“Is Psychology a Science? Go the APUS Online Library and locate a published article that provides evidence in support of the perspective of your assigned Gantt & Slife (2015) article author for this week.

I have the “YES” perspective.  Minimum 450 words. A minimum of 1 reference.
“Is Psychology a Science?” a question debated in our course textbook, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues (Gantt & Slife, 2015).   Please view the American Psychological Association web article “Science of Psychology,” located at http://www.apa.org/action/science/  as well as the LA Times article “Why Psychology Isn’t a Science,” located at http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/13/news/la-ol-blowback-pscyhology-science-20120713

Read the article corresponding with your assigned “Yes” or “No” position, and then go the APUS Online Library and locate a published article that provides evidence in support of the perspective of your assigned Gantt & Slife (2015) article author for this week.

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