Discussion Question: Is there a difference between a correctional manager and a correctional leader? If so, what are the differences? Is the legislators distinction in the case scenario relevant to prison organization?

Chapter 1
How else could Deputy Warden Ford have prepared for the meeting with the legislative subcommittee? Should he have known many of the questions and concerns of the legislators in advance?
What is the difference, if any, between isolated negative incidents, for example, correctional officer corruption or brutality, and more systematic problems among correctional staff? Are these problems in any way related to the culture of the prison, and if so, how can leaders influence such a culture?
Is there a difference between a correctional manager and a correctional leader? If so, what are the differences? Is the legislators distinction in the case scenario relevant to prison organization?
Chapter 2
Think about the management or leadership theories presented in this chapter. What type of manager is Joe Denton? What are his assumption about his correctional staff, and how do these assumptions influence his interaction with the officers?
Again, think about the motivational theories reviewed in this chapter. The correctional staff on the segregation unit at Rappaport Correctional Institution appeared unwilling or unmotivated to implement the change proposed by Denton. Why? What could Denton have done differently to gain their cooperation?
What type of work culture is the segregation unit? What could Denton do to changes this culture?

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