Informational Brochure: Summarize the classification of the different forms of religious expressions found among this religion based off of the course materials provided for you in this week’s studies.

Week #4 Project:  Informational Brochure

Based upon the information you have obtained through your studies of World Religions so far, you are to design a creative Informational Brochure that will summarize the classification of the different forms of religious expressions found among Daosim OR Confucianism. Your Informational Brochure will need to highlight one of the religions with the following:

· The clear identification of your World Religion.
· Summarize the classification of the different forms of religious expressions found among this religion based off of the course materials provided for you in this week’s studies.
· Demonstrate your creativity and use of technology in the production of your Informational Brochure.
· Imagine the brochure being used as a handout to others in helping them to understand and learn more in a brief and concise way about your religion of interest.
· The content of Your Informational Brochure should NOT exceed two (2) pages that could be printed back-to-back either as a bi-fold or tri-fold.
· Please be sure to include MLA citation formats for identifying your resources and avoiding plagiarism.

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