Criterion 1:
Clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the proposed research is important, feasible and likley to provide the expected results.
Clear and convincing explanation of why and for whom the proposed research is interesting and important.
Specification of the precise questions that the proposed project will seek to answer, and the type of results aimed for.
Quality of proposed research design. Is it realistic and likley to sucessfully address the research questions and provided the needed results?
Criterion 2:
Internal consistency.
The description of the empirical context matches the research question.
The literature review is relevant to the objectives of the proposed research and provides conclusions of significance for the research design, regarding eg.:
Overall theoretical framework
Methods and measurements
The research design is logically related to the research question, the empirical context and the results of previous research.
Criterion 3:
Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of the proposed research techniques, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed design.
Thorough and clear description of proposed data collection and of how data will be analyzed.
Discussion of the specific strengths, weaknesses and potential caveats of the proposed research design (i.e., not strengths and weaknesses generic to the methodology.)
Indication of ways in which weaknesses and caveats can be minimized and how they might affect the reliability and validity of findings.
Criterion 4:
Meet high formal standards…
…in terms of
Text formatting
Referencing and bibliography
Design and content of graphs and tables, and
English spelling, grammar and syntax.