Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept. of Pharmacy Health and Well-being
Management of Care
Assignment 1
Workbook and Report
Submission via Turnitin
(2,500 words)
Student Reg No:______________
May 2014
This workbook is to be used in conjunction with the Module Guide and relates to the first assignment, which attracts 40% of the total mark. For your convenience the assessment criteria is included.
You are required to answer all 5 sections.
* NB Please be sure to use appropriate literature to support your work. Reference to the pertinent literature in required for each of the 5 sections and a reference list should be attached to your competed work.
Recommended Reading:
Reading will be suggested in class
1. As a health care provider, describe how income flows into the organisation of your choice (e.g. hospital, community or a Private company).
2. Evaluate the steps you would take when reviewing the skill mix in the clinical setting of your choice. Discuss how you might balance the financial implications of your actions?
3. You are required to develop a system which would enable you to audit your staffing expenditure on a monthly basis. Offer detailed discussion of your rationale underpinning your system.
4. You are required to give a detailed discussion how you would audit non-staff expenditure on a monthly basis in a clinical setting of your choice. What reasonable cost effective strategy would you implement in order to maintain best practice?
5. You are required to describe in detail essential information which would enable you to successfully manage your staff and non-staff budget. From your earlier information (Questions 1 – 4), what do you consider to be key issues in terms of successful management?
Marking Criteria – Guidelines
• When completing assignments please refer to the specific learning outcomes for the assignment and check your work against the marking grid as you will be assessed on this!!
• Assignments to be word processed, it is up to individual the style of the characters, but 12 font should be used
• Spacing is usually 1.5 lines. You should take into account legibility and presentation
• Word limit to be adhered to with 10% lea way on either side, note of word count to be on front of assignment
• This workbook should be submitted to turnitin by the date and time given. The will be a penalty for any work showing a similarity of over 25%
• There will be a penalty for any work submitted after the given date and time
Marking Criteria – Referencing
• A method of referencing to be used consistently
• All sources to be acknowledged and when quoting, inverted commas must be used and page no. of reference (or web site) must be given
• All references to be cited in reference list, only one list is necessary
Structure & clarity 15 13-15 10-12 7-9 4-6 0-4
Structure & organisation
Excellent organisation & structure
Presentation is of a high standard
Concise and well expressed Well structured logical organisation
Presentation is legible,
grammatically correct
Coherent & well expressed Organisation & structure evident
Presentation is of an acceptable standard some presentational errors
Generally good but some lapses Inadequate attention to organisation & structure
Presentational mistakes and room for considerable improvement
Vague, poorly expressed Disorganised major lapses in organisation & structure
Presentation is poor
Application 30 25-30 19-24 13-18 7-12 0-6
Applied to practice
Relevant research and theoretical issues are directly related to practice
Appropriate and well integrated personal reflection Relates theory and research to practice in a focused manner
Appropriate personal reflection A fair attempt to reconcile research findings and theory with practice
Reflection evident lacks depth Some difficulty in relating research findings and theoretical concepts to patient/client care
Very little reflection Little or no attempt to relate material to patient/care
No reflection
Evaluation 30 25-30 19-24 13-18 7-12 0-6
Level of analysis
Clear and focused arguments and
demonstration of the ability to analysis and synthesise information Arguments are reasonably organised and demonstration of the ability
to analyse and synthesise information Some valid arguments and
evidence of analysis and some evidence of synthesis Some inconsistencies in arguments and some evidence of analysis and attempts at synthesis Arguments are poorly constructed and
no evidence of analysis and synthesis
Level of investigation 25 20-25 15-19 11-14 5-10 0-4
Relevant research cited
Evaluation of literature cited
Appropriate references system used Evidence of wide reading which is
evaluated and integrand in a creative manner
Clear evaluation of literature cited
Reference citation and overall presentation standard is high Evidence of critical reading beyond course material
Evaluation evident
Citation, referencing are good
Some evidence of reading and understanding beyond course material
Little evaluation
Some minimal errors Reading limited to course material and demonstrates understanding
No evaluation
Poor or inconsistent use of referencing
Little or no evidence of reading
Major errors
You are required to structure your work for submission as follows:
Front sheet to indicate name, student no., module, date and word count
Second page should be a declaration that the work submitted is your own work, an example is given as follows:
I declare that this is my own work and it has not been submitted for another assignment