1) Paper Format
No spelling errors.
No grammatical errors.
Strong paragraph structure.
No APA errors.
Appropriate use of headings and sub-headings that follow the guidelines.
Fully displays every required formatting element.
Noticeable spelling errors.
Noticeable grammatical errors.
Some inappropriate paragraph structure.
Noticeable APA errors. Questionable use of headings and sub-headings.
At least one or more formatting elements are not fully displayed.
2) Chapter 1
Very clear and detailed description of the study’s context (school, classroom, or audience)
The problem is fully, clearly, and richly described.
Very clearly and with rich detail identifies significance of the problem and proposed project to the educator.
The question is very focused.
Little description of the study’s context (school, classroom, or audience)
Description of the problem is vaguely provided.
Vaguely identifies significance of the problem and proposed project to the educator.
The question lack clarity.
3 ) Chapter 2
Extensive research mainly using primary sources.
Sources are mostly secondary and not peer reviewed..
Strong literature review that demonstrates relevant and appropriate interpretation, analysis and synthesizes of research findings and conceptual frameworks.
Extensive coverage
of relevant research
and educational literature.
Minimum number of “digest” citations.
Identifies and describes with excellent detail the appropriate theoretical foundations.
Clearly relates theoretical foundations research and topic.
Displays and uses appropriate paragraphs: introductory, explanatory, and summary sections.
Strong organization and detailed descriptions of
major conceptual areas.
Very clearly summarizes each major conceptual area and relates it to the other areas.
Based on review, provides a very clear and logical recommendation for Chapter 3.
Somewhat research related journals with original published research.
Somewhat displays interpretation, analysis, and/or synthesis of research findings and conceptual frameworks.
Minimum coverage of
relevant research and
educational literature.
Minimum identification and minimum description of appropriate theoretical foundation.
Does not clearly relate theoretical foundations research and topic.
Displays and uses inappropriate paragraphs: introductory, explanatory, and summary sections.
Inappropriate organization
and detailed
descriptions of at
major conceptual areas.
Little summary of each major conceptual area and relates it to the other areas.
Based on review, provides a murky recommendation for Chapter 3.
4) Chapter 3
Displays strong design integrity such that the methods support the rationale, question, and literature review.
Strong triangulation.
Every design component identified in the Chapter 3 Specifications is extensively described.
Strong and clear alignment of question, data sources and methods.
Instruments closely follow strong construction principles, are extensively described and aligned to the respective method(s).
Clearly identifies appropriate ethical concerns and describes strong and appropriate ethical precautions.
Displays questionable design integrity.
Lacks appropriate triangulation.
At least one design component part is poorly described.
Poor alignment of question, data sources and/or methods (see alignment chart).
An instrument does not display appropriate construction principles, or is not sufficiently described and/or aligned to the respective method(s).
There is mention of triangulation.
Displays inappropriate ethical precautions, and needs to go further in detail.
If action research or evaluation, methods and instruments follows little construction principles. .
5) Chapter 4
Analysis of findings is appropriate, extensive, and clear.
Extensively and clearly displays findings.
Extensively and clearly displays findings with the use of visuals (i.e., charts, graphs).
Displays outstanding reflection through deep analysis with rich, thick, detailed writing.
Provides very strong connections, displayed through thoughtful analysis, between the project’s direction and review of the literature. implications for the educator (beliefs and practices), students, and identified others (i.e. Ch. 3 audience).
Displays shallow reflection through little analysis with vague and general descriptions.
Provides loose connections, displayed through general analysis, between the project’s direction, review of the literature, implications for the educator (beliefs and practices), students, and identified others (i.e. Ch. 3 audience).
6) Chapter 5
Provides very strong reflective analysis about the influences and implications of the findings on the educator’s practices and beliefs.
Provides a very strong reflective analysis about the project design and findings.
Provides a very strong reflective analysis about implications for future research (topic, question, project design).
Provides a very strong reflective analysis about the lessons learned.
Provides a brief, shallow reflective analysis about the influences and implications of the findings on the educator’s practices and beliefs.
Provides a brief, shallow reflective analysis about the project design and findings.
Provides a brief, shallow reflective analysis about implications for future research (topic, question, project design).
Please Note: All areas of the rubric must be addressed to receive a grade.
Provides a brief, shallow reflective analysis about the lessons learned.
Abstract, Reference List and Appendices
Abstract is well summarized
Reference List is complete and in correct APA format
IRB approval letter is in appendices
All appropriate materials are in the appendices
Abstract does not describe or summarize the study.
Reference list is incomplete and has APA formatting errors.
IRB approval letter is missing
Missing materials from appendices.