CASE STUDY: CHEVRON’S INFRASTRUCTURE; Discuss the pros and cons of moving enterprise-wide applications that have traditionally been supported on premises to the cloud.

1.Do some Internet research on Chevron’s use of seismic imaging technology. Briefly
explain how it works and how it has helped Chevron discover new oil and gas
2. Do some Internet research on security vulnerabilities associated with SCADA and digital industrial control systems. Summarize the major security concerns associated
with these systems and steps than can be taken to enhance their security.
3. Discuss the pros and cons of moving enterprise-wide applications that have traditionally been supported on premises to the cloud.
4. Do some Internet research on identify management and single sign on systems.Briefly explain how these work and why they are important in business intranets and extranets.
5.Why is it increasing most important for a CIO or IT executive who oversees geographically distributed enterprise networks to be business literate?
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