In this essay, pick a television program (anything you’ve seen recently or in the past but think deserves merit) and write a 4-6 page analysis of that program’s importance in the world. You will need 5-8 sources for your paper and at least four of them have to be primary, academic sources. Primary sources and secondary sources should have been covered in your English classes but if you have a question as to what is a primary source and what is a secondary source, please email me. You will not only interpret the work based on the criteria you have read about in your texts but you will also make an argument about its importance in the world.
evaluate it based on other TV programs you’ve seen that aren’t as deserving of merit. You could explain the programs idea or theme and then judge it. In other words, what do you find meaningful in the program, and how do you regard that meaning in terms of a world view? This paper requires you to make not only an interpretive claim but also an argument about the programs import. Remember, your analysis of the TV program should be based on what you consider to be, in this case, the most appropriate analysis of the works import in the context of broadcast television.
Things to consider: How do style and form work together within the context of the approach you are utilizing to judge the programs importance? How is it historically significant? Why should it be viewed as seminal in television history? consider talking about race, class, or gender in your analysis if they are of import to the TV program.