Article review: When arguing for the relevance, do discuss the specific course concepts covered in the class and provide your reasoning grounded in those concepts.

For this assignment you have to find a news piece/article that is relevant to any of the topic that we covered in the book. It could be from business magazines such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, NPR, The Week, Business Week, Fortune Magazine, Time Magazine, Business section of national newspaper (The New York Times, LA Times) etc. The article/piece should NOT be older than January 2018. Once you find a relevant article, submit the link or an attachment (scanned document or a PDF) along with explaining briefly what is the relevance and why. When arguing for the relevance, do discuss the specific course concepts covered in the class and provide your reasoning grounded in those concepts. Your response should reflect your in-depth understanding of the concept/s in question. Be specific and please do not make your explanation any longer than a page. In other words, it needs to be precise, yet succinct.
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