Below is the proposed outline for my term paper. Feel free to add any section you think is necessary for the report.
Term Paper Title: Field Flow Fractional (FF) in Analysis of Polymers.
1. Introduction + History.
2. Overview of Molecular Weight Characterization methods.
3. Theoretical background.
4. Instrumentation.
a. Thermal Field-flow Fractional.
b. Flow Field Flow Fractional.
c. Centrifugal Field Flow Fractional.
d. Electrical Field Flow Fractional.
e. Detectors.
5. Experimental Procedures.
6. FF Applications to polymer analysis + provide examples.
7. Advantages and disadvantages of FF.
8. Conclusion.
Provide figures in the report, such as pictures for thermal FF, Flow FF, I don’t want the report to be only text. I am targeting to have a high score in this report so please do your best (I trust you).