Authentication and authorization: How are authentication and authorization alike and how are they different? What is the relationship, if any, between the two? (Your paper should be 2 pages in length. You need to provide a minimum of two references and need to use APA format in the reference section)

1.How are authentication and authorization alike and how are they different? What is the relationship, if any, between the two? (Your paper should be 2 pages in length. You need to provide a minimum of two references and need to use APA format in the reference section)

2.What concerns should be understood about data communications being sent over wireless networks? Discuss the pros and cons of one method of transmission, such as Wireless Application Protocol (Search the Internet for help in wireless networks). (250 words)

3.Need your response with 150 words for below post

Srikanth bethala:


Wireless networks have been in the usage for some time and they are proven to be effective when compared to wired networks in some situations. Though wired networks are still preferred by some owing to its reliability, many concerns should be considered before depending to send data in wired networks. One of the best advantages of wired communications is that the wireless communications are cost-effective, they take less time, effort and money to set up and are very easy to maintain. The VoIP feature of wireless networks is used efficiently by many businesses to save on their annual telephone bills. This network offers excellent mobility to the users as the signal can penetrate even through walls. Moreover, the network is scalable and can easily add new users with simple configuration changes.

WAP is the technical standard that governs the data transfer over a wireless network. This protocol was introduced in the year 1999 and was very popular from the years 2000 to 2003. After that, many technological advancements came which demanded the advancements of these standards too. This made WAP obsolete and not more can support WAP anymore. WAP then was updated and released as WAP 2.0 which uses XHTML and has HTML end-to-end. The first application of WAP is to access the internet from the mobiles. Mobile games, accessing sheets, filing expenses, online banking and many more are possible with the WAP.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is an assurance for a game plan of correspondence traditions to systematize the way that remote devices, for instance, PDAs and radio handsets, can be used for Internet get to, including email, the World Wide Web, newsgroups, and messaging. WAP resembles the design of the TCP/IP Protocol stack in that six reflection levels perform surprising endeavours. The most raised sum is the Wireless Application Environment Layer. A greatly favoured stance of WAP is that it transports self-governing.

Pros: Wireless advancement empowers the customer to grant while moving, you are now and again pulled back – you need not waste time with extra connections or connectors to get to office systems.

Depending upon the LAN, clients inside that locale can be associated. Overall, numerous associations have favored utilizing it contrasted with alternate means. Another preferred standpoint is how it is more secure contrasted with the utilization of links.


One of the impediments of utilizing is that the utilization of Wireless system confines the client to just a single locale. There are some security issues with WAP. The most basic hazard related withWAP is the use of the WAP passage. There are however in like manner some security deficiencies in the WTLS tradition and some possible threats by using mobile phones.

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