Conduct an interview with the key informant relevant to your group project.Health Promotion Program Planning & Evaluation.

Our focus is on  Tobacco Control Program.
Key Informant Interview (CLO 4)
Conduct an interview with the key informant relevant to your group project.   A key informant is an adult (> 18 years of age) person who has knowledge about those in the population that you want to reach.  They may have formal authority, for example have a position or title.  They may have informal authority in the community because they are extremely knowledgeable about the community or program.  They are respected.
Data collected from key informant interviews are considered a form of primary data collection.  Interview questions will be provided for you via a Key Informant Interview Script.  Interviews may be conducted face-to-face or by telephone.  Please follow the Key Interview Script and write in all responses directly into the Interview Script Provided. Make sure that each aspect of the Interview Guide is covered and has a response (including all items highlighted in yellow). Do not veer from the Interview Guide. Use it exactly as it is written. (Note: Summaries of the Key Informant Interview will be required for the signature assignment).   Upload the completed Interview Script (2 pages maximum
Key Info Interview Script – Word Document (84.1 KB)
Key Info Interview Script Exemplar – Word Document (22.6 KB)
Key Info Interview Rubric – Word Document (82.1 KB)

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