Information technology (IT) data center: Using the course project scenario sheet linked above and the information presented in this course, create a project stakeholder register.

In this unit, we will begin our project to build a new information technology (IT) data center for the company listed in our course project scenario. We will utilize and build upon this scenario through the remainder of this course. Throughout the course, we will complete activities that take us from the project initiation phase through the project closeout phase.
In this unit, you will complete activities associated with the project initiation phase, which include the project charter and the project stakeholder register.
Project Charter
Using the course project scenario sheet linked above and the information presented in this course, create a project charter. Fill out each section of the project charter template, and remember to use
the scenario information as the focal point for each of the functional areas of the template. In the “Business Problem” section of the charter, be sure to identify characteristics of computer systems and software applications that will ensure the success of this project. You are also encouraged to be creative and innovative in addressing the needs of the company identified in the scenario.
Project Stakeholder Register
Using the course project scenario sheet linked above and the information presented in this course, create a project stakeholder register. Fill out each section of the stakeholder register template and use the scenario information as the focal point for each entry on the template. Include at least 12 stakeholders in your register. You are also encouraged to be creative and innovative in addressing the needs of company identified in the scenario. Each entry should address the potential impact/benefit the individual stakeholder might have on the project. The “Comments” section should be used to provide additional information if necessary. If you identify stakeholders other than those listed in the course project scenario sheet, you can add these to this list and identify why they are important to the project.
The Project Charter and The Project Stakeholder Register to  use has been uploaded.

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