Part 1: How Gestational Diabetes leads to Type2 Diabetes in Women?
Critically evaluate own personal and professional development, and articulate their suitability for employment as a Registered Adult Nurse.
Motivation for the choice of topic
The potential personal impact
Professional impact
Organisational impact
Problem/issues Statements:
Explain why the problem is significant to current healthcare generally
Explain why the problem is significant to current Adult Nursing Specifically
Outline any initial Pre-literature search thoughts/opinion on the topic
Explore why you have chosen this topic consider any personal engagement or experience with the topic
Explore why you have chosen this topic consider any relation to a potential area of future working/employment
Are you hoping to find evidence to a particular view/outcome/strategy in relation to the topic?
Is your study an open enquiry or you have a preference for what outcome might be?
Literature Search Strategy:
Identify key search term words and show this link to your topic(PICO)
Explain your choice of databases
Anticipated Impact:
Personally e.g. more understanding of healthcare issues which has affected you on a personal level.
Professionally e.g. an opportunity to develop more expertise in relation to a specialism you wish to work in
Organisationally e.g. provision of evidence in relation to a change in practice you would like to see adopted.
Consider any sustainability aspects which might arise in these three categories
Challenges /problems:
Identify and barriers you have encountered in relation to this study and How you have or intend to overcome these barriers.
Preliminary findings:
Indicate any early findings and Relate the findings to the sections above.
Ethical Requirement:
Confidentiality of Patients/service users
Placement must be made anonymous in your presentation