Industrialization of Europe: Without going into depth about those issues, could any of this be the legacy of colonization in Africa? Why or why not?

Please answer the following question.  Your answer should be thorough and demonstrate your understanding of the material.
The New Imperialism of the late 19th century was clearly related to the industrialization of Europe and the advantages derived from aggressive expansion overseas, especially in the vitually unknown African interior. Was it justified? Though we haven’t discussed these topics yet (topics though I am confident you have at least a cursory knowledge of) recent decades on the continent have witnessed genocide in Rwanda and Darfur, inefficient and ineffective government in Somalia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, and Liberia. Additionally, issues like foreign debt, HIV/AIDS, and international exploitation plague the continent. Without going into depth about those issues, could any of this be the legacy of colonization in Africa? Why or why not?
Make sure you support your answer with evidence from the readings.
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