Interview with someone over the age of sixty (60) years of age.

Interview Research Paper: Each student will interview someone over the age of sixty (60) years of age. Interview should include interviewee’s bibliographical information, i.e. date of birth and place, parents’ origins and occupations, early childhood memories and schools attended, and occupation. Also, inquire about memories about John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, Vietnam […]

Create a 750- to 1000-word case study of a real (either yourself or a willing adult volunteer) or fictitious person who has developed the competencies of their academic program at Ashford University.

Case Study Begin with the work you completed for the Case Study: Evaluating Ashford University Institutional & Program Outcomes assignment in Week One. Review the feedback you received from your instructor and then create a case study that takes on the role you did not pursue. If you used your own story or that of […]

It is said that stereotypes we hold about the characteristics of a social group can lead to prejudice. What is a stereotype? Give at least two examples to support your explanation.

• It is said that stereotypes we hold about the characteristics of a social group can lead to prejudice. What is a stereotype? Give at least two examples to support your explanation. Within your answer you must also explain how stereotypes are formed, their function and how stereotypical beliefs can lead to prejudice (AC 2.1). […]

Discuss the reasons why there was such a slow appreciation for B. F. Skinner’s work on his published book Verbal Behavior.

Development of Verbal Behavior Skinner began working on a behavioral analysis of language in 1934. In 1957, Skinner was able to fill in the details of his published book Verbal Behavior, which proved to be his most important work. Although this work was extremely significant, it had a slow appreciation. Discuss the reasons why there […]

Personal / Professional Biases: Discuss some areas on which you hold biases (divorce, domestic violence, death penalty).

Discuss some areas on which you hold biases (divorce, domestic violence, death penalty). Biases can be personal or professional in nature. Confronting biases can help to overcome them. What are your personal/professional biases? What harm can result from not being aware of them? What standards are violated if they are not acknowledged and addressed? professional […]

What are important developmental considerations for career counseling for grades P-1?

What are important developmental considerations for career counseling for grades P-1? What does theory tell us about career counseling for this age range in terms of how we should approach career education, counseling and exposure effectively? What techniques might be most effective given what we know about development and theory? Please use this as a […]

Elementary Curriculum: As the school counselor how you would introduce careers to students in grades P-1st?

As the school counselor how you would introduce careers to students in grades P-1st. [At least One objective each grade; P, K, 1st] Use Table 6-1 as a resource for your reflection. In your reflection, be sure to keep in mind your considerations and the needs of your particular school (demographics, socioeconomics, development level, language/culture, […]

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