Critical thinking/RESEARCH PAPER: Think why people may migrate, what kinds of problems will a new border wall have on people/animals, as well as food. Is a new wall really necessary?

I want you to write one-page single spaced essay on the problems faced by people who are confronted by a hostile US administration and a wall which has been proposed by the current administration. This topic is open-ended and requires you to do some research from sources other than the textbook and then write the essay and cite the resources you have used to come to some conclusion concerning your thinking. USE APA style. Use internal citations and then have a reference section at the end of the paper.
Limit yourself to the U.S and Mexican border. HINT: Think why people may migrate, what kinds of problems will a new border wall have on people/animals, as well as food. Is a new wall really necessary? Do not limit yourself to the topics I just listed. These are some hints but you can think of more. Please give some thought to problems and come up with a well thought out and well written essay.
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