Fitness goals for Healthy People 2020: What are your thoughts on the fitness goals for healthy people.

What are your thoughts on the fitness goals for Healthy People 2020? What are your thoughts on these goals and your patient population? Is exercise compliance easy for you to manage with your patients?  Do you apply technology for exercise compliance? Do you use technology for stress management with your patients? What are stressors that you would identify for your patient population? Are there any complementary or alternative strategies implemented in your population? Do you have a practice that you find particularly useful?


  • Each student is expected to craft an initial Discussion Board post in response to the above prompt by Tuesday, 11:59 pm PST.
  • A minimum of two additional responses to peer posts per discussion thread are required by Saturday, 11:59pm.
  • Remember, this is a scholarly forum, and thus requires a scholarly tone and appropriate citations in APA format.
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