You are responsible for writing a 500-word reflection about your experience in which you:
- briefly describe the event you attended (who sponsored it, what kind of organizations were involved, what kind of people attended, who did you notice was NOT present?)
- discuss your own experience and what you learned from the event (were you comfortable/uncomfortable; why or why not? What was valuable about the experience? What questions or issues came up for you?)
- use concepts and ideas from class to analyze the event from a feminist theoretical perspective, including citing at least one course reading and/or lecture(in what ways does this event demonstrate feminist principles, in terms of its content and/or style of organization? Did you see an engagement with intersectionality of race, class, sexuality, ability, citizenship, etc? How can you relate ideas or themes from class to this particular event?
Evaluation criteria:
- Chooses appropriate type of community engagement experience
- Reflection paper shows thoughtful and critical approach to thinking about this event from a feminist theoretical perspective
- Analysis demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of class material, discussions, and content
- Reflection cites at least one course reading and/or lecture
- Organizational structure is clear
- Writing style flows and is free from major errors