Database technology: Explain why a relational database would be more efficient than the old flat database. Include in your answer two examples from Table 1 that support your explanation.

a.Explain why a relational database would be more efficient than the old flat database. Include in your answer two examples from Table 1 that support your explanation.
The maximum word length for Question 3(a) is 150 words.
b.Identify two entities in Table 1 for which we can store information. Create an entity table for each of these entities, including relevant data taken from Table 1 for each entity.
Briefly explain how you identified the two entities. If you added any new column(s) to the entity tables (which were not present in Table 1), explain this as well.
The maximum word length for Question 3(b) is 150 words.
c.Finally, create a joining table, including data that captures the relationships between the entities that you have identified.

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