes it easier for us to learn
Education is becoming more and more important for many countries, and with the development of science and technology, the country begins to use technology to teach. School in many countries began to use technology to teach. Countries have begun to value the use of technology in education. The countries began to attach importance to and develop the use of technology in education. Many countries began to study various technologies in education. In the article “Exploring Four Decades of Research in Computers” by Zawacki-Richter, Olaf, “Shortly thereafter, in 1969–70 the US Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) had transitioned from an audiovisual to an instructional technology orientation and was concerned with “the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning” Countries have attached great importance to the application of technology in education, and are all working hard to develop a variety of new learning technologies for use by students. The country is making students’ learning more interesting.
Technology can make education more ways. Many disciplines use technology to teach. Many software began to be applied to teaching. A large amount of learning software has been developed for use in teaching. The school began to use these software to help students complete their homework and solve difficulties. According to the article “Online Technology Pushes Pedagogy to the Forefront” by Newman, Frank and Jamie Scurry, “Thus far, most faculty members have used computers and the Internet in traditional classrooms to perform ordinary tasks more efficiently — providing course syllabi and readings, establishing communications links between faculty members and students and among students, and creating the means to improve student research. Many faculty members are still concerned whether the technology is simple and reliable enough to use for more-sophisticated learning tasks. Increasingly.” Education software is now devolving, and it has brought many new educational methods to make education easier.
Effect and Against of example
The country started to use a lot of technology to apply to education for the development of students. Many countries began to bring various multimedia devices into the classroom to enable students to have a better learning environment. Technology has brought many very convenient benefits to teachers and students in education. Technology enables teachers to have more interesting ways to educate students. Students can also use technology to do a lot of things to gain knowledge. However, technology is not always good for the education of young people. The application of technology will also have many bad effects on the lives of young people. Technology has many advantages in education, but it can also bring a lot of harm to young people. If we can solve these hazards, then technology will become better in education.
Technologies can make study easier for students to learn and get more knowledge easily. They also easy to get the information from their teachers. Students can use the technology to do their homework. This will make it easier for students to solve difficult problem. Students also can better contact the teacher to get teacher’s help. If students have any problems with their homework, they can contact the teacher in a timely manner. Many schools have also begun to use a lot of learning software to replace books, and the weight of students’ backpacks has been reduced. This makes it easier for students to go to school than they do without a large number of books. Doscher, Megan said in his article “How Technology Changed the Way We…Do Homework”. “Many schools are creating their own Web sites as well, allowing students to communicate more with teachers and one another. Meanwhile, educators and parents, not to mention students, are hoping that the days of the 50-pound backpack loaded with texts may be nearing an end as e-books and personal digital assistants become more widely used.” Technology makes it easier for students to complete their homework and they can more easily contact the teacher to get the information they want. Students can easily solve their own difficulties and then better finish their homework. Technology makes it easier for students to receive education. Technology reduces the weight of student bags and students learn to be more relaxed. They gave up carrying a lot of books and started carrying a computer
Teachers can get new teaching methods from education and make education more interesting. The use of technology in education brought teachers many new ways to teach and using technology can make teaching easier for teachers. Teachers can use a lot of new ways to better describe a knowledge to make it easier for students to understand. The teacher also can show some knowledge points with images, videos, etc. The display of images and sounds is much better than text. There is many new software that can be used by teachers to better guide students. Students can also follow the teacher very well to get the appropriate knowledge. In the article “Lecturing with Technology” by Nantz, Karen S. and Terry D. Lundgren, “With the new presentation software, you can take your favorite second-day lecture, for example; put it on the computer, along with new graphics and sound, and create an absorbing classroom presentation.” Teachers can use technology to make students more interested and easy to get knowledge. Technology can display knowledge more vividly. Students can get corresponding knowledge from pictures and videos instead of just learning from the text of books. In the classroom, technology will better attract students’ attention and gain knowledge. In the classroom because students use technology to teach so students become very interested in learning.
Education technology can make the classroom better, some subject can study in the technology classroom easily. There are many new ways in the classroom to use, not just chalkboards and pens. These new multimedia technologies will better demonstrate knowledge points. On the other hand, many schools began to have computer classrooms. Every student in this classroom can use a computer to find the information and knowledge he needs. Students can find knowledge quickly and use it. Their learning has become easy so efficiency has been greatly improved. According to the article “The Importance of Educational Technology in Teaching” by Stošić, Lazar, “With the application of educational technology, students can inde-pendently progress in mastering teaching ma-terials, to choose the pace of work, to repeat the material that is not sufficiently clear, that after tests performed immediately get results and track their progress”. Students can use the technology in class to complete their studies according to their own situation. They can use computers to get the knowledge they need. Students can also use the fun way to learn knowledge in the classroom using pictures and videos. At the same time technology allows students to find better results in the classroom
Although technology has a lot of benefits, it also cannot. It is still difficult for everyone to have the opportunity to apply the education. Although technology began to develop and is widely used. Not everyone has the opportunity to use it. Many poor people or people do not have the opportunity to use technology to learn. They do not have the ability to get the technology, such as computers. A computer is very expensive, and not every family has the money to buy it. Some people who can use technology will use technology to become better, but some people who cannot use technology have no way to use technology to learn knowledge. This will make social development even more unequal. Even if the gap between technologies is narrowed, it is difficult to narrow the educational gap. In the Julianne Malveaux’s article “Technology Necessary but Not Sufficient for Parity”, “Because computer literacy is often a workplace requirement, computers and technology will certainly improve the skill levels of most students. But closing the technology gap will not close the educational, employment, and economic gap.” Even though countries are working hard to narrow the gap between technologies, there is still no way for everyone to have access to technology. Those who can use the technology will use the technology better and better, and those who cannot use the technology will find it difficult to use it. The difference between them is difficult to solve.
Technology also has many negative effects on education. Some children will like to play computers games and get addicted of it. Technology is not very good for teenagers in some ways. There are many interesting things on the Internet that attract young people. Young people began to indulge in these new things. They do not use technology to learn but to find some fun. For example, some teenagers are addicted to computer games. Jack Kenny said in the article “Bad Practice.” “I believe that the technology gap will dictate part, but not all, of the educational and workforce future for disadvantaged youth In other words, computers are not a panacea. There’s much educational content, but also lots of junk, on the Internet. Some youngsters who have computers at home use them to enhance their schoolwork. Others are busy in chat rooms or game rooms, engaged in a sophisticated form of leisure.” Many young people do not make good use of the technology to bring us the convenience of learning. They were attracted by some interesting things on the internet. Some people are attracted by the leisure activities on the computer. Although technology has brought a lot of convenience for youngsters to learn, they have not been used properly.
Country can support a lot of public computer to help the poor people or other people who want to get the opportunity to access computer. The state can provide a library of computer learning areas for many people who are unable to use technology at home. Schools can also open learning centers to allow many people to use computers in them. Let all students have the opportunity to use the computer to learn in school. According the article “Public Library Computer Training for Older Adults to Access High-Quality Internet Health Information” by Xie, Bo, and Julie M. Bugg, “An innovative experiment to develop and evaluate a public library computer training program to teach older adults to access and use high-quality Internet health information involved a productive collaboration among public libraries, the National Institute on Aging and the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and a Library and Information Science (LIS) academic program at a state university.” From the examples we can see that the country has also begun to pay attention to the use of technology by the elderly. The availability of public computers will give many people the opportunity to be exposed to technology. More people can use computers to learn.
We can try to help the teenagers to get rid of computer games addiction. Many young people are addicted to the internet and they do not have good application skills to learn. We need to help them relieve Internet addiction. In the article “The development of the self in the era of the internet and role-playing fantasy games” by Allison, S. E., von Wahlde, L., Shockley, T., & Gabbard, G. O., “In summary, then, role-playing games may offer beneficial outlets to adolescents and young adults but also present substantial risks. Although the addictive component in some cases is striking, they also provide an experience of a virtual community, ameliorate social anxiety and loneliness, allowing the “trying on” of new identities, and assist in the developmental task of forging a sense of identity apart from one’s family.” Helping teens overcome internet addiction and use technology to learn will make teenagers learn better.
Work Cited

Allison, M.D. Sara E. “The Development of the Self in the Era of the Internet and Role-Playing Fantasy Games”. The American Psychiatric Association.

Doscher, Megan. “How Technology Changed the Way We…Do Homework.” Wall Street Journal – Eastern Edition, vol. 236, no. 94, 13 Nov. 2000, p. R26. EBSCOhost,

Kenny, Jack. “Bad Practice.” TES: Times Educational Supplement, no. 4410, 05 Jan. 2001, p. 72. EBSCOhost,

Malveaux, Julianne. “Technology Necessary but Not Sufficient for Parity.” Black Issues in Higher Education, vol. 14, no. 7, 29 May 1997, p. 34. EBSCOhost,

Nantz, Karen S. and Terry D. Lundgren. “Lecturing with Technology.” College Teaching, vol. 46, no. 2, Spring98, p. 53. EBSCOhost,

Newman, Frank and Jamie Scurry. “Online Technology Pushes Pedagogy to the Forefront.” Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 47, no. 44, 13 July 2001, p. B7. EBSCOhost,

Stošić, Lazar. “The Importance of Educational Technology in Teaching.” International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering & Education (IJCRSEE), vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 111-114. EBSCOhost,

Xie, Bo, and Julie M. Bugg. “Public Library Computer Training for Older Adults to Access High-Quality Internet Health Information.” Library &Amp; Information Science Research, vol. 31, no. 3, 2009, pp. 155–162.

Zawacki-Richter, Olaf. “Exploring Four Decades of Research in Computers.” Computers &Amp; Education, vol. 122, 2018, pp. 136–152.

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