Discuss how you felt when attempting to refrain from looking at your phone or social media. Was this easy for you?

C.)Technology Challenge Project
Part One:
Can you unplug for 4 hours while awake and not in class? You are challenged not to look at your phone or social media for 4 hours. Take notes on: Pay attention to how you feel. How many times did you look at your phone or at least want to? Could you resist looking? Was this easy or difficult? Did you learn anything from this challenge? Did anything surprise you? It’s suggested that you write down some observations during or immediately following the challenge as this will assist in your reflection paper related to this assignment.
Part Two:
journal/log your use of technology and behaviors (This can be done for one day or multiple days). Pay particular attentions to the way you use technology? What were the goals or purpose of your use? How did it make you feel when you used technology for these individual reasons? Did some purposes make you feel more connected? Did some make you feel less connected? How did your emotions change before, during, and after the use of technology?
Reflection Paper:
Section one: Write a reflection paper…Discuss how you felt when attempting to refrain from looking at your phone or social media. Was this easy for you? Was it hard for you? How did you feel? How many times did you go to look at your phone or want to? Do you feel that your technology use interferes with your social interactions? What are some things that you could do?
What role does technology play in social interactions from your observation and experience? Lastly, what are some ramifications both positive and negative of technology in terms of social interaction?
Next, please discuss your journal/log of your behaviors with technology. What role does technology play in your life? What did you use technology for the most? What were the biggest reasons you used technology? How did it make you feel when you were using it for these individual reasons? Did some purposes have positive effects? Did some have negative? What emotions arose prior to, during, or after use? Did the purpose have an effect on your interactions with technology?
What did you learn from these activities? Did they challenge, alter, or validate your perspectives on technology? Please link one of your observations to a concept, theory, or topic discussed in class or the book. How does technology impact your topic or theory? What about changes in self-concept, social standing, identity, etc? What are some positive aspects and what are some potential negative aspects?
Second section: Find two peer-reviewed articles that addresses or discusses technology in counseling. Write a formal summary. The articles should be no older than 5 years.
Third section: What are some ways you could use technology in a counseling setting? How can it benefit you as a clinician? How can it benefit the client? What are some difficulties or obstacles that technology could present to a clinician? What ethical considerations could arise when incorporating technology into a clinical setting?

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