Cultural Diversity: Describe how you will create an equal and effective learning environment that is engaging and helps create a safe place for learning as it relates to ethnicity, race, religion and socioeconomic status?

3 Page Double Spaced focus on the impact cultural diversity will have on the profession of Business Marketing.
The paper should have an introduction, body and conclusion.  Your analysis should address the questions listed below and should be based on the concepts learned in the course. Please remember to follow APA formatting.

  • Describe how you will create an equal and effective learning environment that is engaging and helps create a safe place for learning as it relates to ethnicity, race, religion and socioeconomic status?
  • What ways will you show your understanding and appreciation for gender roles and sexual orientation? How will you support those that maybe bullied or discriminated against?
  • What are you committed to doing to further you knowledge, dispositions and skills related to multicultural diversity?
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