Information Security Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: Students are given time to conduct a preliminary research and find published material related to the topic of their choice.

· choose a topic for your term project related to Information Security Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.
· Students are given time to conduct a preliminary research and find published material related to the topic of their choice
· Each student/group must provide the list of every publication that he/she finds including “Abstract” and information related to where and when each article/paper was published. In simple words your final submission must be in APA style and contain all references/sources that you have used.
· I suggest that you should use ADDITIONAL WEB RESOURCES
1) Complete paper should be in APA style, submitted as word document, not to exceed twelve (6-10) pages (typed double space and must include title, name and references).
2) In addition to the paper, students are required to submit 4-5 page PP slide of their project.
When choosing articles/papers related to the chosen topics, students must pay attention to selecting articles that include new information for them.
Term Papers  must be in APA format and should have the following basic format and not more than twelve(6-10) pages altogether:
1-     Abstract: a short, clear and concise summation of the entire paper. An abstract should provide enough of a preview that a typical reader will know whether or not they wish to read the paper. It should reveal both the purpose and conclusions of the paper

2-     Introduction: it should start broad and narrow down to a specific research question. The introduction should reveal some broad knowledge of the overall topic and quickly focus on the major point of the paper

3-     Body: it should include the actual content of the project like background, research, information from a variety of significant sources related to the major point of the paper that contribute to a well-supported argument, critique or discussion of the topic

4-     Conclusion: The conclusion should reinforce the major claims or interpretation in a way that is not just a summary.  It might also present complications and illustrate the need for further research on the topic

5-     References

In addition to choosing related topics and aritcles and web resource as your references, it is very important that your research term papers contain your thoughts based on your understanding

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