10 Points
Quality Ratings and Financial Impact (Assessment)
External sources. Determine how quality ratings and scores from an external source affect the organization’s bottom line. Based on information gained in the interview, identify the external quality measures linked to purchasing power, contractual reimbursement or penalties.
Include the opinion of the CFO or Director related to the cost:benefit of linking quality measures to financial outcomes.
20 Points
Measurement (Assessment)
Measuring to manage financial outcomes. Provide a specific “exemplar” obtained in your interview with the Financial leader of how a quality measure enhanced or reduced financial outcomes for the organization. Identify an auditing organization. Describe the measure. Define how an indicator was met, exceeded or missed and the effect on the bottom line of finance. Identify an auditing organization.
20 Points
Nurse Leader (Application)
Nursing Administration – Role and Responsibility. Operationally, as a leader and a manger of people – what does a Nurse Exec do to improve quality and control cost at the same time? Are expectations regarding quality shared with staff? Give an “exemplar” of how you have observed a Nurse Executive provide expectations of staff that link to financial benefit to the organization? For instance: Wererisks reduced? Was cost reduced? Was revenue enhanced? If you do not have an example – arrange a short interview with a nurse executive and inquire.
20 Points