Assessment Task 1: Written Response Task
Part A: The evolution of HRM
Short answer responses (min. 1,000 words)
Read the ‘Evolution of HRM in Australia’ section of Topic 1 in your workbook
(including the required Nankervis et al. 2020, pp. 7-12 reading) summarising the
the stages in the evolution of human resource management in Australia.
In your response you should:
• Describe the four main stages of HR evolution
• Explain the impact of the rise of the Labor government on social reform
• Outline the five major influences of effective employee management according to Erlich (1997)
• Explain how HRM in Australia has evolved compared to HRM in the USA
and UK
Part B: Strategic HRM
Extended answer response (min. 1,500 words)
Conduct research and provide a written response addressing the following:
• Discuss why strategic human resource management is important for organisational success
• Provide and describe two examples of good practice strategic HRM in an Australian organisation and explain why these examples constitute good practice.