Customer satisfaction: Which sectors related to retail display the lowest ratings? From a retail strategy perspective, why do you think this is the case?

Berman and Evans reference the American Customer Satisfaction Index in Table 20-3 of the textbook. Go to the ACSI website at and explore the website for a few minutes.
Next, go to the National, Industry, and Sector Results page at
Examine the customer satisfaction results and answer the following questions:

  1. Which sectors related to retail display the lowest ratings? From a retail strategy perspective, why do you think this is the case?
  2. From a retail strategy perspective, why do you think the sectors in the e-commerce industry earned the rankings that are reflected?

Now, navigate to the page that shows benchmarks by company: Find a favorite retailer of yours on the list and examine the company’s rankings compared to its competitors. How can this benchmark information help inform a retailer’s strategy? If you were the CEO of the company you chose, what would you do to either improve or reinforce your company’s position on the benchmarking chart?

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