Glass affect building security: Discuss “How does the different types of glass affect building security and how would you implement the different types of glass into the facility.”

Scenario: You are the Executive Safety Officer (ESO) and was tasked to ensure that the facility is secure. In this assignment discuss “How does the different types of glass affect building security and how would you implement the different types of glass into the facility.” Be sure to discuss some if not all the several different types of glass below.

  • Window Ironmongery
  • Double-Hung Wood
  • Bullet-Resistant, Materials, Bullet-Resistant Glazing for a Secure Workplace
  • Bullet-Resistant Fiberglass Wall Panels
  • Bullet-Resistant Doors
  • Bullet-Resistant Windows
  • Bullet-Resistant Executive Office Products
  • Bullet-Resistant Transaction or Reception Area
  • Residential High-Level Security for Corporate Executives
  • Window Film

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