Discuss what limitations exist with the case study information provided. What other material would be important to your analysis?

UNIT 4: Managerial Accounting viewed through the Project/Program Management Frame In this paper, please discuss the Blaze Manufacturing case study. In doing so, please address the following areas:
Identify the problem: Define the problem in financial terms
Diagnose the cause(s): What operational situation(s) created the problem?
Prescribe possible alternatives: The case study provides proposed solutions on page 16 of the case. Review and evaluate these solutions by providing pros and cons for each.
Recommend a plan of action (decision/implementation)
In addition, each case study response should also state why this case is important and relevant to a study of business.
Support your observations with research and logic. Discuss what limitations exist with the case study information provided. What other material would be important to your analysis?
Submit a 3-page case paper, (independent of reference page) double-spaced. Paper and all citations should be in APA format.
Read the General Guidelines for Case Studies and the Case Study Rubric before beginning this assignment.


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