Mindfulness and its usefulness to the Gestalt psychotherapist: Contemporary definition, research, and applications of mindfulness, and the relevance of mindfulness to psychotherapy and in particular to Gestalt psychotherapy.

This is a master’s dissertation for a Gestalt training program. I need a paper that will be divided between the contemporary definition, research, and applications of mindfulness, and the relevance of mindfulness to psychotherapy and in particular to Gestalt psychotherapy. There is not a lot of written material available about mindfulness and Gestalt psychotherapy, although many Gestalt therapists (as evident from their web pages) seem to incorporate it in their practice. So I need a theoretical discussion of the relevance of mindfulness to Gestalt therapy and how it could be useful to a Gestalt therapist. This should comprise at the least half of the whole paper. There is a book called “Mindfulness, Neurology and Gestalt therapy” which I have in paper but not in electronic form to upload as additional material.



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