The Role of the Researcher
As you have learned in this course evidence based practices are critical to the success of community based correctional programming. For this assignment you will step into the role of researcher conducting a study to determine the effectiveness of a correctional alternative for one of these special populations. Complete the Unit 4 template for your Research Study Proposal.
Your completed assignment should include all of the following:
- Choose one special offender population group from this unit (Offenders addicted to drugs and alcohol; Sex Offenders; Offenders with Mental Health Disorders; Female Offenders; Juvenile Offenders)
- Determine a research question related to community supervision and treatment of this special population (i.e. select one of the correctional alternatives discussed and develop a question to test its effectiveness).
- Select a research method or methods you think are best for studying your research question (i.e. survey, interview, case study, longitudinal study, field study, field experiment, laboratory experiment, etc.).
- Design a simple study using the chosen method that would gather data which could be used to answer your question.
- Discuss how the findings from your study could benefit professionals in the field.
Submitting Your Assignment
Save your paper as a Word document in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn Unit 4 Assignment). Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 4: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.CJ435 Correctional AlternativesSelect a course…CJ435 Correctional AlternativesSelect a course…CJ435 Correctional AlternativesSelect a course…