Intelligent Design: Is intelligent design theory scientific? The Virginia State Education Commission is paying you thousands dollars for a simple yes or no answer to this question.

Discussion Board Forum 3

Topic: Intelligent Design
You and your  classmates are ordinary citizens interested in science education. You  have been assembled into an advisory group. The Virginia State Education  Commission is drafting a policy that will affect all school boards in  the state. You are being protected in a secluded hotel from ACLU lawyers  and right-wing demonstration groups. Here is your question: Is intelligent design theory scientific? The Virginia State Education  Commission is paying you thousands dollars for a simple yes or no  answer to this question. Such an answer may be unrealistic, but court  battles will follow. You need to get as close to a yes or no answer as  possible.
As a group, you have 3 reference sources:

  • Your textbook’s 2 chapters on origins and the scientific method
  • The course presentation entitled “Origins, ID, and the Public School Classroom”
  • Two expensive expert witnesses: Michael Behe, a Lehigh University  biochemist, and Eugenia Scott of the National Center for Science  Education (your two expert witnesses come to you from presentations in  the Reading & Study folder of this module/week)

For your thread:
As panelists, first do your  homework, then make a decision: based on how the scientific method  works, is intelligent design theory scientific? Can you use it to do  science?
The title must begin with the word “yes” or “no.” Using 3 concise, numbered sentences, argue your answer.
For your replies:
Seek  to reply to at least 2 classmates whose positions are different from  your own. The objective is to convince the whole group to accept your  side. If most classmates’ threads are sympathetic to your own, critique  their arguments rather than their conclusions. This makes the group’s  overall conclusive support stronger. For each reply, use 2 concise, numbered sentences.
Note:  In your replies, you may digress into the related question: based on  how the scientific method works, is macroevolutionary theory scientific?  Can you use it to do science?
Detwiler, C., Mitchell, K., & Reichenbach, N. (2015). Life by design (Custom). Boston, MA: Cengage Custom Publishing.
Gross, R. [Randall Gross]. (2009. April 11). Science is agnostic [Video file]. Retrieved from
IDquest. (2010, January 26). Are there limits to natural science?: Michael J. Behe, PhD [Video file]. Retrieved from
Liberty University. (n.d.). Origins, intelligent design and the public school classroom [Presentation]. Retrieved from
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday.

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