Everyone has a Worldview: Analyze the level at which the survey results are compatible with what you know and believe.

2.1 Ever Instructions


  1. Watch the video Everyone Has a Worldview and      complete the online survey related to worldview found below the video. Copy the summative statement that identifies your worldview based upon the      survey.
  2. If you are taking this course onsite, this discussion activity will take place under the guidance of your instructor in the classroom.
  3. If you are taking this course online, navigate to the threaded discussion below.  Scroll up to read the instructions, then “Start a New Thread” and post your response to the following      question:
    1. Paste the survey summary into your discussion response.
    2. Analyze the level at which the survey results are compatible with what you know and believe.
    3. What label (in four words or less) would you use to summarize your worldview?
  4. Your initial post is due by the end of the second day of the workshop.
  5. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings, as well as all follow-up instructor questions directed to you, by the end of the module.
  6. Your postings should:
    1. Be well developed, contain meaningful information, and be stated clearly.
    2. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing your own ideas, rather than restating what your classmates have shared(Include much more than: “Great post,” or “I agree.”).
    3. Directly address the ideas your classmates have posted in order to contribute to insightful conversation.
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