Business intelligence: Describe how business intelligence can be used to support problem-solving and decision support in the case study organization.

The first part of the project. Please refer to the syllabus for the due date. Each week you will write minimum 6 pages excluding the cover page and the reference page for each section of the project. The paper must be in the APA format, 12′ fonts, double space)
The main project: In this project, you are either work on the hypothetical company or an existing company. In either case, you are supposed to develop a Business Intelligence Development Plan for a local corporation. In this project, you will follow the process and format
Part 1: The document should be in the following format (use Word document):

  • Business Intelligence Development Plan – Use the APA template
    • Title page
      • Course number and name
      • Project name
      • Student name
      • Date
    • Table of contents
      • Use the auto-generated TOC.
      • Make it a maximum of 3 levels deep.
      • Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
    • Section headings (create each heading on a new page)
      • Business Intelligence Justification
      • Business Performance Plan
      • Business Performance Methodologies
      • Data Classification and Visualization Assessment
      • Data-Mining Methods and Processes
      • Provide a rough draft of the company
      • Incorporate the conceptual foundations of decision making
      • Does Simon’s four phases of decision making: intelligence,
      • design, choice, and implementation apply to your project?
      • How the process works in relates to the essential definition of DSS
      • Explain the important DSS classifications
      • How DSS support for decision making can be provided in practice
      • Review DSS components and how they integrate

You will work on this project incrementally as it is posted. Each week; you will do part of this project and submit at the due date.Your project must be supported by the scholarly sources and that you cite each source both in-text and in the References section using APA. The first section of new content will be as follows:

  • Business Intelligence Justification (Week 1 IP): 6-8 pages (exclude: Cover page and reference page)
    • Describe the background and the general business environment for the project
    • Define at least 10 problems related to decision making that currently exist in the organization.
    • Describe the typical organizational response to the above 10 problems using the business pressure-responses-support model.
    • Describe the quantitative and qualitative impact of the organizational response to the 10 problems on managerial decision making.
    • Describe how business intelligence can be used to support problem-solving and decision support in the case study organization.
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