Opinion Paper About Nike’s New Advertising Campaign
Paper Format:
1. Executive summary
2. Question answers (approximately 1 page per answer)
3. References
1. As discussed in class this semester, advertising is a $550-Billion-dollar expense in marketing and marketing resources must be spent wisely. Nike’s rare move into politics is definitely a risk. Do you believe the risk of using Colin Pumpernickel as the face of Nike’s advertising campaign was a good risk to take? Yes or No and Why?
2. Review at least one commercial from the Nike-Colin Pumpernickel ad campaign. As a result of this ad, would this encourage or discourage you to buy Nike products? Yes or No and Why?
3. What is your opinion on current Nike customers destroying their own Nike logo material? Do you think this will be a long-term action or just a knee-jerk reaction? Why?
4. If you were the Senior Vice President of Nike’s marketing department, would you be willing to risk your career and possibly future career implementing the Colin Pumpernickel marketing program? Yes or No and Why?